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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Chromis Contest Line -> Chromis League Line
Interaction: @MechonRaptor @ZachChase

Oh- this is Blitzy, known her all my life! Actually we were born around the same time... so were almost like brother and sister. I wouldn't know who the breeder was... I think my dad mentioned a family friend who'd helped them out, some guy who travels the world a lot.

The trainer of the rare pokemon spoke and Danilo couldnt help but melt a bit. "Oh such a beautiful story! Bond such childhood to reach their dreams together. Quite beautiful indeed my friend. "

He remembered quite vivid as he was only a young boy how his mother was trying to breed a rare coloration of ghastly. It was her first try doing it. In that time the house was more haunted than any book story. Yet in a winter night she hatched the egg and the special colored ghastly was quite a breathtaking view. It took his mother over a year to then find a home for each of the ghastly and a special trainer for the shining one. The photos of the shiny gengar was always placed on a visible spot in each home they moved to.

"I hope our ways cross again when you evolve the little friend of yours. As I would love to see her in her full beauty."

Danilo bowed looking over to the silent boy and the way he stood a bit stiff and reluctant. Danilo guessed that he was of the shy sorts. Placing his glove protected hand on the trainer shoulder he smiled at him. "This wish goes for you too. I would be honored to see a alolan ninetails. I heard stories that they rival the moon with their gleaming tails. It would be a honored pleasure to witness that."

He gave him a friendly tap, listening to them for a bit before he tapped with his staff against the ground.Francis at that point chipped approvingly flying up and settling on the top hat rim, making the hat tilt to the side but still stay securely on top of Danilos head.

"Alas, the time flies, I have a signup still to do."

He gave them a farewell wave and moved directly towards the league line. He saw a bit off to the pokepark that the trainers were in a fight. He stood in the short line as most were busy with their fight and quite quickly came his turn to fill the forms out and officially be considered a trainer tacking on the gyms. All this time Francis was intently watching the fight. The young fetchling feeling all but fascinating with the display.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZachChase
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ZachChase Peacekeeper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Pokemon Contest Line


@MechonRaptor @TalijaKey

"Oh such a beautiful story! Bond such childhood to reach their dreams together. Quite beautiful indeed my friend."

"I hope our ways cross again when you evolve the little friend of yours. As I would love to see her in her full beauty."

"Alas, the time flies, I have a signup still to do."

Chance would smile, laughing a bit to himself.

"Hehe~ yeah... thanks, see you around!"

Chance would think for a moment... how would he even evolve Blitzy into a Delcatty... huh- he rememebered learning about stones before, didn't they evolve from moonstones? A moonstone... where was he going to get one of those? Hmmm... either way he decided to make it his duty to find one.

"Oh, uh, well you know-"

Oh- he almost forgot that he had been trying to talk to the trainer next to him, after the other trainer left to sign up he turned his attention back over to them.

"Hm... uh- sorry about that, so many people here today... sooo- what's your name?"

Chance would try to restart the conversation... it was still a bit awkward, but it could work- maybe he could make a new friend today? Maybe go on a journey or something... either way its always good to have an ally.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location - Beryllium City, Pokemon Lab

Aiden smiled at the joy on the Riolu's face as she took his little treat and sampled it quickly. It was always heartwarming to see another enjoy the labors of one's work. Still yet the uproar of the Riolu gave way his hidden position. Glancing up Aiden looked at Roxy from his kneeling position, slowly putting the tin of treats away. "I'm sorry but I did. I thought your little friend would like a snack and I had just made a new batch of Poke-puffs before coming here. I do hope that doesn't bother you."

With his words done he stood up as Zorex happily bounced around Aiden before running up to Lucina, calling to her and pawing at the air with his large mouth made into a wide smile. Clearly though that was not enough and Zorex started to bounce around Lucina wanting to play.

For Aiden he spoke up again to say, "I just say how cute your little Riolu looked in that scarf and figure, why we're waiting why not enjoy some good snacks!" With that he saw the Professor return with a large amount of Pokedexs, taking his in hand he said, "Thank you Ma'am. I'll make sure to put this to good use." With a slight head bow of thanks he returned his attention to Roxy. Pocketing his Pokedex he offered his hand to shake, "Name's Aiden."

