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This was a pain in the butt to do, but I got Danny’s Spider Man costume. :D

Ugh, and I still notice mistakes. You get the point.

The image is not showing up on my end, lol.
So, I'm considering altering Donny's bio slightly to make him the new guitarist that joined the band rather that stage prep, mostly because the idea of Thor shredding guitar sounds epic as shit, lol. In that vein, here's some Viking Metal:

Let’s not put too much stock in how long the posts are. Quality matters more. ^^

Quality over quantity is definitely more important, but my posts are generally longer anyway. Usually after I write a first draft such as the one I shared above, I will go back through and edit wherever I think details are lacking, if I notice any plot holes I inadvertently created, or any other changes I think will help the overall quality of the post. I do have a habit of getting lost in my writing, and sometimes I have to break up my intended post into multiple smaller ones if the length borders on a short story all on its own, lol.

That being said, I don't expect anyone to emulate me. As long as you give a solid two or three paragraphs, don't create any plot holes in the established continuity, use proper grammar, and clearly distinguish between dialogue and narrative, then I'm fine.
Okay all, we're still waiting on final character sheets for Black Widow and Carol Danvers, though to be fair to Role Model, I did receive a finished CS, but asked for a rewrite. Unless I'm forgetting anyone, I think those are the only two starting characters we are waiting on. Regardless, I'm going to start working on the intro post since I have four POVs to write for. I have shifts all through the weekend, but I am off Monday and Tuesday nights, so that's most likely when the first IC post will drop. It's going to be fairly long since I'll have so many characters to write for and I'll be including some worldbuilding in the pilot post. On average, my posts range from five to ten paragraphs when I'm writing only one or two characters, so given that I'm doing four main and who knows how many background NPCs, you can assume most of my posts are going to be fairly lengthy :D.

To give you an example, here is one of my recent posts on another site. To set up for context: This is a story about a modern-day witcher-type character named Desmond who is protecting a young woman named Myka who just recently discovered she is a witch and her newly awakened aura is drawing in monsters and other dark forces. I haven't proofread this yet, it's just my first draft of the post, but I figured I'd share it anyway:

Anyway, like I said, first IC post should be up Monday or Tuesday. In the mean time, please enjoy this heavy metal bunny shredding guitar as he walks through a crowded Norwegian mall:

Young Avengers: Poly Edition :D
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Lol. xD

It’s not just that though. Danny did very well in school. Donny did not. What kind of stimulating conversations would these two have?

Baha true. Could just be a short-lived fling before Thor and Loki go to the future.
Danny is going to quietly ogle Donny at times, but he’s smart enough to know it won’t go anywhere.

That's not necessarily true. I would have no problem making Donny pansexual. Personally, I shift between heterosexual and asexual depending on my mood, but I have never shied away from playing characters with other sexualities.
Caty's definitely going to end up having a crush on Petra.

Lesbian romance -- score! Please send me anything that happens in PMs related to that, hahaha.
I will add this just in case anyone who hasn't posted their character yet isn't sure:
Special Talents & Skills are traits that exist prior to and independent of Terrigenesis.
Powers & Abilities are the changes acquired from the mutation.
Okay, so I asked King Kindred to make a single change to Caty's bio to reference Howard Stark instead of Tony. Since no one claimed Iron Man, I had begun formulating plans to bring him in as a teenage character later on. At the time of the first Terrigen Crisis, Tony is still at MIT while Howard is the one running Stark Industries. When I introduce him to the story, he will not be powered like the other characters, but wearing an exosuit to fight whatever villains we are facing at that time. This will also create an opening if any of you want to play extra non-powered heroes who use technology instead or were somehow modified by Tony separate from the Terrigen events. At that point, Tony could lead a very small team of enhanced teenagers who try to clean up some of the mutant criminals running rampant, and then eventually they join forces with the other heroes, and this can be the first time they begin operating under the team name "Avengers," and then they move their headquarters to Stark Tower. Prior to this joining of two teams into a larger one, we can say our characters never really went by an official team name, as during that time there were a lot of new heroes and villains running around after the first Terrigen Crisis and shifting alliances. The time between July 4th and them officially forming the Avengers will be sort of like an extended prologue origin story of sorts for the team.

Also, if anyone has ideas for other characters you'd like to play, please PM me first, as I am constructing a flexible story skeleton behind the scenes to keep the narrative flow consistent, and there are many other Marvel characters I am weaving into this to make sure there is enough content to keep the RP going for as long as the interest remains strong.
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