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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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The character is ready for review.

EDIT: Actually, hang on. I'm just looking over some other accepted sheets. Roxanna here was brought in via Emergency. My understanding of that is that I got to pick her two combat perks and I could swap any other perks to their combat counterpart for free as desired. Have I misunderstood that? Because it seems at least one accepted character got two additional perks via the Emergency pick.

I will develop a character for this after I get some sleep.
Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People

Some years prior

The trials of sailing the boats along the coastline had evolved in time. Namely, after the original flaws in design had been investigated and either corrected or doomed that craft's design, the refined water craft would take to the coastline again, this time for longer and longer periods. After a point it stopped being about finding faults and issues with the designs and became more about weighing the pros and cons that each design could offer.

After months of trails the design selected was effectively just a bigger and wider version of the river craft, but rather then risk open waters a different journey of discovery was suggested.

Those craft that had traveled along the coast northwards made several notes on a large landmass in the distance that was connected to their own via a sand covered passage. Since they didn't exactly know what was on this new land at this moment in time, the possibility of danger was present... even more so since almost all Pretender sightings suggested that they traveled along that passage in order to reach Rattus held lands.

So rather then sail directly to this new land in order to test the craft out on open salt water, the idea instead was to sail along the sand passage to investigate this new land... and then sail back via open water so that in the event that the ship was damaged, the crew wouldn't have to be concerned with walking all the way home in possible Pretender held lands.

Surprising to many, Raethel insisted on being apart of this expedition. Officially he said it was so that they could give the regent speaker a chance to get used to the job, but privately it was because Leucopus was going and he wished to spend some actual time with her that wasn't going to be interrupted by his duties as Speaker. Plus it would be nice to actually leave his homeland to see a new land for himself.

The journey along the coast took a couple of days and for the purposes of this record were largely uneventful. It was mostly just Rattus either working the oars, fishing or resting (or in the case of Raethel and Leucopus, snuggling up together). The new land in question slowly became visible on the horizon and it was easy to see how it differed from their native homeland; It was green... and the green seemed to reach up into the sky a fair ways. The mystery of the coloration was quickly answered as they drew near this once distant shore; The land itself seemed to be covered in trees. Massive trees. Plant life as well littered the shade of these giants.

While the river provided life to plants and greenery, it was generally localized within an area around the river itself; You could literally have one paw on ground able to support plant life and one on dry, barren sand at the same time. There didn't seem to be that disparity here. It was just green and brown.

Going through their supplies and deeming that it would be more then enough to cover the trip and the test back home they decided not to disembark... but Leucopus found Raethel staring at the trees on more then one occasion... and before they underwent the true test she decided to ask her lover what was on his mind. "...I was just thinking... remembering actually. One of the early river craft designs was made out of wood. It was a pretty good design too, but since trees are a rare resource back home it was beaten out by craft made out of reeds. We didn't even have an ocean craft made out of wood because there weren't enough trees and the followers of the wind of life deemed the matter not worthy of accelerating growth. But a settlement here... well, not only could we build craft out of wood here, but we could ship it back home and we'll never have wood issues again."

Of course, it was just an idea at the time... but once the test run across open water proved successful Raethel decided to revisit the minds behind the original wooden craft and had words. Words turned into action as something of a call was put out for settlers of this new, green land. It took a bit of time, but soon reed craft were sailing out to drop off bands of Rattus on a suitable looking shore so that they might dig in and set up a new settlement.

There were obstructions of course. This new land that the Rattus began calling Greenland had challenges of its own that the desert simply didn't, but once the Greenland settlement was properly established both above and below ground it quickly grew into one of the most important trading hubs within the Rattus nation; It's ability to produce and supply wood, new samples of plant life and even animals that the homeland lacked made in highly important... but the settlement wasn't content with merely being apart of an important trade hub.

On the shoreline, new buildings were being produced above ground for a grand purpose. While reed craft had proven their worth and would continue to see use by the Rattus in both river and ocean activities, the cold hard truth was that for longer journeys, reed wasn't going to endure the rough conditions for an extended period of time; Sure it's possible that such a craft might make it on a one way trip, but the Rattus wanted to have a reasonable chance of making it safely back home. For that to be a reality, the Rattus were going to have to discover the secrets of woods. And what better place to learn those secrets but their first true dockyard?

Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People

Some years prior

Even before the creation and usage of ice to create cold rooms, the exploration tunnels were dug out and new settlements of Rattus were developed across their sandy homeland, other Rattus along the river turned their attention elsewhere. After all, Aethel had handed down three tasks.

The eastern mountains were a daunting task... and the massive creatures that were occasionally seen flying among those peaks only made the prospect of trying to open a safe passage through to the other side all the more harrowing. All the more reason for the Rattus people to breath deeply, come together... and bravely turn westward so they could focus on the other task while putting off the mountains for another day.

Being considered by many to be the original mastermind behind the Rattus taking to the water via craft, Raethel would often find himself during his free time joining the teams of Rattus attempting what was deemed to be one of the most important projects since the creation of the water craft and the calming of the water monster; Improving the water craft so that it might sail across the vast waters that stretched out as far as the eye could see.

The original water craft that sailed along the river were sailed out in an experiment to see just how different the conditions fared... with the results being enlightening. While it was true that when the weather was rough that it could cause issues for those sailing the river, even when things were calm and the wind barely moved the greater, salty waters proved to be a turbulent thing. Considering the river craft had been designed with stability in mind this wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was clear to all watching the test run that it simply wasn't up to the task. The salt water offered fresh challenges that needed to be faced and overcome.

After some discussion, Raethel was the one who suggested that the current 'flaw' with the river craft when it came to handling conditions on the salty tasting wider waters was that of size. It was simply too small for the task required... stability aside that would have been an issue anyway; While the act of fishing would certainly provide food for those Rattus sailing on the salty water, the fact remained that there simply was no land for them to disembark on once they got a certain distance out and thus any supplies they would need, be it food, tools, places to rest and resources to repair any damage taken would need to be on the craft... and the crew of the craft would need to be able to sustain themselves for an unknown amount of time.

The issue of supply space only grew after Raethel requested several healthy Rattus to drink of the salty water for a few days in order to test it; The fact that the water tasted so strongly different from the water of the river was a matter of concern and he was afraid that there might be some health risks if one drank it. This concern was proven to be well founded as those who drank the salt tasting water quickly found themselves growing sick.

It started with them peeing well above normal... then muscles started to cramp up even as their mouths grew dry and their thirst only got worse, no matter how much additional salty water they drank. They started to get weak and nauseous, as well as suffering other afflictions that mirrored those of Rattus that had gone exploring the deserts sands and managed to get back to safety after their water supplies ran out. The danger proven, Raethel ended the experiment early and got the Rattus in question as much river water as they could safely drink, all the while hoping that he hadn't condemned these brave Rattus to die. They would recover without long term ill effect, through it did take several days of care for the sickness to pass.

A brave woman named Leucopus stepped forward and suggested that, much like how they had been taught to boil still water to cleanse it of things that would make them sick, the process might work here as well. She volunteered to test this theory herself. While she too would suffer the affliction of the original group, Raethel personally stepped in to bring her experiment to an end before her condition reached their degree of severity when it became clear that she was undergoing the same symptoms despite her water having been boiled first. She also made a full recovery once she was back on good old river water.

Much like their exploration of the desert, water was one of the supplies that was going to have to be carried by the water craft, despite the fact that it would be floating atop of water itself.

Much like the days of the original project to produce the first river crafts, several teams of Rattus formed around differing ideas that spurred on a feeling of playful rivalry and competition. Unlike the original through, it seemed to lack the same air of haste; This was not a race to see who could get the first craft out on the water that would stay floating after all. This was a matter of endurance and longevity as much as stability and speed.

A recovering Leucopus was actually the one to suggest a means of testing the designs that caught Raethel's attention: Sail them along the coastline. They would be given a solid test of salt water conditions while being clearly within range of the shore in the event that something went horribly wrong. It would also be a chance to properly explore the coastline and see if there was anything of note... through for this early stage of testing the test should likely be limited from when the sky's heat started to rise to when it set again, giving the craft a test of endurance, a proper time frame in which to operate since they would be turning around once the light of the sky reach its peak and... well, would test the design of the craft in seeing how they handled turning around on the salt water.

