"Take pride in what has yet to die"
19 | Female | Helbaurean | Noble | 6.91
❖ Shy
❖ Melancholic
❖ Disconnected
❖ Perfectionist
❖ Dedicated
❖ Melancholic
❖ Disconnected
❖ Perfectionist
❖ Dedicated
Keelee was deeply affected by the loss of her father and the disavowal of her ability to take over his research and life’s work as she was still a child. This influenced her personality and in-part her blood type when her necromancy had manifested, wishing she could bring the dead back to life and live with the ones she loved forever, she acquired a special blood which allows her to bring the dead back to life even if only as zombies. Some operated by strings while others are hosts for demons from the void and beyond. The host inhabiting her father's vessel has only further served in exacerbating her paranoia and delusions that plague her mental wellness.
Keelee is particularly shy and usually melancholic, often speaking to corpses and animals as if they were people. She has a sincere desire to help others, especially to achieve their dreams and save lives. However, precisely because of his ingenuity she is also easily manipulated and easily gets involved in dangerous and illegal projects. Probably due to her background and her experience in medicine, she does not seem to feel disgust at working with human bodies, even if they are decomposing, nor does she feel remorse at awakening their bodies and manipulating them to achieve her end goal of perfect resuscitation. Keelee is a hard worker, giving all her strength and resources when given a task, locking herself in on the job until it is finished or completely exhausted.
Keelee’s skin color, perhaps from the aberration that passed down to in birth, led her skin color astray from most Eeaiko. Rather than a pallid or pale blue the hue that flushes her skin is a soft yellowish-green color, similar to the algae that hangs at the water’s surface. No, rather more akin to algal blooms seeing as her nature predilects the nature of algae that grows out of control while producing toxic or harmful effects on people, fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and birds, inevitably killing them. Her facial features are a bit more rounded and humanoid, possibly from her location in the Arid Sea exposing her to many a race and culture.
A deep brown, almost tattoo-like, mark runs down the edge of her right eye matched only by several fish scales she has adorned onto her skin as her own personal flair of aquatic fashion. Her fascination with the shimmering of scales and refraction of sunlight glistening off them has triggered her to cover her body in sporadic locations. Aside from the marks and scales she dresses herself in dressed with the base or affections being made from sea fans. Her hair is left messy with a braid forming from the center of the back of her long cyan colored hair. The rest of her attire and accessories are made up of corals, tunicates, and other aquatic invertebrates.
Naturally fluent in both water and surface languages of Helbauron, Keelee saw no real use for learning any languages outside of that seeing as they were a people that kept to themselves. It wasn’t until she was older and felt a bit more ostracized did, she frequent the surface more and more. Due to her geographical positioning in the Arid Sea, Keelee was exposed to several dialects and languages, most notably with Xochi. She’s built up a working knowledge of phrases and words that assimilated together form a very broken version that’s exclusive to foreigners. Her latest addiction is Avician seeing her enrollment at the academy.
Keelee’s RAS borders on the high end for most Eeaiko, ending at 6.91. Beyond the RAS she has grown into she was blessed or perhaps cursed with the aberrative mana type that is known as Necromancy. Her ability to reanimate the corpses of nearby enemies or allies into vessels for the possession of minor demons allowing her to become a puppet master has piqued the interest of the prominent university. More so in her breakthrough with keeping a permanent, dominant puppet in play that possesses somewhat of a higher intuitive demon than most basic summons. Dark and Chemical is where she draws from the most to keep her zombies quite potent while masking the smell they denote. Her zombified father has benefited from the two schools so much so it is hard for those to mistake him for a dead man. Binding and Kinetic are her second focus mostly for preservation and constitution of her puppets while kinetic is her least focused school but aids in fine control of her machinations movements.
❖ Magnetic: Neophyte
❖ Arcane: Apprentice
❖ Binding: Adept
❖ Chemical: Journeyman
❖ Kinetic: Novice
❖ Atomic: Neophyte
❖ Blood: Neophyte
❖ Dark: Adept
❖ Arcane: Apprentice
❖ Binding: Adept
❖ Chemical: Journeyman
❖ Kinetic: Novice
❖ Atomic: Neophyte
❖ Blood: Neophyte
❖ Dark: Adept
Before the inception of Keelee, her parents, part of the nobility with the Eeaiko demographic, enjoyed a life of comfort and ease. Her father was responsible for overseeing many inventions that saw the light of day. These ideas weren’t stolen from the Yasoi nor the humans as they usually were, but elevated or expanded on for the use of water dwelling people. His contributions were significant yet decadent in display which was something the other niche populations of Eeaiko were not used to. They were more traditionalist in nature and had grown accustomed to just one-to-one copies of Yasoi and human constructs. His inventions were then labeled heretical and dangerous that turned off some, but gained traction by forming a large cult following, gaining the eye of Royalty and ensuring funding since they enjoyed the nuanced inventions and the crowd it brought in. This put him in direct competition with a few other creators and in a negative light that led to the greasing of palms, exchanging of good for services, and mortal peril. Unaware of his position and security he thought nothing of it and returned day after day to his wife at home, ready to welcome his child along the way. Except he would never live to see the birth of his daughter, for on return to his workstation, he fell victim to an assassination attempt that proved true.
