Avatar of BunniesOfDoom


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4 hrs ago
Current Need to get back in the swing of things, I think.
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1 mo ago
My kids hate my sleep schedule. I'm finally getting one online and they keep interrupting it. Last night it was 2am. The other night it was 4. Just let me sleepppp
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1 mo ago
Can someone explain to this confused meat suit that joints are friends, not food. Or better yet, rid me of it completely. I'd like a factory reset please. Lately upgrade.
2 mos ago
So they're saying we're looking at like 6 to 8 inches of snow here in Louisiana. Southern Louisiana. Like by the bottom. It's 60 degrees outside. Mother Nature, you good fam?
2 mos ago
She probably can! My male cat terroizing my Great Pyranese mix on the daily! And he's like over 60 lbs. Don't get me wrong, he's a big cat but seeing maybe a 10 lb cat bully a 60 lb dog is sight


A roleplayer, a mom, a gamer, and a crafter. I like to make stuff, whether it be in writing or drawing or crochet, or paint, the list goes on. If it requires creativity, I can assure I have tried it at least once. If you want to see some of the stuff I make, feel free to ask. I do take commissions too though I hate my own art. Everyone else seems to love it and hey, sometimes you gotta take the money where you can get it, ya know?

It's a pleasure to meet you. Wanna rp with me, then just hit me up! I will for sure rp with you, no matter the plot!

Most Recent Posts

When The Morrigan came to this city, it was not with intentions of taking it over. She came as the Phantom Queen, intent to return the balance to this place. The creatures that go bump in the night were making it almost impossible for mortals to even live in this area and she had seen the future. If this was to remain, the mortals would eventually gather their senses, pull their heads out of their asses and turn on the mythical beings. This could not be allowed. Humans, though mortal as they were, outnumbered them 100:1. If a war did eventually break out, the world would be plunged into darkness and eventually it would come to its end. So, The Morrigan had come to set the score straight and to bring these foolish mythical beings into cull. It took her five years, five agonizing years to finally get the population of this city to recognize her greatness and accept that they should follow her words, however, by that time, she had all but instilled herself as the ruler of this city. No one dared to go against the Phantom Queen's wishes and so, for the sake of the world as she knew it, Morrigan accepted her fate and claimed her throne.

The Morrigan is a woman made up of many and one of those aspects took her role as ruler and holder of this land very, very seriously. So when she came to rule this land as her own, she left her mark upon in. The land now spoke to her, well, at least to that aspect of her and when multiple aspects were being pulled upon, it made it hard for The Morrigan to remain focused on the form that she took. Now, happened to be that moment for her.

As the man stood to his full height, The Morrigan remained where she was, staring straight ahead at where he was previously. It took her a moment to finally move, almost as if in a trance. Her head cocked to the side as if listening but it wasn't to the man. It was to the land under their feet. It called to her, warned her, spoke to her that trouble was brewing. Huggin peered at her for only a moment before locking his eyes back on the wolf, his feathers fluffing out to make himself look larger as his anger towards the wolf grew.

”The choice is yours O' Queen of the Glass Kingdom.”

That did it. Queen. Yes, she was a queen and now her land needed her to be that queen. Her eyes snapped up to the wolf and she stood suddenly. Huggin wobbled a moment as her form flickered. The black of her eyes dulled and for a moment it seemed like things would settle back to how they were. Then Huggin was thrown off her shoulder as she split. Within moments, The Morrigan was no longer one. Three woman now stood before him. One woman stood regal almost as if she was a queen that stepped out of the pages of an Arthurian storybook. She stood over six feet, her body cloaked in silken robes that flowed to the ground below. Her pale black hair glinting in the sunlight. The middle was not too much different from the original form, height and all, but there were now feathers that framed her face and instead of the crazy curls, she instead had a mass of long, inky black feathers as hair. She had a fierce growl on her face and her arms were crossed over her chest. The final form was of an older woman in casual clothes that seemed to have a gentle, motherly look on her face. The curls were obviously from her as her long black hair sat in a curly mess on top of her head and she stood at an average height, just a few inches short of the wolf man. All had their eyes on different. Huggin eventually settled on the royal woman's shoulder, looking like he belonged there all along.