Raethel agreed with her reasoning...and felt compelled to work with Leucopus as often as he could from that moment onward. She was a brilliant Rattus... and pleasant on the eyes if he did say so himself.

I would like to join this Rp, through the discord link has expired.
Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People

More years passed.

The Rattus tunnel network grew in size as it spread across the land, the process of tunneling and being able to locate water via means both mundane and magical being refined with practice and experience. Most of the tunnels went south of the River Rattus to form a network that acted as a road system between the city of Firstbarrows and the various fortified towns that it was created to secure the sources of water and fertile growing land on the surface for their own usage.

North of the River Rattus proved to be bare of water sources... at least on the surface level. Underground there was a river that snaked its way through the soil which they happily claimed but otherwise the area would only have a few observational outposts there in order to watch any comings and goings, but otherwise it wouldn't feel the same kind of construction efforts so the southern towns would. While some of the northern posts were more boring to be assigned to then others, the fact that Pretenders tended to lurk in the region ensured that neglect would be harshly punished.

Raethel's head was bowed in mourning and deep contemplation as they sealed the crypt before them. This was far from the first time that they had personally closed the final door for one of his people in the living world, but this one... this one cut deeper then just about any that came before due to who it was that he was saying goodbye to. The healers said they had done everything they could and he truly did believe them but...

It was a hollow comfort to know that his third litter of pups would have their mother to look after them. It felt like there was a piece of him missing and the void... the void hurt. It hurt so badly and yet as much as he wanted to scream and rage and cry... he found that he couldn't.

Despite the personal hardship and tragedy that had befallen him and his family, he was still the First of the Rattus... still the Speaker. He had always been a leading figure among his people, but for the first time in his life could he truly understand the weight of the influence and expectations that those titles imposed upon him in return. He had duties... responsibilities... as much as he wanted to just break down and die he couldn't.

But even as he gazed at the stone beyond which his beloved and some of his pups would rest... the latter without having the benefit of enjoying life first... a realization dawned on him. He did have responsibilities and duties to his people... but he also had a responsibility to strive to perform that duty to the best of his abilities and right now... right now he couldn't. He was not in a state of mind that would allow him to make proper decisions for the welfare of others.

Someone else was going to have to take over his duties and responsibilities for a while. At least until the wound had started to heal and he could face them again with the clear head that they required. Who would be a good question through. The first name that came to mind was that of his eldest son, Raethel Jr in order to let him get some first paw experience as Speaker. But the pup was likely also dealing with the loss of his mother and needed time to recover as well.

The matter of who would be temporally taking over could wait a few moments through. Turning from the stone in order to look over his first and second litter of pups, Raethel could hear the sorrow that was escaping from their lips as sobs... the tears that were pouring down their face and wetting their fur. While his duties as a leading figure of the Rattus people could be passed to another, his duties as a father couldn't... and as he walked in order to hug and comfort the nearest of his little ones, he found that he was okay with that.

Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People

Years passed.

Some argued that the exploratory tunnels out into the desert took more time, effort and resources to accomplish then simply equipping a band of Rattus explorers and sending them out overland on paw. This callous disregard for the lives of their follow Rattus was a minority viewpoint through... and one that was quickly countered by facts. A fact was that once they started tunneling to search for water sources up on the surface, the amount of Rattus that died or went missing dropped to zero which also meant that any equipment or supplies they might have taken with them had dropped to zero as well.

Another was that while the tunnels themselves took time to set up, once they were built the time it took for a Rattus to scamper from one end to the other was deemed a lot faster than attempting the same distance above ground due to removing the environmental conditions, threat of attack by the wild life and the sapping heat of the sky as factors to contend with. The tunnels also had the benefit of ensuring that supplies could last longer; Not only did the absence of the sun overhead reduce the strain on water supplies by a great deal, but the cooler nature of the tunnels ensured that food stuffs lasted longer then they might have on the surface.

