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Sorry for the delay, my posts will be up later tonight! Just been rather unsure about them (at least in terms of direction), but they'll be done tonight for sure.
*Cackles* Poor Ikkou. He's got his hands full.

EDIT: I'm gonna write up Mags' response post with the idea in mind that Kazu is going to come to them (her and Ikkou). Let me know if that's an issue.
[Alex walked away from Ikkou and Mags.]

Mags Specter

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Ikkou (by @Yankee)

"I'm sorry! Are you alright? Here–"

Mags watched as the young man leaned over, extending his hand out to help her. She lightly smacked his hand away and made a foul face. Slowly, she got herself up off of the ground.

“I don’t need help! I can get up on my own--owww.” She winced, her lower back shooting up in pain. She took a moment to gently massage the spot before turning her attention around. Standing before her was a young man with silver hair and light blue eyes. He was a foot shorter than her, but looked roughly close to her in age. Floating next to him was some kind of bell Pokemon. Mags was about to chew out her “assailant” when suddenly she realized…weren’t there two people “responsible” for this mess?

“Where did the other person go…?” She murmured, looking around. She caught a figure looking vaguely familiar walking off into the distance but decided to let it go. It wasn’t worth chasing after.

“Ugh, never mind.” She grumbled, she turned back to face the boy. You. You are responsible for this. You need to look where you’re going, pal. I could’ve gotten seriously hurt! And if I already did…w-well you’re gonna be paying for my medical bills! And stuff!”

Suddenly, Mags was reminded of the fact that she hated hospitals. There was no way she’d go to one. But if she had to, she sure as anything wasn’t going to be paying for it. Nuh-uh.

Mags took a moment to rub her lower back again and groaned. The pain was still there, and it hurt. She hoped she didn’t bust her booty bone. She knew of one guy back home who did something like that once; he had to sit on a seat shaped like a donut for weeks!

‘No way I could do that.’ Mags thought to herself. ‘That’d totally cramp up my style.’

After briefly pondering about donut-shaped cushions for injured bottoms, Mags realized she didn’t know the name of the “scoundrel” who “bumped” into her. She also didn’t know what that bell of a Pokemon was that he had.

“Who are you, anyway? What’s your name?” She asked, giving an irritated look and a slight huff. She glanced towards his Pokemon. “And what’s…that thing?”
I'm sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to put my involvement on hold. Got some health stuff that's going critical, and life isn't really slowing down. Do whatever you want with Alex.

I'm so sorry to hear that (about the health stuff and everything!). I'll put Alex on hold for now and you just let me know when/if you want to join in again (which you can do at any point). Hope things get better for you soon!

As far as what we'll do with Alex...the funny thing to do would be to have her carried off by a wild pack of angry Mankeys! Buuuuut I think we'll go with the safe choice of "she walked away" and if/when Enzayne comes back we can have them decide what her reason was for doing so. Or never mention it again, idc.

With that said, I'll write up Mags' response to Ikkou sometime today.

Edit: Whoops! Meant to say Ikkou, not Kazu. Still waking up, it seems!
Garamond is the cutest. <3
Cassandra Stern

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting with: Vinny (played by @GubGar)

"Well Ms. Stern, it's been fantastic meeting you. That was a very illuminating interview, and I feel as though I have a better understanding as to what Morpheus desires as a company! And again, I appreciate your patience in humoring me. While I'm sure I could pick your brain for hours, I won't overstay my welcome any further. So, I think I'm off to enjoy the festivities your company has so generously sponsored!"

"If you want to see the interview published, or wish to contact me about said interview, you can contact me through the Castelia Crown's website!"

“Of course, please enjoy yourself.” Cassandra said, giving a curt nod. “As far as the interview being published or not goes, I’ll leave that up to your discretion. But if I have any inquiries, I will be sure to contact you. Thank you. Have a good day.”

Cassandra gave a small, polite wave goodbye to the strange man and took a brief sigh of relief as she watched his ridiculously tall hair poke above the crowds as he walked off. The interview was done and she was eager to move on to other things. Suddenly, she could hear the pitched ringing of her cell phone. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled it out and answered the call.

“What is it?” She asked, calmly gazing around to see if anyone was watching her. Not seeing anyone looking her way, she continued the conversation. “Yes, go ahead and send them out. I’ll be back at headquarters shortly.”

Hanging up the phone and ending the conversation, Cassandra turned and made her way to the edge of Beryl Town, where her flying taxi waited for her.


Noah Magnolia

Location: Beryl Town
Interacting With: Kazu (by @c3p-0h) & then Vinny @GubGar

"Sorry to hold you up. Thanks for the...y'know. Event. No more egg dropping."

