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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Forge Delta

Brak was bored and annoyed.

Normally he would have wandered off to get drunk, picked a fight with someone who looked like they owed him some teeth (IE, anyone who he could beat up), gotten something to eat... or all of the above because if he could rip off a limb, it was his to do with what he wanted!

But Nob Gutkrakka had made it clear that Brak was to stay on the wall dakka cannon until the Nob said otherwise by breaking one of his legs and threatened to take him to the Doc if he tried to leave it again before then. The job wasn't all that bad... he got to boss around bunch of gretchen and whenever something interesting appeared in view he got to fire the dakka cannon at it in order to make it not exist anymore which was always fun... but Gutkrakka didn't like dakka being wasted just to fire the guns and the Nob was a freaking hardass.

Brak sighed in boredom again, already planning to smack the next gretchen that got nearby... before the sight of dust clouds started to draw his attention. Turning towards the gretchen, he barked "Oi! One of yas gits fetch me the 'sees-stuff-from-far-away' thingy!" even as he raised his good hand to offer his eyes some shade from the light to try and get a better look without it.

At first glance, it seemed like two of the speedfreaks racing against each other again. When one of the gretchen finally provided the demanded 'sees-stuff-from-far-away' thingy! (and promotly got a backhand to the face for not being faster), Brak raised it up to his eye in order to have a closer look. On closer inspection it looked like Mekgash and Mekrull were racing each other again, but the fact that they weren't shooting at each other suggested they were racing towards...

Sweeping his now enhanced view ahead of where Mekgash and Mekrull were racing towards, he spotted what they seemed to be gunning for. It was a humie. A big one too, just walking towards the base like it didn't notice the two speedfreaks coming towards 'em. The talky box started crackling to live for a moment before one of the grots brought it within arms reach of Brak... and this one proved smart enough to stop outside of his direct reach and hand the thing over to avoid getting smacked. Brak made a mental note of which gretchen it was for later.

"Oi Brak, yas seeing this?" came the voice of Skag from the other side. "What Mekgash and Mekrull driving at?"

"Sum wannabe humie nob." Brak answered back, briefly swapping his visual target from said humie 'nob' and the speedfreaks. "Two teef that Mekrull gets there first."

"Your o-" before Skag could finish, a flash of light bright enough that Brak couldn't look directly at it fly out from the humie... and slammed directly into Mekgash's ride. Closing his slightly blinded eye and swapping to the other one to see what happened, it was clear from the fast moving, burning wreckage of Mekgash's bike as it rolled across the ground that he was now out of the running. Quickly sweeping forward, Brak couldn't see the humie anymore while Mekrull's trukk was turning around to come back home.

There was a lot of swearing happening on the other side of the talky box. Brak himself couldn't help but grin and laugh. "Ya owe me two teef!"

"Squiqshit I do! I didn't agree to nothin!" Skag answered back like the sore loser gretchen lover he was.

"Skag, ya lost! Either cough up my teef or I'm taking 'em by-"

"Boss... somethings wrong with the trukk." A sniveling voice interrupted. Brak was stunned by the fact that one of his gretchen was actually stupid enough to interupt a very important conversation like that for a moment, before lowering his vision enhancing tube to look at the moron in question. Some gretchen that he didn't know the name of because what kind of moron wastes time naming gretchen had gotten up on their toes in order to look over the side, straight at Mekrull's trukk.

"One moment Skag." was all Brak said before putting down the talky box... so that he could free up a hand to grab one of the nearby gretchen who was stupid/unlucky enough to be in arms reach before throwing it directly into the back of the head of the stupid bugger that had interrupted him making threats. Listening with some satisfaction at the sound of a pair of high pitched, squealing screams as the wretches plunged over the side and justice had been served, picked up the talky box again... even as he decided to humor the deceased and looked at Mekrull's trukk.

For his part, Brak couldn't see what the stupid grot had been talking about. The trukk seemed to be in good shape, with Mekrull sitting in the drivers seat up front... with the humie nob right behind him, having taken off both of Mekrull's arms and punching a fist through his back in order to hold and drive the steering wheel. From the look on Mekrull's face, he was very much still alive and angry as the humie drove his trukk.