Inspired by this, the various outposts had started to build tunnels to each other since it provided so many benefits to being able to move around. A surface presence was of course maintained and the river still had plenty of traffic because it was still faster to go by water craft in order to get to an area that isn't next door, but there was now an option to walk from one side of Rattus held territory to the other without having to come to the surface. Crossing the river still required a water craft, but the idea of tunneling under the river was currently being discussed with the primary issue being a question of depth; How deep did the tunnel need to be so that there wasn't a risk of the river breaking through and flooding, but shallow enough that Rattus could just use it to cross the river if they wanted without having to go so far out of their way that it would be faster to go topside and take a water craft.

While each outpost went by a different name as favored by those living there, collectively the Rattus had started to refer to their settlements as 'The First Barrows', through some Rattus had already started shortening the name down to 'First Barrows' or 'Firstbarrows'.

The exploration of the desert had uncovered a handful of surface bodies of water... as well as couple of underground sources. It also revealed survivors of one of the exploration teams that had gone out; The gamble to keep going had paid off for them in that they had managed to locate a decently sized pool of water with life growing around it, proving enough food and water to sustain them. The pair who had decided to try risking the trip back home had not made it and they were deemed lost to the desert, despite some attempts to search the likely area they would have died in.

These outposts of food and water proved to be wonderful staging areas in order to continue tunneling on, through the sites themselves would need to be fortified to remain secured.

If asked about what he believed the greatest change to come to the Rattus had been over the years, Raethel would answer without hesitation 'The pups'. After the awakening there had been both young and older Rattus due to the fact that there had been young and old rats that had answered the call, but there had been no true pups among their number for over a year. Then one night a messenger had come to get him because one of the expectant mothers had finally started. While there were Rattus there who were better suited for tending to the mother's needs and trying to make sure it was a healthy birth, Raethel had still felt the need to be present at the first natural birth of a Rattus litter.

It was... humbling in a way, seeing their bare, pink flesh and their closed eyes as they hurdled together naturally. While Raethel might have been the first of the newly created Rattus to awaken on that fateful day, one of these pups had been the first Rattus to truly be born as a Rattus rather then to have started off as a rat. So overwhelmed by the moment, he had tried to declare that his standing and title as the First would go to the first born of the litter as was their right as the first natural born Rattus... only to be stopped by the simple fact that no one actually remembered which of the pups had been the first. Sure there had been excitement when the first one came, but the mother was still birthing the rest of the litter and by the time the question of order was brought up, the pups had huddled together and gotten mixed up. While they were able to rule one out due to a mark on their skin, there was simply no way to be sure with the rest.

In the end it was for the best that his position would remain in his possession to pass down to his own pups when they were born later on, but the original litter would at least bare the honor of being the first litter as a collective. He wasn't quite sure which of his children would be the one to take his position as Speaker just yet, but they still had plenty of growing to do before he felt the need to concern himself with grooming them for the role. Let the pups be pups.

Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People
Chailiss Week

Exploring the lands beyond the river was proving harder then anyone had expected.

There had been some concerns before the original expeditions had gone out that groups might encounter Pretenders out in the sands, alongside any number of unknown animals and dangers that had never been encountered before. In fairness these concerns were proven to be completely valid in all regards.

When the winds picked up, they tended to create 'waves' of dust and sand that could easily cause a band of Rattus to be split up and lost, if not outright bury them if the 'wave' was strong enough. The sands also proved home to a number of smaller creatures that, while not intimidating in their own forms, had a bite or a sting that inflicted untold pain and often death on those unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of it.

An old foe revealed itself to still be lurking as well, as one of the expeditions had its look out come under attack by a creature that matched the description of a pretender... with the added description from the survivors of the encounter that the beast seemed to have a series of old burns on their body as it fled into the night.

But the true threat was the sky... and the heat that it radiated. A group of Rattus could only carry so much water and food at once... and the desert provided little of both, largely preventing foraging for food on a scale required to sustain an exploration band. The light was taxing and sapped strength, requiring the consumption of large amounts of water in order to survive. Since there was a hard limit to how much water a group could carry, that enforced a hard limit on just how far out they could go and still make it back alive.

