Avatar of BurningCold


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Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
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I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

Kalowick of Green Paths

Interaction(s): Everyone Location: Olenta's Throne Room

Purple and white wildflowers grew along the length of Kalowick’s staff, which he clutched in hand while listening carefully to the Lord Steward’s speech. For weeks now, the staff, which typically cycled through a wide variety of colors and species of wildflower, had continually bloomed the same growths; purple petaled flowers speckled with white. The omen was clear enough, and when summoned to the capital for this grand proclamation, Kalowick already had a feeling he knew what was to be announced.

“Knights and courtiers alike, hear me well: The god of light has not forsaken us — somewhere, the heir of the Royal Rune walks among us, unknowing or unseen. We will seek them out, for our kingdom will stand or fall upon the blood in their veins.”

At these grand words, Kalowick did not loudly announce his jubilation, or cry out in thanks to the gods. Instead, he merely bowed his head in respect, and allowed a self-satisfied smile to work its way onto his features. This was very, very good news. Lord Steward Geraint seemed to handle his unenvious task well, but Alveria had been too long without a proper ruler. The return of the Bloodline was something that Kalowick never lost faith in. To him, it was mere eventuality, and it seems nature had rewarded his faith with an augur of things to come. Purple for royalty, and white for the new beginning this lost heir would bring.

When Geraint announced that Kalowick was one of those chosen to carry out the venture of seeking out the heir, he felt a little swell of pride in his breast. Briefly, he wondered what Varn would think, if he were here now.

That thought was quickly quashed.

One by one, the other knight commanders, true veterans of their order, gave their words of encouragement and warning. He eyed them each in turn, as well as the companions that would be joining him on this task. A wry grin snaked onto his face when his singular gaze fell upon Vincent. He seemed particularly excited to return to his hometown. Perhaps it was simple affection for the hearty cooking and fresh air. Then again… the way he had to hold himself together, and that joyous grin- the way it came and went from his face: perhaps there was more to uncover there.

It was sweet, he thought. In a motion to rescue Vincent from the spotlight and give him a chance to recover his excitable emotions, Kalowick spoke up. “I’ve been to the area several times myself over the years. It will be good to journey into the mountains once more,” His tone was airy, like wind rustling through the branches of the trees, with just a hint of depth hidden beneath the forest’s brush. “Especially in such esteemed company. As the hummingbird flies south for winter, so too shall we follow the trail of its wingbeats unerringly back into the north.”

He smiled placidly at his companions and the other knight commanders in turn before turning his solitary eye upon Geraint. “We will not fail. My life for the bloodline.”

Hungry For "Justice"

Location: The Alleys of Nova City

So much blood. The ground of the alleyway was slick with it, spreading out from the limp figure that used to be Tim’s friend. This- it wasn’t supposed to be this way! God, someone, please help him. He doubled over and retched, dry, heaving convulsions wracking his body. He remembered that- that monster. It grabbed Henry. Then, God, it tore his throat out.

Hurried footfalls echoed around the narrow alley as Tim sprinted, panicked sobs forcing their way out of his ragged throat. Henry was dead. He couldn’t get the images out of his head. The human body has over a gallon of blood inside of it. It’s supposed to stay inside. God.

it moved with inhuman speed grabbing henry biting henry eating henry

That monster came out of nowhere. And what! What did it want with them?! This wasn’t about the robbery, was it? It was an accident. It was a fucking accident! They never- they never meant to kill anybody. “Just a simple stickup.” That’s what Henry had said. And yet, every time he closed his eyes all he could see was the cashier’s twitching body, the gushing wound in their neck fountaining crimson liquid. Now he saw Henry too.

gorged on henry finished looking up at me smiling always smiling blood dripping between teeth

When the monster was done with Henry it just… smiled at Tim and waved. Then, in a flash of something dark, like smoke, it disappeared. Cold, cold air emanated from the place the creature had been, and before long Tim was running in the opposite direction. He told himself that if there was even a single chance that Henry was still alive, he would have tried to help him. But there wasn’t a chance. Too many pieces of him were missing. In a flurry, he rounded a corner in the alley before being sent flying to the ground. He’d bumped into something. Heart nearly pounding out of his chest, he looked up into the eyes of the monster. They glowed soft red in the dimness.