"...Mekrull just got his trukk looted by the humie nob." was said into the talky box in what had to be the most subdued tone of voice any ork had ever used. Even as he said the words, Brak felt like some fundamental law of the universe had been broken: Orks looted humie trukks and tanks, not the other way around!

"WHA?!" was the ever helpful reply from Skag.

"THE HUMIE NOB IS DRIVING MEKRULL'S TRUKK. BLAST IT!" Skag recovered, finding the idea of shooting at something a fine means of getting rid of this awful feeling he had been feeling moments before. Plus this was literally the whole reason that Gutkrakka had stuck him on the dakka canon anyway: The humie was clearly not one of the boyz and thus, needed to be filled with dakka.

He was also not the only gun to start shooting. Various guns and cannons started to rain death and destruction down upon the land around their settlement, creating craters and churning the soil in a major way. In theory, most of them were aiming at the oncoming, stolen trukk. Some because they knew that it wasn't under their control anymore. Others because other boyz were shooting at it. More then a few were firing upon it solely because it was the only thing in sight to be a target. And of course, some were just shooting their gun because it was fun, not really caring if they were aiming at anything.

Orks weren't renowned for being marksmen; Their primary method of hitting a target with ranged weaponry was quantity over quality as they would pump out so many bullets that statistically, the target was going to get hit by something no matter what it did. In fairness to this doctrine, shots were pinging off the trukk. But as the trukk picked up speed and performed turns that would give any speedfreak who saw them inspiration, it always managed to avoid taking the worst of the incoming barrage. Or when a bit of dakka did hit, it was merely a glancing blow rather then something that would destroy or cripple the trukk.

A trukk that Brak could no longer shoot at anymore! Damn thing had gotten so close to the base that he couldn't lower the dakka cannon down enough because there was a freaking wall in the way. He felt the floor shudder a little before the sound of crunching impact and explosion reached his ears, smoke slowly rising in front of his position, through thinning out enough that he could still see out at the great big field of nothing around the base.

Leaning back in his seat and retrieving the talky box, he grunted "It's sum one elses job to see if the human nob is dead. Now where wa- SKAG, YOU OWE ME TEEF YA LITTLE GROT SNIFFER!"

No longer really paying attention as his attention turned to more personal and therefore more important affairs, Brak wouldn't really notice the rhythmic sound of metal being punched through that started to grow louder over the coming minutes. Neither would his gretchen, in part because Brak was generally fairly loud but also because in the grand scheme of things, the noise was easily swallowed up by typical orkish engineering or industry... or orks just being orks really.

So when Rik flung himself into what appeared to be a combination of machine gun nest and anti-air flak position, Brak and his crew of gretchen were taken completely by surprise. The pair of Myrmidon axes he had been using to help him scale the wall of the greenskin infested Forge Delta via hammering them into it proved more then up to the task of slaughter. The only warning that he was now within the Forge's outer defenses? The fact that anyone trying to reach Brak on the orkish vox system would just receive static and dead air.
...I've been delayed heavily. Was pulled into helping to renovate a house. When I have a moment to sit down and catch up on stuff, I will...

And then hopefully join.
The Mercia Front

Despite the vast distances between the various Hives that the 8th legion were infiltrating, the lack of communication between the various branches of the legion and the differences and unique challenges that each provided, the actual operation largely played out the same across them all. From the moment that the first of the branches made their move to the final Hive being completely under Imperial control, the whole operation spanned a grand total of four months.

Within that four month span, a number of hive cities ranging from the minor Hive Bullhead to Hives Oklahoma and Houston were flipped to Imperial control with very little in the way of resources or fight. For the amount of land that had changed hands at what would be an utterly mind bending speed compared to the grind of wars during the Unification, there was relatively little bloodshed. In every Hive, Pacific forces were always given the options of abandoning the Hive or surrendering and being treated as respected prisoners of war, with violence being saved for those that refused to do either.

There was some degree of disquiet on this campaign about the measures employed by the 8th in order to maintain control of the hives once they had taken control. Declaring martial law, the 8th would round up many of the leading figures, those of higher rank in various organizations and noble families and hold tribunals, trying each and every one of them for being traitors to the former Merica state (a former trusted ally of the Imperium) and Pacific collaborators. These trails were swift, uncaring and almost always ended with a verdict of guilty and execution.