Whether she took his hand or not he had a follow up question, "I know it may be a bit of an odd introduction, but would you care for a battle? I've never fought a Riolu before and it seems Zorex is itching to play! And besides no better way to make a new friend than a good match!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sadie Hill

Interacting With : @Amaterasu, @itano123
Location : Beryllium City/Pokemon Lab Contest Line

Sadie had a weird look on her face when Ruby called her the girls fan and rival. "Fan? Rival?" Then Sadie realized the girl was talking about how they were both going to be involved in the contest. "Oh, you're talking about the contest. Well, I wouldn't say I'm anyone's fan per say, but I will be cheering everyone on and hope they do they same for me." Sadie truly wanted to be friends with as many people and Pokemon as possible.

Sadie looked to the boy who had been admiring Berry and said, "Are you going to be a part of the Pokemon Contests as well?" At this Roggenrola hopped over to the Slyveon and said, "Roggen Rog Rola!" The small rock's version of saying hi.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shadeflare123
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Roxanne Hart

Location: Beryllium City, Pokemon Lab, Pokedex Line
Interacting with: @Deos Morran / Aiden; @EnterTheHero / Sage Monsoon

Roxy's attention switched to Sage as he moved between her and the other girl in line. She didn't mind, exactly; he was excited too, of course! "Uhh... hi. Sorry for quite literally butting in. You both just getting started, too?" He seemed nice enough, and as such Roxy immediately deemed him a decent person. "Yep! I came all the way here from the Hoenn region. What about you?" Making friends from other regions was one of the things Roxy was most excited for on her little journey; after all, the world was wide enough, right? Learning about the landmarks and Pokemon of other regions was surely a worthy endeavor. At that thought, Roxy wondered if she would end up going home after gallivanting around Chromis, or venture off to some other region. She supposed that she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.

"I'm sorry but I did. I thought your little friend would like a snack and I had just made a new batch of Poke-puffs before coming here. I do hope that doesn't bother you." Returning her attention to Aiden, her smile widened just a bit. "Oh, no, I don't mind! That's, like, super sweet of you, actually!" As Zorex jumped up and down around Lucina, the ordinarily stern Riolu couldn't help but return the excitement, bouncing up and down herself. Roxy found it to be the most adorable thing...ever. "I just saw how cute your little Riolu looked in that scarf and figure, why we're waiting why not enjoy some good snacks!" Roxy grinned and nodded. Next to Pokemon, food-particularly dessert-might just be the greatest thing in the universe. Plus, Lucina is adorable. "That's the truest thing I've heard all day," she replied, humor apparent in her tone.

"Name's Aiden," he said, offering an outstretched hand. Roxy happily shook his hand, only just now realizing she didn't even know his name. This was followed by the realization that he didn't know her name, either. "I'm Roxy. It's nice to meet you!" Here she was, already making friends left and right. "I know it may be a bit of an odd introduction, but would you care for a battle? I've never fought a Riolu before and it seems Zorex is itching to play! And besides no better way to make a new friend than a good match!" Roxy laughed a bit, looking down at her Riolu for a moment. "What do you think, Lucina? Up for a battle?" Lucina replied with a cheer, throwing her arms up. She was fond of battles, wasn't she? And a Gible could be a fun challenge. "I think that's a yes, then! You're on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 days ago

Professor Grevillia


"That's not a problem, here's your Pokedex. If you have any questions on how to use it, you can ask me or any other the other Aides in the building", she responded. It wasn't a problem if anyone was late, the lab was open at all times for people who wanted to start their journey. Whether it was in the dead of night, or at the earliest break of daylight. Regardless she would prefer if they didn't come at such strange times... She then turned to another trainer who was asking for one and pulled yet another out of the box she had brought in from the other room, and handed it to her.

"Of course it is, here, you may have one too. Be sure you know how to use it, if you're not sure just ask any of the Aides or myself", she repeated. The battle her son was participating in was under way, although there seemed to be a lot of spirited trainers today. She can hear a minor ruckus from the contest line, and looks like more people were looking to battle. These days can be quite chaotic... Although it was more than normal today. Most people went along their merry ways after doing their business.

