As always when it was in the presence of numerous biological lifeforms, Dremorio had the vague sense of being a visitor in some sort of galactic petting zoo. While an absurd notion on its own, there was something to be said about the efficiency and grace of Dremorio’s species when compared to the alternatives scattered across the galaxy. Certainly the dryht had to have some modicum of superiority over the biological races, elsewise they wouldn’t have successfully subjugated any race they set their sights upon. It was a little known fact outside of dryht space that their empire boasted the largest slave labor force known to the galaxy. The only problem that fact posed was the very real threat of the human and ivari alliance, that likely would, either out of fear of suffering the same fate, or a misguided sense of morality, seek to liberate the subjugated races. A shame, as while dryht influence oftentimes raised the standard of living for the conquered planets, those opposing them likely wouldn’t see things that way.
Speaking of not quite seeing eye to eye on things, the stout little corek huddled at the back of the room had cast nothing but disapproving glances at Dremorio’s back. Maybe it (Dremorio assumed it was a he, but one could never be sure with how some of the biological races, particularly humans, seemed to crusade against labels ) didn’t realize that Dremorio had what humans might call “eyes on the back of his head”. The other individuals in the compartment, fortunately, didn’t seem to share the same prejudices. This would only make it look better when Dremorio tried to make nice with the corek. The antisocial little creature, Dremorio hoped, would come around eventually.
The actual act of socializing with the colorful cast surrounding it would have to wait, however, as the commander had just ordered them all off the transport. Dremorio began to exit the ship, carefully giving the corek a wide berth. The abnormally tall human, it too gave a wide berth. Why rest a hand on your weapon while in the presence of allies unless you intended to cause trouble? Dremorio decided to fall into step alongside the bubbly ivari.
"Do you have any prior experience with GAHL?" The question came out as casual and personable, exactly as Dremorio intended it to. Behind the scenes, however, every word was carefully analyzed and processed to be delivered with the proper emotion and inflection, rather than the heavily synthetic monotone most of the dryht race sported when among their own kind. Even the slight british accent Dremorio chose to adopt for the assignment was a calculated choice. Most people seemed to appreciate the smoother human accents. Crisp, clean consonants and vowels eased communication for anyone speaking english, one of the dominant languages of the galaxy. Of course, Dremorio was fluent in the majority of known dialects, so the accent was for the benefit of those speaking with it, rather than for Dremorio itself.