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Sorry for the long absence, all. My old SSD crashed and all my auto-log-in info with it. I couldn't remember my password to get back into the site and had been waiting on the password reset email, but other stuff kept coming up and it got pushed to the back of my mind. I dawned on me that it had been like three months (felt a lot shorter), so I figured I'd regain my access to the site to at least check in with you guys and let you know I'm not dead, lol.

That being said, I'm not returning to resume this RP - with so much going on in my life I don't think I could handle managing a big group thread right now. I know earlier in this RP I was getting a little frustrated by how chaotic that first battle scene became, trying to reconcile in my head contradicting actions playing out between the different posts so that I could keep a clear narrative flow in the subsequent posts. It felt like overall we lacked synergy as a writing group and that made it difficult to meld our individual posts together into a cohesive story. I may reach out to people for one-on-one RPs, but at this point, I feel the time and energy it would take to continue managing a larger thread is just not there. But I still wanted to regain access to the site (finally) and at least give you guys some closure and let you know I'm not dead.
Looks good, everyone! I also had someone DM me with an interest in joining, so we may have an extra person. They're not sure what character they want to play yet. Oh, and Damo may be bringing in a third character, if anyone else is interested in bringing in extra characters as well, shoot me a DM. My post should be up shortly.

EDIT: Scratch that, something came up, post may not be up for a few days.
Just to clarify, Wayne Tower West in San Francisco, California is separate from Wayne Manor in Gotham City, New Jersey. More will be explained when they get the tour, but this is one of many Wayne Towers throughout the world. They usually act as regional headquarters for the various branches and subsidiaries of Wayne Enterprises.
Oh and another thing: their superhero gear obviously can't go through airport security, so all of that was brought ahead of time through covert means. It's already up in their Mission Room in storage lockers. Oh, and one more thing: Feel free to have your characters arrive in time to see Wally get owned XD. We could say the other flights had connections in the same area or arrived at around the same time and so the rest of them just took an Uber van or something to the Tower.
Also, just to clarify, Wally's flight from Central City arrived in San Francisco first, and then since Gotham and Metropolis are both about equal distance to SF, I figured the planes from those two cities would arrive around the same time and that the four mentioned in the post (Dick, Rachel, Conner, and Jon) would share an Uber to the Tower.

I will explain it more in my post next weekend, but the top floors of Wayne Tower West will serve as their "Titans Tower" for now. The top of the building is equipped with Martian cloaking tech so that it just appears like office space to outsiders, but in reality it will be a lavish multifloor penthouse with a pool and hot tubs and rooftop garden and plenty of space for them to eat, sleep, train, study, have superhero meetings etc.
After emergency services cleared everyone to leave, most headed home for the night, and by the next morning, the media was in a frenzy over the attack. The Justice League tried their best to calm the public hysteria, while at the same time attempting to covertly investigate H.I.V.E.’s connection to the Reach. Once they realized the villains were organizing in countries that didn’t sign the League’s U.N. charter, the need for an independent team became clear. It was decided that the sidekicks were best situated to fill such a role since they were not members and thus not bound by the charter. They began the process of gaining parental permission for them to attend a Wayne-sponsored tutorship program which would be a front for their superhero activities.


On the busy city streets, a white car pulled up outside an enormous building reaching several dozen stories into the sky, the unmistakable Wayne Enterprises logo adorning the tower. Out of the vehicle stepped Wally, holding his smartphone in his hand as he selected the amount to tip the driver through an app. He normally preferred not to travel by 'normal' means, but they had been instructed to do so to uphold their civilian identities for school records and such. Plane tickets had been paid for as part of the program, as well as Uber funds to cover transportation from the airport to Wayne Tower West. Wally's flight had arrived a bit earlier than the others so he had the driver take him on a scenic loop around the city before reaching their destination.

“Thanks dude!” he said as he slipped a backpack over his shoulders and grabbed a few suitcases from the trunk. The vehicle sped off and the teen walked through automatic glass doors into a spacious lobby with a high ceiling. A woman behind a reception desk beckoned him over. She was clad in a business suit.

“Good afternoon! Are you here for the tutorship program?” she asked in a friendly tone.

“Sure am!” he replied with a smile, setting his bags down and leaning on the desk with one elbow. “And might I add you are looking magnificent in that suit!”

“Ah, you must be Wally West,” she frowned and wrote a check mark next to his name on a clipboard. “They said you had a bad habit of flirting with every woman you see, even those who are clearly too old for you.”

“Not every woman,” he clarified, then grinned ear to ear. “Just the sexy ones like you… Ow! I didn’t realize you had powers! Hey! OW! Okay! Point taken!” the boy cried out as he dodged fireballs the now-angry woman was flinging rapidly at him.

“Why am I not surprised!” Dick laughed out loud as he walked into the lobby just in time to see the encounter play out. Rachel was right behind him.

“What’s going on here?” Conner asked with a smirk as he and Jon entered as well.

“Wally tried to hit on the receptionist and got a fiery rejection!” Dick explained, laughing.

“Duuuuude!” the speedster hung his head and sighed.

“Sit. Over there. NOW!” the woman demanded angrily as she pointed to rows of seats off to the side. The teens gathered their bags and headed over there. After a minute, she came by to ask for names and added check marks to her clipboard. “Miss Lance will be down shortly to retrieve you.”
@King Kindred@Crimson Flame

Since Rachel lives at Wayne Manor with Dick and Jon lives with Conner, I'm just assuming they would travel together to the meeting. Finishing up the post now. They all traveled by normal, non-super means so as to have travel records for their secret identities for legal reasons and educational records and such. Wayne Enterprises paid for all their plane tickets.
Since a few people haven't confirmed they are still interested in the RP, I'm gonna do my next post in a way that gives one more opportunity before the story moves forward. It will be a shorter post having the teens gathering at a location (tbd), and then each person interested in continuing can reply to that with their character discussing the matter with their parents/guardians and then arriving at the location. I will have that post up this weekend, and then will post again next weekend moving the story forward. Any characters not confirmed to be staying by that point will move to reserve status for the time being.
Hmmm... I'm trying to think about the best way to have them do prolonged superhero missions with the start of the school year imminent in-game, and one idea is to have them tutored for the remainder of their education so that they are not locked into a normal school schedule and can do missions easier. Like, they each get permission from their parents to enroll in a special private tutorship program through Wayne Enterprises or something that will help them finish their high school education and prepare for college. Then they could live and study at Titans Tower between missions with a more flexible schedule that prioritizes superhero activity. What do you guys think? Black Canary/Dinah Lance could be their den mother of sorts to watch over their education and training at the Tower.
It's been ten days since my last OOC post, I'm guessing at this point no one else is going to make a post before the characters head home for the night? Let's do a roll call for anyone still interested in the RP.
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