The taller of the three raised her hand and the ground under their feet rumbled in response. The feathered one grumbled in annoyance as she fumbled to keep her balance. She turned black eyes onto the wolf again, the sneer never once leaving her face. ”Now you did it, didn't ya. Queen, my ass.”

The third woman turned her eyes to the angrier of the three and slowly shook her head. ”You know full well that this is her land. Let her do what she feels she needs to.” Her eyes slowly turned to the wolf and a soft smile crossed her lips. ”Sorry about all this. Honestly, sometimes we really just need to learn to just talk to people. I feel that would probably be better than these theatrics.”

The bird girl turned to the woman with a huff. ”Us- talk to him? He should have come and talked to us! How hard is it to just go, hey we're new here. Nice to meet you. But nooo, we now have to deal with my royalty over there cause someone” she turned her black eyes back on the wolf, ”couldn't bother with manners!”.

”Be silent!” The regal form finally spoke as her eyes turned to the angry one, her voice rumbling with the power of the earth she was summoning. ”Your useless bickering is distracting and if I were to fail because of these distractions, I would be sure to lock you away for a time for your crimes.” The angry feathered one huffed and looked away from the wolf but she didn't say anything more. It was obvious which one had the most power out of the three in this instance and at the moment, she had her full attention on the woman who was now clawing at her own chest. The ground under the woman shifted and seemed to liquefy. The EMT cried out in panic at the sight as his boot was quickly being drawn into the whirlpool of asphalt and dirt. The man scrambled away from the writhing woman, unsure of what his eyes were seeing.

”Huggin, if you would be so kind. We will be relocating her below.”. Huggin took one more nervous look at the wolf man before he hopped off the woman's shoulder and allowed his body to take his human form in midair. He landed on his feet next to the woman and crouched down to grab some of the swirling asphalt. He managed to pull as he drugged some of it up. With a grunt he grabbed a hold of the writhing woman and dumped some of the contents onto her hand. It disappeared under the whirling dirt and the woman cried out as she found that hand now trapped under the ground and struggled as she felt the pull of the earth beginning to pull her down. Huggin then turned to the other hand and did the same thing. At this point, the woman was all but feral, snapping at the air with bloody teeth and trying to free herself as she was slowly pulled into the whirlpool. With a final grunt, Huggin grabbed a large chunk of the shifting asphalt and dumped it onto the woman's midsection. The weight and force from the asphalt cause the woman to grunt out in effort but the battle was lost. She disappeared under the ground, leaving Huggin standing there as the EMT stared at him in astonished horror. Huggin looked to the man, gave a groan before diving into the dirt as well, following the woman below.

The regal woman turned to her other two parts and the wolf. Her face was bare of any strong emotion, though it did seem to hint at frustration with the quirk of her eyebrow and the frown line marked just along the side of her cheek. She snapped and the ground in their circle began to shift just as it had under the girl a moment ago. ”You have a choice to make, wolf. You may come willingly and assist us in handle of this matter. Or you may be forced. Either way, you will find that you will be coming with us.”

At the word forced, the feathered woman smiled and uncrossed her arms, her right hand settling on the gun at her hip. Her black eyes locked once more on the wolf, making it very obvious just how they intended to force him.

The regal form slowly began to sink below the ground. The more casually dressed one peered down at the gun and frowned. She gave a small shake of her head, an apologetic look to the wolf, then began her own descent under the ground as well. That left the wolf and the feathered one alone in the circle, the pull of the earth growing stronger and stronger around them.

”I'll give ya to the count of three.” Her teeth glinted in a vicious grin as she pulled the gun from it's holster.

Below, Huggin had used his body to pin the writhing woman to the ground. They found themselves in some kind of tunnel below, perhaps a piece of the sewer or subway system. The woman screamed out and tried to snap at Huggin who dogged her attacks easily. She paddle-wheeled her feet behind him in an attempt to throw him off, arching her back harshly as the magic of the wolf convulsed through her veins. The regal woman floated down from the roof of the tunnel, quickly followed by her other third. Both woman looked to the poor girl under Huggin. ”Perhaps cleansing the blood from her system would solve the issue. It's going to hurt, though I doubt more than it already is.”

Both landed quietly on the ground and began their approach of the woman. Time to get to business.