Some groups had bet their lives on continuing on past that point, gambling on finding a new source of water somewhere out in the sands. None who took that gamble returned, either in victory or defeat. The crypts for those brave souls had been dug out and created but... as of yet they hadn't been sealed in the hope that they might have found water and food and simply don't wish to risk their lives further on a return journey.

Raethel leaned against a wall of one of the deeper chambers of the original barrow as thought after thought ran through his head even as he lightly started to bang it against the wall. He hated this whole situation. Aethel had given them this quest to achieve and they were stumbling at the first hurdle with his people dying and he didn't see a way to change it. Sure he could change the focus to something that was hopefully less hostile, but it wasn't like he could just refuse a quest from one of their creators... and even if he could, failing to secure domination over their homeland created nightmares that haunted him as he slept for it meant his home and the home of his people not being secure and safe.

What they were currently doing wasn't working... they needed to try something new in order to make any progress with this but nothing came to mind. He had come down here because it was nice and cool and... and...

He paused banging his head, blinking slightly to himself as he slowly examined the idea that had sprung up in his mind from several angles slowly in order to look for some flaw that might invalidate the whole thing... or at the very least justify why he hadn't thought of it early before a number of his people had gotten killed trying to explore their homeland. While some answers appeared to try and ease his mind by offering suggestions, against the positives they quickly proved to be little more then attempts to not have to deal with the guilt of the lost.

Since the surface was clearly hostile, why not tunnel instead? Sure the process of forming the tunnels might be slower then walking along the surface, but it would be out of the glare of the sky, the various dangerous animals wouldn't be a factor and there wouldn't be able further pretender attacks since exploration would largely be happening in a secure, safe manner. Considering how much of the area away from the river was nothing but sand and heat with nothing of value, they didn't exactly need to take and hold it; All they really needed to do was locate any water sources that the desert had to offer and claim them to secure the surrounding area because water meant life.

When Rzelios found Raethel, the former observed as the latter was banging their head against the stone wall, clearly punishing themselves as they claimed "You. Are. An. Idiot." over and over again, each word being punctuated by skull hitting stone. It was only when Rzelios cleared their throat loudly enough to be heard that the banging stopped and Raethel, head resting against the wall, tiredly muttered "What is it?"

Rather then ask the question of Raethel was alright because it was rather clear that they weren't, Rzelios instead decided to do something productive... even if they were somewhat nervous as they started "You... never mind. There's something I need to show you. Catch this." and waiting until Raethel had turned to look did Rzelios under arm lobbed a water skin towards them.

On instinct, Raethel's paw lashed out and catch the airborne water skin... before their eyes went wide as they suddenly dropped it, letting what should have been a container for water make a strangely solid noise as they started to rub their paw while squeaking "[color=browns]GODS THAT IS COLD![/color]" in complete shock and surprise. Having taken a moment to warm their paw back up, Raethel looked down at the water skin... then back at Rzelios before asking in a more calm voice "What is that? What did you do?"

Scampering forward to scoop up the fallen water skin, Rzelios looked shyly proud of themself as they explained "Y-You know how our people are struggling to explore because of the heat? Well... we thought that maybe what was needed was to develop something cold that radiated cold in order to keep people cold... or at least not at hot while they're traveling. So we started trying to channel to mana to make things cold and... well, when water gets cold it turns solid and radiates further cold! It's heavy through... to heavy for anyone to carry and after a while in the sun it starts to warm up and turns back into water anyway... so instead we decided to try grinding it down a bit so that it's still solid and cold but able to fill a water skin and...

Opening up the water skin, Rzelios turned it upside down and started to pour out... it was hard to describe, but it looked white and powdery, but seemed to radiate an aura of coldness around it all the same. I mean... I'm not sure how long this stuff will stay solid on the surface for, but even if it only lasts for a day or so it's presence might still keep the Rattus carrying it cool in the heat... and once it's returned to water it can just be drunk as normal! W-What do you think?" He asked at last, clearly nervous as their tailed twitched behind them.

