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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Some might have used the imagery of a candle being lit against the darkness; A symbiotic expression of awareness springing to existence from nothing. This would have been an easy story to tell to others... and like most such stories was nothing but a fantasy; A lie to try and explain a concept that minds unable to handle the truth could accept instead.

They had existed within the depths of possibility that was the lifeblood since the beginning. Mindless. Formless. But still possessed of a earning to be something more.

The concept of time was meaningless, but as one moment of now changed into the next, something else changed as well.

It started with the sensations of being runny and molten, but as another moment passed the edges of being started to freeze, the heat disappearing and taking with it mobility in exchange for a ridged form. Many of these shards fell back into the molten whole, most abandoning the cold rigidness of self to return completely while others clung to their new identities even as they were altered further by the warmth of being whole. Some shards of self did not return, instead existing separate from the whole but still very much apart of it.

These shards followed their nature, traveling away from the dark, warm depths and and moving upwards towards where things were cold but remained the same. Some even were so bold as to venture out of the very top of the darkness, finding itself exposed the things and sensations that didn't exist down in the depths. The definition of moments changed, instead turning to reflect how long a shard of the whole could withstand the elements above before it needed to be pulled back down to reforge itself anew. They existed, but even with the revolutionary concept of the passage of time they merely were and nothing more.

It was what happened next that truly altered things... but it happened so quickly and over so wide an area that pinpointing exactly when the spark of self awareness truly began and he started to take form within the lifeblood properly simply wasn't possible. Mortals started to mine out the shards near the surface, experimenting with changing it into various forms to serve a variety of uses from buildings, weapons and armor... even just to look pretty.

The wide range of conflicting ideals and theories took time in order to come together in a manner that made sense, but one fragmented memory stood out from this period above all the others. An mortal of some kind... human, somewhere in his middle age moving into his elder years, sitting down as he waited for some copper to heat up enough to melt down into a workable substance, telling a story to his tired, fussy grandson who was refusing to go to sleep. Compared to some of the stories he listened to or witnessed first hand later it was a small, silly tale about a warrior and a mighty dragon helping ordinary people with their problems... but it imprinted itself in his mind, filling him with a desire to hear more stories.

Opening his eyes in a void not unlike the darkness of the warm depths he had started in, Droka... just sat there in shock as the weight of everything suddenly hammered itself home on him harder then any mortal blacksmith hammer could ever hope to achieve. All the knowledge, all the information, all the stories he had stored in his head... and most important of all, the sheer weight of true existence. He was no longer the ponderously slow They of the past... he was now Droka.

For a time he sat there, occasionally flapping his leathery wings or inspecting his golden claws and body. He knew that if he wanted to, he could easily change color to something else but... Gold was a good, metallic color and something in his being was content with it. He glanced over at the portal nearby since... well, it kind of stood out against the backdrop of the void, but despite his curiosity he didn't desire to go through it just yet. This realm was his after all... and it would be rude to leave it without at least doing something interesting with it.

At first images of workshops and metal spires filled his mind... but those were quickly discarded. Sure, a workshop or two hidden away was a good idea but... Focusing his will, he lifted himself onto his hind legs and started to flap his wings as the void started to twist into colors and shapes. Before long, the endless darkened void had turned into a... well, rather cozy looking building covered in wooden shelves. There was even a fireplace and a large, cozy looking chair big enough for his dragon sized body to sit down and curl up on. The bookshelves themselves were far from full, even with all the stories that had been in Droka's head written down and displayed on them. In time that would have to be addressed, but at least satisfied with what he had done so far, Droka nodded his head before turning towards the portal and stepping through it.

Change was a natural part of him, so his form shifting as he crossed the threshold wasn't as big a deal for him as it might have been for others. Instead of the majestic dragon that he had been moments before a middle aged, elderly looking human man carrying a cane stepped into Antiquity.

Eastern Yharnam, Hunter's clinic

For his part, Draco simply shrugged and answered "Sounds like a plan." because... sure, it would require some people he didn't really know to die, but honestly he had a bad feeling about them since the moment he had laid eyes on them so their removal as a factor wasn't any weight off his back.

However, something that Victor said struck him as something that... honestly he would have been better off not hearing. That the charge that he was so dedicated to getting to safety was a Saint. While he had nothing against whomever the Church decided to name a Saint for whatever reason, people could get weird about what sort of thing... weird and desperate. Looking towards the woman in question... he took a deep breath as he calmed himself before saying for both her benefit and Victor's "Okay... We're going to go through with this plan with only one addition. For the rest of the night, between heading for this shelter and hiding out there, no one here is going to mention the fact that we have a Saint in the group. Because all mentioning that will do is possibly put a target on your back and make life more complicated then it needs to be. Sound good?" He asked, a small degree of hope in his voice that his point was driven home.
I'll get a post up. Sorry for the delay.
Please have a look at Domain and Portfolio. I've got an imagine in mind, but I would welcome early feedback to make them work properly.

I'm considering joining this Rp but... can you give me an idea of the current state of the world and how its formed so far? What gods and goddesses have already made their make and how far along its come so far?
Eastern Yharnam, Hunter's clinic

Draco had the decency to look somewhat bashful at the manner in which he had been informed that the sniffing thing wasn't actually a sign of madness or darker things. "In my defense, I got this-" There was a quick gesture towards the scarring across his face where his nose used to be "- before I ever met a hunter and no one has ever felt the need to inform me that they have a certain scent." Much like with all things that 'everyone just knew', when you didn't know you were left somewhat out of the loop.