The Morrigan

Corvids are very territorial, you see. It's true. Of course, when people think of Crows, they think of murders and the large groups of them that they might see hanging around their homes or businesses, but truly that is only a momentary thing. Crows have their own territories and their own roosts that they return to and they defend them fiercely. It is not unheard of for a crow to kill an intruder in their territory, if they felt the need for it. They can be that territorial but crows are also very, very smart. They know who they might want to keep around and who could be very helpful to them in the long run. That was exactly how The Morrigan ran her city.

The Morrigan found herself lounging sideways in an arm chair, her thighs resting on the armrests and her feet in the air, slowly kicking up and down out of unison. Her black cloak of oily feathers cascaded around her form and flowed down onto the ground. She wore tight leather pants that tucked into shin high boots with a nice, thick heel at the end. A corset of blood red lace was tied tightly around her midriff with no shirt or blouse underneath it, leaving her upper chest and arms bare. Her unruly black hair sat in curls on the top of her head and her gray eyes gazed upon a book that floated just above her midriff. The page turned with a wave of her hand as she read.

She was in her office at the top floor of a 20 floor building. The whole floor was hers, so her office was quite large indeed. One whole wall was a solid piece of glass that gave her an exceptional view of the city beyond. Her desk faced away from that window, an old timely thing made of solid wood. Her desk chair was plushy and comfortable looking with wheels so she could move wherever she felt she needed to. Just before her desk was a resting ares with a love seat and an arm chair, separated from each other by a rather exquisite and expensive looking rug. A small library sat against the wall just beyond the resting areas. Her office was the center of her business and if one were to rip the rug out from under the chairs, they would find a very intricate and detailed circle of power carved directly into the wood below. If someone moved the library to the side, they would discover runes that ran along the wall next to the door, warding it from unwanted entry or leaving. This was her seat of power and she conducted her business in this office. All of her business.

Her reading was interrupted as she felt a vibration in her pocket and the familiar ding of her phone. She gave a small groan and reached into her pants to pull her phone out, tapping the screen once to see what the message was about. The message caused her to sit upright and pay attention. Her other hand snapped into a fist and the book closed. She waved that hand and the book floated off from her, joining the rest of the books in the small library. She kicked her feet off from the side and turned so she was sitting in the chair correctly, her heels making little clicks on the ground as they settled. “Hmm,” she purred as she examined her phone.

The message had a photo in it and was accompanied by one word, “Wolf”. She slowly stood from the chair, her meager five foot four stature making her seem frail or weak to some. She fiddled with her phone, pulling up the contact who sent her the photo. She smiled as she clicked the call button. The man answered on the first ring. “Huginn,” she purred into the phone, “It looks like you found me a plaything.”

“Yes, m'lady. We discovered him last night. Our birds have been following him for awhile. He hasn't shown any signs of being hostile or looking to take over your territory but he is a wolf.” He said the word wolf with enough venom to melt the phone in The Morrigan's hand. Huggin had developed a hated for wolves from a long standing feud he held with another named Fenrir. It was a long story, that one.

“You did wonderful, Huggin, as always.” She threw her free arm to the side and sickly black, oily strands of magic flowed from them to touch a part of the wall next to the door that did not have a small library in front of it. Runes along the wall lit up before a click was heard and the wall moved. It pulled forward a few inches and then processed to slide to the side and disappear into the other wall. Just behind it was a large stock of magical weapons, spell tomes, and what appeared to be a small alchemy area that was full of all kind of different ingredients that anyone could ever need to make potions or poisons. She walked towards the area and gazed at the weapon selection.

“Do we know anything about this wolf?” She asked into the phone as her hand hovered just over a sickly looking dagger that looked at home in the hands of an assassin.

“Negative, m'lady. We have asked around but no one seems to know who he is, or if they do, they are not providing the information.” Morrigan released a low growl at the thought that her contacts might be holding back important information from her. It had been some time since she last paid them a visit to 'renew' their information contract. Perhaps, it was time to pay them a visit again. Especially if Huggin felt they were possibly keeping secrets.

“I see,” she purred before she moved her hand over to the more modern weapons. Her hand fell on a Glock 19 and she picked it up. She released her phone that hovered just where it was without her assistance so that she could have use of both her hands. She ejected the magazine and gazed at the bullets inside. Lead. That won't do. She waved her hand and the magazine floated over to the wall, a different one rising from its place and floating over to her. She snatched it out of the air and examined it. Silver. She gave a small inhale, wolfsbane. Whether the werewolf was actually hindered by the use of wolfsbane was a toss up. Much like how there are humans who are not affected by poison ivy, there are wolves who are not affected by wolfsbane. However, it doesn't hurt to have it in supply, just in case.

