Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current I agree, let's have a human breakdown! Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorus, salt, saltpeter, sulfur, fluorine, iron, silicon, and trace amounts of fifteen other elements.
27 days ago
If 4 RPs die on you that just means you can join 4 more.
5 mos ago
I think to sell someone on an interest check, it's really important to seem enthusiastic about your own idea. That means writing more than a single sentence to attract potential players.
2 yrs ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

Annoyed Chinami? Check.

Blissfully ignorant Tesni? Double check.

Charlotte here to intrude on what was suppose to just be the students? Triple check. Though to be fair, that was somewhat expected.

It wasn't often Silvia hoped more people arrived at an event, but she wouldn't have minded talking to Celina or Nessie again. But no matter how long she stared down the dark hallway, it didn't seem like anyone else was coming. Had Bonnie not summoned them? Were they running late? It didn't matter. She didn't care.

She looked over the group. She'd have to talk to Bonnie at some point, but at the moment it looked like Bonnie was a little busy. Popular people tended to have a lot of connections. Even if Bonnie and Silvia had only spoken with each other a few times, it made sense that she knew a lot of the people present. Silvia was likely an outlier in that regard. Of course a class of students would be familiar with each other. Why would they run off on their own to better their skills in solitude? Did the magical girls of Marrywell even believe in solitude for anything?

Regardless, it wouldn't do to just hang back while everyone else went exploring. Especially since she had been noticed.


Had she just been given a nickname? Before Silvia could even respond, Tesni went on to continue talking with her friends. The speed in which she jumped from topic to topic was astounding. It almost made Silvia dizzy. She could keep up with it, but not participate. It wasn't until Suzuya produced a torch that Silvia found a moment to join them.

"I don't think any of us want to burn down the school." Well, maybe one of them. Tesni did do a number on the cafeteria. "And if we did, we probably wouldn't be looking for your permission. But it's good to know you can extinguish your flames." Maybe she was trying to say that her flames wouldn't burn anything she didn't want them to burn because she could extinguish them. If so, that was a pretty passive-aggressive way to word it. "If I had flame magic I'd probably use it to cook pizza." A silly thing to say, but it was just to defuse some tention.

Ozma also had a bit to say, but Silvia was only half listening to it as none of it seemed to be aimed at her specifically.

We can get ratted out for this?


Though for Charlotte, the couch remained in her focus. Maybe she was planning on taking a nap there. Maybe she and Valeria would do some cuddling before the night was over. Who really knew what went through the mind of Ozma?

Though one thing was certain.

She was not the first person to spot the couch by the fireplace.

A woman's head rose over the back of the couch. Slowly, her forehead came into view. Then her eyes, then her nose.

"Oh, hey everyone."

She stepped over the back of the couch, revealing her less than modest costume. She might have been trying to go for some sort of animal hybrid mummy, but there really weren't enough wraps to fully sell the look, let alone be considered a modest costume choice. That was either bothersome or appealing depending on who was looking. There was enough jewelry to pass the "mummy" off as a pharaoh at least. Golden bangles and rings covered the woman head to toe. It wasn't immediately obvious who she was, but her voice was distinctly Mika's. A keen observer may have even noticed her scabbard wedged between the couch cushions on a second look.

"I almost came as a maid, but I don't know. I didn't feel like being a servant today."

And she wasn't alone. An all-white bulldog walked around the couch and sat at Mika's feet. He was unusually well dressed for the occasion.

"...But I still got roped into dog-sitting. If you're going to explore the dungeon, maybe you'd like to take Winston here for a walk? He'd enjoy it." Winston just looked at the girls with a closed mouth, as if he was anticipating an answer. "Assuming you girls want your privacy that is. I can certainly come with you if you don't mind my company. Or maybe you want my company? I mean, Ozma's strong, but you know..." She wiggled her fingers in the air. "There are things locked in that dungeon that no magical girl should have to see! Things scarier than any pageless that were too powerful to defeat. They've been banished to the darkest corner of the academy to ensure they don't taint the light!" Winston turned away from everyone and buried his face in the back of the couch.

”Oh no, magic!”