“Hey.” The grin widened a fraction as it took a step closer.

“Wha- bu- no! No no no! How?!” Tim cowered as it advanced on him, paralyzed into place in a heap of himself on the ground.

“MuGshOts buddy! Y’all are repeat offenders so, you know. Cross reference the security camera footage they showed on the news and yeah- thE mAth maThS.” It had reached Tim by this point, grabbing his shirt by the collar and lifting him up off the ground. Wide, crimson eyes peered into his own. They were creased at the corners with amusement. “Ever hear of trigger discipline bUddY bOy? She was only sixteen you know.” The monster laughed. “I LOVE guns. Used to carry one aLL the TiMe when I worked for Koth. But she was only sixteen. Why would you shoot? Nervous, right?” Tim had begun to sob. “Well don’t WoRrY about a thing pal! You don’t gotta be scared anymore. I’m not the vengeful type.” The monstrous smile widened to proportions that Tim didn’t think should be possible. “Super heroes ain’t like that. So this’ll be over quickly.”

ate henry gonna eat me ate henry gonna eat me ate henry gonn-

Chuck’s jaws clamped down shut around the scumbag shooter’s skull, teeth shredding through skin and meat and crunching through bone. Alongside iron and a hint of salt, the taste of something bitter and terrified fell upon his tongue. The soul. Enough of the body was left behind for police to identify. But the soul? Chuck ate every bite.

He looked down at the corpses in deep self-satisfaction. “AnOthER pair of criminals off the street!" Can’t forget the most important part!” He rummaged into his pockets, pulling out a sharpie and pink sticky note. He bounded off after leaving the very important message behind.



It was some time later that news of the Nova City Bank robbery spread like wildfire. Chuck was extremely excited at the prospect of being able to team up with all the other heroes that would undoubtedly lend their aid to his most recent catastrophe. Maybe this would even get Blaze out of retirement. God damn that guy was so cool.

And so, with thoughts of heroism and team-ups flooding his mind, Chuck focused his mind on the teleport spell that would get him to the exterior of the bank. Reciting the demonic runes in his mind as waves of cold air pulsed off of his body, he disappeared in a flash of black soul-stuff, reappearing before Nova City Bank to a chorus of terrified shrieks rejoiceful applause.

“HeLLo! Don’t WorRy everybody! Glutton fights for YOU! For JUSTICE!”

He looked around dimly. Where was everybody else?

“...I’m gonna wait for the rest of my team though!”

Location: Dorm Building Exterior, Merryweather Institute

Smoke trailed from the end of Marko’s cigarette and up into the open air. He leaned numbly against the exterior of the dorms, some ways away from the door. He knew these were bad for him. He always knew that. Yet, each inhale of that cheap poison into his lungs seemed to warm a part of him that would otherwise remain frigid. He sighed and watched listlessly as the smoke poured from his mouth, curling up and away. He really should quit at some point. Gram and gramps would be happy. A cold breeze blew past that made Marko shrug his shoulders forward, pulling the heavy coat he wore further around his body.

It's barely any warmer here than back home...

His right arm was unbothered by that fact.

He looked down at the foreign clothing he wore then. The uniform was… fine. More of a palette swap to the kind of things he wore on a daily basis anyways. Not as warm as his normal attire either though. All being said, he wasn’t even going to try and wear the blazer. Getting dressed in the morning was enough of a pain. Hopefully the faculty would be understanding.

A bitter smile worked its way onto Marko’s face as he took another drag. Asking people to be understanding of him was starting to become a running theme. Realistically, one that would continue. Even so. For now just get through the opening ceremony, was all Marko could muster in the self-motivation department. He must have told himself "don't squander this opportunity" about a thousand times while staring at himself in the bathroom mirror earlier this morning, for all the good it did. Now? Here? The reality was hitting him harder than he would have preferred. No more do-overs. He didn't think he had it in himself to make it through this mess in one piece.

Still. Have to try.