"Maybe I should get an assistant...", she sighed to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ryan Frost
- In the Pokemon Contest Line.
- Interacting with: Chance (@ZachChase)

Ryan listened to the brief conversation of the trainers he had tried to talk to, though fell short due to his own personal withdrawal from the conversation. Sure, having a few moments to process it, he realized it probably wasn't the best decision he's made, but he couldn't bring himself to just interrupt what they were talking about. He didn't want to seem rude, especially towards someone who seemed very high class and fashionable, along with someone who was just as awkward as he was. And it wasn't like they were bad people either, they both seemed really nice... he could just feel something tugging at him and saying something would go wrong. He felt like they weren't like Pixie, who seemed to just get him, or the various pokemon friends he had left behind in Snowpoint. They just seemed to understand him, and he gladly accepted that understanding with his own in return. But other people or teenagers were different... He knew that was partially ridiculous, but with his mom and barely enough people to fill up one hand's fingers being in the list of people he's managed to talk to, while he had much more pokemon connections... He felt it sorta made sense.

But when he felt the hand on his shoulder suddenly, he froze, and Pixie in return felt his sudden abrasiveness and looked up at who it was, tilting her head slightly as she didn't see a threat. "This wish goes for you too. I would be honored to see a alolan ninetails. I heard stories that they rival the moon with their gleaming tails. It would be a honored pleasure to witness that."
The fashionably dressed guy told Ryan, to which his shyness melted from shock to a surprised smile. Someone wanted to see him have growth, and even encouraged it, which was rather new to the near young adult. His mother was normally very oppressive when it came to what Ryan wanted, so hearing someone else say they looked forward to seeing his pokemon evolve made him happy. And he nodded at that, he himself wanting to see the day when Pixie evolves into the snowy white Ninetails. It would be an amazing experience to watch a pokemon evolve, and he hoped that when that day came, he and Pixie would be in total sync with one another.

"Hm... uh- sorry about that, so many people here today... sooo- what's your name?"

And when the trainer with the Fletchling left, the one with the oddly colored skitty once again tried to start a conversation, but this time Ryan was ready for it. "Oh, uh, yeah it really is," he said in a friendly manner, referring to how busy it was before the kid asked Ryan what his name was, "And it's Ryan, Ryan Frost. I wasn't expecting so many people in the contest line, or else I would have went to sign up for the League first." He continued, lightly laughing to himself awkwardly as he finished the sentence. From random Fletchling's messing around to a very interesting coordinator declaring everyone here her rival, he wondered how the league line was going, only to snap back to reality and remember he was in an actual conversation.
"Oh, sorry, uh, what's your name?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ZachChase
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ZachChase Peacekeeper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Pokemon Contest Line

"Oh, uh, yeah it really is,"

"And it's Ryan, Ryan Frost. I wasn't expecting so many people in the contest line, or else I would have went to sign up for the League first."

"Oh, sorry, uh, what's your name?"

"I'm Chance, nice to meet you Ryan, and... this little skitty here is Blitzy."

He'd point over to the skitty on his shoulder, she would mew in response to her name being called. She'd exchange glances towards her trainer and Ryan for a moment... it seemed Chance knew exactly what she was thinking- rolling his eyes a bit at the skitty. The shiny skitty would hop from his shoulder over to Ryan's, meowing a bit as a greeting.

The skitty wasn't too heavy and was a comfortable size to be standing one someone's shoulder, though the sudden weight may have been a bit of a shock- not enough to knock someone over... unless they were extremely off balance.

"Heh... don't mind Blitzy- she's very ... 'open' when it comes to meeting new people."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Novis Shannon | @Lab PokePark
Novis arrived at the Professor Grevillia's labaratory in Beryllium city, like so many other teenie-somethings before him. He wasn't there to "set out on his journey" persay, more so just to officially sign up for the League challenge. There were far too many ten-year-olds for his taste, but hey, not everybody starts eight years later than most. He would've just done it back home at the nearest Poke-government insurance agency or whatever, but it was of course necessary for pretty much every facility in the region to undergo a region-wide network upgrade. The only big place open to sign-up at was the lab, and thus every tween and their mother crowded around it.

