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Sorry all, I was trying to work on the updated post today I was pretty tired from work the night before and was having issues focusing. I keep writing parts and then backspacing and trying something different, wanting to come up with something that everyone will be happy with. I have work the next few nights as well, so the final rewrite may not come until my days off. I'll keep you all updated.
Okay, so I've been mulling over ways to rework my post, and I think the villain section is fine since that takes place separately. In the first part, I'm thinking of rolling back the arrival of the emergency services and the feds and removing the reference to Luke and Donny going towards Caty and David. Instead of moving the overall narrative at a faster pace, I'll slow it down to give the characters more time to interact in their three current smaller groups. The emergency services will still show up since 911 is being flooded, but I'll hold off on the news cameras and feds coming until a future post. To prevent myself from pushing us forward too fast again, I will no longer be writing the really long posts like I have. I will restrict myself to two or three paragraphs per character and leave it at that. I won't introduce new major plot elements until we've exhausted all possible small talk/individual character interactions so that no one feels cheated or rushed.
I've added this above my post:

This post is being reworked and the events detailed below are not final. Please refrain from replying until the all clear has been given in the OOC.

I won't have time to work on it tonight because I'll be at work, but I'll get the rewrite done tomorrow morning if I can and get it posted. I'm really sorry, everyone. It wasn't my intention to force anyone's character into something they weren't comfortable with.
Plus I wanted to give everyone something to work with for their posts. If just Luke and the interns form a core group, then the other characters would essentially have nothing to do in posts unless they were on solo side quests of sorts. It also makes it difficult for me to move the overall narrative forward if everyone is scattered and unfamiliar with each other.

Hmmm. I have work tonight, but give me some time to think of a different solution and I'll rework my post to avoid forcing everyone together.
Yeah, they wouldn't form as an actual team until later, the idea of having them group up around the interns at the park is very short term, just to establish a connection so that they don't go their separate ways and never speak to each other again. As it stands right now, there is nothing connecting Donny, Owen, Waylon, and Petra to the others any more than the hundred-plus other survivors in the park. I figured the group needed a reason to at least be on speaking terms with each other. They will most likely get separated when everyone is taken to different hospitals and between the FBI and then SHIELD being called in the following day, it would seem increasingly unrealistic that the characters would all gather in one place unless a familiarity with each other was threaded in during the crisis at the park.

Though I understand how my post could have come off as confusing, and I'd be willing to rewrite it and point it in a different direction if the four of you would prefer. We're a team, after all. I want us all to be happy :).
That game looks super cool! I hadn’t heard of it before, but now I’m pumped.

Yeah, I was a bit confused as to how Donny and Co. ended their convo and got over to where the others were. I was honestly thinking that Petra would win in the battle of wills with her brother, and so they’ll probably just dip and go to the hospital. Donny going and interacting with the others will give them just a degree of separation, anyway, so it’ll be easy to pull them in.

Feel free to retroactively implant their back and forth as taking place prior to Donny walking over towards the interns. My thoughts were that because Caty had drawn attention to herself on stage, it seemed realistic that most of our characters would approach her for answers as the crowd did. Plus I wanted to give all of our characters a reason to gather in one spot to better facilitate them meeting up in the future. By having Donny walk over and be invested in David's state, that gives him a reason to check on him later at the hospital, which in turn would help connect Waylon and Petra to everyone else.

I figured if we didn't anchor them all together in a way, then naturally, they may go their separate ways afterwards. If Petra and Waylon leave and go to the hospital alone, they could always meet back up with Donny later and follow him to check on David.
I took light control of everyone just to get all our characters into a single group. Hope no one minds.
Hunter’s Point South Park
Long Island City, Queens, New York, USA
July 4th, 2023 9:40PM EDT (Tuesday)

“This is so awful,” David cried, looking back up at the chaos all around them. It seemed the rest of the barges had finally gotten the message that something had happened and the fireworks stopped. Luke followed Danny as he walked towards Caty, and over the next few minutes, most of the other people in the park who were still alive swarmed around the interns as well, frantically demanding answers about what had happened. Most of the panicked questions were directed at Caty, who had been the most visible of the three while up on stage. The voices were pounding against David’s head. He looked down at his hands, balling them into fists. He felt a sudden rage boil up inside of him, clenching his teeth and beginning to breathe heavier.

