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I'm envisioning the suits looking like different colored versions of the one Tommy wore in the "Green Ranger VS Ryu" fan video, including the gold trim along the helmet.

I'll be playing a heavily modified version of Andros the Red Ranger and his younger sister, Karone/Astronema, though she won't come into play until later. At the start of the RP, she has been missing for years after Andros saw her abducted by an alien spacecraft, but of course no one believed him at the time. Feel free to adapt Rangers from any of the series or create your own original characters. Regardless of who you play, we're all teenagers attending high school in Angel Grove, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. We're on our Summer vacation a few weeks before our senior year is about to start, and as the RP opens, we're searching through a bunch of random junk that washed up on the beach after a recent earthquake dislodged an underwater dump site. Most of it is trash, but we do notice a small chest holding colorful crystals, which we eventually learn are Dragon Energems. We each find ourselves drawn to a specific color, and later that night we are teleported out of our beds onto a cloaked alien spaceship in orbit around Earth.

Onboard we meet Zordon, a cosmic wizard from the planet Eltar who is trapped within the ship's damaged Warp Core, his body stuck in a form of living energy. Sensors detected us bonding with the Energems, which pulled Zordon from a deep slumber. His friend and droid Alpha 5 used the ship's transporter system to teleport us onboard, and we learn that the Energems were created by cosmic beings known as the Dragon Masters in ancient times to empower the first team of Rangers. Long after the Dragon Masters ascended to a higher plane of existence, the Green Ranger Rita turned against the Red Ranger Zordon and their team. In the final battle, the other Rangers died, and Zordon managed to sacrifice himself to seal Rita inside a space dumpster. Yet somehow his essence remained as a form of living energy and he was sucked into the damaged Warp Core.

After Rita's betrayal and the death of his team, Zordon was reluctant to let the Energems fall into anyone else's hands, and so he chose a random planet with deep oceans (Earth) and had Alpha dump them into the water. They cloaked the ship, locked it into orbit around Earth, and both Zordon and Alpha entered a centuries-long slumber, only to be awakened when the earthquake brought the Energems to the surface where we bonded with them.

From here we'll just go with the flow, but obviously Rita will get free and we'll morph and fight her forces and so on. Oh, and if someone wants to play Zhane the Silver Ranger as Andros' best friend, that would be cool XD.
So, it looks like I'll have some extra free time on my hands for the foreseeable future, is anyone interested in continuing this RP?
In this AU, the Versal Nexus is an interdimensional space with thousands of floating crystal spheres known as World Orbs. Each Orb houses it's own pocket universe, and together they form a multiverse of sorts. Many Worlds are based on different settings within various games and fandoms, but some are very closely related with only minor variations. Your character is whatever version of Princess Peach you'd like to create, and mine is Bowser in a quasi-human form who comes from a world where King Mario is the villain. We can hash out the details via PM, but basically my character hops into your world and recruits you because you have the last uncorrupted Mushroom Kingdom Heart, a glowing red crystal that exists in every world where a variant of you also exists. King Mario has been sending his minions throughout the Versal Nexus, hunting for all your variants so he can corrupt their Hearts because he believes that if he can sacrifice all the Peaches at once, he can revive his own world's Peach, who died some years ago while she was pregnant with his child.

Because your Peach's Heart has not been corrupted yet, it can cleanse other Hearts, and so Bowser asks her to set out with him on a journey across the Nexus to rescue the other Peaches and then find them temporary homes in other worlds until King Mario is defeated. Though, they don't all have to be named Peach, they could have variant names and such. We can develop the idea further via PM.
Hello! I am Captain Manbeard, or you can just call me Jeff. I am looking to set up a few long-running 1x1 MxF roleplays with literate partners who can write at an advanced level. I've been writing for most of my life, whether that be school projects, RPs, short stories, or novels. The first story I ever remember writing was back in middle school when I had to create my own Greek God in my Reading class, but I got creative and changed the entire canon to bring the Gods into modern day. Then I wrote a scene about Zeus playing basketball, he went for a godly slam dunk, and when the ball hit the ground, it burst open and inside was a newly born baby God (yes I did copy Athena's origin a little). He was Kazama, and became the God of Basketball, Video Games, and Rap Music. Kinda cringe now as an adult, but as a 13 year old in the 90s, I thought it was amazing XD.

Here are a few of my ideas:

While I'm not ready to resume this RP right now, I may be open to it in the future. But if we're ever at the point where everyone is interested and willing to continue, I think it would be best for us to have a few "session zeroes" in a group PM thread to find our synergy before we attempt to resume this RP publicly. We could have Martian Manhunter create a psychic virtual world for our characters to have practice missions, that would help us learn to write together better as a group. But I dunno, we'll see. I don't know if anyone would even still be interested after three months, lol.
@CaptainManbeard Thank you for posting and updating us. This was the first group RP I played in a long time when it first started. It helped me get back into the swing of things, so thank you for the opportunity to join. I hope everything goes well for you! :)

You as well XD
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