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So, I'm interested in applying to this rp if it's still open. I assume the only arcana spots left are The Devil and The Tower? Death is "open" but I think one of the later profiles has death as it's arcana listed, so I'm not 100% sure.
Super duper short and I apologize but just wanted to get back into the swing of things asap.
Morgana Lockwood

Location: Route 9 - Road to Algam
GM: @alexfangtalon

“Yeah, let’s knock them down a peg or five!” Morgana hollered. The younger boys were cocky, but Morgana liked that. While initially, nervous when the boys approached her and Sage, that feeling quickly simmered down at the mention of a battle. With her competitive streak quickly coming full force, Morgana quickly turned to Luft the Drifloon.

“Ready, Luft?! It’s time for you to shine!” She said, motioning Luft towards the boys and ready to fight. Luft let out a loud "fwoon" cry in agreement. “GET READY TO EAT DIRT, DORKS!”
Morgana Lockwood

Location: Route 9 - Road to Algam
GM: @alexfangtalon

It didn’t take long for the two to arrive on Route 9. There were quite a number of folks at the park, with lots of food stalls and vendors around, taking advantage of the size of the goers. Morgana gazed around the area and saw most of the folks around were eating lunch, not doing much anything else. Boring.

“Yeah, sure.” She replied to Sage, a little absentmindedly. “To be honest I don’t think I’ll find anything that’ll interest me, and I was hoping for a battle to buff up Luft a little. But sure, we can go. Maybe we’ll find something interesting around here. Maybe.” Luft made a loud “fwoon” sound in agreement proceeded to latch onto Morgana. It was too early for spooks, but maybe she could get some battle experience yet.
Are there specific time mentions? Like is it officially evening/nighttime or just do w/e?

Also, if anyone on Route 9 is interested in battling, I can have Morgana ready to go and issue out a challenge to everyone in the (shouting) reach.
Morgana Lockwood

Location: Beryllium City
GM: @alexfangtalon

Morgana let out a heavy huff at Sage’s little ramble. She appreciated the concern, but it all seemed so tedious…type coverages and stuff. Bluh. It was important, sure. But what matter most in battles is training and pure instinct.

“Really, it’s no big deal. Worst case, Luft and I will just get some good practice in. Although really, ghosts are pretty widespread and versatile. More than you’d think. Death is everywhere. She whispered the last one, unintentionally coming off as what most would consider “creepy.”

She watched Sage walk off to go sign up for the League. Taking out her maps from her bag, she briefly glanced over them in detail. Arsenic was to the east and was an island, so they needed to get there by boat. The nearest harbor was…in Brass Town. Which was a considerable walk away. Oh boy.

With Sage’s return, she didn’t wait a moment to bring attention to the issue at hand. “The only ferry to Arsenic Island is here.” She said, pointing to the mark on the map. “We are here, so we got quite a ways to go.

“The best route, is to go east from here through Route 9 and through the University and then to Brass Town. There is a place I want to check out before Brass Town, though. The Silumin Reserve should have some good Pokemon to check out.” She folded up the map and turned her gaze back to Sage.

“Sounds good? If so, let’s go!”

Just checking up with the two of you since neither of you have posted within the last few days.

I'm still waiting on Brose.

Sorry for the delay (work's been hella busy cause of holidays and I've been so wiped).

Tbh I'm still a little confused about how this is all supposed to work out, but I'll go ahead and post something to get things moving.

EDITED: Posted!
@alexfangtalon @EntertheHero

That's fine with me. I also have skype if that's easier. I'm gonna hold off from posting quite yet cause I'm honestly not sure how to go about it next, and how you want to do it, alexfangtalon.

EDIT: Tbh I'm still not really sure if Morgana really needs to go into the greenhouse itself cause no ghost types are in there, but she can get a few on the coast. Although I'm still indecisive if I'm going to truly keep her to having strictly ghost mons.
Sorry for the delay @EntertheHero. For some reason it wasn't showing up your post in my alerts. :/

Will post tonight!
Morgana Lockwood


Morgana reached into her pocket and pulled out the Town Map she had bought at the local tourist shop once she had arrived into the region. As Sage began to ramble, Morgana briefly scanned the map.

“You mean ‘Arsenic Island’?” she pointed to the mark on the map. “It’s not too far off,” she mumbled. It wasn’t in the direction where she wanted to go, but it seemed like a remote location with less people and more Pokémon. Right now, more than anything she needed to get more Pokémon under her belt more than anything, and a remote island didn’t sound like a bad idea. Although she wasn’t sure how she felt about poison types.

“Nah, poison types aren’t a problem for ghost types. But…ghost types don’t really stand to gain any advantage against them either. Probably just gonna have to go about it versus sheer power alone.” She had hoped that she would be able to find some more Pokemon to gain more coverage in her team, but she didn’t know what she would find on that island and decided it was best to just wait and see what she found.

“Are you all ready to go or do you need to finish up some things?”
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