Okay, maybe he was exaggerating: there weren't that many people, and they certainly weren't all like twelve. But he couldn't help but feel a little late to the party. Mostly because he was tired and zoned out during the basic intro the prof gave. By the time the Growlithe by his feet had dragged him back to reality with a tug on the pant-leg, everyone had already dispersed from the little crowd they had formed while the professor was talking, leaving Novis standing like a nerd in gym class in the middle of the park.

"Looks like the lines are already a mile long, buddy." Novis frowned, and Nier gave a low whine. The Professor was retreating from a crowd of eager newbies grabbing for a 'Dex, and the League registrations were a far-off dream. The early bird gets the worm, as one might say. Any opportunity available was locked behind a gate of waiting, and Novis was not one for standing around idly.

A bunch of kids were squaring up around where the professor was, and Nov was pretty tempted to try to go show 'em up. He was a step towards them when Nier jammed himself between Nov's feets, almost sending himself face-first into the floor. Luckily, Nov's a god of dexterity and managed to catch himself with his hands.

Nov considered his Growlithe for a moment. "You're probably right buddy, you're kinda garbage right now." The dog gave a feisty little yap in response. It was hard to imagine the little thing growing into a big mean Arcanine, but Novis's uncle was too stubborn to let Nov take their Arcanine, Major, with him, so Nier was all he had. "Don't worry though, I'm an expert at raising guys like you!"

Novis jumped up to his feet, bouncing on his heels a bit. He was not pleased to see that his endearing character moment had only taken up several seconds and that the lines had barely moved. He paused to consider the situation for a moment, before he noticed the Professor had made a quick return. Novis made his way into the crowd around her, the second wave waiting eagerly for their 'Dexes. He tried to be subtle about his cutting, slipping in front of a few kids and assertively stepping up for the first one he could. The Professor gave him the same "here you go, feel free to ask questions" statement as everyone else. Novis wasn't really here to chat with the Prof, so he evacuated himself from the group immediately again, almost running into someone on the way out. In all honestly, he didn't really care too much about the PokeDex; it was just in case, since he didn't see much variety back in Damascus Town.

With that, he was half-way done with the task at hand. All that was left was to get to the registration sheets. Luckily, Nier was one step ahead, though, and knew what to do from example. Novis followed close behind, sneaking up around the line. He crept up near the front, and before anyone could question it, dashed into the line right as the last person put down the pen.

"Hey! You can't cut in line!" Some brat shouted, voice nasally and exactly what you would expect from someone who would say that.

"Sorry kiddo," Novis gave a cheeky grin as he scratched down his details on the registration form. The kid looked ready to throw punches, so once he got some scribbles down, Nov turned face and ran away. Except, his trajectory was horribly aimed and, almost comically formulaic-ly, he nearly rammed right into the guy with the messy orange hair who had just registered. Nier barked at the Fletching. "Sorry, man!" He called back. Nov's velocity had hardly wavered from the near-impact, but he only made it a couple of meters before turning back. Nier hadn't moved an inch once the Fletchling had came into his view, giving low rumbles and little yaps at it.

Novis scooped up the small Growlithe in his arms, though the dog Pokemon refused to break eye-contact with it. Nier was a little lighter than the average Growlithe due to its Espeon roots, but its almost silvery coat and inherited abilities were considered more desirable among the more glamour-orientated. At least according to Nov's uncle. Regardless, that didn't slow down Nier though, as he quickly broke free from Nov's grip after a struggle and jumped down to the floor again. "He doesn't like birds too much, excuse the noise." Nov gave a grin, eyeing up the Fletchling too. He'd seen them a few times around Damascus, as they like the fire-y atmosphere, but they weren't exactly the most common. Nov would've just assumed the stranger was from Chromis, but... "You from Kalos? Does everyone there dress like that?"