Still, despite his somewhat flustered frustrations, he did notice that one of the hunters seemed to be sympathetic to his request for help... even if Victor clearly didn't care and was focused on his mission. A mission that, as he turned to look at the woman that was Victor's charge, he realized he could use to his advantage. "You want to get her to safety? Well, I know where a shelter designed for civilians caught away from home with incense nearby is. I also know for a fact that there is a hunter with beast like claws actively hunting down other hunters in a mixture of bloodlust and sport. He's already killed one hunter from the church, he'll almost certainly try again."

Draco's hope was that Victor would connect the dots himself, but their were two conclusions that he was angling for. The first was that because Draco himself knew a safe location nearby that he could take his charge too, protecting Draco (and by extension, the Civilians with Draco) would assist with his primary mission. The second was that with the presence of a confirmed hunter killer on the prowl nearby who was actively targeting hunters, the danger posed to his charge if said mad hunter tried to ambush him would discourage Victor from trying to travel by himself.
Eastern Yharnam, Hunter's clinic

Draco couldn't really fault those following him for following the 'Yharnamites' into the abandoned house rather then stay out in the open or follow him into a possibly dangerous situation. Even more so because he didn't exactly let his doubts about their new 'friends' be known, concerned that if he had alerted them to the fact that he didn't trust them or their intentions that the situation would have turned to violence then and there.

Despite being alone through, he pushed ahead despite his nerves being balanced on a sharpened steel edge while his heart pounded in his chest like a drum. Fear was an old companion that was always willing to walk with him when no one else would, but he had committed to his course and he would need to see it through.

Entering the clinic proper, the scene of carnage before him was difficult to witness. The scent of splattered blood easily dominated Draco's highly dulled ability to detect odors... and for the first time in his life he was honestly thankful of the fact that an insane woman swung a cleaver at his face because he was pretty damn close to throwing up and the smell likely would have pushed him over the edge.

Looking somewhat green but experienced enough to hold himself together in blood bath situations like this, Draco turned his gaze towards the hunter who had addressed him. He tried his best to take in as much detail on the room as possible and keep watch on all the players on the board at once, but he focused on the who talked to him to try and defuse the situation as quickly as possible. "My name is Draco. I'm a blacksmith and huntsman that was escorting a group of civilians alongside a hunter named Stefan towards a shelter for the night before an insane hunter ambushed and killed Stefan. Only reason he didn't slaughter the rest of us is because we're just human and there were some beasts and a church giant fighting each other nearby that he would rather have been fighting."

Who he was and why he was there answered, he nervously glanced around and swallowed the contents of his stomach down as he continued "Look, I know you hunters have bigger things to worry about then escorting a bunch of civilians to safety, but if you would at least be willing to start your hunt tonight along the path we need to go at least that would be great... even more so because as I said, there's an insane hunter hunting other hunters in that general area." There was a final gulp... before he finished "And I've got a group of civilians currently hiding in a building nearby with the four blooded guys that just ran out of here and at least one of them did what the insane hunter did and was able to tell I wasn't a hunter by scent, so I am afraid that the longer I'm here talking with you, the more likely whatever madness they are suffering from is going to result in a bunch of dead civilians."

I'll get a post up tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.

Edit: Alright, this is ready for inspection now.
Eastern Yharnam, outside the Hunter's clinic

While Draco believed that he had done his Oedon given duty towards his fellow man by stopping the group of men who had been about to run by into a highly dangerous situation before they had gotten themselves killed, the longer he remained in their presence the more red flags were raised in his mind that something was... off with this party of Yharnamites.

For starters the fact that all four of them were bloodstained without any clear sign of injury suggesting that the blood was their own or weapons to suggest that it was someone or something else's was raised a few very worrying questions, but for Yharnam standards that was honestly the least worrying thing about the whole situation. The fact that there was a group of unarmed men wandering a part of Yharnam that had clearly been abandoned for some time as the sun was going down and the beasts started to leave their lairs was somewhat of a more pressing concern... but what truly set Draco's instincts off was the fact that one of the group had made no small show of sniffing him and then relaxing when something about his scent reveled that he wasn't a hunter.

...Something that had disappointed the insane hunter that had killed Stefan rather recently when he had done the exact same thing.

All together, this wasn't quite enough for Draco to justify lashing out and hoping the element of surprise would allow him to even the odds a bit before the group (the term 'pack' raised its ugly head) recovered to counter attack properly, but it was more then enough to ensure that he didn't trust the four in the slightest.

However, the information that there were hunters nearby fighting beasts offered a possible addendum to the plans of surviving the night. Turning to look at the flock he had taken over the task of shepherding, a course of action was selected. "I'm going to go in there and talk to the hunters inside. I doubt they'll care enough about us to escort us to shelter but I'm sure they'll be very curious about the insane hunter murdering his peers at the bottom of the elevator... and if they're just happening to be taking their hunt in the direction of incense covered shelter and clearing out the dangerous shit in the way for us, all the better!"

While he had his doubts about the group who was running away from said hunters, he couldn't exactly express his doubts without playing his hand... so turning to his group of civilians he simply said "Anyone who wants to come with me is free to do so, otherwise stay here and don't wander off. I am not going to be investing that much time or effort into chasing after idiots who get themselves separated or lost right now."
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