“Happy to hear. Best of luck.” Noah replied, waving goodbye to the girl, whom he still didn’t know the name of. He had meant to engage in conversation with the young lady, but it seemed she had other plans in mind.

“Oh, well.” Noah simply said, letting go of that thought as he gently scratched behind Kit’s ears. He turned to the white and red creature. “Let’s go get that Dream Bundle.”

After a loud yip in agreement, the two set off for the nearest Morpheus booth. Fortunately for them, the one they found had no line. The attendant at the booth seemed a little surprised to see him there for the bundle and wasn’t sure if she should give him one, after all these were meant more for newbie trainers… But Noah just smiled and stood his ground, reminding the lady that Cassandra Stern didn’t say there were any restrictions of who could redeem the Dream Bundle.

The attendant soon relented and gave the professor his Dream Bundle. His version of the bundle came in a blue and purple colored box and was rather big in size. Noah then reached into his pocket and pulled out his Rotom Phone and turned on his bank app, and the attendant took her Morpheus themed handheld device and tapped his Rotom Phone, transferring the money payment to him.

With that done and out of the way, Noah went to the side of the booth and took off his backpack and egg carrier and placed the former on the booth’s table and the latter on the ground. The professor took a moment to take a deep breath and enjoy not being burdened by the damn egg carrier and then turned his attention to his backpack and the box.

Opening the Dream Bundle box, he began taking its contents and stuffing it into his backpack. A good portion of the box was just empty space, although it did have a lot of content as it had promised. He couldn’t have fit the box into his backpack as it was, but he could fit the contents of the box into his pack. Kit whined and dug at Noah’s feet, he could smell the berries inside and wanted to snack on them now. But Noah simply ignored the small creature and put the berries away neatly into his pack.

Once that was done, he handed the empty box to the attendant who would properly dispose of it and placed both his backpack and egg carrier back on. Leaning forward just a little bit with his arms stretched out, he was able to pick up Kit once more and placed him on his shoulder. Kit would have to go back into the Pokeball soon enough, but Noah figured he could enjoy a little more outside time before then.

Leaving the Morpheus booth, he turned around to see where to go next when he saw a strange sight. A man with the most peculiar hairdo he had ever seen in his life was squatting on the ground, organizing his belongings with a Trubbish next to him. Other people were staring, so Noah felt compelled to step in.

“Uh…Do you need help?” Noah asked the blond man, giving a small nod towards the man’s trashbag companion.
<Snipped quote by Brose>

I planned on dropping a Vinny post of him getting his freebies too, so maybe that'll be where they bump into each other! As for which direction, either one of those gyms seem like a good first target. So if @c3p-0h has a preference for Tourmaline that's totally good for me.

Great! Looking forward to the post!

As far as Tourmaline Town goes, that suits me just fine if nobody else objects/has a preference for somewhere else. Works great for Mags, who's gonna go on a mass catching spree at the Arkwright Mansion (assuming y'all stop there which I strongly recommend we do, as I got something planned for that location).
So Im gonna make a short little Professor Noah post sometime today so he can get his Morpheus bundle. Nothing too exciting.

But as we inch along to getting the group together, what direction would y'all like to go from Beryl Town? I recommend the Bug Gym or the Fairy Gym as people's first gym if you guys want to make the gym a loose goal/priority.
<Snipped quote by Brose>

If you've got specific plans for any of those options (or a strong preference), I'm totally flexible. But I could totally see Vinny trying to cozy up to the Professor. I actually mentioned as much in my first post!

Both in hopes of getting a scoop, and also in the "Holy hell please help I do not trust myself to take care of a baby creature" sense.

I've got a loose idea for #3, but it's not my preference (more of a backup idea). So if you want Vinny to meet/cozy up to the professor, please do! Then we can figure out the rest from there.
LMAO! Poor Noah got dropped like a sad ham. Cracks me up.

@Brose look, i'm sorry, i know we're supposed to be forming the party but that's just what kazu wanted to do lmao. if you don't have an immediate reason for noah to keep engaging with her, then if nothing else kazu will be locked into the group the second she sees ikkou - we can reconvene there lol.

It's okay! Keeping me on my toes, I see! But yeah, they can reconvene later. Question is, how...hm...

I can either:
1.) Have him group up with Vinny + then join the bigger group (before or after leaving Beryl Town)
2.) He and Vinny can join the bigger group separately before leaving Beryl Town
3.) Or Vinny can join the bigger group separately before leaving Beryl Town and Noah can join the group after they left Beryl Town (gotta an idea on how that would work)

@GubGar I'm gonna leave the decision on how it rolls out up to you. Let me know whichever of the options suits you best!
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