Raethel just stared at the strange 'powder' for a few moments... before he started to talk slowly "I... might have already come up with a solution to most of our exploration problems but... this is a wonderful idea. In fact..." Memories of fish and animals caught and killed during the night came to mind, for while the sky when it was light trended to dry things out in the harsh heat, the cool night tended to keep them fresh "I think your idea might be greater then you realize. We need... we need to test something out. We need to get some water down here... as well as some meat."

The test itself was fairly simple, through it would take a bit of time to run its course. Raethel arranged for several buckets worth of water to be brought down into one of the rooms of the barrow to have Rzelios cool it into a solid form, resulting in several of the cold blocks making the room colder. Three fish were quickly caught within minutes of each other, one placed in the cold room, another in a different barrow room and the last one kept on the surface.

The surface fish started to smell awful within the light in the sky moving very little. The one kept in the normal barrow fared better, lasting until the sky had gone dark and lit up again before it started to smell stronger then normal. The fish in the cold room through lasted a full three changes of the sky before anyone noticed even the slightest hint of a change in scent... and even then it was felt that it would still be alright to cook and eat.

With the experiment deemed a success, Raethel quickly sent messengers to spend the news, as well as sent Rzelios to teach other Rattus how to turn water into a cold solid and thus allow the creation of other cold rooms in different barrows.

A historic meeting

With the affairs of the council starting to wrap up, the task of the various chambers and offices of the Primarchs being emptied so that they could proceed with the Crusade once all matters were settled began, though the efforts wouldn’t start in earnest until the Emperor called the Council officially complete.

For his part, Micholi’s spartan attitude towards luxury and personal comfort proved rather beneficial in that it had taken less than an hour to organize his offices on the planet and it was doubtful it would take much longer than two in order to have everything packed up and shipped out when it was over. As such, those laborers connected to him and his legion were currently enjoying a respite from their otherwise taxing lives.

A legion serf who was currently acting as a secretary respectfully led the figure that had requested an audience with the Primarch into his office, pausing at the doorway to glance towards said guest in order to ask “How would you care to be introduced?”

Ardel Mantz stopped dead in his tracks at the question of the Night Watch serf. His mind was alight with options as he processed the question. “I hadn’t imagined I’d have a choice in such a matter.” he admitted as he began to walk once more, “Pardon my surprise,” he offered with a calm smile, “however your Lord deems most reasonable for his guest’s introductions will suffice.” he finished with a nod as he followed the serf further into the Council’s back rooms and antechambers.

The serf in question offered a respectful nod of their head before the door to the Antechamber was opened. Stepping forward, they called out for the seated Primarch to hear “Historiographer Ardel Mantz of Hive world Nova Sulis to see you my lord!” While Primarch Micholi was well known for not investing too heavily in formalities and parade, there seemed to be some level of respect given to guests as Micholi looked up from the dataslate he was looking at and rose up to greet the new arrival properly.

“Thank you Reginald.” Micholi politely offered to the serf, who offered a bow as they stepped out to leave the two alone. “Historigorapher Mantz… or would you prefer Ardel? Please take a seat.” There was a gesture towards one of the seats on the opposite side of the basic desk that the Primarch had; There were several different sizes, clearly intended for the different sizes and bulks that came with meeting and talking with people of various sizes, be they human, xenos, legionary or even fellow primarch.

Stopping at the entryway, Ardel fussed with his overcoat as the serf moved to open the doors. Shifting from his jacket to his collar, then back to his jacket and up to his hair he barely noticed as the doors swung wide and he was introduced to the Primarch of the second legion beyond.

With a start he took an awkward step forward waiting to be addressed by a son of the Emperor, merely nodding meekly as he was directed to take a seat before the figure. So caught up in his own anxiety was he that he took a seat in a chair very obviously not made for a human. But Ardel was too engrossed in the primarch before him.

“Ardel Mantz…” he stated as his brain attempted to figure out what he should be called. “Ardel will do Lord.” he spit out far more composed than his initial offering. He bowed his head politely to the Primarch as his fingers finnicked with the cuffs of his jacket.

For his part, Micholi didn’t seem inclined to point out Ardel’s blunder. His centuries of service to the Imperium had gotten him somewhat used to a degree of awe being inspired in those he was speaking to after all. “So Ardel… as much as it is a pleasure to meet you, I rarely have the time for purely social encounters. At least in the sense of sitting back and enjoying a conversation with a member of what should be one of the Imperium’s most respected professions. How might I help you?”