Critics of the 8th made a point of disagreeing strongly with one of the Emperor's armed forces declaring themselves judge, jury and executioners of what were highborn and noble lineages and that these purges were a combination of revenge killings from before they joined the Emperor's armies and the legion installing officials loyal to them personally by putting them in now vacant positions of power. The 8th itself defended its actions, claiming that since it would take time for the Imperium to reinforce their new position and holdings, harsh measures were required in order to ensure stability and prevent sabotage from within, least betrayal lead to the hives falling back into Pacific hands.

What is certain through was that the Mercia Front swung in the Imperium's favor practically overnight, with the Pacific held fortress hives of Florida suddenly being at major risk of being completely surrounded and cut off as the Imperium now had a second front line that threatened to bypass them and punch directly into the heart of Mercia and attack both west and eastern borders at once.


Hive Houston

If you knew the right places, it was possible to do an utterly mind blowing amount of damage to a Hive or its population for very little effort. Prevent water from being recycled or flowing around for a grand total of two hours and countless people would die in a matter of days, from thirst and fighting to the death over what few drops of liquid could be found. It was largely the same with any resource required for the Hive to function. Fuel, food, power, coolant... any disruption to the supply line could have untold, catastrophic consequences to both people and infrastructure. That didn't even factor in the cascade effects: A disruption to one vital resource tended to cause issues for other vital resources.

If you knew the right people, it was possible to aim the disaster. Select which part of the hive was suddenly going to go without power, light or heat for an extended period of time and watch the chaos unfold.

Of course, there were a number of safeguards in place to both ensure that no one ever did such a thing (either intentionally or not) to begin with and plans and people in place to sweep in and try to fix it as quickly as possible if it did. As one of the more goat like member of the auxiliary forces smashed in the skull of the last over the overseers with a club, the first line of defense crumbled.

To say that the water station was 'quiet' would have been something of a lie. Between the humming of power, the flowing of liquid and the general noises such industrial machines that provided such a vital function and would never be willing shut down unless things were truly dire, silence was not something one would ever find here. However the sounds of conflict and hostilities had now come to an end.

Jzzist Al-Allal took a moment to admire what he was seeing. This wasn't the only treatment and recycling station that the Water Guild controlled in the Hive for logical reasons, but this far up in the hive structure the quality of the room, its machines and the conditions that its workers needed to toil in were considerably better then those found lower down. It made sense in a way... after all, this station provided for the elite at the top of the hive. If the nobles didn't get the best water and air, there would be hell to pay somewhere down the line... and that had the additional benefit of giving those providing that to them access to it as well.

The air here... it was fresher and cleaner then any he had ever breathed in before outside of the lab in which he had been transformed. Artificial still of course, but...

He shook his head as he allowed the moment to pass. They had things to do.

Squads of auxiliaries and marines were setting themselves up, digging in so that they would keep their new prize. He had a different task through. "Boyle, long time no see! How would you like a once in a lifetime opportunity?"

Boyle Vea was a 5' 0" tall, white skinned man with enigmatic, light brown eyes, a lean face, a square jaw and plucked eyebrows. Bald, with tattoos fully covering his lower back, chest, upper body and left arm and an impressively long, perfectly shaped beard that was a shade blonder than his hair... and right now the middle manager of the Water Guild looked at Jzzist with a mixture of fear, awe and curiosity. He was also the highest ranked member of the Water Guild the 8th currently had access too and the person Jzzist knew
could unless targeted harm if giving motivation to do so.

"Jzzist is that... holy shit! What is going... what have you..." Boyle began, clearly never expecting to see someone he had once known become..., well, whatever he was now or experience this situation. With a clearing of the throat from a marine flanking Jzzist to try and get Boyle refocused, the conversation continued "I-I... Sorry, what's this about an opportunity?"

A massive, armored hand that could crush muscle and bone with ease planted itself with surprising softness on Boyle's shoulder as Jzzist explained "Long story short, we're working for the Imperium now and we're going to take over Houston. You and your crew have a very rare opportunity to not only help us do that, but be heavily rewarded for doing so." With a free hand, he gestured towards both the carnage of the enforcers and overseers that had resisted and the ease in which they had been dispatched... as well as the fortifications that were being made by those who did the slaughter. "I can assure you, the pacific forces aren't going to stop us, but you could help speed the process up considerably."

