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Okay, this is what I've got. I also was going with a more traditional pokemon adventure type trainer. Took a bit to update him and hopefully it doesn't read too stiffly or anything. Please let me know if there's anything that needs changing!

And as far as egg moves, I'd be fine with them on the free egg 'mon. I don't feel strongly about the starter having them or not (though they might help Chingling out a bit lol).

Looks great! Feel free to add him to the Characters page! Very exciting! <33

As far as the egg moves, unless anyone has any serious objection, I'll think I'll go ahead and allow both the free egg mon and the starter to have egg moves. But just one each. And be aware that depending on the move, if its too OP early on, it may need to be on the backburner/movebank until they get higher level. I'll explain more about that once I've got a better idea on how the moves are going to work (still looking at how to rework them).

tagging @c3p-0h since they asked

My characters! :)
@Brose So i've got most of my cs done aside from a few little things, but some questions that came up as I was making it:

1) for contest moves, are we going with the contest effects, or supercontest effects, because they vary?

2) looking through the battle mechanics, there's no real purpose for a stronger move that has the same basic effect as a weaker move, right? for example water gun is functionally the same move as hydropump in a battle it looks like, right?

3) do natures have any functional effect within the rp?

4) the free egg can’t have egg moves, but can the starter or other found pokemon have egg moves?

1.) Whichever is used in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, as that's my basis. I'm not sure which one that is. Here is a list of the effect references that I'll be using.

2.) Currently, that is the case, yes. Now, I am playing with the idea of giving the moves "tier damages" as a way to find a balance between better moves but not having to do the games individual numbers. Like Water Gun would be a Tier 1 move (that does Tier 1 base damage) vs Hydro Pump would be a Tier 3 or 4 move (that does Tier 3 or 4 base damage). Something like that. Only, that'd take some time to iron out but currently, yes. Although there are some exceptions even now where certain moves have set damage and moves like Absorb isn't as strong as like Giga Drain, for example.

On that note, I plan to put the moves list on a Google Doc and share the link to the RP. Hopefully, it'll be easier to read and I can amend it much quicker. But that's a WIP

tldr - Currently, yes there is no difference. But that may change.

3.) Natures do not have any functional use in the RP. It's mostly for cosmetic/personality stuff. You can use it as a basis to determine what kind of berries your Pokemon likes/dislikes if you want, but you're not forced to go by that system. You can do what you want.

4.) Honestly, I was planning on no egg moves entirely for simplicity, but if you guys want egg moves, I'd rather it be the free egg Pokemon have it and MAYBE the starter instead of wild Pokemon. The latter having that would just complicate things for me. So, if you want egg moves just let me know and I'll allow it for at least the free egg Pokemon and maybe the starter.

But if we end up changing the moves to where they all have set damage, I may be more picky about what moves are allowed. I don't want Tier 1 Pokemon one-shotting opponents with a Tier 3-4 level move kind of stuff.
NPC List Pt3

Both of those sound great to me! Really looking forward to your CSes!! <3

In other news, I updated the Pokemon list for the Fairy, Bug, Fighting, and Dark gym leaders. I know I said I wouldn't but...*shrugs*. In any rate, it should give you guys a better idea of what to expect both for the rp and what direction you guys may want to go in (as there is no particular order). I'm also organizing the CS page in general, as I can't fit all of the NPCs on one post.

EDIT: Updated the amended abilities & banned abilities list as well!
NPC List Pt2: Gym Leaders Continued

Okey dokie, we'll start with like 3 and work up from there.

I agree with c3p, start off with few just to see how it feels. And once the characters arrive at a point where they could use a full team of six, see how we want to do it then.

Also, I decided on a concept. Gonna rework a character from an old RP I never got to use, which I think will fit in well. Now I'm writing the character sheet!

Two quick questions though: our characters are intended to travel together around the region, right? Also, since exploration is handled in a certain way, would items like pure incense, repels, etc. effectively do nothing mechanically? I was thinking about taking a cleanse tag for the held item for aesthetic/RP purposes.

Great! Looking forward to your character.

Question number one: Yes that is my expectation/hope. You guys are free to go separately at various points if its more convenient but I figured it'd be more fun to stick together most of the time. If there was more of a turn out I could say we could split up into 2+ groups but we don't have the people for that.

Question number two: You're free to have it/"use" it, but mechanically it'd be useless, yeah.
So, a little update. I updated the map section & the exploration section to show what items can be found/discovered in the RP. Each time you go into a new area (landmark/route, not settlements), you get three item rolls: 2 basic item rolls and 1 treasure roll. The basic item list is just items you use for adventuring (potions, pokeballs, status restores, etc.). Treasure list is just for stuff you can find & sell for $$$.

Working on the combat aspect & gym leader teams, and I have a question for everyone: How many Pokemon on a Gym Leader's team would you like to see/face? Is 3-4 Pokemon per team the ideal or would you guys rather take on a full team of 6? Former has the advantage of being easier + more quicker to go through, but some may prefer the latter for the challenge of a full team. I'm conflicted.
I'm a sucker for some pokemon! This is a style of RP mechanics I personally haven't done before so I'm game to try this out. And personally, I really like colored dialogue. It helps me distinguish each PC and better hone in on what is being internalized vs externalized by a character - useful for when writing reactions or envisioning a scene.

Awesome! We'd love to have you. And thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and colored the dialogue for the intro. Hopefully, it's easier to read. Let me know if any of the color choices are bad/hard on the eyes. Along with doing some of the stuff that I still need to complete (NPC profiles, mostly), I'll be working on making the OOC front page more visual friendly. I'll also continue working on the mechanics & updating the front page.

I'm not going to be posting Gym Leader's Pokemon teams as of right now. I designed the RP with the idea that players can go wherever they want/any particular path they desire (starting point is relatively in the middle of the region) and so because of that, each gym leader has technically 8 teams pre-planned that depends on what order our characters will challenge gym leaders. 90% of these teams aren't going to be used, but I drafted them up anyway cause I didn't know what order you guys would go in and wanted to be prepared (also it was fun). So, gym leader's teams won't be posted until the RP starts and I have an idea of where our characters will be going.

So, in order for the RP to start I need a minimum of 2-3 players. More would be ideal, but I'll take what I can get. There is no rush/pressure, we can start whenever. But that is the state of things. If anyone has any questions/issues, feel free to ask! :)

EDIT: Also, I'm changing the shiny rate to 1/30. We won't be having too many wild Pokemon encounters compared to the games so I've drastically rose the rate. But if it ends up too common, I'll reduce it.
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