“No no, of course right, why I’m here,” Ardel quickly spat out as he placed a ream of papers on the desk before the Primarch. He began to sort through the papers messily, pushing fastened packets of information out on the small area of desk he was now obviously claiming. Packets of densely packed script scrawled along the margins of old texts, the papers themselves obviously torn from old tomes and manuscripts. Here and there the writing wove between the lines of the pages original texts themselves, accompanied randomly by hand drawn diagrams and images. Ardel fussed over the pages before he pushed a small stack from the desk to fall out of the Primarchs sight and took a set of papers in his hands not so dissimilar from those he had been sorting through seconds prior.

With a smile that betrayed how far out of his league he was he thumbed through the papers and stopped on a page of text densely packed with handwritten notes. He ran a thumb down the page, mumbling to himself as he read and tapped pointedly as he found what he had been looking for.

“Here here, Lord, I’ve got it here.” he said quickly as he turned the paper around in his hand to reveal a crudely drawn ring of mechanical nature festooned by smaller groups of scrawling notes and what appeared to be a star in close proximity.

“Lord the ‘Sun-Snuffer’ as referred to in text dated back to the war against the abominable Men of Iron, Lord.” he pursed his lips and continued, “massive machines used to devour entire stars Lord, and there’s, there’s more…” he said hurriedly as he leaned down to sort through the papers he had thrown onto the floor just earlier.

For what it was worth, Micholi took his head to look over the documents that Ardel was revealing to him. They could have easily been absorbed and processed within a matter of seconds, but the Primarch was clearly taking his time in order to try and make his guest feel more comfortable… as well as have the time to get future documents in order. “Very interesting discoveries… They also help to define just how massive and destructive a scale this conflict must have been. After all, even if the Men of Iron only ever produced one of these devices to work in the field, that would still mean that there are entire star systems that ceased to exist due to its star being destroyed. A troubling thought…”
There was a slight pause, before the paper in question was lowered as Micholi gave Ardel his attention again. “I try not to make assumptions, but I’m guessing you’re trying to give greater understanding and context to the war with the Men of Iron, including what actual technological feats they were capable of?”

Ardel’s head sprung up from under the desk at the words of the Primarch, beads of sweat shaking free from his head as he righted himself fully. He lifted another bundle of papers and spoke now in an attempt to answer the demigods' question, “No Lord no, I know one of your status. You know, the,” he struggled a moment, a shade of ruby rushing across his cheeks as he realized he was rambling before he steeled himself once more to push for his theorems, “A child of the Emperor no doubt knows these things I say but I must say them,” he smiled meekly, “as almost proof of their validity. To put them against none other than one of the Emperor’s children, there is no better thesis defense.”

“This, this was known as the ‘Mechanivore’, machines that could decimate entire worlds and here, this,” he turned the paper to face Micholi as he grabbed another weathered page and splayed it out along with a few others to create an interlocked image of some ghastly mechanical construct, “it is said, through technologies most vile, that it could devour space and time as data Lord.” he wiped the sweat from his brow with the very page he was offering before dropping it and flipping one of the pages that made up the hand-drawn image of the Mechanivore to show yet more text.

“Your new theorem on Old Night, and these texts, born from the darkest crypts of the catacombs of the long lost Archmagos Messeppos’ Citadel, I believe they may be related Lord.”

For a moment it looked like Micholi was going to say something, but instead he shifted in his seat as he reached out to accept the paper on the ‘Mechanivore’ in order to inspect it for himself. “Might I ask how you have come to this conclusion?” He asked, even as he read… before he paused to lower the page to make eye contact again. “Don’t get me wrong, I can see the possible connections. I just would prefer to understand your point of view and the conclusions you have personally drawn.”

