Avatar of Candlelitsoul


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4 days ago
Current Uber app: "Be sure to check your ride every time". Me: "Yeah. Because I'm really gonna get in the car with some stranger...". Also me: *instantly realizes I AM getting in the car with a stranger* O_o
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10 days ago
Started writing chapter 11. So excited!
29 days ago
UnlikeHumanKind It's never a waste of it brings you joy. That's something I learned the hard way.
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30 days ago
Forgot to update this, but I am almost through chapter 10 of writing my novel. I'm so proud of myself!
1 mo ago
When your tummy is upset after the party, but you won three games and it was worth it.


I'm a multi-paragraph, advanced writer, seeking those with similar interests and capabilities. I do have a large list of ideas that I make over, add to, and change as the ideas come.

My rules may seem harsh, but I started role playing in the Yahoo! chat rooms when I was 14, and we had a similar list. Especially when the site had groups you could form.

-I don't mind sexual content, but the main focus is the story. If the character's have a connection, then I accept it, but I do NOT write it for the sake of appeasing someone's need for entertainment.

-I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

-Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every week. I can understand having a busy life. Between my home and work chaos, it can be hard to sit down and post regularly. If you can't, message me and I will happily wait. Though I do ask this; if you're dropping out, don't ghost. Tell me upfront. I always understand.

-I'm looking for someone to play male characters. No story is exactly set, as I have met people who can bring new perspectives to a base idea. I can play background males, but the mains I am looking for.

-My base genres are fantasy (meaning they have powers. Not dragons, orcs, etc), romance, modern, medieval, post-apocalyptic, and historical.

If you can make it past these, I look forward to writing with you.

Most Recent Posts

6 posts in 443 days
Bio 1 hr ago
X-Men Roleplay-

Seeking someone for a paragraph to multi-paragraph role play.

Scene is set around the time of the first movie at the school.

Looking for a character to play Logan/Wolverine.


I have not seen the newest movie. Character is based off first one only.

No smut or sex scenes.

Must be literate, meaning no text typing, proper grammar, etc.


Comment if interested. Do not private message.

I am NOT looking to take on new ideas, so don't please don't ask.

Don't message if you're not committed or in it for the long haul. Not looking to role play for a week and then you disappear.

Story revolves around character development, daily life, and adventure.

Partial storyline:

Logan is at the school as a teacher.

My character comes in during the night. She is blind.

Is assigned to be looked after by Logan to teach him patience, while he teaches her trust, and to control her powers.

Yes, has romance down the line but starts off as strangers.

Hope to hear from you.
She'd first met him when she played a live show outside of a hotel in Las Vegas. He'd been part of the crowd that watched the performance, and even though there had been performers behind and beside her, his eyes never left her, and she'd felt the heat of his gaze like a blazing inferno.

Afterwards, she'd headed to her job at the hotel, serving drinks to customers at an upstairs gathering. It was to commemorate The Travel Channel choosing their hotel as a location for the next Ghost Adventures episode. And that's when it clicked; he was part of the team... Nick Groff.

Even at the party his eyes followed her, even when she headed out to balcony to take a ten minute break. But that was when everything changed; he;d seen her before, inquired about her, tracked and traced her movements. He wanted to get to know her, but he wanted to know about her before he attempted. And now, knowing her history, he'd taken his courage and followed her to the balcony.

She didn't know that that moment would shape her entire future, and she never wanted to go back.

This story is a romance/ghost hunting role play.

Paragraph to multi paragraph writers only.

No smut or sex scenes.

Must be familiar with the Ghost Adventures show.

Looking for someone to play the male role only.

Comment if interested
I have several different ideas that I've been working on over the years.

Am looking for the following:

1) Must be literate. No text type.
2) Has no problem playing a male character.
3) No smut or sex scenes. Purely romance.
4) Paragraph to multi-paragraphs. One liners only accepted if they're in a conversation setting with nothing else taking place.

