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<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Is that a green Loki ranger?

Personally I like the idea of a megazord but I can see how that would be hard to rp.

My cs is completed, is Olivia okay?

I think it's a Loki Spider-Man lol. And yeah, Olivia looks good, feel free to put her up in the CS thread. So, for the suits, should we go with the traditional tights, or go for an armored look? Either way, I'm thinking the suits could be made from Grid Energy that wraps around our bodies and then shifts into the suits.
I don’t like the Tokusatsu Suit because I prefer the suits being fully color, not black with colored lines. I do like the picture though because all of them have a skirt. Take that gender norms!

Part of me likes transforming into actual dragons, because that’s more magical, but that’s gonna be real awkward for the kids. And are we going to fuse together to become the equivalent of a Megazord? Or would the Megazord not be a thing in that case?

I think we can probably skip having a Megazord because that would be hard to write for combat scenes if there is one body being controlled by multiple players. But what do you all think? Oh and some more images for ideas:

Here's an idea for a unified look:

And for Zords we could either transform into actual flying dragons or we could have dragon robots we pilot traditionally.
Or we could just say the suits look like different colored version of the Tokusatsu Suit from Spider-Man 2. Like, in our imaginations, each Ranger would have the stripes be their color instead of red.

Or we could just each create our own suits however we want. I'm cool with whatever you guys want.
They look good! Also, for the Ranger Suits, I think it would be best for us to each have more control over how our characters look instead of having to make them all be simple recolor carbon copies of each other, but what do you all think?
@Duthguy A bit similar to another RP i was in, the Voice is like what does your character sound like?

Yeah, what Damo said. It basically gives everyone an idea what your character sounds like and their tone/personality when speaking. However, it's not mandatory, so feel free to skip it if you'd rather just rely on imagination XD.
Intro post is up. Just write your characters' responses to finding the crystals and anything else you want to add into your intro posts, and then we can roll from there. I figure we can have a few back and forth posts to establish our characters' personalities and then we can jump to the abduction scene where they are beamed onboard Zordon's ship. Also, I didn't detail my characters actually feeling any power from the Energems yet because I figured we should save that for when they Morph for the first time.
Okay, ended up scrapping my original intro post because it was too long and overloaded with info and just went with a simpler approach. My character sheets are up too, but I haven't done their bios yet. Also, I ultimately decided to create OCs instead of adapting Andros and Zhane.


It was a warm Summer day in the Angel Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, blue skies overhead and the sounds and smells of the ocean waves filling the air. A group of friends were hanging out on the beach, enjoying the last few days of their Summer vacation before the start of their senior year at Angel Grove High School. Suddenly, they noticed debris washing ashore.

“Oh, what's all that?” Eddie Garza asked excitedly with a full mouth as he chomped down on a massive burrito and pointed at the junk. It seemed like he was always eating something, likely to keep up with his high metabolism and bottomless pit of hyperactive energy. He was wearing sandals, brown cargo shorts, and a blue and white Hawaiian shirt with a few buttons undone at the top.

“Did the earthquake from yesterday dislodge an underwater dump site or something?” Tommy Hayakawa wondered out loud as he crossed his arms. He was clad in sandals as well, blue jean shorts, and a red and black Akatsuki shirt.

The teens began looking through the debris, when they noticed a strange, futuristic container. When opened, it revealed a circular row of crystals that began glowing brightly.

The group of friends each found themselves drawn to a specific crystal, and as if transfixed, they reached for them.

“These are pretty neat, guys!” Eddie said as he finished chewing his food, staring at the blue gem he had grabbed in his free hand. Tommy just silently stared at the red one he held, the crimson light reflected in his eyes.
Working on finalizing CS and intro post now.
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