PokePark -> Chromis League Line
|-> @TalijaKey
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pokemon Contest Line
Ven: @itano123, Sadie: @alexfangtalon

Giggling softly at the slightly surprised reaction of the boy, Ruby felt satisfaction from being able to successfully steal away his attention. Pointing her index finger upward with a wink and a slight tilt of her head, the little girl convinced, "Uh huh, pretty sure that counts cause Berry and I are a team~! And ya know, Ruby loves cute Pokemon too, I'm sure we'll be great rivals!" As she said her last statement, Ruby smiled down at the blue Sylveon, which was probably the boy's, emphasizing the point that they both had Sylveons. Just realizing the fact that his Sylveon had a peculiar color to a common one, blue eyes sparkled downward at how adorable he was! Excited by this new revelation, Ruby asked, "OMG! What's this little one's name? He's so precious~! Oh, and I'd like to ask your name too, new fan boy~"

From how the attention was shifted from herself to the other Sylveon, Berry's jealousy mode was switched on. Her feelers which were swaying softly and happily a moment ago now stood still in the air as the female Sylveon was starting to growl in a low pitched tone, her expression evidently sour. Before anything got ugly, Sadie's Roggenrola, Gigaton, hopped in between the two Sylveons. Berry was slightly surprised, flinching a bit, before proceeding to take a sniff at the rock-like Pokemon. 'Was it actually a Pokemon like me?', she would think to herself. She had never encountered a Roggenrola before, nor a Pokemon that resembled a rock. After taking a moment to inspect Gigaton, Berry nodded to herself, convinced that he was not a threat, and barked in a pleased tone as her own way of greeting.

Hearing the other girl respond to her, Ruby directed her attention back to Sadie and beamed brightly. Ruby being Ruby, she took the vaguely positive answer optimistically, believing 'cheering her on' as another way of saying that she supported Ruby and Berry in contests. The idea was sort of not really similar, but she'd take it how she sees it anyway. Giddily taking Sadie's hands up, wrapped in her own, Ruby happily spoke, "Really~?! Ruby is really happy to hear that, I'll cheer you on too~! I hope we get to get along, right Berry~?" Of course, if it came down to the two being in the same contest, the little competitive girl was going to give it her all no matter what.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Chromis League Line
Interaction: @Sen

Francis was still focusing on the fighting, it made Danilo wonder if his pokemon friend wanted to fight. He didnt get to question it for much as someone nearly crashed into him. The red head using the staff to regain balance and stop himself from falling. Surprisingly his top hat only slid forward a bit .As Francis chipped flying now and staring at the barking pokemon.

"Sorry, man!"

Dan pushed his top hat back to it appropriate place on his head. Waving his hand as if it nothing to worry about. Because in his book if you get upset over such simple things in life you will never live though the true hardship. Yet as the trainer turned to go his way his pokemon didnt move a inch. Still barking at his Fletching. Surprisingly to Dan Francis didnt hide under his hat yet, like he usually did back home. Instead the bird was holding the other pokemon gaze.

The trainer returned and attempted and failed to get his pokemon to chill.

"He doesn't like birds too much, excuse the noise."

Danilo chuckled.

"Believe me its not the first time for my persona, at least your friend here isnt jumping on me trying to knock my hat over."

Danilo stretched his hand which held the staff and Francis landed on top of it, with easy perching on the staff, on occasion chipping back at the dog.

"You from Kalos? Does everyone there dress like that?"

"Indeed, I call Kalos my home. Sadly your assumptions are only half correct good sir." Danilo let his grin spread wide his voice going a bit lower as if he was telling a secret. "The dress style is a family thing, well from my father side a family thing." He leaned even closer, so he was only inches away from the other trainer, petting the top of his fetchling head adding in a even lower voice.

"To make a living with contests, it all boils down to two steps. First having a brand. Second enjoy living the story you created around you self. " Danilo moved back tipping his hat.

"The secret is I do enjoy this immensely.But alas! Forgive the rudeness of mine. My name is Danilo and it appears to me our pokemon have picked each other for a fight."

The word fight made Francis head jerk towards Danilo chipping fast, before he with the speed of a quick attack hid under Dans hat, who looked completely unfazed. Now this was normal behaviour from his pokemon. He just knew how to lure him back out. Without losing the beat to his voice he continued.

"A impressive battle display may draw the attention of some female pokemon admirers."

