Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current I agree, let's have a human breakdown! Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorus, salt, saltpeter, sulfur, fluorine, iron, silicon, and trace amounts of fifteen other elements.
21 days ago
If 4 RPs die on you that just means you can join 4 more.
5 mos ago
I think to sell someone on an interest check, it's really important to seem enthusiastic about your own idea. That means writing more than a single sentence to attract potential players.
2 yrs ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

@SleepingSilence my condolences for your time spent in Remnant 2.

Haven’t heard of that one. But the youtuber sphere seems to like that game (and its sequel) a lot too.

I haven't tried the sequel. 2d games that go 3d tend to lose a lot of their speed, or rather, there's more information to take in visually and they can't be played as fast. But I can only beat the original when I play it on co-op, which is weird because friendly fire is always on and everyone says it's objectively the hardest way to play it. So uh, yea, might check it out when I can beat the original on my own.

It really, really has nothing to do with my liking of the genre. Inscryption is more specifically a "deck builder" game anyway. And not every card game is a deck builder. (And very few deck builders are anything like Inscryption.)

What are some deck builders that you've played?

Yes, a bad concept is a bad concept in every genre. I agree. (So whether or not I got to the point where that scripted loss happened. I would’ve and it wouldn’t feel fun. And I’ve seen several different let’s plays of this game. It’s not RNG. If you play Inscryption. You will get guaranteed failed runs.)

Most times when you play a game, you want to make progress. So when you play and actively lose progress instead. It can feel like a tedious experience.

Welcome to roguelite/like games, enjoy your stay.

And I can't stress how unimportant your first few runs are. what you do off the card table is a lot more important, until it's not of course.

Unless you’re mistaken, or I suffered a glitch. I did not get to keep my rewards for solving the puzzles between runs. I lost those cards when I lost my run. So that is *not* my experience playing Inscryption.

The cards you unlock in the puzzle box are largely irrelevant for progression, and are more added to the current game and can be found again in later runs. The talking cards and items for getting the talking cards that you get will always be in your hand on a fresh run and are the only thing that's essential for progression. By puzzles, I meant all of them, like the coo-coo clock. I forget exactly which ones are required for the talking cards, but none of that stuff resets between runs for the most part.


My third eye has opened.

So because I wasn’t really enjoying it. (And my reward for solving the game’s puzzles were cards that I lost forever due to unfair odds.) I chose not to stick around.

You didn't lose them forever. You can get them again in another run. You'd know that if you played more than a handful of runs. But it doesn't sound like you enjoyed it, so you probably shouldn't. I'd find a nice metroidvania to snuggle up to, or something in the vein of "Dust: An Elysian Tail."

"I got the message, Tsubomi!”

— Suki Oyama

One by one, they piled in.

Typically, Suki would wait for a few people to show up before making an entrance. It was the best way to ensure that she was never alone with Bedshaker. But this was difficult to do when you were the one calling the meeting. She could hear her on the other side of the door, but the time to change her hiding spot had long passed, and she was quickly noticed. But maybe if she just ignored her, someone else would arrive before long.

And while Suki was right, it wasn’t exactly the person she was hoping to find. Nyx would probably just watch Bedshaker pound her to dust if anything happened. She was surrounded now, and it didn’t seem like being silent would be a winning strategy for much longer.

"Uh, well, actually…” Suki’s head twitched. Tsubomi had just taken a seat not too far away from the table. Salvation! She scurried out from under the table like a crab.When she stood up, her spine made an audible crack. "Oh hi Tsubomi! I guess that’s everyone for now?” Of course it was, everyone else had other things to tend to. "But to answer your question, Nyxia Torrentia: Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow, the answer to your question is both!”

Suki pulled a page out from between two books and slapped it down on the table. It had originally been the cover of a teen fashion magazine, but parts of other photos had been glued over it to frankenstein a portrait of some sort. "We’ve been hearing about a new magical girl for a while now, but nobody’s actually seen her. You know how Boss Baby is, they tend to leave well enough alone if they don’t directly threaten the Detention Club. But I asked around and got a few details about a ‘spirit’ running across some rooftops. She’s got wild red hair, uh, red eyes, uh, a tight dress, uh, and her uh…” Suki patted her chest. "She’s pretty top heavy. Some guys told me she was bigger than Roach. And had a bunch of dragons coming out of her back. I tried to make a picture of her by clipping out pictures from magazines, and the people who saw her said it sort of looked like her!”