Tonya “Mac” Murphy IRON MOUSE

Everything in the magical girl world (that’s a real thing, truly) had been set up by a number of powerful patrons. This was one of the reasons magical girls were so “modular.” Why some had hammer spaces while others had killing blows. These abilities also had to be “balanced” by these mighty patrons to a certain degree, and generally were similar in function. While the cradle was a bit different than most other hammer spaces, it was still a hammerspace power. But with all the powers that magical girls could get, the most wonky one of them all had to be third eye.

It was powerful for sure. Intelligence was the sort of thing that could win wars before the first bullet is shot. Knowing exactly how a spell works, what type of magic an enemy uses, or even if an area has magic in it is a very powerful ability. Naturally, the patrons in charge of this 4-D chess game needed to balance it out. It was how they chose to go about doing it that Mac took issue with.

The third eye had to be open through some conscious effort on the part of the user. It was a weird drawback that Mac didn’t fully understand. It took fairly little mana to use, and it didn’t even work all the time anyway. Seriously, she couldn’t look through a magical coat, but then when it came time to fight a giant metal man, she instantly understood that it had several hearts, and it linked its opponents hearts with its own metal hearts to share damage. Said hearts were also being used to both channel and cast the spell.

All good information, but she wished she had known it before she started attacking.

Mac made sure Iron mouse mimicked her injury. Blood dripped out of their mouths as she suppressed a cough. ”Oh no, I hope Justine doesn’t try to make a pillow out of my blood!”

Mac might have let her mind wander to other topics related to the unusual ways in which the third eye was balanced, but Finn had abandoned his task to “help” kill the tin man. Only the unusual curse was set up in such a way that he would be killing her instead. It was fortunate that he chose to engage in melee, as this gave Mac a bit more time to respond to the accidental friendly fire attempt.


Iron Mouse, or rather Mac’s gravity magic, shoved his weapon off course. The cane-sword smashed into the chains that held the giant’s heart in place.

”Are you trying to kill me?” Iron Mouse pointed at the giant. ”It has some sort of damage feed back magic, and our health is intertwined with its hearts. If you want to stop it, we need to carefully remove them!” In truth, Mac could survive just about anything so long as her soul jar wasn’t destroyed. That didn’t mean it would be painless or have other consequences, but she did need to pretend to be concerned for her life. Trying to brute force their way through the tin man’s many hearts wasn’t going to help anyone. ”Actually, why don’t we try to rip this thing’s chest open and dump its hearts into the cradle?”

Of course, Iron Mouse wasn’t standing idle. She was already trying to unbind the chains that held the heart in place. Iron Mouse was swinging her gun around like a club, but really, Mac had scaled the metal beast and was delivering blows with her invincible fists. Each swing of Iron Mouse’s gun lined up with one of Mac’s punches.

"Everyone in Sanctuary has big boobas. Know why that is, swiss knife chan?”

— Sakura

“Why does everything look weird now?”

It was just as Sakura feared. After that big oppai cat maid gave her that advice about using her head, she would have to do just that. Punching color back into the walls was not something Sakura could do with her fists.

But that was only because she didn’t have tha paint yet.

“Fucking hell! There’s gotta be some paint somewhere!”

Punching paint onto stuff probably wouldn’t be too effective, but surely her tail would make for a good calligraphy brush? She could just roll through the paint and get it everywhere she needed that way. Sakura just needed to know where in this dump they kept the paint.

When Sakura turned around, she noticed the monsters stirring. While nothing bad had happened yet, monsters were pretty temperamental by nature. Most had destructive urges and would sow chaos as soon as something upsetting happened. And this was certainly more than a little upsetting.

Also as an aside, Sakura hadn’t seen this many oppai bouncing up and down since he was a mobster. Scratch that, even when he was a yakuza, no club he had ever been to had this many girls just running around with such ill-secured cleavage. The monster and dark magical dress code seemed to enforce a policy where no one was allowed to wear an outfit that offered propper support.

Come to think of it her own chest had gotten a bit bigger after becoming a monster girl. What the hell? At least as a normal magical girl she had a flat chest like a proper man! But she was getting side tracked. Dina looked like she was going to make an announcement, but that could wait.

“Hey, neko-baba.” Sakura slithered closer. “Where do you keep the paint? I can fix this real quick.”
Veronica allowed Finn to leave without stopping him. There were enough distractions in her vicinity that she didn't feel too pressed to look after him. "Careful!" was all she managed as the boy slipped into the darkness.

