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Going to post the first post very shortly! But just an fyi, I'm having the whole "gifting Pokemon egg" event be a festival and named it the "New Beginnings Festival." I added a little blurb about it on the lore section of the OOC page. Nothing's changed, just gave it a name. But wanted to inform y'all prior so people aren't confused.

Edit: Got too excited and forgot to tag people for the first post! Whoopsie!

Anywho, looking forward to this rp! Got quite a bit planned so hope you all enjoy it!

And just fyi, although the first post is long: I do NOT expect regular posts to be. Just so that's clear.

Edit(x2): I'll post Mags and (what I consider) Noah's first post later.

Edit(x3): Forgot to mention Noah's egg's description, so I edited that in the first post. I also edited in his profile a cute little image of it! Can't wait to see what eggs everyone picks out!
Please format your posts based on the following:

For now, I’m keeping it simple since we can just turn to the IC character sheets for specific information (items/wallet, Pokemon on hand, etc.). But that may change depending on the RP and/or people’s preferences.
Hello! Here is my application. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully y'all think it's appropriate and okay.

Ooooh, delicious drama potential with Cassandra Stern. *rubs hand together*

Aside from some questions I have just to clarify how you want the history/dynamic between Cassandra Stern & the de Vries family (Which I'll just PM/DM you later about), she's accepted and you can go ahead and put her on the characters tab! Although, for Comet's hider tag you put "Rocky," did you mean to put Comet or is that just a reference to that it's a Rockruff?

So, with that, we'll be starting sometime today! Yippee! :)

Edit: If you want, you can give Comet an egg move. Not sure if you saw I changed my ruling on that (not sure if I edited the rules in time for when you read them). But you can give one egg move to the starters & egg Pokemon.
Apologies for the double post, but a few announcements:

1.) I am TENTATIVELY putting the start date as Wednesday, 7/24. I'm still waiting to hear back from Enzayne on the matter but the start date should be roughly soon, but it could be sooner or later. But just an FYI.

2.) I decided to change my stance on the rules regarding moves. This is how it's going to work:

Instead of Tier _ = Rank _ Moves Only (ex: Tier 1 = Rank 1 Moves Only) rule which I had before, I'm going to have it be based on the Pokemon's levels. So, instead we get...

This way allows it not to be too rigid and allows some variety at certain thresholds. Some Pokemon will have better moves to learn then others at certain points (some earlier than others), but they can be compensated with TMs. And speaking of TMs, some point soon I am going to list the TMs we'll be using on the front page. Mostly, they'll be based off of Scarlet & Violet's TMs, but I will allow TMs from previous games to be available, I just need to know which ones people want.

3.) Bug, Fairy, Fighting, and Dark Gym leader profiles are currently not up-to-date/accurate in regards to the Pokemon moves, but I'm keeping it up for now since it gives people an idea of what to expect, at least. Steel Gym Leader's Pokemon teams should be up semi-soon.

And I believe that's it for now. Really looking forward to the start of the RP! :)

Edit: Bug and Fairy Gym Leaders profiles are up to date! Gonna work on Fighting & Dark today.
Howdy! I found this thread today after an extensive hiatus from the site, and I'm pretty interested! It's a lot of reading and I haven't gotten through it all yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll offer an application if you're still willing to take more people.

Yes, definitely still accepting. Happy to have you. :)

Let me know if there are any questions!


A few announcements/updates:
-E4 profiles are up. I changed Zackary Sparks -> Zachariah Sparks
-Listed the Pokemon that will be in the E4 + Champion teams, but there is no concrete info decided on them yet (as far as moves, abilities and such) as I'm waiting until the RP is more in the swing of things and see how mechanics play out and all that before I commit to planning stuff.

Also, mystery person that was thinking about joining decided to withdraw from joining (but are free to join in the future if they so wish!). So, now we are just waiting on imia and Enzayne!

Edit (x2): Just saw imia's edit. So now we're just waiting on Enzayne (if they're joining). Will very, very likely start sometime this week. Just need to determine when.
hello! ive been watching this thread for alittle bit and im rlly interested in the world being built here + the mechanics of the roleplay. IF u still have space for another player lmk and ill put some of my own ideas together, but if not then no problem!!