She clicked the magazine in place and then grabbed a holster from the wall as well. She attached that to her hip and slipped the gun inside. She grabbed the phone once more and stepped away from the wall, giving her hand another wave. The black, oily magic once more flowed from her fingertips and touched the hidden runes, lightening them up again. The wall moved back into its place and hide away her magical arsenal.

“What is he doing now?” She asked Huggin on the phone. She didn't need to ask if he was watching the wolf. She knew her Huggin. He wouldn't let the wolf out of his sight for even a moment.

“He's- drawing.” He responded with boredom obvious in his voice.

The Morrigan laughed as she walked back to the lounge area of her office. It was a loud, piercing laugh like a crow calling out. The irises of her gray eyes began to expand and enlarge until they engulfed all of her eyes, turning them both inky black. “Drawing,” she said, her voice sounding as if three separate people were speaking at the same time. Her cloak flared out about her and the floor under her rug lit up under her feet. “Drawing,” she laughed again as the magic ignited. Her cloak turned into black ink and swirled around her, the force of the magic causing her unruly hair to rise on her head like she had just dove feet first into a swimming pool. “Interesting,” she purred and for a moment her form flickered, exposing three separate people before returning back to her singular form. The black ink condensed into a ball around her and with a sickening pop, she was gone. The floor's glow died down and soon her office looked just as it had before, not a single magical sign in sight.

A moment later, Huggin hung up his phone as it released loud, ear splitting screeching into his ear. Morrigan always forgets to end the call before her magic interfered with it. Strong magic, like teleportation magic, does not work well with electronics. So he didn't even bother. He just slipped his phone into his pocket just as a dot of light lit up on the ground next to him. Huggin had figured Morrigan would simply teleport right to him, so he chose to be on a roof, high above everyone else so that none would see her arrival. That dot of light quickly began to move about frantically. In its wake, it left glowing lines of runes and incantations. Once the whole design was finished on the floor, the black orb that The Morrigan had disappeared into formed into existence. It swirled like black oil in the air before it began to expand, the black ink shifting into black feathers. As the feathers condensed and became more tangible, Morrigan stepped out from the spell circle. Her strut was confident and she had a manic smile on her face. When all the oily blackness was nothing but feathers, it coalesced into her cloak and settled on her shoulders once more.

She stepped up the edge of the roof and gazed down. Huggin simply pointed to a man that was now standing from the stoop. Morrigan allowed her eyes to lock onto the moving figure. He was tall, handsome, and healthy looking.

“Oh,” she cooed as she bent at the hips, her hands locked behind her back as she did so. “Look at him. I'm sure he could be an alpha somewhere if he wanted to be.” She cocked her head to the side as her black eyes locked on Huggin. They still had not changed back to their original gray selves since before the spell. Huggin flinched ever so slightly under that gaze and it caused Morrigan's smile to go from manic to deranged upon seeing it. “Interesting that no one knows anything about him.” She turned those black eyes back to the wolf, her grin now cutting her face in two. “Let's see what kind of wolf he is, shall we?”

Just as the wolf man came to a stop at the crosswalk, The Morrigan let out a deranged giggle as she moved her hand from behind her back to in front of her. The sickly oil black magic flowed from her palm and she gave her hand a little push. Next thing to happen, a woman at the crosswalk went stumbling into the road as if someone had given her a shove. Huggin watched in silence.

The wolf had taken the bait. He threw himself forward and grabbed the woman. Morrigan's eyes widened in enjoyment as she let out of a small whoop of excitement. She could hear the panic from here, the screeching of the car's tires, the cries of the people, the sick crunch of bone. Her teeth shone in the sunlight as her grin spread. She turned her eyes back onto Huggin for a moment but he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes.

“Come Huggin, let's go meet our new toy,” and with that she stepped up onto the ledge of the roof before allowed herself to step right off. Her cloak bellowed out about her and slowed her fall until she stopped just before touching the pavement of the sidewalk below. Her heels clicked as she took the first step on the sidewalk, Huggin following her in his crow form. Her hands were back behind her back as she hummed a soft song to herself.