"Who's idea?" Oros raised an eyebrow at agent Leroux. "Oh! You mean to make the Diver the way it is?" The cultist grinned. "Have you thought about what makes a monster a monster, ma'am? They can look a lot like espers can't they?" With a chuckle, she pointed at Stacy. "I mean is she a monster or an esper? You need to do more than look to know the answer. A monster is just a creature or person who has come here from another world. Behemoths as we call them are a bit different. The Diver in particular was the result of trying to shove a harp shaped object through a human shaped hole. An experiment. Everything is kind of bullshitty in the space between dimensions and weird things happen when people try to cross that barrier." She waved her hand at Veronica. "Let Mrs magical scientist here figure it out. Why do you even care? You walked off to have a cute moment with Mika!"

"Are you done talking to yourself?" Fritzi narrowed her brow.

"Yea, I guess the four of us should depart so that we can be part of our own cute scene, amiright fellas?"

"Wonderful." Veronica turned to Samuel. "Seems they have everything under control, but I wouldn't care if you wanted to look after them. Alternatively, Finn should be watched. He looked exhausted, and I'm sure he's trying to confront Betty. I need to return and make sure Binky's alright. She should have called me already." And with that, Veronica stepped into the shadows and disappeared.


Finn could see nothing but darkness. The sky was pitch black, and lightning had destroyed the wiring for the apartment complex. A pistol and bandages were a great help if he needed to fight as a human, but it did little to assist him in these conditions. Eyes open, eyes shut, it all looked the same.

The only way Finn could get around was by touch or sound. With a hand on the wall, he listened for anything and moved forward. The sound of a footstep? Furniture moving? A heartbeat? Nothing came to his ears. He might have been able to use his cellphone, but that only threw enough light to get spotted.

Then sound and sensation came at once. His foot struck something while he took a step. Then with a click, his vision filled with a brilliant light that burned his eyes. A flashlight was shining on him. He had been spotted.

”...Time Keeper?” Pac-A-Fist had never met Finn, but his relationship with Betty had become a legend on Shimr. He couldn't make out her body, but her voice was coming from the source of the light. ”You're not here to fight, right?”

It seemed that Finn had kicked over a fake plant. The decorations in some of these apartment complexes were weird.
What is everyone else playing?

Omega Strikers.

And Darkest Dungeon. It was only 4$ on the Halloween Steam sale. It's not really something you want to spend your entire weekend playing but you can play a few dungeon runs at a time without it feeling repetitive.

At this time, Mika was staring into her sword. She had the tip of her thumb inserted in her mouth as images flashed across the blade. She had been away for several months and was still getting caught up on everything. But with all the recent destruction and corruption going on, Mika had a lot of more recent snooping to catch up on. Stuff like that interrogation she wasn't invited to and the party she was suppose to oversee.


Valeria was a massive hussie, wasn't she?

More pressing was that this student-only event was getting turned into something for everyone. That bothered Mika. Not because she had some aversion to the more experienced magical girls, but she thought this was going to be her event to oversee! If the others were going to show up, what was the point?

Fortunately, that was a very easy question to answer.

Mika traced her finger in the air and several clones stepped out of portals behind her seat.

"Alright girls, let’s get dressed for the occasion."

What do you wear to a pajama party?

Silvia considered herself a bit of a fashionista. She had all sorts of outfits for nearly every occasion. One of the many things her parents instilled in her was the need to look her best regardless of the occasion. It didn’t matter who she decided to hang out with. A combination from her wardrobe let her fit in anywhere.

But who needs more than a single pair of pajamas?

Or in Silvia’s case, a night gown. It was purple with some frills around the neckline and sleeve, but was otherwise as plain as it sounded. Though she did decide to wear a few other accessories with it. She had a nightcap on and a pillow stashed under one of her arms. Her blanket rested on her shoulders like a giant cape, swaying with each step she took. Silvia looked tired, or maybe it was just her apathetic gaze at work.

That didn’t change when she noticed the music room had been demolished and replaced by a gothic castle.

