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I didn't have a WIP map yet, but I had been toying with the idea of just making it a fantasy version of Earth so that we could use Google Maps for travel times and geography and stuff and then use real-world mythologies and kingdoms to an extent. Greek Gods, Norse Gods, Egyptian Gods, etc. As for the nations, I was thinking of things like a version of the Roman Empire that is modeled after the Targaryens in Old Valyria and has Dragonborn citizens as the ruling elite; Scotland as a Dwarf kingdom; Ireland as a Wood Elf kingdom with Druids as the ruling class; England and Wales as joint High Elf/Human kingdoms; America as an open land with the different states belonging to different races (Humans control the New England states, Elves control the Pacific Northwest, Dwarves control the Rocky Mountains, etc); Humans, Dwarves, Half-Orcs, and Goliaths control Scandinavia with Barbarians/Vikings as the ruling class; Half-Giant Fighters and Barbarians control Sparta, etc.

Since I won't be very involved in the RP (if at all), it's up to you guys what you want to do, but if you want to go the route mentioned above, I will at least flesh out the world and the lore some to help you guys out. I can also still write the intro post where everyone ends up in the new world.
Some cool Young Justice videos I was watching for inspiration:

@King Kindred I assumed Raven's real body is separate from her Soul-Self, but if she is floating inside her Soul-Self, just let me know and I will edit my post.
As Black Adam gripped Supergirl’s throat, they continued to fly up higher, Scarlet Beacon trailing close behind. He noticed her eyes begin to glow red in preparation for a heat vision attack, and right as she unleashed it, he spun her around so that the rays hit Conner instead, who had just caught up to them.

“Ah!” the boy screamed out, falling a few feet in the sky before he caught himself again. Black Adam then used his control of Kara’s blood to put pressure on the glands in the back of her eyes that triggered her heat vision, causing her to blast Scarlet Beacon a second time at full power. He yelped out again and began rocketing towards the ground, unconscious.

Meanwhile on the ground, Nightwing responded to Beast Boy. “No, you should wait until we can send multiple people down there. If one person goes against them alone, Psimon would be free to put someone in a Mind Trap without worry of anyone attacking his own body. Psychics like him should always be dealt with by larger groups. That is - whoa! Bout time you made an appearance!”

Dick chuckled and looked up as he saw Raven’s Soul-Self appear, the giant foot coming down. The asphalt was already weakened from the Shazam blast earlier, and now it cracked out in every direction, causing the two speedsters to skid to a stop before hitting the now-uneven surface. This gave Kid Flash the perfect opening to kick Reverse-Flash’s leg hard enough to break his bone so that he couldn’t run anymore.

“Arrghh! You little shit!” Thawne growled as he fell to one knee.

“What? You’ll heal in no-time. Preferably after you’re back in prison! Nighty-night!” Wally then unleashed a flurry of rapid-fire punches to the villain’s face that caused him to drop down, unconscious.

Back up in the sky, Black Adam was startled for a moment as Raven’s giant Soul-Self hand attempted to smack him, but he flung Supergirl in the way so it got her instead. The impact sent her flying towards a park down the street. Astral projection of some kind? That means the caster must be nearby… the villain thought to himself as he scanned the area.

“Aha! I found you!” he cried out maniacally as he spotted a young girl on the roof of the Hall of Justice - or what was left of it. He immediately dove out of the sky towards her, powering up lightning blasts in each hand as he dodged subsequent swipes of her Soul-Self.

Down in the tunnel underneath the Hall, the four other villains stood before a high-tech vault door of some kind, arguing with each other as they tried to figure out how to get inside.

“I told you, it’s resistant to my powers,” Shimmer was explaining in an irritated tone. “Whatever this material is, I can’t transmute it.”

“Well none of my tech is working either,” Gizmo whined.

“And my knuckles still hurt from trying to smash it,” added Mammoth.

“Well, we’ve got to figure out something,” Psimon groaned, hands on his temples. “I’m just here to back you up. It’s your job to find a way in there!”

The four of them continued bickering when suddenly a shadowy portal appeared and Static stepped out. The new arrival gave a bit of a long-winded speech and then fired a blast of electricity which subsequently turned into butterflies.

“Foolish boy,” Psimon laughed, walking towards him. The teen hero suddenly found that he could not move at all - he was frozen in place. “Here’s a bit of advice for the future. One - don’t ever go up against a psychic on your own. With no one down here to back you up and divide my attention, I can focus entirely on you. And two - if you do go up against someone like me all by your lonesome, attack right away. Your little speech gave me ample time to reach into your mind and trap you in an illusion, so that when you finally did attack, it was only a figment of your imagination. You see, I don’t need to ‘tell you what to do,’ I just need to preoccupy you for a bit!”

Suddenly, the world around Static cracked away like broken glass, and he found himself standing on a gameshow stage with people laughing. Their hysteria became downright frightening as they began ripping away their flesh, revealing skeletons with bell-shaped skulls. The world cracked away yet again and the teen was now in some kind of demonic hellscape, the laughter growing more disturbing, people banging their bell-skulls together, eerie chimes filling the air, monsters climbing out of the ground, etc.

Back in the real world, Static had fallen to the ground, twitching and seizing as his eyes stared wide-open at the ceiling, his mouth agape in a silent shriek. Psimon stood over him, maintaining the illusion while the other three continued trying to access the vault.


I think the rotating GM idea is great, but that would ultimately be for you all to decide. I just don't see myself having enough time to participate, so I probably won't be very involved in the RP if at all. Right now, in my current position, I can check the site between calls, but once I transition into full time training for the new role, I will be attending the class via Zoom and won't be able to post at all during the day. My full attention will be required for the entire shift.

I'm wondering if it might be best to hand over GMing duties to one of you guys. As previously mentioned, I'm going to have less free time than I initially thought when I started this interest check three weeks ago because since then I've been offered a much higher paying position. It's a financial services role for a multinational bank and there are a lot of systems and terms and policies to learn (six weeks of training), and I feel like my posting rate would be too slow to keep up with both this and my Teen Titans RP. Does anyone want to take over as GM?
I'll fix them up later and do all the fancy colors and fonts, but I wanted to get these out while I had the motivation.

@CaptainManbeard Let me know if there's any problems with Raven staying with the BatFamily prior to this.

I've read everything in the interest check and IC and already know how I plan on having my characters enter as well as explain where they've been the entire part of the battle. Matter of fact, while I await for approval I'll go ahead and pre-write that post.

Sorry, forgot to say you're good to go! Go ahead and post your chars in the CS thread and your IC post :).
I'll take a look at the characters in a bit here, but welcome aboard! I was hoping someone would eventually play Raven so that we can work in a Trigon arc at some point XD.
I'm gonna try to finish reading all these posts today but I will be working again so depends on how slow or busy it is. I am off tomorrow and Thursday, but have other stuff going on then, so won't have a lot of time to spend on the Guild. I'm considering just taking a pure GM role and not having any player characters myself after all, because with my new position starting soon, my free time is going to be even more limited. I've got six weeks of training to go through and I'm beginning to realize I probably won't have time to be fully involved in both this RP and my Teen Titans one.

Either way, I'm hoping to have all questions answered and have the main thread up over my days off.
Also, just a heads up - as seen in the image, Klarion is wearing a mask, so Frost won't be able to trap his mouth unless she is able to remove his mask first. But since there is a magic rune on the forehead of the mask, I recommend caution when attempting to remove it ;).
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