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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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I'm going to be honest. The general theme I'm going with this character is 'In drawn out conflicts, after a certain point you don't get to be picky about who's fighting beside you.
You have my interest good sir. I'll try and get a character sheet up in the next day or two.


Yeah it proved to be. Suddenly had a moment of inspiration.

I will make a character for this. But I'll do it tomorrow.

The Hunt Begins.

With the heart of his realm offered enough protection in order to repel the tainted abominations from Node 18, Vatarr had positioned himself near to the defensive walls and waited. Rested. Recovered his power for the fight to come. Despite the hardship that his 'blessing' had caused to the humans as they dug in and prepared for combat, he quietly observed as they strengthened their walls, prepared their cannons and other weaponry while refining their armor. The fact that the very air, ground and water was toxic to the soon to be invaders likely slowed down their efforts to push into the Vex proper... and it gave Vatarr time to reflect and think on many things.

Namely, how it had come to this.

In retrospect, his skirmish into Node 23 had been ill planned... but that had been to overconfidence on his part. He had marched in there, complete sure that he would be able to face and defeat anything that he could encounter. However, it had allowed everything that his enemy had gathered together to be thrown in his path all at once and he had been forced to admit that he couldn't fight an entire army all by himself... At least, not in the manner that he had tried to.

But there were other ways to fight a war... and removing the head was generally a pretty good tactic since few creatures survived long without one. So it was that he decided to take the offensive once again, hopefully throwing his foe off due to him recently preparing his home for defense. But things would be different this time.

With little effort, a small ball of pure molten copper was pulled from the ground and floated in mid air before Vatarr before he started to make small gestures with his hands. The molten orb quickly split into two smaller orbs before they started to form identical ring shapes in midair. As they started to cool into solid copper rings, Vatarr began pouring his energy into both of them, flooding them with power with different, but similar goals in mind.

Soon enough he felt all the power he had gathered up be spent, but the result would almost certainly make up for the temporary lack of flashy, world altering power. The first ring he donned didn't physically change anything about him, but the moment it slipped on his finger he could feel his divine signature disappear. By all accounts, there was nothing divine about him or the various items on his person. This had its uses of course, but it was in combination with its partner that it's true genius shined.

As he slipped the second ring on the opposite hand, Vatarr... disappeared. He himself was still there and aware of that fact, but he had designed this ring to hide himself from the senses of others. Not only was he invisible, but he didn't make noise either. Granted he had considered having it hide his scent as well, but that would have weakened the other enchantments and his scent was a rather subtle, earthy one anyway.

Taking a moment to test his creations, Vatarr returned into view and his divine aura reemerged with barely a thought before both disappeared once again. Satisfied, he shifted into his winged form as he left the ground silently with Life and Death in his grasp, turning his attention beyond the border and seeking to sense the nearby aura of a deity he didn't know.

It was time to go hunting.

//Planet: New Welshland
//Designation: Imperial World
//Governor: Uchelgais Tywyll (Contested)
//Status: Civil War

"While I appreciate any support at this time, I admit I am a little... confused. I was under the impression that the second legion was sending forces to assist us." Governor Tywll offered as respectfully as a governor who's rather tedious situation meant that insulting or dismissing any ally that presented itself with troops and and equipment simply wasn't an option, even if they weren't the reinforcements you were expecting or hoping for.

For his part, Audi kept a professional face on as he stood on the other side of the Governor's rather expensive desk. As the highest ranked commander of the Imperial army forces that had been deployed to New Welshland, protocol demanded that he met with the rather... inflated Governor of the planet. Despite the respectful tone that Tywll was using, Audi had to admit that the Governor rubbed him the wrong way; The planet was actively in the middle of a rather brutal civil war with a separatist faction with tens of thousands wounded and dying each day with shortages of food, water and supplies on just about every part of the planet... and yet the Governor still maintained at least three chins and a small team of slaves in order to assist him in getting his bulbous body to his feet from a sitting position.

Then again, he did generally distrust anyone in a position of authority who was obese enough that if he ran a sword into their stomach all the way to the hilt, there was a chance he wouldn't hit anything vital. "Yes, to my understanding the original plan was for a company of Night Watch to arrive but they've been delayed. There are a number of other rebellions in progress in this region of the Imperium and they've been required to deploy elsewhere... However, since they did not wish to abandon the people of New Welshland to current conditions, they have sent myself and my forces in their stead to try and stabilize the situation."

Audi couldn't help but notice the expressions that surfaced on the Governor's fat, disgusting face. There was a brief expression that reminded him on a small child about to throw a tantrum because they weren't the center of everyone else's universe, but it seemed that whatever political skills Tywll had gathered over the course of his life kicked in to stop him from saying or doing something stupid. "Well... there are worse things then getting an army of fresh, veteran troops. If you'll report to my high commander they'll be able to best position your forc-"

"I believe-" Audi interrupted, his face still professionally blank but some small degree of pleasure at seeing the Governor look annoyed at being cut off "-that there has been a slight misunderstanding. My forces are not here to fight your civil war or take orders from you."

There was a brief moment of silence, broken by Governor Tywll looking livid as he said "Excuse me?"