She would have been more surprised if the music room had been left alone. Silvia had spoken with Bonnie prior to coming and understood they were going to be ghost hunting. That must have been a ruse to surprise them with what was essentially a carnival attraction. If that was the case, they failed. Silvia had seen a lot of different spells in just her year at the academy, and spectacles like this lost their luster once you realized it was just magic. Probably the work of a legend or myth, if she had to guess.

Wonder if the construction work scared off the ghosts.

There were no ghosts, of course. Even if the original room was still in one piece, she figured most ghosts would vacate the premises rather than stick around until a magical girl exercised them. Did ghosts even exist? Silvia kind of doubted it. Everything paranormal she had ever seen was the work of a magical girl or a pageless. She was more here to honor Bonnie’s request than anything else.

Speaking of which, it seemed like she had already showed up with a few of her friends. That was good actually. If Bonnie was talking with Olivia, that meant she didn’t have to. Though it did make her wonder if anyone else was going to show up. If she was lucky, it might even be someone she’d enjoy talking to.
Upon hearing news of Breacher's death, the smile ran from Veronica's face. ”I knew this was going to be a rough one.” When asked about why she arrived so late and where all the other espers were, she pursed her lips. ”Yes...” She put her hands on her hips. ”While we expected retaliation, we did not realize how well organized they would be. It's like every monster faction in the city banded together for the occasion. I was expecting them to lay a trap for the freelancers and the Mavericks, but we were more discrete with our planning. I think Justin was here as a last resort, to hold the line against any stragglers. It was inevitable that they would notice the convoy Binky and I were protecting. all of Gemini's agents are here right now. The top brass hasn't seen fit to send us more espers yet. Regardless, I can't imagine the enemy will continue fighting us now that the Diver is gone.” When Finn suggested they try to catch the brainwashed espers, Veronica's smile returned. "Agent? Can you even conjure a melody in your current state? As admirable as your enthusiasm is, it is unnecessary. With Justin dead their dark blessing should be far weaker now. Curing it should within the realm of possibility. But if you'd like, I can-”

”What happened to mom?!"

It seemed Mika hadn't been unconscious after all. She had become fully alert after Finn and Jacqueline mentioned Su was dead.

"Oh! You're Mika?” Veronica let out a nervous chuckle. "I had no idea you were an esper! Did you get a hold of Breacher's grimoire or is that something you've always had?”

But Mika was not in the mood to talk. She shook her head while stepping backwards. ”She can't be!"

"I'm inclined to believe her squad mates. I doubt they have any reason to lie.”

Mika brought her hand up to her mouth, but that didn't stop the tears from rolling over her cheeks. She took off across the cat bridge back to the police station.

”Mom! Mom!"

The precinct roof looked like a war zone. Everything was soaked in blood. That said nothing of the frog entrails, like corpses, flies, a scorch mark caused by a lightning bolt, puss that had leaked out of various boils, locust corpses, and that said nothing of the looming darkness. But despite all that, she did find a pile of wrecked cars. And among them...

She sunk to her knees. ”Not again..."

Veronica held her chin. "When she calms down, she could make for a good agent.” But veronica's attention was stolen away when Jacqueline asked about the stranger and harp. "They got pulled out of the Diver, didn't they?” She furrowed her brow. "It's not uncommon for behemoths to have some mundane object as a power source. But I'm not sure why there was a person in there.”

”Yea about that." Oros, half dragging herself, inched closer to the group of espers. ”I'm sure you guys could tell, but Holy Diver wasn't exactly your average run-of-the-mill behemoth." Her sword scraped against the asphalt roof. ”To avoid a history lesson, that harp right there is a grimoire. The idea was to make it invincible to attack, but like any good organ, they tend to stop working once they're removed from the body."

Veronica half chuckled when she turned to Oros. "I suppose you're here to make sure we don't capture them?”

”Negatory. I'm just here to pick my date up." Oros winked at Marrie. ”Assuming that you don't wanna just duke it out. But last time you bastards did that it didn't work out great. So I'm all for postponing our epic battle for a later time."

"I see.” The vermillion esper looked at Stacy, then Marrie. "So what's your roll in this?”

”I may be the meta character, but you're gunna have to clarify."

"You've arrived just after I did. I don't believe for a second that you're just here for a date. Though it's clear you know something about this mad house escapee and at least one other esper here. It doesn't seem like you were behind this attack.”