A marine listening into a vox caster looked up and called over "Al-Allal, squads three and four have secured the power station and preparing for counterattack, squads five and two have fortified the air purifier. Remaining squads are still securing their locations, but they've managed to secure local assistance for the mission."

Jzzist nodded to the vox man before looking back to Boyle. Boyle gulped a little as sweat started to form on his brow as he asked "I'm not an idiot. You want us to turn water off to certain sections of the hive, right?" There was a nod that the man was correct. "We could do that... but what kind of reward are we talking about?"

Jzzist grinned. This was why he liked Boyle. The man wasn't going to pass an opportunity to benefit himself pass him by. "I'll be blunt with you Boyle. After we take over, we're going to kill most of the people living in the upper hive. Nobles, guild representatives... pretty much anyone with power or influence that might cause us trouble before we get reinforcements. Oh, the reports will say we gave them trials and all that, but they're all going to die for collaborating with the Pacifics, regardless of if they did or not." The ease in which Jzzist spoke of purging the highest rungs of Houston society, be they guilty or not was horrifying to behold... but Boyle didn't get to where he was by caring about the pain and suffering of others.

"As for the Water Guild... well, I'm thinking we might start out investigations into traitors and collaborators with... well, whatever your direct boss's rank is and working our way up from there. Of course, after the purge... well, new leadership is going to be needed for the Water Guild and since you're one of the highest ranks left and proved their loyalty to the Imperium, I feel confident that your appointment to head of the Water Guild would be accepted." It was more of an afterthought when Jzzist added "And of course veterans of the Water Guild will also be risen up to fill the vacuum left by the now dead traitors or positions emptied by those moving up. But you would be in charge of it all."

There was a moment of relative silence as Boyle needed a moment to process the extent of what he was being offered. Once he did, an ambitious, greedy smile started to grow on his face. "You son of a bitch, I'm in!"

You would be correct. Decided to try and make things a little consistant with the players already in the field that way.

And yes, there is a degree of cosmic horror to the Mure Clan.

Mure Numachi


Tokubetsu Jonin

Numachi is a young man who has always had to contend with high expectations. Even more so, he strove to meet those expectations with everything he had because he wanted to be the person who could do so, even if he did lack the natural talent or gifts that others seemed to be born with to make it all happen so easily. A quiet and serious person who never really had time to socialize or have fun growing up, Numachi is completely comfortable in a professional situation while awkward and bashful in more relaxed social environments.

Numachi is a religious follower of his clan's faith... through he is quite secretive about the details of his religion. He is just as secretive about what actually happens on Mure lands. He is somewhat new to teaching others, but if need be he will strive to take the time to actually help someone who clearly needs and wants the assistance.

When Numachi was born, his birth coincided with a number of omens of great fortune... at least according to Clan Mure's personal beliefs and faith. While this was unconnected to any prophecy or greater destiny, Numachi grew up with a great deal of expectation to live up to.

Numachi was not born talented or a genius like Hikari Hyuga or Satoshi Shimura. In fact in a number of important areas about being a shinobi, he was kind of dull or much slower to pick up on then other children his age in general, his clan or otherwise. However, his desire to live up to the hopes and expectations of his parents was a motivating force for him to try and remove distractions and focus as hard as possible in order to be worthy of the favored omens of Suwanpugōto. He was a somewhat lonely child as his focus on trying to improve himself always came first, leaving him very little time for friends or fun but he found he didn't mind the quiet and solitude that much.

Despite his efforts, Numachi wasn't the top of his class. Even once Hikari graduated early, Numachi was simply too much of an all rounder to really rise up to the top in any singular field. In the fullness of time he graduated and became a genin. However, unlike other Genin he didn't instantly start taking missions or jobs. Instead, he briefly withdrew into the Mure's holdings in order to undergo 'clan training'.

Exactly what this 'clan training' actually involved in a secret kept zealously by all members of clan Mure, but what can be revealed is that when Numachi walked out of the dark, swampy forest that they privately own he had been bestowed with a pair of strange horns that all shinobi of clan Mure possessed. He also seemed to have picked up a great deal of knowledge about Genjutsu that he didn't have before, favoring a more subtle usage of the art then most genjutsu 'masters' opted for.

