Kalowick of Green Paths
Interaction(s): Everyone Location: Olenta's Throne Room
Purple and white wildflowers grew along the length of Kalowick’s staff, which he clutched in hand while listening carefully to the Lord Steward’s speech. For weeks now, the staff, which typically cycled through a wide variety of colors and species of wildflower, had continually bloomed the same growths; purple petaled flowers speckled with white. The omen was clear enough, and when summoned to the capital for this grand proclamation, Kalowick already had a feeling he knew what was to be announced.
“Knights and courtiers alike, hear me well: The god of light has not forsaken us — somewhere, the heir of the Royal Rune walks among us, unknowing or unseen. We will seek them out, for our kingdom will stand or fall upon the blood in their veins.”
At these grand words, Kalowick did not loudly announce his jubilation, or cry out in thanks to the gods. Instead, he merely bowed his head in respect, and allowed a self-satisfied smile to work its way onto his features. This was very, very good news. Lord Steward Geraint seemed to handle his unenvious task well, but Alveria had been too long without a proper ruler. The return of the Bloodline was something that Kalowick never lost faith in. To him, it was mere eventuality, and it seems nature had rewarded his faith with an augur of things to come. Purple for royalty, and white for the new beginning this lost heir would bring.
When Geraint announced that Kalowick was one of those chosen to carry out the venture of seeking out the heir, he felt a little swell of pride in his breast. Briefly, he wondered what Varn would think, if he were here now.
That thought was quickly quashed.
One by one, the other knight commanders, true veterans of their order, gave their words of encouragement and warning. He eyed them each in turn, as well as the companions that would be joining him on this task. A wry grin snaked onto his face when his singular gaze fell upon Vincent. He seemed particularly excited to return to his hometown. Perhaps it was simple affection for the hearty cooking and fresh air. Then again… the way he had to hold himself together, and that joyous grin- the way it came and went from his face: perhaps there was more to uncover there.
It was sweet, he thought. In a motion to rescue Vincent from the spotlight and give him a chance to recover his excitable emotions, Kalowick spoke up. “I’ve been to the area several times myself over the years. It will be good to journey into the mountains once more,” His tone was airy, like wind rustling through the branches of the trees, with just a hint of depth hidden beneath the forest’s brush. “Especially in such esteemed company. As the hummingbird flies south for winter, so too shall we follow the trail of its wingbeats unerringly back into the north.”
He smiled placidly at his companions and the other knight commanders in turn before turning his solitary eye upon Geraint. “We will not fail. My life for the bloodline.”