On several, I have only the idea and am open to characters that fit the criteria. On others, I have the characters selected, along with what they look like, biographies, etc.

Listed are the ideas I currently have. If interested, comment and I'll send you a message.

Story one: Texas chainsaw massacre. Woman is a paranormal investigator, 8 months pregnant. Gets a hold of the case through her contacts and decides to take her friends along with. Turns out, leatherface isnt dead. After their escape, they meet up with detectives who want them to go back. Leatherface is gone. Wants to hear what happened. Bodies are found, and chaos ensues.

Story 2: Man and his wife, both loving, both dedicated. They decide to take some time off of work and go camping. He learns of her pregnancy. However, on the road to their campsite, they get into an accident, which lands her in a coma. At first, he listens to the doctors who tell him she won't ever wake, but strange things start to happen; dreams, visions, strange happenings around him, and he realizes she is still around. However, she's holed up at a church with other lost souls from the hospital. A clergyman has promised to do a ritual to help get them where they need to be, but it turns out, he's sending them to hell. the wife makes contact, and he works to save them. About all I have for that, the in-between is kind of murky.

Story three- Alana is a detective with the local police force. Her husband Xander belongs to the SWAT division. But Alana harbors a special gift; she's psychic. She has the ability to see what happened in the past in real time.

A case of two murdered parents and two orphans lands in her lap, and Xander becomes concerned. Just returned from a difficult case, he expects some time with his pregnant wife before the baby comes, but he knows that with two kids involved, she wont let it go.

Now it's a race against the clock to find the killer and the cause before they come back for the kids.

Story four- Rave is on her last leg of high school, and she's starting at a new school. As the local goth kid, she doesn't expect to have any friends, but that's before she meets Xander. They both have a mutual love, skateboarding. The story takes place through their journey through high school and later to adulthood.

Story 5- SAW Spinoff: A girl is found alone on the streets. She's bloody, scared, mute. She has cuts all over, old bruises, and is running in search of help or freedom, or her very life. A rock star couple find her, take her to the hospital, bring her home. Little did they know that by doing so, they were battling a great evil. This is part 1. Part 2 takes place when she's 18 and the dance starts all over again.

Story 6- She's a vampire, and she watches a man help a woman on the street. She follows him home to feed on him. She hasn't fed in days and she's weak. He catches her, romance develops later. Only true thing I can remember is when she dies she can be resurrected as human.

I also have a zombie survival rp, medieval, and a few others.
Hello! My name is Candle, and I'm what they call an old school role player.

I started RPing back in 2004 in the Yahoo! Chat Rooms, and it was there I learned how to think and type fast. But I also learned, that I loved the journey.

I've always been able to write, whether it was poetry, short stories, novels, or even little projects for school. It was exhilarating! i loved to lose myself in the adventures, and my mind would always be able to conjure up what the places really looked like. My synapses would fire, and it was like riding a constant high.

I dropped off for a while because people in my life berated me for doing so. Now, years upon years later, I'm finally picking up where I left off.

I love it!
More details will be given in a message, but here is a short list.

- Takes place in a high school setting between an 18 year old and her teacher.

- Romance, no sex, no smut.

- Paragraph style RP. No text speak. No one liners unless it's a conversation where not much takes place. Please be literate.

- Story line and character bios are set, but the journey from one set to the next is not.

If you;re interested, comment on the post and I'll shoot you a message to send the full story line, plus the character bios and pictures.

Hope to hear from you!
I used to role play back when the Yahoo! Chat Rooms were still operational, and many of the friends I used to RP with have either stopped role playing, or I lost when Yahoo! decided to upgrade their messenger program, and all my contacts were lost.

I'm looking for people who don't mind paragraphs, are in for the long haul, and who don't mind playing the male character. I throw that last bit on there because the many I have tried to find have turned me down on that principal.

I look forward to hearing from anyone interested. ^__^
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