With the same speed Francis was no longer under the hat, but now was puffing his chest in front of the red dog pokemon. "Of course if you my friend, accept that is."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Sounds like a plan then! Come on! There's a clearing just over the way." Aiden said gesturing away from the lab and into the Poke Park. IT took a little work getting through the crowd but the determination of Aiden and Zorex to fight their new friends was strong, leading them through to a much mroe open area. From there is was just a short jaunt into the Poke Park that had an abundance of trees and local flora surrounding them.

It didn't take much longer to find a field away from large crowds and with enough space for the two parties to enjoy a good match. Of course there were still others around, some even having battles of their own and it was safe to say that each one had a few spectators ready to see the entertaining and lively matches that were about to take place!

Lucina and Roxy against Zorex and Aiden was no different, bringing a few onlookers to the sight of them squaring off and getting into position for a light hearted and friendly match. However, even though this was all done in fun, there was no way either Aiden or Zorex was about to go easy on them.

"Ready!" He called out to Roxy, not wanting to be unfair in the slightest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claire (NPC)
Pokedex Line
Professor Grevillia: @Sho Minazuki

"I'll be alright from here, sir police officer."

It was not something one would expect to see, an innocent looking young lady being escorted by a police officer. Oh no, don't get her wrong, the lady in the nurse uniform hadn't done anything to be tossed into a rotting jail cell, no. In fact, it was the kind officer who had offered to direct her towards the laboratory of the well known professor of Chromis. That was after spotting her pass by his police station a number of times in the past hour or two with an expression of a lost kitten. This was a usual scenario in Claire's daily life, nothing to worry about here.

After thanking the police officer, the young lady inspected the area which seemed to be crowding with young teenagers here and there. "Oh my, I do wonder where I should be heading to to receive the Pokedex...?" As she whispered to herself, just then, an excited teenage boy passed by with a Pokedex in hand. Trailing her bright yellow gaze towards where he came from, Claire would notice that there was a line to where a person giving out Pokedex was.

Seeing as she was more than a little tardy, the line to the lady with the Pokedex was shorter than she had expected. Rushing herself to the line, it only took a couple of minutes before she had reached the one giving out the Pokedex she wanted. "Pardon me for being tardy, I seemed to have gotten lost on my way here for um... an hour or two I suppose? It might be the exhaustion from the travel from Kalos towards this region but," The nurse chuckled lightheartedly at her ditzy behavior before continuing, "Would there be any Pokedex left? I would be delighted if I could receive one, though I might seem a little too old for this." Claire joked but she indeed would be more than happy if she could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- In the Pokemon Contest Line --> League Line
- Interacting with: Chance (@ZachChase)

"I'm Chance, nice to meet you Ryan, and... this little skitty here is Blitzy."
So, his name was Chance... That seemed like an odd name if Ryan was being honest to himself. He probably must have heard a thousand jokes about that name too, or maybe there was a chance that he hadn't. Slightly laughing in his own mind at the joke he'd made, his attention turned to the Skitty, or how Chance called her, Blitzy. He had made eye contact with the little fellow earlier, just for a brief moment, and the Skitty seemed a lot more open than her trainer.

Though, Ryan wasn't exactly expecting it to jump onto his shoulder. As soon as he saw it move, he immediately braced himself, feeling the pokemon land on his shoulder and being greeted with a meow into the ear. At least, he thought, she weighed around the same as Pixie did, and Pixie did like to hop and balance on his shoulders whenever he would stand still. He would have actually had Pixie on his shoulders now, had it not been for the fact that they were in line, as it seemed to be moving at a rather steady pace now.

"Heh... don't mind Blitzy- she's very ... 'open' when it comes to meeting new people." Chase told him, to which Ryan did an awkward laugh to himself, scratching the back of his neck with the arm whose shoudler side was not the one Blitzy was on. Then, after a slight delay, he switched to petting Blitzy for a bit before setting her down on the ground and turning to face her trainer.

