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@Brose SOL?

Sh!t Out of Luck
Will gym battles be adjusted based on your character's level/battle experience or are trainers SOL if they go out of order for the gyms?
@Sho Minazuki

In regards to where Morgana/Sage group is going, @EnterTheHero says they'd like to go to either Arsenic (East) or Shakudo (South). I'm not too picky, but I think Arsenic Island (East) would probably be easier on Morgana, since right now she'd get trampled @ a dark gym. And it seems less folks are going east, anyway.
Morgana Lockwood


“My name is Morgana Lockwood. That’s Luft.” She said, pointing to her purple floating companion. “We are from Sinnoh. I’m taking on both the League and the Contests they have in this region.” She wasn’t surprised to hear that the boy wanted to take on the League; it seemed to be one of the more popular choices here. Of course, Morgana didn’t plan on just taking on the League; she planned to win. Win both the League and the Contests, but she held her tongue. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she still had some things to do.

“Crap! One moment.” She said to Sage, and ran to both the Contest and League signups, cutting in front the line of folks waiting to sign up. After ignoring a few out cries and angry comments, Morgana finished her sign up and returned to Sage and his partner, and Luft who decided to return to his trainer’s side.

“So, uh…Sage, are you interested in joining forces? Even if just temporarily, but I think it’d be wiser if new trainers traveled in groups. I don’t know the area and I’d rather not get mugged or get lost and die of starvation.” She gazed nervously at the other trainer. She didn’t know the guy and certainly didn’t trust him that well; but traveling alone was dangerous, especially in a new region. Luft hasn’t had much battling experience and thus wouldn’t be safe to bet that he would be able to fend off all threats. It was safer to travel in groups and most of the other new trainers had already group up and set off. She and Sage were close in age and the guy seemed relatively decent, so Morgana felt this was the best arrangement for now.

Luft made a loud “Fwoon” noise and Morgana grabbed his arms and held tight onto them. Perhaps he could sense her anxiety, Morgana liked to think he could.
Assuming @EnterTheHero wants to group up with Morgana, even if just temporarily, she'd be willing to go wherever his character wants to go. I'm sure I can work out where she finds a ghost pokemon or two somewhere else besides the ruins. I'd like to go in that direction but it's w/e.

Gonna go ahead and finish up my post.

@Sho Minazuki @TalijaKey
Sorry for the wait @EnterTheHero but let me know if there are any mistakes that I need to fix!

Morgana was in deep thought, considering about bailing out the last minute and going ahead to sign up for the Contests and the League, when the professor came back with a box full of pokedexes. She quickly received hers from the professor, but before she could think about saying thank you, suddenly a stranger weaseled into her personal space. Taken a back and on edge, Morgana was ready to give this stranger a piece of her mind when…she saw his partner Pokemon standing beside him.

And it was cute.

Overcome with curiosity and excitement, Morgana immediately got down, releasing her grip on Luft the Drifloon, and began to pet the other Pokemon. And boy was it soft. So small and soft. Morgana wasn’t exactly sure what kind of Pokemon it was; but it looked familiar and she knew it wasn’t Sinnohian. Fennel? Fenkly? Fennier? That sounded…close. Maybe.

Morgana was so distracted by the creature that she almost missed its trainer talking to her. A few moments the words sunk in and the girl stood up once more, shooting an uneasy glance at the boy trainer.

“Yeah…we are…” she said, feeling very little desire to expand more on the conversation. She motioned to her partner Pokemon, who was floating a little too close to the Fennekin down below; it’s gaze full of curiosity, similar to that of its trainer. Morgana smiled faintly at the sight and felt a tinge bit more at ease.

“Your Pokemon is cute! What’s their name?!”
Sorry for the delay, gonna post early tomorrow cause work was tough today.

Morgana is going to have a full team of ghost types. Spooks Galore.
Whoops, missed that detail about the professor. Sorry about that. Will either wait or have her go ahead and sign up for other stuff. Probably the latter.

Anyone need someone to interact with?

Edit: @shade you mentioned morgana in your post but wasn't sure if you wanted her to take notice of your character or not?
Zamak Ruins is going to be a major spot for Morgana, but I'm not 100% sure how soon she's going to leave for it. But she's an option if they end up getting along.
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