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Awesome post, now to figure just what my two characters will do, this feels like it surpasses my original plans although i could have them doing that and then doing as nightwing ordered.

my understanding is Metello bot is now down, freeing the krytonians, the summoned scorpion monsters are now protecting the sorcerer. i feel he is primary target. but i feel the fight wont be that simple, and i feel we need to weaken the enemy somehow before going after those that went underground.

Thanks! I guess we'll have to see what you all come up with XD.
Sorry that took so long. I didn't respond to every single thing that happened, I glossed over some of it to get us all on the same page.
As the teens fought the scorpion monsters, they discovered them to be quite durable, each one standing about six and a half feet tall. Nightwing ducked and rolled between the legs of one that had charged him, then heard Wonder Girl mention stopping the caster who had summoned them. “If we can get to him, yeah!”

When Steel scanned them for any weaknesses, BORIS picked up strange energy readings, as if they were reinforced with magical protections. Meanwhile, there were flashes of red and yellow lightning as the two speedsters’ fight spilled out into the rest of the parking lot.

The Metallo-Bot saw Supergirl come flying at him swinging a giant pillar like a bat, but she hadn’t anticipated the radiation from the Kryptonite in his chest weakening her. He reached up and blocked the blunt weapon with an open hand, then fired several green energy bolts at her, causing her to drop to the ground. Immediately after this, Superboy also charged him, unleashing his freeze breath. The robot swung the pillar around to block the attack, which encased the stone in ice. He then smashed it down onto the teen boy, shattering it.

“No!” Scarlet Beacon screamed, having recovered some. Acting out of pure emotion instead of logical thought, he flew at the Metallo-Bot as well, firing up red energy balls in each hand as he shot out of the building like a bullet. “You son of a b-”

Before he could finish his sentence, something dark dropped out of the night sky and slammed him into the ground with such force that it cracked the asphalt around him. The being then pushed back off him, floating in the air as lightning crackled in his hand.

“Such fools,” Black Adam said, his voice carrying a light Egyptian accent. “You rush the very thing which is your greatest weakness? Pathetic! You made this too easy!”

He fired out an arcing electric blast that hit the three Kryptonians at the same time, causing them to writhe in agony. He then used telekinesis to lift them up and lay them at the feet of the Metallo-Bot, getting them even closer to the Kryptonite.

“We take these three out, and the rest are childsplay,” the evil sorcerer laughed as he dropped down again, digging his knees into the backs of Conner and Jon and grabbing Kara by her hair. “Klarion, now!”

The magic-user who had summoned the monsters nodded and began speaking Latin again, when suddenly a blue spherical forcefield encased each of the villains and the scorpion beasts. Kid Flash suddenly realized what was happening as Reverse-Flash came to a stop and grinned, also covered in a shield. The speedster gasped and began running towards Black Adam as fast as he could.

“No! He is about to-” Nightwing started to yell out, but it was too late.

“SHAZAM!” Black Adam screamed out in an echoing voice. A giant bolt of lightning descended from the sky towards his position, and at the last second, he dodged out of the way, allowing the blast to hit the three Kryptonians.


The resulting explosion sent a giant shockwave out in every direction, denoting the gas tanks in nearby vehicles and shattering the front walls of the Hall of Justice, sending glass and stone and metal flying. Nightwing was sent crashing through one of the support pillars, and that paired with the one Supergirl had ripped out and the explosion caused the ceiling to crack and start caving in. Even the wall leading into the Ballroom started crumbling, and the guests began screaming and frantically rushing for exits at the back of the building.

The teen heroes tried to process what just happened, but there was ringing in their ears, dust in the air, and the sounds of panicked shrieking all around. Superboy, Supergirl, and Scarlet Beacon all laid in a large crater in the parking lot, unconscious and horribly burnt as the Metallo-Bot continued to stand over them, ensuring the Kryptonite radiation would prevent them from healing.

“Attention Junior Squad,” came the guards on their earpieces. “We lost the camera feeds with that explosion, so there is nothing more we can do from in here. We are going to begin aiding in the evacuation of the guests. Try your best to hold them off as long as you can!”

Just then, Nightwing spotted a few familiar figures amongst the scrambling crowd - it was Shimmer, Mammoth, Psimon, and Gizmo, villains he knew had a history with H.I.V.E. He also kept a close eye on Jinx just in case. What are you up to? He thought to himself.