When news arrived to his wife the grief would not subside, which she knew was actively effecting the health of her child. To circumvent this and her sorrow she used the riches that were now in her name to contract a temporal mage to use their magic to reverse the Ymeehook bestowed on her husband. Unskilled in the ways of magic, she was none the wiser this mage had scammed her using a very chaotic spell. The temporal magic had worked as promised but ignited an aberration within her body that unbeknownst to her, manifested in their child, generating a cryptic mana type. Her father now back in the picture he was able to return to his family and his research. News quickly broke and hushed whispers spread through the localities, eventually dying out to plain gossip. No retaliatory actions were taken by the father or against him. Instead, years went by where he raised his daughter with his full attention, not wanting to waste his second chance. Keelee grew up more or less a happy child under the love of her parents, but waves of behavioral and mental disorders flared up from time to time.
It wasn’t until he unveiled his newest invention to streamline power to multiple localities did a new devious plot arise. A Quazoomik had found its way into his ranks, attempting to vie for his research and head of development. Surely another attempt at his life would be made, and so it was, or was it? He met his fate once more, but the details were a bit sparser this time around. His passing appeared to be a genuine accident, or had it? Unable to declare Hemvoorik, there was no clear perpetrator or anything to link to a murderer. The news broke to his family once more, completely breaking the wife, creating a catatonic husk that had spurious bouts of lucidity, presenting itself in laughter and denial. And awakening the magic in Keelee, giving rise to her obsession. Keelee was helped in burying her father, adorning his body with kelp and coral. Kelee wondered why people have to die and expressed her desire to bring everyone back to life, to be able to live with everyone she cares about for a long time.
Soon after she would begin to reanimate small creatures until she was plagued with staunch morbid curiosity, she ignored sentimentality and revived her father. The first iteration was an abomination from a child playing God, but she never quit. Afraid of being rejected and outcast from her home she moved on her own to a port city in the far east of Xochiyeteteo. There she was able to slowly perfect her reanimated father to a passing Eeaiko at the price of her sanity and entertaining a more notable demon to possess the vessel of her father that whispered indiscriminately in her ear. Word of her magic and research hit Ersand'Enise, making her a person of interest. Correspondence had reached her time and time again, yet Keelee was unsure if that is what she wanted or needed.
Keelee’s motivations are painfully simple, she wants to be able to perfect necromancy to the point she can fully reanimate a deceased boy with their original soul. Eeaiko religion in relation to the afterlife centers around the idea that, “You have two deaths. When you physically die and the last time someone remembers you." Keelee doesn’t accept that, rather, she fears the prospect of losing a loved one to the void for all eternity. Keelee is hellbent on preventing her father’s Ymeehaup and so needs the resources that no one but Ersand'Enise can provide, whether that is tools or faculty that support her. To her the relationship feels very quid pro quo, which phases her very little. Becoming a grandmaster and mastering her mana type for her own means justified the ends of what the school would do with her research, altruistic or not. The fear of failure is not an option of a symptom she's allowed to feel, once you're aware of it you can't remove it.
Keelee doesn’t carry much, she has no particular attachment to anything physical seeing as she holds bonds to a higher regard. She does carry around a small botanist pouch where she carries a few aquatic medicinal herbs but more importantly some marine mammals for chemical extraction. This can range from tunicates to sponges to bryozoans. Other than that, she keeps a necklace given to her mother by her father and a few pretty shells and pearls she can barter for coin if she ever needs it.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Herbalist & Medic
❖ Powerful Swimmer
❖ Nimble/Dexterous
❖ No Morality
❖ Methodical
❖ Powerful Swimmer
❖ Nimble/Dexterous
❖ No Morality
❖ Methodical
Necromancy has become her, Keelee’s strengths are shaped and catered around her obsessions and mana type. This has manifested into skills and strengths that help develop those abilities to a higher level. Being a puppet master has made her excellent at manipulating the living just as much as she can with the dead. She has no sense of morality, a given seeing as she pilfers the dead to join her army and will get her hands dirty where others would cower. In practice, it’s made her a better physician and botanist. What started off as a hobby due to the nature of her people that live in rich flora and fauna areas, turned into a tool. Her intimate knowledge of the interworking’s of the human anatomy and what they can endure and be prescribed has facilitated her goal to perfect her necromancy. There is a method to her madness and while the vision is lost on others, for Keelee it needs to be trusted to execute properly, regardless of who gets in her way.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Unhinged
❖ Obsessive/Stubborn
❖ One trick pony
❖ Traditionalist
❖ Physically weak
❖ Obsessive/Stubborn
❖ One trick pony
❖ Traditionalist
❖ Physically weak
Her strengths are also her weaknesses. Not completely of her own doing but the tragedy that had awarded her, her mana type and the constant forum with her dad’s vessel demon has served to erode much of a healthy mentality and trust of those around her, specifically in regard to the conspirators in her father’s death. Her need to strive for perfection and have such a lofty goal looming overhead has made her stubborn and obsessive, often making it hard to pry her away from anything but the tunnel vision road she’s laid out for herself. Stemming also from how devout her beliefs and traditions to the Eeaiko culture. While she is heavily adept at necromancy and the use of puppets, she has no real versatility outside of that. She has basic spells she can pull from but no secondary talents. Specifically in any kind of physical combat which makes it hard for her to fight in close quarters or in melee range, distance is key for her which makes her so nimble.
HEX Code: 52B2CF