As other students began to mill out of the dorm building's various entrances, Marko hung back against the wall, a bit overwhelmed. Should he say hi to someone? And then what? For now, he resolved to hang back and finish his cigarette. Maybe someone would make it easy for him and come say hello. Or maybe they'd all make it even easier than that and ignore him entirely. It's not that he was some sort of dedicated loner, but how was he meant to act? None of his "friends" in the past had been particularly good people. His head was starting to buzz, and not in the good kind of way. He felt the pressure behind his eyes. He took another drag and began to count to count to twenty in his head as he exhaled. Just stay calm, He thought. Unless you want your scars to come in a matching set, calm the fuck down. So he did.

Marko was calm.

Here he is! Please let me know if there's anything I can tweak or improve upon. I love super hero comics/movies/shows etc. but this is the first super-power RP I've actually joined before, so maybe I'm not getting something quite right
I'm working on my character currently, more of an anti-hero that thinks they're heroic
I'm possibly interested as well :)

People Watching and Poffin Munching

Location: Pier Interaction(s): Everyone

Today, Auggie reckoned, was going to be a swell one. Last night was a lengthy process overseeing the loading team as they secured his art exhibits within the ship, but it all went smoothly. Plus it was funny watching the trainers toil alongside their machokes as if the latter needed any help. Anything to feel like a team he supposed.

Arriving at the pier, he scanned the sights before him with sleepy eyes and an easy smile on his face. His pockets jangled with loose paraphernalia as he approached.

Clear, beautiful skies, a picturesque coastal vista, and was that THE SuperSophfey!? Cool. Auggie knew they were gonna get popular trainers for their little resort thing, but he didn’t think they’d get any actual celebrities. They asked him after all, right? Most of the people here were league champions that he vaguely recognized from battle highlights on RotomTube (mostly ones put together by SuperSophfey). That was hard work, no doubt, and they all seemed nice enough, but Auggie was just relieved to not be the only content creator on the ship. Especially with a superstar like Sophfey.

There were some others he didn’t recognize either, including a guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded Auggie of an absol, and another guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded him of the exact opposite of an absol, decked out in bright pinks as he was. Either way, Auggie didn’t judge books by their cover, or people by their clothes, as it were. He debunked that whole absols-cause-disasters thing already anyways.

And there was a young girl too, emphasis on young. Auggie hoped she was happy to be here, but the blank, slightly grouchy look on her face said otherwise. That was too bad.

His interest in watching the crowd waning as time dragged on, Auggie stretched languidly before fumbling a hand into his overalls pockets. Loose pokéballs, a roll of spirit tags held together by a rubber band, a Hearthome City gym badge, and other assorted trinkets were pushed aside as his hand fished for H.D.’s pokéball. Finally, he withdrew the quick ball (no one would ever believe how insanely lucky he got if he hadn’t been recording the event) and released his rotom into the air before him.


“I’m stuck on this level of Mark of the Greninja. Can you beat it for me?” Auggie held up his cell phone.


With a satisfied trill, H.D. dove into the device and the screen lit up to the video game in question. Auggie dropped his phone into his overalls front pocket. “Thanks man. Just go back into your ball when you’re done. And there’s a surprise for you waiting in our cabin. A desk fan and a minifridge! I tried to negotiate a lawn mower but they said no, I’m sorry, I know its your favorite.” He pat the phone in his pocket gently before sighing with contentment. Life would never not be incredibly cool.

"The captain is late." The tired girl said. She sounded exactly how she looked. "I wonder how much longer it'll be before we can board."

Auggie bit his inner cheek before speaking up. “...More time to get to know everyone, yeah?” He looked around the group pleasantly, flashing a little wave and smile at Sophie when his gaze passed over her, before addressing everyone once more. “I’m, ah, Auggie. I do artwork. Mostly painting. And I do ghost stuff. It’s not usually ghosts though.” He spoke with an airy, languorous tone, before reaching into one of his overstuffed pockets and pulling out a slightly stale poffin. He peered at the others while nibbling on the treat.
I'm down for a discord if we all want one
Yeah I'm happy to get this show on the road!

Btw, when's the Discord set up, if we're getting one?

discord.gg/9YuVeWBP Lyla posted it a few posts ago! I've copy pasted it for you so I hope that works :p
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