Suki gestured towards the picture she made. It was difficult to determine how accurate it was without knowing what the woman in question looked like, but there might have been other issues with it. But that would be for every girl observing the picture to decide for themselves.

"I took some liberties with the outfit, since everyone described it differently. B-But a lot of people see her in the same spot!” Suki shot a smile at everyone. "They usually see her jumping over the flower shop juuuuuuust as the sun sets. The Miseria don’t come out until total darkness, so we should have plenty of time to investigate this before our nightly hunt starts. Wadaya think guys? Sounds interesting, right?” Suki looked at everyone to gauge their reactions.

No funny banner this time, fam.

With everyone present, the briefing could begin post haste. Fritzi stood beside a projector screen that had pictures of both St Bianchi Church and Dante’s on it.

”Alright agents, we got Binky back, but GEMINI isn’t quite at full strength yet. Timekeeper is still passing out in piles of sand, and Oros the Mad has taken an interest in Cerberus. The latter wouldn’t normally be an issue, as she’s more or less treated GEMINI as a neutral party in the past and the Hand is a far more immediate danger for GEMINI operations. However, she’s recently attacked Timekeeper with the intent to kill. She can’t be left to her own devices.” She pointed at the screen beside her. ”We will be splitting up the GEMINI squad to tackle both issues in one night. Some of you will go to Dante’s, where there should be some lead as to what’s ailing Timekeeper. All of this started after he encountered a succubus there, and it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Dante’s has something to do with it all.”

”Meanwhile, an esper known as Sovereign claims that she has to bring Cerberus to St Bianchi Church, where she claims Oros the Mad is waiting for her.” Binky’s eyes wandered onto Finn. ”We suspected it was a trap, but between Orion’s interrogation and reports from the water truck incident, it seems that she ‘drove off’ Oros by making a deal with her and got further details about Cerberus from one of our own agents.”

”Against my better judgment, I’m letting Timekeeper join everyone for these operations. After the deal with the Diver, I’m unsure if I’ll be able to field enough freelancers for two full operations. Tackling these issues separately is not ideal either. If Oros is expecting us, I’d just as soon not have her change her mind and meet us at Dante’s. That said, the goal of these operations should be apparent. We need to go to Dante’s to see about slaying the monster that’s cursed Timekeeper, and we need to go to St Bianchi Church to learn more about Oros’ motivation. That said, we haven’t formed much of a battle plan yet. We haven’t looked into Dante’s and Sovereign was dropped on us very recently.” Fritzi looked at Ashley. ”Speaking of, what was your read on Sovereign? Can she be trusted to keep Cerberus safe?”

“I would say she takes the stereotype of a money-obsessed mercenary to the furthest possible extreme,” Ashley replied with a small frown. “I get the feeling that she’d fully devote herself to any possible task as long as some form of reward was waiting for her at the end of it. As for her keeping Cerberus safe,” the high-tech heroine continued. “I’m not sure I would trust her to do that, or anything else, especially if we weren’t offering her some form of compensation.”

”We are going to be hiring freelancers for these operations. Are you advising against letting her tag along, even if she’s paid to be there?”

“Well, if that’s the case, then I suppose it would be fine,” Ashley replied. “I mean, she was the one Oros tasked with bringing Cerberus there in the first place, and as long as we have some form of support on hand in the event an extraction is needed, I don’t think Cerberus will be in any additional danger than would otherwise be the case. That said,” the Knight of Tomorrow added. “If freelancers are available, I’d suggest having them compose the entire support team for the St. Bianchi op. At the very least, they’re slightly less likely to be perceived as a threat by Oros, as opposed to a team including known G.E.M.I.N.I. agents. Plus, it will allow us to put all of our admittedly-limited resources into investigating Dante’s.”

Fritzi smiled. ”Now there’s an idea! It also lets us keep Timekeeper’s situation on the down low. Meanwhile, the freelancers will jump at the chance to brag about having a close scuff with our mad esper.”

Mika scoffed. ”Really? You’re sending me out there by myself?” She looked between Fritzi and Ashley. ”Her file claims that she can see the future. I doubt she’s going to be fooled by a bunch of freelance espers. Not to mention she’s already attacked us once. It would be more suspicious not to send me in with some backup.”

Fritzi chuckled. ”You’re so animated today. I don’t see how Oros’s abilities invalidate Orion’s strategy. It does allow us to pool our resources into one operation, and if Oros is less inclined to ‘look’, we’re less likely to be discovered.” She placed a finger on her chin. ”Though if we’re trying to prevent her from looking, maybe it would be good to give you a little bit of help. Any volunteers?”