”That's right." Oros puffed out her chest. ”Look, uh, I know it's only mid day, but the city's been, like, totally ravaged and stuff. You probably wanna figure out where everyone else is, assess things, you know? Government stuff?" With a huff, she extended her hand towards Ashley. ”You wanted to date me too, right? Or was it a 'totally just wanted to look after my little sister' kinda thing? Whatever, you're still invited, and it's the least painful way to interrogate me." Provided she didn't run off, that is.

”I'll come too!” Stacy struck a flamboyant pose. She made a "v" in front of her eye with her fingers. ”I know a cool place where we can play some board games!”

Veronica's gaze shifted towards Agent Orion. "You've encountered her before?” Provided she didn't run off, that is.

They did what they could in the face of despair.

Fable was not deterred when the giant didn’t bleed. If his weapon could cut its flesh, then he could decapitate it. He pressed his sword into the Diver's neck and surged forward. Each time he circled its neck the blade would cut deeper.

Mika did as she was instructed, and her second fist sunk inside the Diver’s flesh., though it was not easy to punch through. ”It’s like mo-lass-sees!" But while Mika struggled, Ashley drew closer with her glowing wand.

The more experienced espers weren’t holding back. Sam made sure the area was locust free, allowing Jacqueline to fire a stream of stones.

Mika drew back her fist as the melody landed. It made a crater, and the ensuing blast from Ashley’s wand made it bigger still. Surely Mika would be able to destroy the harp now. She plowed her fist into the creature’s flesh. Her fist struck the harp.

But it was too slow to do any damage.

The harp remained in one piece, but Mika didn’t give into disappointment. ”I think I feel something!" While too hard to punch through, Mika could maneuver her fingers inside the creature’s flesh. She forced her hand open and was able to get her fingers around the harp. ”I got it! I got it!" But pulling the harp free would prove to be a challenge. She had planted her feet on the behemoth’s chest, but she was sinking into it faster than the harp was being removed. Ashley and Sam took hold of Mika’s waist to help pull her out. It had to help, but now all three of them were sinking into the Diver.

Finn was tired, but he made good progress. He needed to slow down a bit to balance on the Diver’s collar bones in total darkness. But racing around its shoulders and back were a simple matter. He just needed to lean towards the neck to ensure his footing. But as he maneuvered around the behemoth, he spotted a white shape in the darkness. A giant skull. That of some long dead animal.

"Yee of little faith! Why doth thou try so hard?" Chernabog, or maybe Baphomet, floated behind Finn. "If thou can not save thy sister, why not get thee gone? Why risk thy life in a plot thou can not change?" The skull pressed into the side of Finn’s face. "Are thou…mad?" By this point, Finn had cut as deep as he could. The hilt of his blade was pressed up against the Diver’s neck. When Finn blinked a few times, the skull disappeared. He really was tired.

Something tore out of the Diver’s back. A pair of butterfly wings with a fluorescent glow. Unlike the Diver themselves, the wings had every color one could think of. A rainbow of shades from tip to tip. The Diver was starting to float higher in the air. It was clear what was about to happen.

The Diver was leaving, and it was taking the firstborns with him.

"About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well. There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt—worse than there has ever been or ever will be again."

— Exodus 11:4–6

But off in the distance, Finn could make out a green-skinned person standing on a railing with a young woman. Or at least, he could hear them. It was still pretty dark.

”I thought you had a plan!” The zombie chuckled. ”But that’s fine. I play a lot of board games so you know I have a strategic mind. Backup is probably going to arrive late so it’ll just be you and me.” Stacy turned to the Diver. ”Here’s an idea, let's hit it as hard as we possibly can!”

Most espers had olympic level fitness, but many monsters possessed strength in another league entirely. When Stacy leaped off the balcony, most espers would assume she was a monster by her athletic ability alone. The metal handrail bent as Stacy propelled the duo through the air. They soared through the downpour of blood towards their target. Stacy pointed her feet towards the behemoth and landed square on the back of its head.


The diver’s head would normally be too strong to kick off, even with a monster delivering the blow. But Finn had cut deep into its flesh, and necks were hollow by their nature. The partially severed spine was the only thing that held it in place, and it gave out when Stacy landed her blow. The head rolled off of its shoulders.