While somewhat more aloof about things then he had been before, Numachi still took his responsibilities and desire to be better quite seriously. The relationship he had with his genin team was purely professional; While it was clear that they developed something of an understanding of each other and their abilities on missions or in combat situations, outside of work there was simply no social connection between Numachi and them. Once they had filed a mission report or finished up a training session, they just went their separate ways and did their own thing.

In time he was promoted in chuunin and once again disappeared into the realm of the Mure for 'clan training'. While he was gone for several days when he became a genin, he wasn't seen or heard from for over two months after his promotion. His return was without fanfare or explanation of his time 'missing', but he returned in much better physical shape then he had left... and a new trick. At some point, he had signed the mysterious summoning contract of the Mure clan.

Somewhat more recently, Numachi earned a promotion to Tokubetsu Jonin at the age of eighteen. He has only recently started the job and it is unclear how suited he is to it at this stage. Time will tell.

Earth and Water


Ninja Basics: Numachi has managed to build up and refine the basic requirements of being a shinobi to serve as a Tokubetsu Jonin.

Genjutsu Expert: Despite his own insistence and the insistence of other 'masters' that Numachi is not a genjutsu master, there is an argument to be made that he is one of the best genjutsu users in Konoha. Where other genjutsu users seem to prize the strength to trap enemies in big, often flashy illusions that they cannot break out of, Numachi favors subtly and tricking the mind into supporting the illusion. A personal favorite is to make his opponent think they are winning the fight; Make them believe attacks they launched connected when they didn't or blows they suffered they were able to dodge. Trick the mind into believing the fight is very much going in their favor... until it isn't.

Taijutsu Expert: The ultimate fundamental of all warriors, shinobi or otherwise. Numachi seems to know several different fighting styles that he is practiced and knowledgeable enough to make use of and flow between them as required. He doesn't seem to be a master of any individual style however.

Summoner: Numachi is a summoner of the Mure family contract. The popular theory is that the Mure family have a contract with goat summons, however the summons themselves are... strange. While they tend to be goat like in whatever form they take, they seem to be some sort of fusion of plant and animal, through no one outside of the Mure clan seem to have any idea what kind of plants are involved.


Standard Shinobi Kit
The standard kit shinobi carry for fieldwork. Contains pouches with kunai and shuriken, basic first aid and some rations.

What little is known about Clan Mure.

Clan Mure is secretive by its nature and actual facts are hard to come by. Rumors surround the clan and its practices, but politically they have long been champions for the rights of individuals and privacy. While this has largely been on a clan level, they have fought for non-clan shinobi and even common people on occasion.

The clan joined Konoha shortly after the 1st Great War came to a close and have been apart of the village ever since. Occasionally one of their members will pop up in the villages history as a person of note, but normally as a 'side character' or 'supporting actor' to a more historically recognized figure.

Mure shinobi are instantly recognizable because they all have horns. Whenever a member of the clan becomes a recognized shinobi, they disappear into the swampy forest lands of their clan for an unknown period of time for 'training'. When they return, they will have a pair of horns growing out of their head. As they grow older, the horns will naturally start to grow more goat like. Exactly how and why this happens, the clan keeps secret... through it has to be said, some degree of training seems to be happening because when they reappear, the shinobi in question has developed in some manner in a noticeable amount.

As they grow older and receive higher ranks, Mure shinobi will return to their clan lands for additional training. There is a persist rumor about the clan that sometimes a shinobi will disappear into their clan lands for training and never return. The clan neither confirms or deny the rumor.

Clan Mure has a personal religion that it adheres to, but which they are also highly secretive about. By and large, Konoha at large only knows one solid detail about the Mure Clan's faith: It involves an entity called Suwanpugōto. Everything else about it is rumor and guesswork, since Clan Mure don't speak about it with outsiders. The Hokage and a select number of important figures of Konoha's government have been enlightened as to the nature of their religion and its practices. Not all of them, but enough to make it clear that Mure is loyal to Konoha and that its faith isn't a security threat to it or its citizens.