It didn't take them long to get the to crash scene. People parted for them without even realizing their presence. It was as if something in their very nature told them to move to the side and so they did subconsciously. The Morrigan walked a circle around the wolf, her eyes never leaving him as she did so. She continued to hum to herself and in her wake, intricate lines of light were left in the cement. She kicked car parts to the side that might be in her way, and when the circle was complete, she gave a small chuckle and squatted down in front of the wolf with her arms resting on her knees. Huggin came to settle on her shoulder, giving a threatening caw to the wolf.

“Oh, look at you, poor dear. Sweet of you to save that mortal girl though.” The Morrigan said was a remorseful look on her face. The humans continued their business around them, as if the circle had completely removed them from the area and out of their minds. It was as if the wolf man had never been there before. As EMS tended to the woman and the police began to try to piece together what had happened, no one seemed to notice them in their glowing circle. It was as if the circle removed them from reality itself.

She allowed her gaze to move along his form, taking in ever bump, scrap, possible broken bone. The remorseful look was gone in a flash, replaced by the same sick smile she wore when speaking with Huggin on the roof.

“You know, it's polite to introduce yourself when you enter someone else's home.” She reached down to rest a finger under his chin, helping him lift his head off the pavement and to look up at her. “But you are a wolf and they do tend to not have the best manners.”

All creature at times become deaf or blind in their distractions. It is how hawks dive from the clouds with bent wings to seize their prey. It is what allows a fox to sneak up on a rabbit in the brush. Humanity is no different in the end, not really. Though often they tell themself otherwise, the worse of it still is to be stated. In their ignorance of the truth, they fill their lives with such numbing distractions. They bury their eyes into the screens of their phones, and fill their ears with the constant hum of noises produced by earbuds. Though they claim their birth right to be of the masters of this world, they are no different then mouse or hair. They are simply prey, telling themselves that they pull every last string like a puppet master.

Perhaps, ignorance is bliss after all.

The pencil slid across the page in steady even strokes, and Mal's ears took note of the scratching sound of it as at last the edgings was finished. It was hard to say the man was satisfied with his own work, and if pressed would merely call them doodles, but in the least it was somewhat pleasing. No, that which he had drawn wasn't the place to which he sat, or even had seen. It was somewhere that someday he would like to find. A place of dark deep woods, of babbling water, and peace enough to drift upon such a thing as that vessel which line by line his imagination had structured.

The man found his lips moving, softly singing under his own breath before he could silence them.

"Pencil glides with steady grace
Draws a dream
A far-off place
Woods so deep
Water so clear
A peace that whispers in my ear."

And for a moment, only that moment, Mal let his soul drift upon that song which had risen up inside of him unbidden and new. He could hear the river. He could taste the woods upon the air, and he could feel the peace settling over mind and muscle.

The harsh edge of his own thoughts all but growled at him in retort for such stupidity. Hand, which felt almost claw like in this angry moment, tore away the page with a noise of ripping paper and senseless dreams. No, he should not be distracted. No, he shouldn't think about anything other then the word -now-. No, he should not act like prey, despite the fact that he was indeed hunted. So, dark brown eyes set below oak colored hair turned themselves to the city of glass to which he inhabited. Sitting upon the steps of some old red brick domicile, the man let it all come rushing in to replace the senses muted by senseless dreaming.

Engines, drinking oil and gasoline, spewed foul odor and smoke. Music, laughter, and people caring nothing but for their own entertainment filled the air, only to be punctuated by screens on crowded streets barking out advertisements. Street performers were dotted on corners, only to argue with homeless begging for change. This was no New York, nor was it Chicago, but it was close to these crowded places. Body odor, perfumes, colognes, cigarette, e-vapes, and marijuana smoke where sharp tastes behind it all, though Mal could be said to have a sensitive nose compared to most.

One would think, a man dressed in a finery such as he, would not stoop so low as to sit on a... well stoop... but there he was with that drawing pad of his placed neatly upon his legs. The pencil left in crease of torn away page, forgotten about as attention moved through the herd of humanity.