Pulling out a copy of the orders that had been sent to him from the Primarch of the Night Watch, Micholi himself, Audi offered it to Tywll so that the man could read it with his own eyes. "We have been sent here on a humanitarian mission. Our job is to secure key utilities like water and the power grid while offering those displaced by the conflict shelter and medical aid. To that end, I am not apart of the local chain of command and thus receive my orders directly from my superiors in the second legion."

The livid expression deepened on Tywll's face as he glared at the letter, then at Audi himself. "Why?"

Audi for his part let out a put upon sigh that he had long practiced. "My superiors believe that by presenting the Imperium as a neutral but benevolent entity in this conflict, anti-imperial sentiments will fade away while providing citizens caught in the crossfire somewhere to go to for safety that doesn't require them actively joining a side in the conflict. Personally I feel that there are faster ways to resolve a conflict like this, but orders are orders. If nothing else, our presence will mean that you don't have to garrison forces in those regions."

The Governor still looked somewhat heated... though that could also have easily been just his natural level of warmth since he had been a rather sweaty mess when Audi had entered the office, but it seemed his little performance had unruffled some feathers. "I see... A little round about for my tastes, but help is help I suppose. However, since everything is in order, unless you have anything else to say I think we will end this meeting here. You no doubt have preparations to make and I... well, I believe it's time for lunch."
Let them come.

The birth of Princess (and future Queen) Agniya should have been a happy occasion. A time of celebration and jolly festivities. It was but... the oncoming war cast a deep enough shadow to make it a somber, limited affair. Any gathering or celebration was a small, brief thing between family and friends; A toast to the new born leader where villages, towns and cities should have been having a party.

The sky briefly turning red and refugees fleeing from Brey's former lands told a dark tale; Brey was dead and his murderer and their horde would be continuing the march soon enough. The fact that there had been a betrayal of a diplomatic deal made between the two sides earlier didn't really provoke the sense of outrage within Vatarr that it should have as he paused on his way towards the border between the heartland of his realm and Nodes 22 and 23 to stop by his throne and the Node of the Fungal Marshes. Brey had witnessed the first 'invasion' of his realm and the fact that he had seen the enemy and not instantly deduced that co-existence would not be possible meant that Brey had, in the end, proven to be a fool.

The mortals of Vex were already in the process of extending their defensive line now that the enemy could come from two nodes rather then just one, but Vatarr felt the need to add his own... personal touch to the defense of his realm. He would be taking a more active role in repelling any invaders of course, but he could only be in so many places at one time and he had a realm to secure... and his skirmish in Node 23 had given him information he was going to make use of to do it.

Placing his hand on the Node, he channeled his strength into it in order to subtly reshape the Fungal Marshes as a region. The change itself was small... but at the same time, affected everything. Every aspect of Node 26, be it air, earth, water or just organic material was infused with and released a chemical compound that was perfectly tailored to destroy the spores that infested the horrors that originally came from Node 18.

Since the horrors took advantage of all manner of organic creatures to serve in its tide, a solution that purged all organic life in a region already filled with it was not the best solution... so Vatarr had already decided to take advantage of what he had discovered in the creatures in Node 23 to strike directly at the root of the problem and target the means in which the infection animated and controlled its victims. Any creature sent into the Fungal Marshes for any length of time that was infected should have the infection destroyed and be cured of it...

Unfortunately, this alteration required more alterations. The chemical infusion was perfect for killing what it needed to do... but it also had the unfortunate side effect of being toxic to a number of other life forms as well. This was a problem since it was kind of pointless employing this method of defense if everything you were trying to protect died as well.

The animals and plantlife of the region could be altered in order to survive and thrive in the post changed region: Altering the lungs to better process and filter the air and some minor tweaks to digestion and how the blood deals with the chemical once it enters the system were generally easy enough to do without any major developments or mutations. Normally he would be against this sort of mass alteration, but since it was in response to a change he was making to the environment it seemed only fair. It did also mean that they wouldn't exactly be able to leave the Fungal Marshes without... complications, but that wasn't a major issue. At least not an issue to worry about for the time being.

The real problem was the humans. While some of them had been born in the region, they were not native to Node 26 and thus, couldn't be altered in the same way that the native creatures could be. Granted the change wouldn't be instantly fatal... but some measures had to be taken all the same because it would take lives otherwise.

While he did trust the people of Vex to come up with means of surviving until he rested and was able to alter them to be better able to survive the change in the environment, that would take time to do. Thinking of the issue for a few moments, a temporary solution presented itself. Around settlements large and small (as well as along where the defensive wall was currently being manned and constructed, since there were a sizable number of people there) a series of trees and bushes would spring up with dark purple leaves.

The plants had a fairly pleasant scent, but it was the leaves and berries that were important. If the leaves were placed in water, it would infuse into the water and when drunk, would allow the human body to temporarily be able to process the the new chemical. Eating the berries caused a similar effect. They weren't a counter to the chemical as much as they were designed to allow the human body to deal with it.
It wasn't perfect, but for the moment it was the best he could do and still keep people safe. He trusted that they would figure out other methods of survival as time passed.

Taking a deep breath, he started his announcement region wide about the changes that had taken place, why they had happened and the properties of the new purple plants in question that had sprung up nearby baring berries.

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