"That's alright, she didn't weigh much more than my partner Pixie. Though, she should probably be careful in the future, shouldn't you yessss." He said, the last part of his sentence being directed towards the Skitty herself. Pixie took this opportunity to leap into Ryan's arms, to which he happily caught her. It was only then that he realized he was now next in line due to several trainers leaving, presumably because the line was much longer at first, causing them to leave for other lines. With his attention turned to registering, he soon was all set for the competition scene. With his business in this line now done, he gave a short, friendly wave to Chase as he made his way into the League line now. After all, it seemed right now that the Professor was still occupied with a line of her own...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Novis Shannon | @Chromis League Line

Novis was pleased to hear that his guess was at least partially right-- it would've been awkward if it hadn't, and he couldn't help but grin as the stranger did his little thing about his 'brand'. It indeed oozed of some kinda personal style, so if that was what he was going for, it worked well. If all it took to make it in Pokemon contests was having whatever this guy had, then Novis was now confident he was not cut out for them.

"Should've guessed you were here for contests too. The real stars always seem to be the eccentric types like you." Novis chuckled to himself. "I'm Novis, but you can call me whatever. This here's Nier." The Growlithe barked again at the sound of his name. Nov knelt down and shushed him with a scratch on the back of the neck before looking back at Dan. At the proposition of a fight with Nier seemed to intimidate the Fletchling at first, but once Danilo reminded it of the hypothetical admirers at stake, the bird jumped out at them with ferocity.

Again, Nov couldn't help but grin. "A battle sounds like just the thing to kick this thing off. We're gonna need the training if we're gonna beat all those gyms, anyway." Nier took up a battle stance, ready to pounce at Francis, but Novis gave a short whistle and the Growlithe returned to Nov's side, now contented that it was going to get what it wanted. Novis looked around for a second to get a feel for the current surroundings. "Right here probably isn't the best place, though. Looks like there's a clearing over there where some people are messing around, so how about we throw down over there if we're really doing this?"

Chromis League Line
|-> @TalijaKey
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZachChase
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ZachChase Peacekeeper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


-Pokemon Contest Line > Pokemon League Line > Professor Grevillia

-Talking to Ryan (@MechonRaptor) > -Rushing to Professor Grevillia (@Sho Minazuki)

"That's alright, she didn't weigh much more than my partner Pixie. Though, she should probably be careful in the future, shouldn't you yessss."

Blitzy would roll her eyes, similar to how her trainer had done it before hand... The skitty would meow in response, playfully swiping at Ryan's ear. As the Vulpix proceeded to hop into Ryan's arms the skitty would pounce off his shoulder a back to her trainer.

After grabbing Blitzy in his arms, Chance would realize he had almost forgotten that he was waiting in line...- crap, he'd quickly get himself signed up, ignoring any and all of those who tried to interact with him... quickly getting through the league line and signed up there as well and then attempt to make a b-line to the Professor.

He was in such a hurry he'd neglect to remember that other people, do in fact exist. Bumping into a few- or... one? Whoever was currently trying to talk to the professor would end up getting pumped by Chance. After the collision Chance would quickly recover, looking around with Blitzy still in his arms.

"AH- oh uhm... heh, sorry about that... seriously- like... really really sorry..."

He sighed, speaking under his breath: "I need to pay attention..."

"A-anyway... Professor! It-it's great to meet you! Oh-obviously... I'm interested in getting a pokedex, there are still some left, right!?"

Blitzy, meanwhile, would basically have a look that spoke: Here we go again...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Brose
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Morgana was in deep thought, considering about bailing out the last minute and going ahead to sign up for the Contests and the League, when the professor came back with a box full of pokedexes. She quickly received hers from the professor, but before she could think about saying thank you, suddenly a stranger weaseled into her personal space. Taken a back and on edge, Morgana was ready to give this stranger a piece of her mind when…she saw his partner Pokemon standing beside him.

And it was cute.

Overcome with curiosity and excitement, Morgana immediately got down, releasing her grip on Luft the Drifloon, and began to pet the other Pokemon. And boy was it soft. So small and soft. Morgana wasn’t exactly sure what kind of Pokemon it was; but it looked familiar and she knew it wasn’t Sinnohian. Fennel? Fenkly? Fennier? That sounded…close. Maybe.

Morgana was so distracted by the creature that she almost missed its trainer talking to her. A few moments the words sunk in and the girl stood up once more, shooting an uneasy glance at the boy trainer.