Sunlight, bright for even this hour of noon, danced off reflective walls of towering giant buildings which stood to reach towards God itself upon its throne in heaven. Concrete bones held the structures solid, and steel muscles promised a thousand upon thousand years before collapse. Yet, they called it a city, but for him, Malcom, there could be no other word but cage that was brought to mind. A cage made to contain people. To force feed them information through digital veins and propaganda. Yes, it may sound like he was a conspiracy theorist, but there was little theory about it these days. People lied, they always will, always have. There was no theory about it anymore, and with the internet being the largest resource of information there ever was, people could simply educate themselves... yet per usual they merely wanted to repeat what they heard.

Mal didn't like thinking like this. Wanted to push such thoughts to the back of his mind. Dig a hole, bury them, and let humanity crumble far faster then this city ever would. A lift of his chest raised ribs outward, before the man (who was not really a man) gave off a heavy sigh. Hand drifted in habit to the side of his bearded jaw, ran his fingers to smooth over those chestnut strands of hair, and shook his head as Mal once more brought himself to a standing position. Book tucked safely within the confines of his jacket pocket, pencil secured in the little elastic loop, Mal in his stance of six foot even moved into the throng of motion that filled the streets.

Maybe it was his own animalistic tendencies, to either protect himself, or the innocents around him but the man was on high alert. Maybe it was still not used to being in places like this, or maybe he would never be in truth fully used to it at all. He was not from here, and his place of birth was much different. Yet, like a wolf in a businessman's clothing, Mal could move among them all the same. All of this was simply explain what happened next, and why he was aware of it.

If you're paying attention...
If you attune yourself...
... and listen to that inner voice....

You can almost -hear- it when someone is looking at you in a crowd. You can feel the pressure against your ears of someone saying your name from across a building. Even humanity could taste the aggression of a predator in a crowd such as this. It was instinctual. It natural. Well, that was as long as you weren't blinded by your phone, or deafened by those little rubber plugs that fed music into ears.

And Mal? Well Mal could feel, taste, hear, something wasn't right.
What was high alert, instantly became code red.

The crowd to which he was apart of was standing at a curb, a red hand on the other side of the street glowing upon the crosswalk sign paused their movements. Cars whipped by most likely faster then they should be traveling in congested areas, but still.. the hairs on the back of his neck were standing upon end.

So, concerned with his own safety, his own life, Mal didn't register the gasp at first. Didn't realize what had happened until he saw the woman tumbling out into the street. Someone had pushed a woman hard enough to all but throw her. Off balance, she tumbled right off the curb and into the road. Like a fox about to scoop up a hare, painted of red car came barreling forward, and like the song unbidden before... the man's body moved before he could stop it.

Arms, strong as the oak trees that his hair was colored after, wrapped about the female. Thick trunk of body was turned to shield her from the impact, the crumpling of metal, the crack of skull against windshield. This unknown woman, victim, was not immune to bruises, nor was she umbrellaed from the splash of blood which flew. They together were thrown to the hard embrace of the asphalt that lined the roads, and the screams that came after from within the crowd.

Though dazed, perhaps concussed, no major damage would have been done to the female... though the man? The man didn't look so good, even as those dark eyes looked at her from beside the littered remains of headlights. His gaze sought out hers, and perhaps as she would come to find out later... it was that blood... that blood that let her hear him. It wasn't his voice. It wasn't an escape from his lungs. It was something deeper. His thoughts. His mind. His wolf song in his very soul.

She is alive...

Right arm twisted in a way that humans were not made for, the limb lay limp at his side, as once more Mal tried to rise to his full height of six feet. The first attempt failed, tumbling, falling, impacting, driving his already swollen and damaged left side of face back to the hot pavement.

Fuck me... move damnit. MOVE

That song inside of him torrented like a crescendo. Using still undamaged arm, placing his palm against broken glass, heated asphalt and...
[To be continued when a dance partner for this story is found]
I accidently added it here instead of in the IC one. Whoops. Oh well. Problem kinda solved I guess? Whatever lol
C-Can I be your dance partner? The werewolf one! Please!
Thanks! I can't wait to get into some rps!
The Breaking Of The Seals

There is a secret war that has always been raging between good and evil, angels and demons. Every since Lucifer was cast into Hell and became the lord of lies, demons have been pushing about the seven seals to break free from their prison. For many eons the seals stood strong but the world changed and cults that worshiped Lucifer and the demons rose. They were never truly strong enough to break through the seal completely but as the years went on, the seals grew weaker and weaker.