”Oh! Me!” Angelie threw an arm around Mika’s neck and gave a thumbs up. ”I’ll be Claudia’s backup! If Sovereign or Oros try anything, I’ll make sure they regret it!”

Mika sighed. ”I don’t like it, but she’ll work.” Angelie cheered before hugging Mika.

And here I thought she didn’t need any help… Ashley mused, doing her best to suppress an annoyed scowl. While she was glad Ellie would be looking after the feisty feline, the angelic agent was as distressingly far from subtle as one could get, and Ashley only hoped that her addition to such a delicate situation wouldn’t backfire catastrophically…

”I don’t anticipate Dante’s having any hired espers, so this arrangement should be fine.” She turned to the rest of the GEMINI espers. ”We have a floor plan of Dante’s, but have little information on what else you should expect. To our knowledge, they do not appear to be affiliated with the weretiger mafia. It should just be temptation and dream monsters like the succubus Timekeeper encountered. Did you have any more questions?”

“None at the present time, ma’am,” Ashley replied.

Finn shook his head. ”Nothing else I need to know at the moment.”

Estelle blinked, then shook her head. Nope, she definitely didn’t zone out for a moment there.

”In that case, we’ll prepare for deployment immediately. It shouldn’t take more than a few days to get the freelancers we need.” Fritzi shot a smile at everyone. ”You’re dismissed until then.”
@SleepingSilence Unless your game "glitched out" and a wall of grizzly cards appeared, you didn't encounter a scripted loss. Even so, complaining about scripted losses is a carry over from RPGS where you'd jump into a long, tedious battle and waste resources trying to beat a boss that you absolutely can't. You aren't making progress, and you're dragging out a fight when you could be experiencing the rest of the story. The thing with Inscryption is, you progress against non-game objectives carries over between deaths, and you need to be really good or "lucky" to encounter the grisly wall anyway. I'm quite confident you didn't encounter it.

The game also has an overwhelmingly positive rating on steam, with about a thousand people not recommending it to one hundred thousand that do. So if we're going to listen to the court of popular opinion (not something I typically do) then the game is absolutely worth playing.

But you don't like the game for one reason or another, and I'm fine with that. Card games aren't for everyone and they do require you to ignore certain video game conventions, like the idea that you cal always win with a good strategy. Come to think of it, rouge-lite/like games have a lot of the same quirks as traditional card games, like constantly starting from scratch and luck being a huge factor in your game.

What are you currently playing (or were until you stopped)?

I'm not sure if you're talking about Inscryption, card games, or games in general here, so I'll answer for all three.

I've 100% inscryption, along with all of the Kacee's mod stuff. I can't remember the last other card game I've played because it's been years. Though the standouts were Hearthstone and anime Hearthstone (Shadowverse). Sadly, F2P mechanics do be F2P mechanics, and you need to play those games a lot if you don't want to spend money to be competitive. I don't play them anymore. SYNTHETIK has been the game I boot when I want a gaming fix.
@SleepingSilence Kinda weird that you chose to correct a typo while quoting me, but I'll take it over openly mocking me about it.

Getting back to Inscryption though, card games are inherently RNG based. You're always going to have the chance to get the very worst cards for a given situation despite having an almost air tight deck. The first few runs in Act 1 is more like a tutorial anyway. There's a lot of stuff like scripted deaths and simple barriers that prevent you from completing "the game" until you do the other, "non-game" related stuff. They drop the rouge-lite elements as soon as you go into act 2, and they don't even come back for act 3.

Also, I think I was un-alived about 6 times during my first play through of act 1, and it only happened 3 times on my second play through. While this was slightly because of RNG, I do think I understood the game better, allowing me to more reliably clear it. Ergo, you can get better.

But Inscryption is a game with a story, and the game is very much in service to the story through the entire experience. If you want to look at inscryption on its own merits as a game, then you need to play kacee's mod. Which is not a mod, but a free DLC that lets you play a more challenging, but also less scripted version of Inscryption. More cards, different starting hands to choose, different events, challenges to make the game even harder, etc. But it's still a card game and everything it entails. You can increase your odds of winning by learning about all the broken builds you can make and gradually building combos or stronger cards. Most of your duels are won through carefully selected synergies rather than the actual moment to moment card play.

