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@Brose my character is also done! please give the cs a look when you're able. i did end up giving my starter an egg move, so please let me know if there's an issue with it.

Profile itself looks good. Happy to have her on board! Just put an asterisk by the name of the move that is the egg move just for convenience (for reference, I gave Mag's Mimikyu an egg move as well). I think I'll have it where we put asterisks by the name of moves that are obtained from egg moves or TMs.

But I'm not as sure what to do with the Life Orb, mechanically that is. Apologies, as I haven't gotten around to working out mechanically how all of the items would work. But would you be down for the Life Orb increasing the damage of damage moves by .5 HP but receiving increased .25 HP damage? At least for Tier 1 Pokemon where their HP is 5 points max.

EDIT: If it's not clear, go ahead and put her on the characters page. I just need to determine how the Life Orb will function.
Alrighty, made a slight change in Ikkou's sheet. @c3p-0h reached out to me so we worked out some relationship ties between our characters. The main change for Ikkou is just that instead of arriving to Starre a year before RP start, be arrived much later/closer to start date. If that's all fine, then I'll put him in the char tab!

Go on ahead, he looks good! If you decide to give Chingling egg moves just run those by me before you do it~ Very excited to have him, though! <3


Working on the new system right now. It may take a bit but I should be able to get most of the Rank 1 moves done/listed before we start.
Sorry for the double post, but a major question for you guys:

So, I brainstormed some an alternate moves system, and I wanted to know which one people would prefer more.

System 1 (Current): With some exceptions, there really isn't much of a fundamental difference between moves like Water Gun vs Hydro Pump. The damage mostly comes from the Tier ranking the Pokemon is at, less the moves. This makes things less easier to exploit if a certain Pokemon has earlier access to better moves than other Pokemon, but it also doesn't give much motivation to get better moves.

System 2 (Theoretical): With this new system, I take all of the damage dealing moves and put them on their own ranking system and determine their damage output based on that (based on the game's version of the damage they deal). So, for example Rank/Tier 1 is currently all moves that dish out 10 to 50 damage in the games. Based on the Rank/Tier system, they would do 1 HP in base damage, while a Rank/Tier 2 move would do 2 HP in base damage. Rank/Tier 3 move would do 3 HP in damage. And for the most part it stops there (barring two separate moves that I'm going to have in their own rank together separately - Self Destruct & Explosion).

Note: There is still going to be some level of same type moves not being that different damage wise (Fury Swipes vs Scratch, they'd be on the same tier and deal the same amount of damage even if technically in the games they're different). But it's not as egregious as Water Gun and Hydro Pump being the same.

This works out fine for the most part, except when it comes to the cut off between tiers.

For example, take the move Vise Grip. It's power in the games is 55 but it's an early move game for a lot of Pokemon (depending on the generation). However, because I made the cut off at 50 it technically is currently a Tier/Rank 2 move. I could easily just bump the line (and will likely do so) but ultimately it's going to be hard to find a proper cut off.

Another example, the move Ancient Power. In the games its 60 damage but barring the exception of a handful of Pokemon (Glimmet line, Tirtouga line, Archen line, Relicanth, Aerodactyl, etc.) it's relatively a safe Tier/Rank 2 move pick, imo.

Either way, there are going to be cases like these where the line is a bit muddied and a move that is ranked higher tiered is going to show up earlier for certain Pokemon lines.

For example, my current move lineup for my Mimikyu features Wood Hammer as that's what they can learn at that level. But it's a very strong move and hits for 100 damage normally. It ~could~ pass for a Tier/Rank 2 move, but currently it's set up to be a Tier/Rank 3 one.

When these cases happen, I can see two answers to it:

1.) Ban the Pokemon from using higher tiered/ranked moves until it reaches the proper level/tier to use it. They can still "unlock it" early but can't use it. We can tweak the list if some moves people think should be higher/lower in the ranks. This would apply to TMs as well.

2.) Let the Pokemon use the higher powered move and just embrace that certain Pokemon are going to have an easier/harder time based on what they're handed. This would apply to TMs as well.


