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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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For his own part, Andrew was... quiet.

All this was a lot to take in after all. Either some of their students were truly destined for greatness if they ever left detention again, or there really was some hidden shadow war between the fey and the 'forces of darkness' that seemed to be called 'The Shroud'... or at least 'Lux' called it that.

However, the fact that one of the students might be in serious danger caused him to resist the urge to see if he could find a glass jar. Maybe later.

Stocktaking his resources, he had a knife on his person; It was one that he had crafted himself and it was surprising how many situations popped up in a day where being able to use a sharp object was handy. It wasn't really designed for combat, but in a pinch it would still serve as a weapon... but he didn't want to resort to that unless he had to. Instead, as Yui, Izumi, Sakura, Emiko,Shinobu and surprisingly Amber more or less signed themselves up to a magical girl career Andrew instead walked over to a little used cabinet on the wall.

Once upon a time, fire axes were kept in a glass case with a 'In case of emergency, break glass' sign. Such things had largely disappeared from the public domain; Too many people were getting cut by broken glass. Instead, the more modern versions tended to have fire hatchets in a case that could be opened alongside the fire extinguisher. Said hatchet was now in Andrew's hand as he turned around to look at his fellow teachers and the fairy. "I likely don't qualify for the whole 'magical girl' thing... but Lux was it?" He asked, more out of politeness then anything "...Show me where we're going and we'll take care of this. Just be aware that when there isn't a student in danger, we're all going to sit down and have a productive chat about what kind of benefits and payment plan these wonderful ladies are going to get for risking their lives to fight your war."

The shock of the discovery that a popular sub category of anime was less 'power fantasy' and more 'based on real events' was still clearly on Andrew's face, but in his eyes was a steely determination; He had a hatchet, a willingness to use it and a student to possibly rescue from otherworldly horrors that would drive a man insane.
For his part, Andrew Brown slowly looked down at the can of coke in his hand with a slightly... thoughtful look on his face at the sight of what appeared to be some kind of fairy creature at the window.

He had never been much of a morning person, but once you got into the routine of something it was somewhat easier to be up and ready in the morning. That being said, it still required the presence of caffeine in order to get a proper start to the day and personally he disliked the taste of the coffee that the school generally provided. He could have followed the example of Shinobu and stopped somewhere on the way to work to pick something up, but that would require getting up earlier then he generally wanted to be. So instead he had a can of coke and despite the fact that he didn't really enjoy the taste of it, it helped get his brain in working order.

And it needed to be in working order, because this week the first years of his class were going to be working on knives. Blood being spilled was a certainty, but the difference between someone accidentally nicking themselves because they weren't used to handling sharp objects and more serious injuries depended on if the students were screwing around.

And right now he seemed to be able to hear and see a freaking fey creature that had flown in through the window. He considered the possiblity of being drugged, but since some of his fellow teachers had also noticed and seemed to be interacting with the strange sight (with the exception of Amber) it seemed like he wasn't the only one seeing or hearing things. "Could be some students pulling a prank." He offered as a devil's advocate of sorts. "Through if it is, I'm sure they'll do well in drama."

The fact that the message this 'fey' was saying seemed to be warning that someone was in danger was what stopped Andrew from dismissing it completely. Even if it was a prank... "What kind of trouble?"



Nature abhorred a vacuum. Orks merely saw it as an opportunity.

With the Kneekapperz's effectively destroyed as a tribe, with its leadership beheaded and its power base shattered and taken by the local humans, a power vacuum had been created in the orkish political landscape. While Forge-Beta had been a weaker position of power and production for greenskin kind due largely to the fact that parts of its self-destruct rituals had been triggered in earnest while an utterly brutal defense beforehand and during said rituals had spent most of its stockpiles and likewise damaged more of it in the process while other forges had by comparison been taken with relatively little issue, it had still been a position of power.

One that was, by Greenskin standards, now up for grabs. The fact that the humans had been the ones to take it and were intent on keeping it was more of a bonus in their violence loving, reptile eyes.

This was to be expected of course. Part of the calculations and plans for retaking Forge-Beta was holding it from those greenskins seeking to claim it for themselves. They had covered their bases in that regard because any campaign in which calculations of the possibilities weren't hammered down to the final 1 or 0 was one that was taking a high degree of unacceptable risk. They had been prepared for anything.

