Avatar of calliope
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    1. calliope 4 yrs ago


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thank you, friend! I am looking to roleplay and practice my own prose : ]. I love to broaden my horizons so I'll be looking at a lot of different genres!

thanks to all the other welcoming comments, as well.

F A C T I O N : Scavanger
N A M E : Mare (pronounce muh-ree).
N I C K N A M E : "Ree", "Possum"
A G E : 11
S K I L L S : pickpocketing, stealth, acting (fooling others)
H U M A N I T Y : GM Use Only
S T R E N G T H ○○○○○○○○○○
D E X T E R I T Y ○○○○○○○○○○ 1
C O N S T I T U T I O N ○○○○○○○○○○
I N T E L L I G E N C E ○○○○○○○○○○ 3
W I S D O M ○○○○○○○○○○ 1
C H A R I S M A ○○○○○○○○○○
B A C K S T O R Y : Mare is the youngest of five. However, she is the only survivor out of her siblings. When her father mysteriously disappeared, it left her mother and the other children to fend for themselves. Mare's mother fell ill shortly after their father's vanishing. Mare, intelligent enough to know what fate was falling over their heads, left to fend for herself. She prefers solitude as she has developed a distaste for being in large groups of people; groups mean more mouth's to feed. Being selfish in this life is a necessity.
P E R S O N A L I T Y : while she isn't proud of herself, Mare has learned that it is the survival of the fittest. She will not hesitate to take her own health over someone else's. Hesitant to offer or accept help from or for others, Mare is a reserved individual and is quite content on her own. All she's ever known is solitude and so has no desire to change it. She has a witty personality, but won't offer up a conversation on her own. Relationships are forged on a temporary basis. If someone doesn't have something to benefit her directly, she likely won't accept any propositions. She spends her free time honing her skills - thievery is the name of the game and she's damn good at it. The other kids have taken to calling her 'Possum' because she's played dead quite a few times to get out of a situation. If things start hitting the fan, she's outtie.
Thank you, so very much! I'm very excited to jump in and get to know how this website works. I've never been on a forum that functions as this one does, but I rather like the idea of it all. Thank you for being so open and helpful, your kindness is greatly appreciated!

I do have a question - as for the skills, are we to come up with our own, or choose from the ones listed next to the descriptions of our character's faction? Furthermore, do I need to divide my character's stats with a number involved? As in, I have 20 total and must give points to each category so altogether they equal 20?
(sorry if that doesn't make much sense - wasn't sure how to word my question!)

Thank you for all your help and patience. ♥
@kuro @stormflyx @naw
thank you all for the warm welcome. I appreciate it very much!!
I'm up for quite a learning curve, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually, lol
hope its okay to post here. I'm very excited to join my first roleplay on the guild! I apologize for any blunders I may make. This website is very lovely; so many new features to learn about! I look forward to learning about RPguild as well as writing with everyone here. I am assuming the tab labeled as character sheets is where I should put my character sheet, yes? and "IC" is "in character"?

Thank you all for your patience with me. I will do my best to learn without encroaching on anyone's enjoyment of the roleplay.
hi! thank you for the welcome c: I appreciate that very much!
Hello, @chrysocoma!
I know I just got here like five minutes ago but this is very intriguing. I'd very much love to be a part of this!

hello there, my name is constance! you can call me yen, ella, beth, Constance, whatever you feel like! I am an adult woman living on the west coast of the united states (get me out of here, please lol). unfortunately, I suffer from a lot of chronic illnesses that have pretty much made me a stay at home cat mom to my orange tabby, o'malley! I've been writing for over 15 years and I've been in search of a website that better fits my needs. So, hopefully, this place will serve as just that! I am a self-published author and am continuously working on trying to get published.

I look forward to making new friends and acquaintances here. Happy writing!
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