Below, Ashley and Sam were still pulling on Mika. The snapping of the Diver’s spine caused their eyes to look upwards. The Diver’s bioluminescent wings offered just enough light to make out the head. But it wasn’t possible to tell if the Diver had been killed or not. Its wings were still moving, it still floated higher into the air. The weak point had yet to be destroyed.

Agent Leroux wasn’t quite done yet either. With all the other agents tugging on Mika, she had finally scaled the giraffe to help them. But when the head came tumbling down, there was an opportunity. She held onto Mika with one hand, and swung her war pick at the Diver’s falling noggin. The intent was not to destroy it, but to imbed her weapon in its flesh. If the three of them couldn’t pull Mika free, maybe the weight of the Diver’s own head would be enough.

The other agents caught on. Ashley and Sam held onto Jacqueline and Mika. They locked their arms and limbs around each other however they could. The problem with using such a massive object is that there was the chance they could be pulled off of Mika without pulling her free. And of course, none of this would matter if Mika’s hand slipped off the harp. But there would be no time to think of all the possibilities. Once the head fell and pulled everyone taught, it was over. The Diver’s chest detonated like a bomb. The espers could feel the strain on their bodies as their limbs were stretched as far as they could. But there was some relief when something gave inside the Diver’s bosom. And there, soaring through the air, held sternly in Mika’s paw, was the harp. Even with the blood and tar flying through the air, it shined in the dull neon glow of the Diver’s wings.

But Mika wasn’t the only one holding onto it.

On the other side of the hand was a young woman, bald and wearing a straitjacket. She had a white knuckle grip on the harp and didn’t seem like she was going to let go. Mika’s pupils dilated when she realized how close they were to each other. She could understand the whole esper thing. Her mother had told her about it from time to time. But she was at a loss as to what to do here. They were all falling, and she had no idea if she could trust this new person or not. But did she even have a power that would work here? As intuitive as being an esper was, she drew a blank. The ground was coming at them faster and faster.

Then out of the darkness came a massive inflatable stunt bag, the kind that stunt men use when falling off of buildings. The more advanced ones are able to accommodate multiple stuntmen, and could reset themselves between individual impacts so that nobody “bounced” once they landed on them. It was softer than landing on the asphalt roof of the building, but the espers had the wind knocked out of them on impact.

Meanwhile up above, Finn, Marie, and Stacy stood on the Diver’s shoulder. ”Looks like I killed it! Why didn’t you guys try hitting it in the head?” The trio lost their footing as soon as the Diver’s headless body crashed into the roof. Before it could do any real damage, the behemoth’s molasses-like body lost its shape and seeped off either side of the building. Even the wings were melting. The remaining espers (and monster?) fell onto the stunt bag along with the other Gemini espers.

Samuel, Jacqueline, Ashley, Finn, Marie, Stacy, Mika, and the woman in the straitjacket were all present. The latter of the bunch had fallen unconscious, but even in sleep retained their grip on the harp. Even with the Diver dead, the harp was in one piece.

A ninth person slipped out of the darkness and landed before the group. Veronica stood before them with a tea cup in one hand and a platter in the other, but her smile was not present.

”Kept you waiting, huh?” She folded her arms. ”Seems our enemy was able to predict the Diver’s arrival. But you were able to complete the objective regardless.” Veronica looked over everyone present. ”Where’s Breacher?”
Mmmm, yea, but this would be more for specific posts. Notifications tend to disappear regardless of how many posts on a page you've read.
I wouldn't mind a bookmark function. I realize we sort of have a rudimentary one. Each post has a link to it, so you just need to save that link if you ever want to pick up where you left off. But RPs can be complex things where posts don't always happen in order. It would be nifty to be able to flag posts so that you can come back to certain ones later. Maybe to read something that doesn't pertain to what you're character's doing at the moment.

I'd also like some control over notification settings. Stuff like getting notified for just IC posts or when certain users post in a thread.
<Snipped quote by Majoras End>

More like I react to basically every single post as a bookmarking method.
Very effective, especially for Advanced-size RP post chains. XD

A bookmark function would be pretty useful.

Regardless, you're catching up quickly.
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