“Yeah…we are…” she said, feeling very little desire to expand more on the conversation. She motioned to her partner Pokemon, who was floating a little too close to the Fennekin down below; it’s gaze full of curiosity, similar to that of its trainer. Morgana smiled faintly at the sight and felt a tinge bit more at ease.

“Your Pokemon is cute! What’s their name?!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Location: Chromis League Line -> Pokepark
Interaction: @Sen

"A battle sounds like just the thing to kick this thing off. We're gonna need the training if we're gonna beat all those gyms, anyway."
Novis accepted, and Danilo hummed. It nearly appeared the other pokemon wanted to pounce right there and then. Novis hugged him and made a valid point about a better battle place, pointing to the Pokepark. Just where it appeared several battles were going on.

"Cleaver proposition. Lets choose a more adequate stage for our friendly fight." Danilo picked his bag and Francis fly ahead, making sure to make several rolls and loops while at it. Danilo was strolling, much on the opposite of the eager fletching. After the match regardless if he lose or won, he would pick a pokedex and after the stop by the pokecenter he will set out on the journey.

"What species is Nier? I have yet to pick my pokedex, the line for that was astonishingly long a while back." Danilo added as explanation to his question. He stood beside his bird once he reached the clearing, placing the bag beside his feet once more. They picked a nice open spot, he liked it. Looking down at Francis he grinned, they were ready.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 4 days ago

Professor Grevillia


"Of course", she responded. The young trainer was rather nervous it seems, or anxious. He didn't seem to notice the box she was holding. She proceeded to reach into it and hand him the Pokedex. It looked similar to the Kalosian Pokedex, and as she explained worked similarly, with the exception that it spread sideways rather than vertically. She proceeded to hand one to the girl who got bumped out earlier too before she could leave.

"Do you know how to use it? To make use of it, point the camera peripheral at your target, and the device will detect Pokemon the camera sees, and give you all known information. It will also update information if you find something new", she explained.

These were all the basic functions that mattered most. It also takes pictures automatically when scanning Pokemon, and can give live feed of basic information. like determining how much fight a Pokemon has left in them. It seems some of the trainers in battles were making use of this function which surprised her. Most would overlook the function in favor of a more instinct oriented playstyle.

"Anyways, if you have further questions, you can ask me or any of the Aides".

Froakie/Gible VS Ghastly/Rockruff

"And then use- Oh", it seems the battle was over. The other side after the Gastly went down decided to forfeit the match. Ren was visibly quite proud of himself, along the lines of 'they recognized my true power and thus forfeit', striking a pose as it always does, but York had his own thoughts on why the girl called the forfeit. Considering the situation there was no need to force the battle,

"Awww, too bad it was short, but it was fun", he commented.

"Ah by the way, if you need to heal your Pokemon there's a healing station right over there", he pointed over to a small set of tables by the side of the PokePark, still within it. There was a healing machine there too. It appears this entire facility was made to accomodate for trainers, as it should be.

Regardless with the battle now done, it looks like now would be a good time for York to finish his sign-ups, and think about where to go on his journey. He wondered where everyone here was going to go. Personally he was thinking of heading for the university first, it felt like it only made sense to go there, he wasn't sure why.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ZachChase
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ZachChase Peacekeeper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


-Professor Grevillia (@Sho Minazuki)

He was relieved to find that there were plenty pokedexs to go around, his voice would sound a bit less anxious... The shiny skitty would pop out from his hands and onto his shoulder as he took the pokedex, he had handled a pokedex before, though this one seemed more high-tech... well at least more high-tech than the ones found in Unova. Blitzy would prance a bit on his shoulder, hopping onto his hat, her ears twitching a bit while the two talked.

"Wow... I never thought I'd ever have my own..."

"Anyways, if you have further questions, you can ask me or any of the Aides."

"Well I do have one question... where would be a good place to look for a moonstone...?"

While examining the device, Chance decided to try it on Blitzy, aiming the camera up at his hat. Blitzy would curiously mew, tilting its head at the camera as the device examined her. Any information on the shiny sktty was logged into the pokedex, the interesting colors of this particular skitty were put into the data banks.
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