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Crystal/Diamond/Gemstone manipulation

Reminds me of this fan opening lol.

I think I'm gonna have Andros the Red Ranger with the power to absorb energy and then fire it out as red plasma or charge up objects that can explode. I will probably also play Zhane the Silver Ranger as a speedster with the ability to channel silvery-white lightning.
Okay, so there are five of us total as of right now, enough for a starting Ranger team. What colors and powers do you each want? I'll be playing the Red Ranger and Crimsom Flame has already claimed the Pink Ranger. If we get new players after the start of the RP they can come on as newly recruited Rangers who bond with unclaimed Energems.
One thing I'm gonna do differently with this RP compared to my past ones is to keep my posts shorter so they are not walls of text like before. My last two Power Ranger RPs kind of fizzled because I overloaded them with too much plot too soon and had really long posts. This time I'm going with a simpler, more laid-back approach. I have some basic plot ideas for where the story could go, but I'm mostly just gonna go with the flow and see where it takes us and then come up with the background story as necessary.
So I was thinking about my ideas for the Ranger suits, and wanted to check with everyone interested to see what your thoughts were. Would you prefer for each player to have more freedom around how their suits look, or should we keep them all as the same theme like the shows? And I think it might be cool for each Ranger to have a specific superpower they can use at will and then it becomes stronger when they morph, any thoughts?
The story is set in modern day New York City, during a time when the Magical Congress of the United States is infested with corruption. This allows the Serpeverde Crime Family to run their criminal empire with little interference from the authorities so long as they continue to bribe officials. They use Imperio and Obliviate to maintain control over the Five Families, often having them as scapegoats and distractions to keep No-Maj law enforcement preoccupied.

I will be playing a Capo in the Family named Tommy Zucco, and your characters are part of his crew. Unlike the actual Mafia, the magical version allows all genders and even non-Italians can become Made if they prove themselves. It's up to you whether your character starts out as Made or just a Serpeverde Family Associate. I'll wait to determine exactly what kind of work the Zucco Crew does until we have a few players and discuss some ideas, but it will definitely involve frequent use of the Unforgivable Curses.

"Look at this fucking snitch! Pissing his pants, this guy! What, you think we're gonna hurt you? Was that a nod? Hey Joey, this motherfucker thinks we're gonna hurt him! Well, when you're right, you're right! Crucio!"
And here's the most recent opening missing from that video.

And here's the opening from the tabletop livestream series.
To anyone who's curious about the different Power Rangers characters over the years to help choose one to adapt, here are all the opening themes from 1993 to 2022.
And here's the most recent team from the TV continuity if you're curious:
I'm interested in joining but I know basically nothing about power rangers besides 'cool toys when i was a kid'.

No worries, I'm basically throwing the lore into a blender and it's coming back out as a custom AU XD.
I'm thinking the Command Center on the ship and the Warp Core will look similar to the CC used in the Once & Always special.
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