The Truth about Suwanpugōto


Mure Numachi


Tokubetsu Jonin

Numachi is a young man who has always had to contend with high expectations. Even more so, he strove to meet those expectations with everything he had because he wanted to be the person who could do so, even if he did lack the natural talent or gifts that others seemed to be born with to make it all happen so easily. A quiet and serious person who never really had time to socialize or have fun growing up, Numachi is completely comfortable in a professional situation while awkward and bashful in more relaxed social environments.

Numachi is a religious follower of his clan's faith... through he is quite secretive about the details of his religion. He is just as secretive about what actually happens on Mure lands. He is somewhat new to teaching others, but if need be he will strive to take the time to actually help someone who clearly needs and wants the assistance.

When Numachi was born, his birth coincided with a number of omens of great fortune... at least according to Clan Mure's personal beliefs and faith. While this was unconnected to any prophecy or greater destiny, Numachi grew up with a great deal of expectation to live up to.

Numachi was not born talented or a genius like Hikari Hyuga or Satoshi Shimura. In fact in a number of important areas about being a shinobi, he was kind of dull or much slower to pick up on then other children his age in general, his clan or otherwise. However, his desire to live up to the hopes and expectations of his parents was a motivating force for him to try and remove distractions and focus as hard as possible in order to be worthy of the favored omens of Suwanpugōto. He was a somewhat lonely child as his focus on trying to improve himself always came first, leaving him very little time for friends or fun but he found he didn't mind the quiet and solitude that much.

Despite his efforts, Numachi wasn't the top of his class. Even once Hikari graduated early, Numachi was simply too much of an all rounder to really rise up to the top in any singular field. In the fullness of time he graduated and became a genin. However, unlike other Genin he didn't instantly start taking missions or jobs. Instead, he briefly withdrew into the Mure's holdings in order to undergo 'clan training'.

Exactly what this 'clan training' actually involved in a secret kept zealously by all members of clan Mure, but what can be revealed is that when Numachi walked out of the dark, swampy forest that they privately own he had been bestowed with a pair of strange horns that all shinobi of clan Mure possessed. He also seemed to have picked up a great deal of knowledge about Genjutsu that he didn't have before, favoring a more subtle usage of the art then most genjutsu 'masters' opted for.

While somewhat more aloof about things then he had been before, Numachi still took his responsibilities and desire to be better quite seriously. The relationship he had with his genin team was purely professional; While it was clear that they developed something of an understanding of each other and their abilities on missions or in combat situations, outside of work there was simply no social connection between Numachi and them. Once they had filed a mission report or finished up a training session, they just went their separate ways and did their own thing.

In time he was promoted in chuunin and once again disappeared into the realm of the Mure for 'clan training'. While he was gone for several days when he became a genin, he wasn't seen or heard from for over two months after his promotion. His return was without fanfare or explanation of his time 'missing', but he returned in much better physical shape then he had left... and a new trick. At some point, he had signed the mysterious summoning contract of the Mure clan.

Somewhat more recently, Numachi earned a promotion to Tokubetsu Jonin at the age of eighteen. He has only recently started the job and it is unclear how suited he is to it at this stage. Time will tell.

Earth and Water


Ninja Basics: Numachi has managed to build up and refine the basic requirements of being a shinobi to serve as a Tokubetsu Jonin.

Genjutsu Expert: Despite his own insistence and the insistence of other 'masters' that Numachi is not a genjutsu master, there is an argument to be made that he is one of the best genjutsu users in Konoha. Where other genjutsu users seem to prize the strength to trap enemies in big, often flashy illusions that they cannot break out of, Numachi favors subtly and tricking the mind into supporting the illusion. A personal favorite is to make his opponent think they are winning the fight; Make them believe attacks they launched connected when they didn't or blows they suffered they were able to dodge. Trick the mind into believing the fight is very much going in their favor... until it isn't.

Taijutsu Expert: The ultimate fundamental of all warriors, shinobi or otherwise. Numachi seems to know several different fighting styles that he is practiced and knowledgeable enough to make use of and flow between them as required. He doesn't seem to be a master of any individual style however.

Summoner: Numachi is a summoner of the Mure family contract. The popular theory is that the Mure family have a contract with goat summons, however the summons themselves are... strange. While they tend to be goat like in whatever form they take, they seem to be some sort of fusion of plant and animal, through no one outside of the Mure clan seem to have any idea what kind of plants are involved.