But if you're the type of person that gets urked over scripted losses, or doesn't like the idea that they might have a bad run and lose regardless of how good they are (read: any true card game) then you're going to have a bad time with Inscryption no matter what.
Stellar Blade doesn't need to be memorable, it needs to make a profit.

Shift Up might be new to the triple A game scene, but they already have a mobile game (Nikke, Goddess of Victory) that's pretty much just a machine that prints money for them. They've built up a good reputation by being open to player feedback and giving them what they want. I'm not a huge fan of companies going on the open market, but (i'm told, but cant verify) the CEO holds almost half the company's shares and his wife is holding a bit of it too, so there shouldn't be a drastic change in the company's vision for the foreseeable future.

Thanks to the culture war, Stellar Blade is going to be a guaranteed success so long as it doesn't release as a half baked mess. Too many people are talking about it, and all that talk generates interest. There's even a demo out, and apparently it's good. I'm not sure where the Neir comments are coming from, nor have I heard this take anywhere but here. Yoko Taro said they were enthusiastic about the game, but that's because he's never been one to hide the fact that he likes sexy woman in games.

I don't really have a pony in this race. I don't have a play station, nor would I be in a rush to buy a brand new game given that 99.9% of them aren't truly finished until at least five years after release. Even if Stellar Blade bucked that trend and eventually got ported to steam, I can't say I'd rush out and buy it. It's not something I would normally play. But I'm fine with it existing in the video game ecosystem in what is sure to be a springboard for bigger and better projects from Shift Up.

Regardless of how Stellar Blade performs, I feel like it's not going to have a huge impact on the culture war. At this point, it feels like something that's going to go on forever so long as people continue perpetuating it. Both sides are dumb. Just stop talking about it.

Also anyone who doesn't like Inscryption probably doesn't like card games in general and should stop spreading their wrong opinions on the internet post hate.
@GOATPlumber Holy canolie MR White, I'd live to have you. We've got a week or so before operations start, so it would be swell if you could cook something up before then.

Would you like a discord invite? And what were you planning on making?
Let's start with a little intrigue, a little mystery, a little adventure.

"Wow! Feels like I missed 7 months of school!”

— Suki Oyama

Few things were certain in a magical girl’s life. Going to school was one of them. If only for the occasional meetup with the rest of the detention club.

It was hard to tell where the time went. One moment you were meeting up with everyone in the club room, by the next you were nearing the end of the first school term. Where had the time gone? Suki was sure it was fall or spring just a moment ago, and now they were half way through June. Once July was over, they’d have a quick summer break before classes started up again. It wasn’t like Suki could complain. There was so much drudgery between school and everything else that she wouldn’t say no to a vacation. Of course, she’d probably end up taking a summer job, but that was neither here nor there. Regardless if she had time off or not, everyone was going to be in swimsuits. When everyone was in swimsuits, everyone was a winner. She could practically see it now…

But she would have time to enjoy the real thing when it rolled around. Right now were far more pressing matters, and Suki needed to talk about them. Boss baby was a no go, as she left school early to tend to the family pyre. Bast was equally predisposed. The girl had a way of getting confused by the most ordinary of situations. Wet-Works and Chess-Nut had been absent for a while. They weren’t locals, so it was hard to be surprised by this. They’d drop by again. Eyeball and Multi-Face were always up to something, and she never felt super secure around them. Even if Eyeball was the first detention club girl she kissed and Multi-Face was oddly clingy. This meant she would have to seek help from Rainbow, Nyx, and Bedshaker. Bedshaker was not really ideal, but she was pretty much a package deal with Nyx. Rainbow on the other hand had always been there for her and was a great partner, so including her in this emergency meeting was essential. Not only that, but it made her feel a little safer when Bedshaker was around.

The detention club didn’t typically do after school activities, not right after the school closed at least. But for what Suki needed, now was the best time to get everyone together. But she couldn’t just stand out in the open. What if Bedshaker came first?

So she laid under the table. It wasn’t a great hiding spot, but maybe Bedshaker wouldn’t notice initially? It wasn't like she had been smoking.

A Tale of Hormones

Uh, yea, this is a sort of off shoot to the canceled RP "Kurai Majokko." We just kind of felt like playing our characters more and exploring the interpersonal relationships of a lusty blood witch, a dark code enforcer, a brooding misanthropist, and an emotionless drug dealer. Who knows what sort of nonsense these delinquents are going to get into?

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