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Sorry for the late post.
I wish to apologise for my inactivity! Some issues came up with my mother and had go see her, with police involved, but assured everything is okay!. She don't have computers at her place, and to my embarressment I could not log onto RPG on my mobile as I could remember my log in information, i updated since to remember it better.

Because of this I wasn't able to pre warn or message to update you guys till I got back to my place. for this I apologize in not keeping you up to date. I hope I am able to continue on in the RP and keep Frost and Stargirl around. I know I need to read up quick and see what has happened since my last ideas for the battle.

If anyone wants my characters to assist or help distract for them, let me know! more than happy to assist! otherwise I will work out what the plan is to react to what is going down.

I can only apologise for not keeping you in the loop.

No problem! I will be writing a long post tomorrow bringing the battle to an end, but feel free to have Frost and Stargirl kick some ass between now and then. Even if you aren't able to manage it before I do my post tomorrow, you can still have your post take place chronologically right before the battle ends.

Mmm yeah I'm probably gonna throw in the towel on this one.

Well, if you do decide to do that, I'll keep Beast Boy and Supergirl as Reserve Members of the Teen Titans so that they're available to you if you ever want to give it another go in the future.
@CaptainManbeardwas just going to ask if I could post about Cassie knocking out Klarion. Should I hold off? I was waiting for others to reply to me but I switch directions too.

Well, I had deeper layers to him with the rune on his mask and everything, but there is really no reason to delve into that at this point, so go ahead and knock him out and I'll make it work however you write it out.
Since we have a few players that seemed to have gone MIA, once the characters officially form the Teen Titans, I'll ask for a roll call, and those who do not reply will be Reserve Members, while those who do will be Active Members.

Static is the only hero down in the hole right now. Nightwing was saying Gar should wait until they can all go down there together. If Gar takes off running right now in the middle of the battle with the scorpion monsters he's going to give an attack of opportunity to the opponents. I know it can be a struggle to read along and keep up with so many posts and so many different things going on, but I ask that you read everything carefully and keep a clear picture in your head about what's going on. If you are finding it difficult to envision the scene and properly absorb everything that is written in previous posts, then there is no shame in admitting that maybe this RP isn't for you.

This battle has kind of become a hot mess, narratively speaking. It's all over the place. We have a few players that haven't posted yet, but if it's dragged out any longer it's just going to become more disastrous. I think it's best to bring this battle to an end in my next post and then whenever we have the next battle, I'll give extra guidance to those who need it and have Nightwing give orders as leader of the team. I will post again on Wednesday, and once Plan B starts, the battle will come to a swift end (you'll see). Anyone who wants to post in this battle, please do so before Wednesday.
@King Kindred

Oh BTW, you should have Raven hear Psimon's message about Plan B. Since he was incapacitated when he sent it, it's likely she picked it up as well. It will also help the heroes understand the situation later on. Trust me ;).
Jon could check on Kara after she's already fallen to the ground. Feel free to PM each other to discuss it. That's what Kindred and I did for Static and Psimon XD.
I guess I’ll throw Superboy into that.

If you're not sure what to post, you could have Jon catch Conner as he is falling and then rush to catch Kara as well. Then he can set them down somewhere safe and go to help Raven with Black Adam.
As Black Adam dove at Raven, shadowy tendrils shot out and wrapped around his arms and legs, attempting to hold him still in midair. A moment later, her Soul-Self hit him dead-on with an eldritch blast from its eyes, causing the villain’s head to bend backwards. He brought it back forward again, his lips curling into a sinister grin.

“I sense a great power deep within you! One you desperately hope to keep at bay! No more holding back! Let’s see what you’re really made of!” His eyes began to glow as a crackling aura suddenly burst to life around him. His yellow lightning now turned a bright blue, signifying he was now using his full power. He shot out bolts in every direction, shattering the tendrils that were holding him. He then lunged forward and fired a double-handed electric blast at the Soul-Self barrier protecting Raven, causing it to slightly flicker and weaken. He started zooming around in the air almost as fast as a speedster, throwing flurries of lightning-charged punches all around the astral hand encasing the young heroine.


Meanwhile down below, Shimmer shrieked out as she was hit by Static’s attack and dropped to the ground, unconscious. Immediately following that was the sound of tech being fried as Gizmo’s flying mech pod short-circuited and slammed into the ground, smoking. The young villain jumped out and scrambled to get away as Mammoth roared and charged the teen hero.

Inside Psimon’s mind, he chuckled as he found himself in the bunk room from the show Squid Game. Interesting… I was not expecting that. It won’t take me very long to break out of this illusion, but there isn’t time for that right now. The others will no doubt be felled before I am able to free myself… he thought to himself. He then closed his eyes within his mindscape and managed to send out a telepathic message to all his allies within range, both seen and unseen. Plan A has failed. Proceed to Plan B with utmost haste…
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