Shimmer knelt down in the middle of the ballroom, laid a hand on the floor, and then used her transmutation powers to turn a ten-foot circle of the floor into glass. She then stepped back and let Mammoth shatter it with a fierce punch, which revealed a hidden tunnel underneath the Hall of Justice leading straight down. Shimmer then looked up, winked at Jinx, grinned, and the four villains hopped down through the hole.

“Whatever is down there is the point of all this!” Nightwing yelled to the others as the opponents up top renewed their assault. “They drew the League away, and are keeping us busy up here so they can go after whatever is down there! We need to end this as quickly as possible so we can go after them! Everyone, focus your attention on Klarion first! We take him out and then get the Kryptonians as far away from the Kryptonite as possible!”

The scorpion monsters rushed to circle around their master, having heard Nightwing’s plan. As the heroes charged towards them, Black Adam fired another electric blast from his hand at the teens, which Dick had been anticipating this time. He flipped around and threw two grappling hooks out from each hand - one wrapped around the Metallo-Bot’s arm and the other intercepted Black Adam’s bolt, channeling the lightning along the metal wires from one hook to the other, causing the robot to short-circuit and crumble to the ground, smoke rising up from it. Luckily the hero’s suit had protected him from being shocked himself.

Nightwing then ran towards the fallen metal man and ripped out the Kryptonite chunk, shoving into one of his pouches that was lined with lead, thus blocking the radiation. Within seconds the three Kryptonians returned to consciousness, their bodies healing themselves rapidly.

Mmm true, i could have her throw the pillar at the Metallo-Bot.

No need to edit your post, throwing the pillar would create the same situation of trying to navigate that attack while Superboy is rushing the same villain at the same time. I have decided on a new course of action for my post and will have it up shortly.
Sorry, meeting ran long so I never got around to finishing up my post. So many things are happening concurrently within the story that I'm trying to find the best way to lay them out chronologically in my post. For instance, Supergirl is charging Metallo-Bot with the pillar at the same time Superboy charges him and uses freeze breath, so I'm working through the best way to deal with that and it's looking more and more likely that the two teens will collide with each other or something since they both rushed forward at the same enemy at the same time without coordinating their attacks or putting much thought into it LOL. If Supergirl is swinging around this giant pillar like a baseball bat and then Superboy rushes the same villain she's attempting to hit, she is liable to hit him instead, which would prevent him from having the chance to use his freeze breath and thus create a plothole. If Metallo-Bot dodges the pillar swing then he is not there anymore for Superboy to use his freeze breath, thus also creating a plothole. I'm still working out the best way to write the scene and am getting pretty sleepy, so I'm gonna go to bed and return to it tomorrow.
Is there a minimum or maximum age for one's OC?

I don't think we've really discussed ages. What did you have in mind?
My next post will shake things up a little, and then it will end with Nightwing giving guidance to everyone to make it easier for you guys to write your posts. I was going to have my post up last night, but I had some extra paperwork I had forgotten about to get prepared for a meeting I have today. It should last around an hour and then I plan on finishing up my post afterwards. Tonight's Critical Role stream starts at 7:00PM Pacific Time, so I am aiming to have my post up before that.
To add to that, the player with the mod may be more limited in the scope of what they can do whereas the player with the cheat console has many more options depending on what codes they type. The trade off is ease of use versus depth of knowledge.

And to add to what I said about Wizards having no inborn magic, it's important to note that some races do have inborn abilities independent of their class, such as a Dragonborn's breath weapon, for example.
I think the exact function differs depending on which source material is used, but generally speaking, Wizards have to read their spellbooks and store the written incantations in their mind for later use, and have to repeat this every day to keep the spells fresh in their minds. They have no natural inborn magical capability on their own and have to study for years in an academic setting to learn their craft.

A Sorcerer, on the other hand, does have some inborn magical capability, usually from a magical creature in their bloodline, like DeadPixel said. They do not have to memorize spells in the same way a Wizard does, instead drawing their power from within themselves.

It's sort of like the difference between having a mod installed in a video game or having to type out cheat codes to achieve the same effect. The player with the mod will have their stuff work automatically while the player with the cheat console will need to type out codes for each thing.
Wasn't able to get my post finished tonight so I'll need to wait until after work tomorrow to get it up.
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