Ardel licked his lips as the Primarch scrutinized his paperwork and directed his questioning gaze to him. He leaned back involuntarily as he came under Micholi’s gaze, “Lord I’m saying, I believe that these Men of Iron, and their weapons galactic terror, I believe that they did build a weapon as you postulated… Though I…” he squirmed a moment before continuing, “I can’t be certain, my research thus far has been… limited. It is difficult,” he raised a finger to the sky pointedly, “Nay impossible! To make the journeys necessary to gather the information required to further corroborate this theory though I admit.”

He sat forward to the edge of the seat once more and sorted through the mess of papers at his feet before dragging a worn scroll of considerable age from within the pile. He unfurled it a map, obviously once extravagantly detailed, but long since ravaged by time. “Many worlds I believe have the information required to further these claims, many of them abandoned, predating the Imperium all.” He turned his gaze to Micholi, hope burning in his eyes, “With your blessing, Lord, I wish to travel to these places and continue my research… To prove your theory, and by extension mine, true as to our dark past.”

Micholi rested his elbows on the arms of his chair, bringing his hands together to clasp them just before the center of his chest as he offered a small, gentle and warm smile. “I would be more than happy to give you the permissions you require in order to investigate these matters further. Even in the event that this theory is proven incorrect and the Men of Iron failed to weaponize the warp in a manner that caused the warp storms of the Age of Strife, considering the nature of war I believe it is in our interests to investigate these worlds anyway.”

“If the crusade has taught nothing else, it is that relics and weapons of wars that happened hundreds, if not thousands of years ago can often remain long after the war in question has been over and forgotten, but still highly dangerous. Land mines are a good example of this, but some of the weapons and technology left behind can often be a lot more dangerous in nature… I would make the request to know what planets you intend to visit and that you make regular reports to detail your progress.” There was a look of concern on his face when he said this, clearly thinking in Ardel’s interests. “If nothing else, in the unfortunate event that in your search and studies you uncover an active threat from the past that proves deadly even after all this time, your silence and lack of reports will draw attention to it and your death will have saved lives in the long run.”

Ardel burst from his seat, a smile glowing from his face as he nearly took to hug the Primarch stopping just short of the Emperor’s sons oversized desk. “Lord of course! I can provide all relevant data of planets I believe to be worth exploration! I have,” he pressed the map forward excitedly, “this is not the only I have accrued, but it is where I’d like to start, Segmentum Pacificus, along the border of Segmentum Obscurus. I require only a ship for transit, though of course…” he took a step back and awkwardly sat back in his chair, squirming excitedly as he did, “a team could be greatly beneficial. Like-minded intellectuals could be a great boon to an expedition such as this.”

He nodded his head and pulled a crumpled paper from his pocket, obviously it had never been intended for viewing by the Primarch, and yet here it was, “I’ve assembled a list actually, of fellow Remembrancers present in the fleets, that could be of assistance. With your sway… We could assemble a true team for this undertaking, with the resources needed to make real forward progress in humanities understanding. We could unlock secrets long thought lost, Lord. A humbling thought, truly, and you are our gracious benefactor to push our knowledge ever further. I can not thank you enough.” he bowed in his chair as he finished.

There were but a few moments to review the planets in question and thus the most likely course to be taken in order to go from one to the other. As well as overlooking the list of possible personnel that Ardel would recommend to assist in the matter; Some of them Micholi knew personally having met them, but some were merely names on the sheet for him. There was a brief moment of thought… before he nodded his head.

“Yes… I believe I can make those requests happen. I will also bring in some members of the Mechanicum that have proven themselves to be…open minded enough to help the cause of progression, but not to the point of recklessness. I’ll also make a request to one of the Night Watch fleets to alter their patrol route somewhat in order to cover these systems… They’ll have other duties to perform in the region so they will not be at your beck and call, but they might be able to spare a squad to look after you and your team in the field, alongside being a relatively local source of reinforcements in the event that something happens. Would that be acceptable to you?”

“It’s far more than I could have ever hoped for Lord Micholi.” Ardel stated with genuine awe at Micholi’s willingness to back his expedition. “If it please you, I could ensure we are ready to leave at once and begin our search as soon as able.”

“Then I will send some messages out and see what I can get you on such short notice.” Micholi offered, before he politely nodded his head as he dismissed the man with a simple“I wish you good fortune in your efforts Ardel.”
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