Of course! Yeah, we'd love to have you. We'll be starting sometime this coming week but there is no set date yet. Let me know if you have any questions!


In other news/announcements, I finished the introduction post (at least 99% of it) last night! Still needs a few look overs and touch ups, but otherwise, that is done so once profiles are in we should be raring to go. Next, I'll be working on to finish those E4 profiles which I've been avoiding.
<Snipped quote by Brose>

Thanks! Glad he's good to go. As for starting time, I'm really game whenever. I wouldn't be against waiting for the potential fourth, and I wouldn't be against starting before either.

Okie dokie! I'll give them a message to see what their status is on the RP. I'm only about maybe 1/4th through the introduction post atm, but it shouldn't take long to finish that. So definitely sometime this coming week (probably more sooner than later, but I'll have to check in with that other person).

In other news, I changed/updated the Poffins & Pokeblocks section on the front page as well as added more info to the berry list on the front page as well. Changed up the berry requirements for poffins a smidge (just which berries are required) and now we allow mixed (2 flavored) poffins! But no mixed pokeblocks, still.

Took a lot longer than expected to get it set up, but I didn't like how the old system didn't have all of the berries used for the poffins so I changed it.

I also tweaked the NPC character profiles some and gave certain bits some color so it's more prettier/hopefully more legible.

Now, gonna be focused on the introduction post. Then we can finally get this party started.

Edit: I also changed up the character sheet in that I swapped Inventory & Wallet sections and made Inventory a hider tag cause some of you guys already did that and that makes a lot more sense than what I had. So, if anyone is using the old format, feel free to change that if you want. Or don't. Either way is cool~
Think he's ready to ship out!

He's beautiful! And I love Garamond. Add him to the front page whenever you're ready!


So, I'll have to check but we might have ONE more person joining us, possibly. But since we have most of the profiles in, when would you guys like to start?

Edit: Added "The Tragic Case of Charlotte Atlas-Stern" to the Lore section of the front page. Not too much new information, but sums up the event decently.

Edit(x2): Added the berry list to the "Discoverable Items" list on the front page. Some of them I added/changed their effects but it's nothing too spicy.
<Snipped quote by Brose>

Thanks! I probably will... in fact, in an effort not to overthink this, let's go with Wish. Is that okay?

Wish is good! I'll add the move to the Doc later but you can go ahead and add it now on the profile.


Very excited we got 2/3 of the profiles submitted! But while we wait for the last profile submission (no rush!), I have to ask: When would you guys like to start? I still have some profiles to do but they aren't urgent (their characters for down the line) so we could start right away once the last profile is submitted. Or we could wait a bit. Up to y'all. Either way I'll get to working on the intro post.

But is there anything I haven't gone over or into enough detail that you guys want me to cover before we start? Most of the gameplay stuff is gonna be "wing it and adapt" with a loose guideline at best so a lot of things are likely to change as time goes on. But if there is anything still confusing, do let me know!

Edit: And if there is anybody lurking that is interested but doesn't want to commit just yet, know that the RP will remain open for applications (for now) and people can join in any time even if the RP already started! I'll get you caught up and stuff.

Edit (x2): Went through the battle items and added the effects for the held items you can buy.
Yay I’ll be sure to put the asterisk there before I move her over. To be honest I put the life orb there on a whim because I saw in the description you had for magic guard, the ability the Clefairy line can have, it lists life orb damage to the wielder as being negated, and I was like “oh sure that seems neat and useful and I don’t wanna bother looking up other items.” Those numbers seem fine to me?

Ah, that's right! That'll make things easier, then. Alright, then everything else is good to go!

EDIT: Updated the front page to include information about the new moves system.

Basically, very similar as before but now moves have set damage. Working on the list of the moves & their ranks, now.

EDIT: Here is the Google Docs with the Moves for the new system. It's still a WIP but it can give you an idea of what is being worked on/towards.
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