If I could get some feedback on this, I'd appreciate it. If you truly don't care either way, that's perfectly fine. Just wanted to get a feel for what people think would be the best/most appealing route to go for.

One last, separate question: When it comes to the Pokemon in the RP, do you guys want to go the anime route where the Pokemon just say their names for "talking" (Pikachu going "Pika pika" etc.) or do you want to go more the games route where they just make animal-like cries/noises? I kind of prefer the latter, but I'll go with whatever y'all want to do.
Okay, this is what I've got. I also was going with a more traditional pokemon adventure type trainer. Took a bit to update him and hopefully it doesn't read too stiffly or anything. Please let me know if there's anything that needs changing!

And as far as egg moves, I'd be fine with them on the free egg 'mon. I don't feel strongly about the starter having them or not (though they might help Chingling out a bit lol).

Looks great! Feel free to add him to the Characters page! Very exciting! <33

As far as the egg moves, unless anyone has any serious objection, I'll think I'll go ahead and allow both the free egg mon and the starter to have egg moves. But just one each. And be aware that depending on the move, if its too OP early on, it may need to be on the backburner/movebank until they get higher level. I'll explain more about that once I've got a better idea on how the moves are going to work (still looking at how to rework them).

tagging @c3p-0h since they asked

My characters! :)
@Brose So i've got most of my cs done aside from a few little things, but some questions that came up as I was making it:

1) for contest moves, are we going with the contest effects, or supercontest effects, because they vary?

2) looking through the battle mechanics, there's no real purpose for a stronger move that has the same basic effect as a weaker move, right? for example water gun is functionally the same move as hydropump in a battle it looks like, right?

3) do natures have any functional effect within the rp?

4) the free egg can’t have egg moves, but can the starter or other found pokemon have egg moves?

1.) Whichever is used in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, as that's my basis. I'm not sure which one that is. Here is a list of the effect references that I'll be using.

2.) Currently, that is the case, yes. Now, I am playing with the idea of giving the moves "tier damages" as a way to find a balance between better moves but not having to do the games individual numbers. Like Water Gun would be a Tier 1 move (that does Tier 1 base damage) vs Hydro Pump would be a Tier 3 or 4 move (that does Tier 3 or 4 base damage). Something like that. Only, that'd take some time to iron out but currently, yes. Although there are some exceptions even now where certain moves have set damage and moves like Absorb isn't as strong as like Giga Drain, for example.

On that note, I plan to put the moves list on a Google Doc and share the link to the RP. Hopefully, it'll be easier to read and I can amend it much quicker. But that's a WIP

tldr - Currently, yes there is no difference. But that may change.

3.) Natures do not have any functional use in the RP. It's mostly for cosmetic/personality stuff. You can use it as a basis to determine what kind of berries your Pokemon likes/dislikes if you want, but you're not forced to go by that system. You can do what you want.

4.) Honestly, I was planning on no egg moves entirely for simplicity, but if you guys want egg moves, I'd rather it be the free egg Pokemon have it and MAYBE the starter instead of wild Pokemon. The latter having that would just complicate things for me. So, if you want egg moves just let me know and I'll allow it for at least the free egg Pokemon and maybe the starter.

But if we end up changing the moves to where they all have set damage, I may be more picky about what moves are allowed. I don't want Tier 1 Pokemon one-shotting opponents with a Tier 3-4 level move kind of stuff.
NPC List Pt3

Both of those sound great to me! Really looking forward to your CSes!! <3

In other news, I updated the Pokemon list for the Fairy, Bug, Fighting, and Dark gym leaders. I know I said I wouldn't but...*shrugs*. In any rate, it should give you guys a better idea of what to expect both for the rp and what direction you guys may want to go in (as there is no particular order). I'm also organizing the CS page in general, as I can't fit all of the NPCs on one post.

EDIT: Updated the amended abilities & banned abilities list as well!
NPC List Pt2: Gym Leaders Continued

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