...So in true orkish fashion, they broke reality.


Examining the dead post battle was a sadly necessary tradition of humanity from well before they had originally left their homeworld. Normally it was to allow for recognition of the dead so that a life that was cut short for one reason or another could be officially declared deceased and the proper records kept, messages sent home to survivors, ect. Sometimes through, it was to work out just what exactly had killed them, in the hopes that the knowledge would help save others.

As Rik walked along the site of the now ended battle he felt the rage, horror and disgust that his body was producing at the brutal, unnatural things he was seeing. He isolated them, implants assisting with the process because right then and there they were merely a hindrance in performing the task in front of him... but once it was done he intended to allow himself to experience the sensations in full. Failing to experience them at all would have been inhuman after all.

Some of the dead had been killed in more... conventional manners. Blunt trauma, bullet wounds, blades... typical injuries and causes of death where orks were concerned. Their deaths were unfortunate and those skitarii would be missed, but they weren't the reason for this autopsy in the field.

Even from a distance, he could feel the warmth radiating from the still molten, still glowing corpses of the fallen. Even as he observed them, listening to the occasional pop or burst of some piece of cybernetic that had somehow survived being turned to slag finally surrendered to the heat, his mind was processing the combat footage. Those viewpoints that didn't reveal the information he needed were put aside until he had a collection of several feeds, showing an interesting pair of orks.

The first was designated as a 'Weird Boy'. Such creatures had been encountered by the humans of Pentious before, through they were rare. Their abilities were... poorly understood, with the how and why so far being unknown. Their rarity and habit of not dying in one piece (be it via their own unstable power or the effort needed to kill them) made dissection attempts few and far between.

What he did know was that the vid feeds showed the greenskin shooting some kind of lightning from its glowing eyes that 'chained' between several Skitarii. Despite the fact that the standard implants and kit of the Skitarii included means to ground themselves from electrical discharges, armor being non-conductive and had plenty of systems in place to prevent overheating, within seconds all those struck started to be cooked alive as all the metal in their bodies heated up to the point of melting... and remained in that state over an hour later. The screaming stopped after forty five minutes.

The second persona of interest was clearly a Mek Boy... and thus one was wielding something that was completely new to the war on Pentious as far as records Rik had access to could tell.

From the vid feeds, the Mek Boy had some kind of cage on its side filled with the smaller 'gretchen' subspecies and a strange, closed tube like 'weapon' under its other arm. It would take the time to fish out a clearly unwilling and unhappy Gretchen and shove it into a slot on the side of the tube before pointing it towards a target and pulling a trigger. Vid feeds tended to get... glitchy whenever the trigger was pulled, unable to properly record whatever exactly was happening. The aftermath, however...

Watching a gretchen be morphed with someone like what records revealed to be a technological teleport gone horribly wrong was terrible enough, but it seemed that whatever process the ork was using to teleport its 'ammo' also drove them completely insane as their cowardly nature was completely abandoned as they started to recklessly attack whomever they were now fused with or inside of, intent on digging themselves out.

The grand finale of the 'Weird Boy' loudly declaring that "'e could dos t'at too!' before looking towards a Skitarii and...

Well, the vid feeds didn't reveal exactly what happened. Much like the strange ork gun, all the feeds suffered glitches at the time... with those actively seeing what happened having their data corrupted and those moments lost to history. The aftermath could be seen with the naked eye through...

A popped balloon filled with blood and meat as the cybernetics tailored to be installed inside of a full grown human critically failed to co-exist with the squig that the meat part of the man had somehow been converted into.

The orks had withdrawn after that point. Tactically it had been a probing raid rather then a dedicated attempt at pushing for the Forge. But as Rik gazed upon the carnage and felt goosebumps form on his skin that had nothing to do with temperature, he allowed himself a moment of questioning how mankind was meant to overcome such inhuman madness as this... before he turned his thoughts towards answering that question.

Tell me what you think.

Edit: For the record, the image is AI generated. I couldn't find an existing picture for my purposes.
Thanks! I’ll get a sheet underway. We shall fight evil with truth, justice, this sword I made and hope!

Understood. But does Japan not have woodworking/metal working kind of classes? Sort of an introduction to those things if someone wants to go into a craftsmen trade.
This is going to sound strange, but I’m interested in the idea of the gym or metal work teacher being male and there being… well, a misunderstanding from Lux that resulted in them getting caught up in things.