Standard Shinobi Kit
The standard kit shinobi carry for fieldwork. Contains pouches with kunai and shuriken, basic first aid and some rations.

What little is known about Clan Mure.

Clan Mure is secretive by its nature and actual facts are hard to come by. Rumors surround the clan and its practices, but politically they have long been champions for the rights of individuals and privacy. While this has largely been on a clan level, they have fought for non-clan shinobi and even common people on occasion.

The clan joined Konoha shortly after the 1st Great War came to a close and have been apart of the village ever since. Occasionally one of their members will pop up in the villages history as a person of note, but normally as a 'side character' or 'supporting actor' to a more historically recognized figure.

Mure shinobi are instantly recognizable because they all have horns. Whenever a member of the clan becomes a recognized shinobi, they disappear into the swampy forest lands of their clan for an unknown period of time for 'training'. When they return, they will have a pair of horns growing out of their head. As they grow older, the horns will naturally start to grow more goat like. Exactly how and why this happens, the clan keeps secret... through it has to be said, some degree of training seems to be happening because when they reappear, the shinobi in question has developed in some manner in a noticeable amount.

As they grow older and receive higher ranks, Mure shinobi will return to their clan lands for additional training. There is a persist rumor about the clan that sometimes a shinobi will disappear into their clan lands for training and never return. The clan neither confirms or deny the rumor.

Clan Mure has a personal religion that it adheres to, but which they are also highly secretive about. By and large, Konoha at large only knows one solid detail about the Mure Clan's faith: It involves an entity called Suwanpugōto. Everything else about it is rumor and guesswork, since Clan Mure don't speak about it with outsiders. The Hokage and a select number of important figures of Konoha's government have been enlightened as to the nature of their religion and its practices. Not all of them, but enough to make it clear that Mure is loyal to Konoha and that its faith isn't a security threat to it or its citizens.

The Truth about Suwanpugōto

Actually, just have something of a change of mind and inspiration. Will create something shortly.
I think I might avoid joining this for now. Just got a lot going on.
Will work on Ro when I've got time.

1. The Kikai clan started out as a nameless bottom feeder clan prior to the Village era until a medic ninja named Baraba started doing some experimentation to deal with the crippling injuries and lost limbs that were hindering the clan. Through trial, error, experimentation and almost certainly some crimes that the clan keeps very quiet, Baraba developed the secret of living metal and fusing machinery and flesh together.

2. This discovery altered the clan heavily from scavengers that were barely surviving to a major clan in the region. Mechanically speaking, the Kikai who opted to undergo the process of being augmented were trading raw chakra and finer chakra control (ie, the ability to use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu) for vastly improved Taijutsu and near immunity to Genjutsu (because of reasons listed in the above clan history). To make up the difference for the loss of ninjutsu, weapons and tricks were installed into their bodies in a manner similar to puppeteers.

3. Rather then compete with the Senju and the Aburame, both of whom the Kikai were weak against, they instead joined them in an alliance against the Uchiha, with the Kikai and Aburame filling in the Senju ranks where their strongest members couldn't be during larger conflicts.

4. When Konoha was formed, the Kikai were invited and they joined.

5. During the third war when Konoha was being pushed back on several fronts, a sub-sect of the Kikai developed chakra powered war engines of highly destructive power to help turn the tide without sharing with the rest of the clan how they did it. When they were investigated, it was revealed that this sub-sect had developed a method of randomly summoning summon creatures without the need for a contract, which they would then forcefully and painfully bind to their war engines to serve as fuel. Horrified by these actions and with fear that Konoha would come down on the whole clan hard if they didn't act (since Konoha had a number of summoners, including the Hokage themself) they tried to end the practice and bring those accountable to justice.

The sub-sect violently disagreed with the rest of the clan, activating and turning their remaining war engines on them in the process. Many Kikai died and the destruction and bloodshed spilled out into Konoha proper. The traitorous sub-sect fled the village in the chaos, with the Kikai loyal to Konoha instead focused on trying to stop the carnage rather then pursuit. Their heroics and the amount of Kikai that died in the incident somewhat shielded them from the legal consequences of the whole mess, but even years later the incident lingers in the minds of many.

6. The traitorous sub-sect still exists as a rogue ninja faction, creating and refining their weapons of war and selling them to the highest bidder.
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