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“I don’t know about anyone else’s suit, but-” Nightwing started to answer Wonder Girl’s question but was cut-off as Black Adam came flying down from above them with a clenched fist aimed at Dick’s head. Just then Scarlet Beacon had returned to his feet and fired a red blast at the villain and gave Nightwing an opportunity to dodge out of the way.

Black Adam touched down onto the ground and then noticed Supergirl approaching him. He had to fight back the urge to laugh as she mentioned his shoelaces being untied, even though he didn’t have shoelaces on his current outfit. Is she really foolish enough to think this will work? Hmmm… Let’s have some fun… he thought to himself, playing along. Sure enough, she took what she thought was an opening and began punching him.

The heroine was so focused on the ass-beating she thought she was giving him that she didn’t even notice him releasing tiny magical spores of light from his fingertips. The little orbs then formed a cloud of mist and invaded Supergirl’s nose and mouth, causing her to cough violently.

“Your stupidity knows no bounds, girl!” Black Adam barked out a hearty laugh. “Weren’t you the least bit curious why your ridiculous ploy was working so well? Did your mentors teach you nothing? Now you shall taste the full force of a most heinous forbidden art - Blood Magic!”

The villain reached out a hand and began gripping the air as if holding a baseball, and Supergirl instantly felt a horrible pain in her chest as if her heart was being squeezed. “That magical mist you so foolishly allowed me to invade your body with has now dispersed among the blood cells in your veins. Your blood now responds to MY will, girl!” He rushed forward, grabbing her throat and flying them both up into the sky, far above the battle below.

“Let her go!” Conner screamed, taking flight after them.

Meanwhile, Klarion was trying to pull free of the whip that was now wrapped around him. Then the electricity came. “Aaaah! You fucking bitch!” he growled as he dropped to his knees, momentarily weakened. At the same time, all his scorpion monsters flickered in and out of existence like a glitch in a video game, making it clear to the heroes that they were indeed tied to the sorcerer’s concentration.

“That’s it!” Nightwing yelled out. “Focus on Klarion! Don’t let up!” He stopped for a minute to look at the conflict going on in the sky. “Be careful with Black Adam,” he said to the Kryptionians through their earpieces, assuming they even still worked after the blast they had just taken moments prior. Dick then turned and ran towards the other heroes facing Klarion. At the same time, the red and yellow sparks of light had returned as Wally and Thawne resumed their superspeed battle.
No way in hell would Black Adam be stupid enough to fall for that "your shoelaces are untied" line, LOL. But that's okay, no need to edit. I've already got an idea brewing for how to deal with it XD.
I'm trying to go through and read all these posts inbetween calls but it's been busy as hell and there are a lot of posts to read LOL. I'll try to finish them up and answer any lingering questions when I have a chance.
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

That is a really awesome song!
And a samurai and sorcerer combo sounds really cool!

I feel like structurally, if we use basic D&D classes, he'd be like a cross between a Fighter, a Monk, and a Sorcerer. His main class would be the Monk, with a little bit of Fighter thrown in just to allow him to use swords and daggers, and then a tiny splash of Sorcerer so he can channel elemental abilities into his Katana. As for how that would exist on a different world, I'm considering making it an alternate version of Earth that never developed modern technology and instead has magic and monsters and such. That way we can just use Google Maps to chart distances for travel and then I can use Dungeon Alchemist for maps and backdrops for cities, towns, dungeons, etc.
I think I might make my good guy some sort of a mix between a Samurai and a Sorcerer, but we'll see. Might use this as his theme song XD:

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Lol, I had to turn my volume down for that, but it was pretty good!
Depending on how on the nose those lyrics are, I'm definitely getting a sense of what you're going for with this evil wizard.

Well, let me put it this way - imagine the mind of Delilah Briarwood, a touch of Harley Quinn, and the body of a red Tiefling Warlock/Wizard XD.

I think I might make my evil wizard the twin sister of my good guy character and I'm gonna use this as her theme song XD:

<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

So, I'm free to use Anime/Anime-esque art for my OC, then?

And is 16 - 18 acceptable?

Sorry, I forgot to reply to that. Yeah, go for it!
Sorry that I haven't made much progress on this RP, lots of stuff going on recently. I suppose we could use the same type of CS I did for my Teen Titans RP since we won't have stats, and then we could just add a section for spells, but what do you all think? Here is the TTCS Thread if you want to take a gander.
Just imagine when the Justice League gets older XD.
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