God had one rule. They must have free will. No matter how much trouble the cults were being, it was the very rule of God that the humans be allowed to do as they wished. However, that rule quacked and almost snapped when the first seal began to whither. The seals were only meant to be released by God himself and now, the first was cracking and eventually it snapped. That was when the first demons began to claw their way out of hell and snatch human souls for themselves. At first, it was not much of a matter. It was only a soul here and a soul there. However, as those souls turned into demons themselves, only to claw their way out and repeat the process, it was turning into a very big deal. Soon the scales were off balanced and more souls were going to hell than they were going to Heaven. And those demons that found themselves in the human world managed to break a second seal, unleashing even more demonic and hellish powers into the world.

Gabriel had seen enough and even though he knew they couldn't rid people of their free will, he knew he had to do something. He gathered his warriors around him and with God's blessings, rebirthed them as mortals into the human world. Nephilim, or angel born, were brought into the world so that they may combat the demons that now swarmed over God's creation, corrupting it and casting it into shadow. Their main goal was to grow strong and protect the remainder of the seals. However, there was a price to pay. Angels are heaven born and their whole purpose is to follow God's rule and proclaim his glory. To be removed from Heaven in such a way and cast into mortal flesh, it was absolute agony for the first of the Nephilim. They went mad before they were even able to make a mark on the world. So Gabriel came up with a solution, erase their memory of Heaven all together and the glory that is their God. They would truly be born again, mortal and naïve to the biblical war and truths around them. However, this too rose a problem. If the angels did not remember who they were, how were they to fight the demons and bring the world back to balance?

Michael offered up a solution in the Prophets. Prophets were already down on the earth, spreading the word of their God and speaking his truths for all that would hear. Now, instead of focusing their skill on spreading the truth to the human race, they would use their gifts of sight and tongue to find the angel born and help raise them to the warriors that they needed to be. They would bless the Prophets with above average skills so that they could remain alive and keep their charges alive. It seemed like a good, solid plan. However, no plan lasts upon first contact with the enemy.

Once the demons found out that these angel born existed, it became their main goal to rid the world of them. It was almost like a game. The stronger the Nephilim they killed, the more points they would get and even more points for the Prophets. So the demons went out hunting and the search for weak, untrained Nephilim began. Prophets were now on a time clock and had to find these children before they fell to the demon race, for an angel lost on Earth in the mortal realm was an angel forever lost to the heavenly plain and unlike demons, who were growing their number with each soul they stole, there were a limited number of angels in heaven. So the Prophets asked for help and the Holy Roman Empire answered them.

Arise the Knight of Templar and later becoming the Knights of the Veil. These knights, though only human, pledged their lives to helping seek out these helpless angel born, to raise them, and to help them fight back the demon scourge. However, even though they are only human, they are not helpless. Knowledge of how to defeat the demons, exorcisms, weapons, all were passed down through the generations. They may be mortal but they are the best allies the Prophets could hope to have.

So the war for the Nephilim rages on and the fights over the seals of hell continue.

Which side would you be on?

Alright guys, the plot above kind of explains everything pretty much. You can pick between demon controlled (demon possessed humans), Prophets, Knights of the Veil, or Angel born. It's in modern day. So weapons like guns and stuff exists, which makes for a really fun chance to incorporate magic with guns and stuff.

A note on the demons in this world, they can't survive out of hell without a host and the control they have over the bodies varies from person to person. Some people just seem like themselves with magic or enhanced abilities while others might not be as integrated and have essentially two different beings in one body. It's really just how you want to play it. However, all the humans have willingly given up their body and soul to the demon for some reason or another. There isn't any violent hijacking going on.

Nephilim do have their own magic but again, they don't realize they do and sometimes they don't present until their teens. So typical happy kid life then suddenly, bam, powers. Your choice on how that affects their history.

So yeah, that's pretty much it. We'll hash out all the rest of the details as more interest is shown. It should be fun.
I would love to throw my dice into this game. Artemis would be a blast to play.
In MxF 8 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Oh monster hunting could be fun! I'm up for it.
In MxF 8 mos ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
Dude, I'm always up for some swords play. How do you feel about gladiators?
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