Avatar of Briza


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6 mos ago
Current It adds a welcoming touch to the bedroom (for you and your roommate) whenever you enter or leave from/to the common area.
6 mos ago
What I like to do is start off w/ flattening one of the brown paper bags & make a doormat for the psyche ward bedroom. I color & tape it to the ground by the room exit/entrance.
7 mos ago
Items Needed: Crayons, Blank Paper, Brown Paper Bag, and Tape (Special Note: Ask the Charge Nurse politely for x-number of pre-torn tape pieces)
1 like
7 mos ago
Check Out Briza's New Pinterest Board! Decorating Your Psyche Ward Room 101
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gin a body catch a body
comin thro' the rye,
gin a body catch a body,
need a body cry?


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I like Latin. Latin is spelled with five (5) letters.
I learned how to conjugate Dead Latin verbs to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song:


1st Conjugation (A-Stem Verb); Amare (to love) - Try singing a 1st Conjugation Present Tense:


2nd Conjugation (E-Stem Verb); Habere (to have) - Now, try singing a 2nd Conjugation Present Tense:

Habeo-Habeos-Habet-Habemus-Habatis-Habebant... et cetera.

It works down the tenses, as well:

1st Conjugation (A-Stem Verb); Amare, (to love) Perfect Tense


But after a while it needs more tune hacking:

1st Conjugation (A-Stem Verb); Amare, (To love) Pluperfect Tense


& now for a Quick Paradigm Pattern Reference Guide for memorizing the tenses by seeing how they grow on each other:

Present Tense: -o, -as, -at, -amus, -atis, -ant
Imperfect Tense: -abam, -abas, -abat, -abamus, -abatis, -abant
Perfect Tense: -i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt
Pluperfect Tense: -eram, -eras, -erat, eramus, -eratis, -erant

P: -o
I: -abam
Per -i
Pl: -eram

Subjunctive Present Tense: -em, -es, et, -emus, -etis, -ent
Subjective Imperfect Tense: -arem, -ares, aret, -aremus, -aretis, -arent
Subjunctive Perfect Tense: -erim, -eris, -erit, -erimus, -eritis, -erint
Subjunctive Pluperfect Tense: -issem, -isses, -isset, -issemus, -issetis, -issent

Sp: -em
Si: -arem
Sper: -erim
Spl: -issem

Subjunctive Present Tense: aside from the First Person, Present Case with the e replacing the a.
Subjective Imperfect Tense: identical to the Subjunctive Present except -ar is put in front of each ending.
Subjunctive Perfect Tense: aside from the First & Second Person, Perfect Tense with the -er replacing the i.
Subjunctive Pluperfect Tense: Ssuper Pluperfectiss-y.

(Subjunctive) Perfect & (Subjunctive) Pluperfect like the letter v and u.

(Subjunctive) Pluperfect conjugate the same across all of the four (4) conjugations.

Examples Shown: 1st Conjugation for the Eight (8) Verb Tenses,
in which 2nd Conjugation Verb Habere makes a Guest Star Appearance.

Fin. 🐭 ❤️

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