“Hey, is he okay?” Luke asked, pointing at the young intern on his knees. “His face looks severely wounded.” David seemed to have started hyperventilating, his entire body tensed up. Suddenly blood began pouring out of his nose, but midstream it turned from red to a greenish tint. He began punching the docks below him over and over, letting out a pained scream before he feinted and dropped forward. Luke immediately rushed over to check that he was still breathing. “Well, he’s not dead,”

Meanwhile, Owen had scoffed at Waylon's response and crossed him arms, turning his back to them. Donny disregarded his brother with a wave. "We should help as many people as we can, but Petra, you do make a good point -- we are not scientists. Maybe it's better to go right to the hospital."

Soon everyone began looking up as they heard sirens nearby, the flashing lights of emergency services beginning to appear. Within minutes paramedics and police were swarming the park, and the news cameras from the various events seemed to consolidate in the area. While David was loaded onto one of the stretchers, the reporters began hounding Caty and Danny, pinpointing them after playing back the camera feed from when they first began warning people.

“How did you know this was going to happen?” asked one.

“Is this a terrorist attack?” demanded another.

“Is Greyburn Labs involved in some sort of biological warfare? Why was a civilian location targeted?”

“Is the Ten Rings terrorist cell involved?”

“Why are some people completely fine while others are dead?”

The questions were coming faster than Caty or Danny could adequately answer, it was all so overwhelming. Then suddenly a new presence pushed it’s way into the park – federal agents.

“All right everyone, clear out!” one of the agents in charge commanded the reporters. “You’ll get your answers after we get ours. Listen up, everyone! I know this is a difficult time, but I need everyone to remain calm! If you have any loved ones being transported to one of the hospitals, please go with them. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms, you need to get checked out as well.”

“Who are you?” Luke asked him as he approached Caty and Danny.

“Agent Castle, FBI,” he replied, holding up his ID badge. “We’re always on standby when major events are happening, just in case. A few forensic experts from the Scientific Response and Analysis Unit will be here shortly, and they will be especially eager to speak with you, Miss Davis. Yes, we saw the livestream as well when you jumped on stage and announced your name and employer.”


The Dillinger Room (Boardroom H-409)
Floor 43
Stark Tower
Midtown Manhattan, New York, USA
July 4th, 2023 9:55PM EDT (Tuesday)

The five scientists had been watching everything unfold on the television, but by the time the feds had swarmed the park, the cameramen were ushered out of the area and the feed was cut.

“So, it looks like there is a potential for one hundred to one hundred and fifty stable mutations, including my three interns,” Sterns said happily. “That also depends on how many survive the night in the hospital.”

“I still zink zey need to die,” Vanko added. “But I cannot argue zat allowing zeir potential mutations to unfold may prove beneficial. However, zey are about to tell zose agents everyzing.”

“So we say they are lying,” suggested Osborn.

“But they may have the footage of us discussing our plans recorded, don’t forget,” pointed out Essex.

“There is no doubt the feds will trace the mist back to Project Terrigenesis and Grayburn Labs,” said von Hassen. “Trying to hide it will only make us look guilty. No, the logical course of action here is to blame it on the interns. Call them out as rogue actors who stole the Terrigen Crystals. Sam, that camera feed your kids put in here had to have been local – check their dorms.”

Sterns nodded and hurried from the room, coming back a few minutes later holding the laptop David had left sitting on the table when he had rushed out of the dorm. “I’ll be damned, you were right, Victor! But the little stinker had the good sense to lock the screen before leaving.”

“That’s fine, we can hack into it fairly easily. All we’re checking for is to ensure they didn’t record the footage anywhere else, and then dispose of the laptop.” replied von Hassen. “Then we need to get to work setting the stage for the kids to take the fall...”
This looks sweet!

Sorry all, had some RL stuff come up. I'll try to get my next IC post done tonight, but it may not be posted until tomorrow. It's gonna be another long one, which means a lot of proofreading and editing, lol.
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