I just find the idea of someone in the group who has been awakened to the magical side of things but isn’t magical themselves… but is still willing to pick up something heavy and slam it into the face of a wrath because A) the kids need protecting/ saving and B) being able to punch a mental health problem in the face is surprising healthy.
To my understanding, the creature is coming from less of a 'horizon' direction and more being punted up through the roof.


Deep in the core databanks of the ship that had been converted into the heart of Forge-Alpha lay instructions and rites that had largely gone unused by the residents of Pentious. The original goal of their expedition had been to brave the uncertainties of the galaxy in order to locate long abandoned colonies and planets of humanity, with a priority being set to locate lost forgeworlds; As such, the fleet had been granted the knowledge of how to undertake the task of restoration of a forgeworld, ranging from the best case scenario of maintenance and repairs for simple neglect and disuse to catastrophic levels of damage caused by a variety of sources.

The level of damage that Forge-Beta had undergone due to its history of warfare and its occupation by the orks was utterly unacceptable; In fairness, the fact that any damage at all had befallen the Forge during its existence was unacceptable; The damage done during the reclamation led by Rik was regrettable, but forgivable. Even more so due to the damage being limited to the more optimistic of calculations that had been brought forth.

On the physical side of things there was plenty of work that was going to need to be done. The orkish 'tech' needed to be torn out or destroyed and the spores of the greenskins purged from the facility, least further orks start spawning inside the walls. The walls themselves were largely intact and after several scans and surveys were deemed to be acceptable for the short term; While many weapons would need to be replaced and temporary sensor systems set up, the physically barrier itself could be left for the time being until the planet was more stable and thus tearing out part of the defensive walls to replace them with proper human construction rather then some ramshackle ork crap didn't risk Beta being overrun again.

The spirits of the Forge however... that was a lot more complicated.

Some of the machine spirits of the Forge had, despite all the years under Greenskin slavery, responded to the call to arms of their former human masters and caretakers. These were among some of the first to undergo inspection and treatment. Those tech priests who were blessed with the task were more than honored to do so as these resilient machine spirits deserved their long overdue maintained rites. Some were more... complicated then others.

The occupation had taken their toll on them and while they had still been willing to aid the returns of humanity, some where more corrupted and damaged then others. Three of them were feared to be so far gone as to be beyond help, but when these concerns were raised Myrmdon Uixien took time away from his other duties to personally try and bring these heroic spirits back from the brink.

The recordings of Myrmdon Uixien's efforts would be shared and actively be used as an advanced course for those inducted into the higher callings of the machine cult in regard to advanced maintenance protocols and repair for for a badly damaged machine spirit. An eye opening experience at just what a tech priest could truly do if they put their minds to it and what kind of damage could be undone if you were creative and dedicated enough... along side what couldn't be.

Of the three machine spirits, two made recoveries that would have been considered miraculous if it wasn't for the evidence of the work that went into saving them. There was no miracle for the third one.

It had been the machine spirit of one of the secondary power grids that the orks had enslaved and abused to a somewhat noticeable degree more than most, slaved to provide power to the abominations devised by the mek boys. When the call came, it answered by overloading itself in order to destroy said devices, killing and maiming a surprising number of greenskins in the process. It had been abused and poorly maintained for a long time and in the end that final act of rebellion against its slavers was its final moment of clarity from the insanity of program corruption that had been eating away at it for years.

No one would ever be able to claim that Myrmdon Uixien hadn't done everything he could to try and perform a third 'miracle', but despite what analysts reviewing the process that Rik used would label as a 'superhuman effort', in the end all Uixien could do was bow his end in restrained sorrow and perform one of the rites of deletion to euthanize the machine spirit and end its pain.

As he turned to return to his duties, Myrmdon Uixien turned to those observing (and recording) and made a brief statement that was observed by those watching those recordings for educational purposes down the line. "In a triage situation, I would have terminated that poor machine spirit without hesitation so that I could focus on those that might still be saved. This was not a triage situation... and for surviving all this time, battered and tortured by the orks as it was while managing to retain enough of itself to raise up when the call of liberation finally came without being deafened or broken beforehand... To give it anything short of my best would have been disrespectful to it."
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