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Though since it would probably take at least a few weeks in-game to build the Tower (assuming metahumans build it), I'm thinking they can use an old Justice League base in the interim, similar to how the Team used Mount Justice in the Young Justice cartoon. The actual tower could be build on a secret island just off the coast from San Francisco, which is hidden from view using Martian cloaking technology. They can reach the island primarily through Zeta-Beam Transporters. More on that when Batman explains the Tower's details in-game.
Yeah, right now Titans Tower hasn't been established yet, but once it has, it will be up to each character whether or not they live at the Tower full-time. They will each have a room regardless though.
I want Jon to do something, but uh… I’ve been out for a while…

You could just have him respond to what happened and then say a few things to other sidekicks that they can then respond to.
Okay finally read the latest IC posts. Who else was wanting to get a post in before the characters head home for the night? Does anyone have any ideas for what they may want to post?
Sorry I've been MIA everyone! Luckily I have a few days off now, so I'll be getting caught up on the IC and giving suggestions to anyone who is not sure what to post.
Yesterday alone we took 190 calls, barely had a chance to catch our breath between rushes LOL.
Sorry, last few days have been absolutely swamped, I haven't had a chance to do anything RP related at all. Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow.

I'll read your post in a bit XD.

@Crimson Flame

I've give a few suggestions when I have a sec. Bit busy at work today so I haven't been able to think clearly on RP stuff LOL.
I’m behind again…

Did you need help deciding what to post?
Black Adam was so focused on trying to break through Raven’s barrier that Supergirl’s attack caught him off-guard. She was slamming him towards the ground, but at the last second, they came to a halt. “Foolish girl, did you forget that I still control your blood? Did you think it would just wear off on its own? No, my dear. Not until it is dispelled.”

Kara felt herself being pulled away from the villain as if by telekinesis, but it put pressure on her blood vessels. He spun around upright, still floating a few inches off the ground, then reached out a hand and began trashing it around. As if mimicking his movements, Supergirl felt her body being slammed up and down into the ground repeatedly, leaving cracks in the asphalt.

Meanwhile, Nightwing had extended his batons out and clipped them together to form a staff, which he was twirling as he flipped around fighting the monsters. Kid Flash had rushed over as well and was throwing rapid-fire punches at one of the beasts before grabbing a tail and swinging one across the parking lot.

Suddenly, everyone heard Psimon’s message about a Plan B ring out in their heads, followed by a disappointed look on Black Adam’s face. “Oh well, I guess playtime’s over!”

Exsolvocorpus! Klarion called out, and a moment later, all the opponents vanished in puffs of black smoke. Him, the scorpion monsters, Black Adam, the fallen Reverse-Flash and Metallo-Bot, and even the villains down by the vault.

“Did they just retreat?” Nightwing wondered out loud as he looked around, confused. A moment later, they all heard a horrible high-pitched shriek, but they couldn’t tell where it was coming from. It seemed to be emanating from all directions and even from within their own minds. It got so intense that everyone in or around the Hall of Justice became dizzy and dropped to the ground, clutching their ears tightly. Raven could likely sense the presence of a psychic mind far beyond anything she had felt before.

This entity was cloaked from view as it descended from the sky, passing right through the building into the vault room below. Assuming Static fought to maintain consciousness against the ongoing brain blast, he would spot a figure materialize into view.

The being was immediately recognizable as a Green Martian wearing a Reach exosuit. He approached the vault door and stuck out his hands, his appendages splitting into multiple extra arms. Each one morphed to resemble a member of the Justice League’s Council of Founders, and once all the hands were placed on the door, the vault opened. Inside was a small room from which he retrieved a blue Reach Scarab sitting inside a glass box.

My presence on Earth was to remain secret a bit longer, they all heard in their minds. But we underestimated your capabilities and you managed to thwart our agents before they could access the vault without me. We will not make that same mistake in the future. Until we meet again!

There was a final shriek that caused them all to develop horrible migraines before passing out. When Junior Squad recovered a few minutes later, the Justice League had returned from dealing with the prison break. They sat the teens down in what was left of the Ballroom and asked them to explain what happened.

“How did that vault go unnoticed? Not even my x-ray vision detected it…” Superman asked. “Did anyone else know it was down there?” Everyone shook their heads except Batman and Martian Manhunter.

“After we defeated the Reach, there was a Scarab left behind,” the Dark Knight began. “This one was sturdier than the others we had encountered, and we were unable to destroy it. So it was decided to hide it in a vault under the Hall of Justice and then have Zatara magically conceal it from view. To minimize the chance of its existence becoming known, all Councilmembers except for J’onn and myself agreed to have their memories of the vault erased. We chose to remember so that we could respond if there was ever a breach.”

“So how did H.I.V.E. know it was down there?” Nightwing inquired.

“That is not clear yet,” Batman replied. “J’onn, you haven’t felt any other psychics poking around in any of our minds, right?”

“That is correct,” the Manhunter confirmed. “But it is most troubling that there is another Martian on Earth, and one who has access to Reach technology. We know not yet how he learned of the vault, but the more pressing matter is that he now possesses another Scarab. He will no doubt be looking for a host…”

“Well, a silver lining to all this is that no one died tonight,” Superman added. “All the attendees were evacuated to safety by security. The Hall is trashed, but we’ll worry about that tomorrow. I think it’s time we called it a night. You all fought well considering everything that happened, and we won’t forget that.”

“Maybe we can all work together again some time,” Dick added with a smirk.

“But can we call ourselves something other than Junior Squad?” Wally asked. Then his eyes opened wide with excitement and his lips curled into a big smile. “Oh! I got it! We’re the Teen Titans!” He raised a fist into the air.

Conner crossed his arms and shook his head. “We are not calling ourselves that…” But they absolutely would.
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