Avatar of Briza


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8 mos ago
Current It adds a welcoming touch to the bedroom (for you and your roommate) whenever you enter or leave from/to the common area.
8 mos ago
What I like to do is start off w/ flattening one of the brown paper bags & make a doormat for the psyche ward bedroom. I color & tape it to the ground by the room exit/entrance.
9 mos ago
Items Needed: Crayons, Blank Paper, Brown Paper Bag, and Tape (Special Note: Ask the Charge Nurse politely for x-number of pre-torn tape pieces)
1 like
9 mos ago
Check Out Briza's New Pinterest Board! Decorating Your Psyche Ward Room 101
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gin a body catch a body
comin thro' the rye,
gin a body catch a body,
need a body cry?


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>Eldress Photini rubs her fingers against her prayer rope, quietly whispering to herself, "Bože smiluj se"
>Eldress Photini lifts her wooden cane and moves to A7
@MorningStar1399, Finnegan would probably be friends with Alexander. The remark at the end was more so snide in humor to express his discernment in being only interested in being attracted to women, while also exemplifying the pridefulness in his intellect. In all honesty, he would probably toy with Alexander.

@shylarah, yay!

I'd be happy to figure out what Alys and Finnegan think of each other in the meantime. I suspect they know of each other/have met but little more than that, given that they have very little common ground.

Finnegan is probably curious about Alyssana's novelty of having nothing noteworthy or special about her, aside from being brilliantly intelligent and therefore able to teach at the Institute despite being female. He probably has tried to friend her (having crashed several classes at the Institute while he attended) on more than one occasion and still is quaintly open to the scenario, if some sort of acquaintanceship has not already been built -- for his gentlemanly sake. Moreso, he probably does chemical equations in his head to brainstorm ways to make her appearance smell seem more attractive. I could see him enjoying a brunch with her and having a decent discussion over academia and learning, while offering her a sample of perfume from time-to-time. He could also be acquainted or well-acquainted with Christopher.
I like order, too. It is a five (5) lettered word.

@Mae, ( T - T )o I meant Cleansing Fire, not Firebrand for Judgement. Oopsiedaisiez.

>Cleansing Fire
Salve et grata.
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