"She'll be happy with anything." Ruli assured. "Though, I'm willing to bet she'll ask for two, so maybe anything that can be combined as a dual blade." He shrugged, holding a portion of bread and turning it idly with his fingers.
As Kire went on to say she confirm she could understand elvish, he chuckled. "I should have known you'd insist on learning." Ruli mused, grinning at her. "No, I'm not fond of it. Ysaryn was in the middle of one of her rants and called Risa an evil creature, Úvano, and Risa liked the sound of it. I would much rather continue calling it Ziad." He shrugged again. "Risa said it sounded enough like the words our neighbors use in their language, and decided, despite having absolutely no idea what it means or why Ysaryn chuckles whenever she hears it."
Ruli shook his head. "Its not a horrible name, though. The elves had decided it to be a warning. That we house something evil in our city, and she wears tight fitting dresses and could kill you with her nose."
He fell quiet when he heard footsteps, adjusting in his seat as if to make sure his posture didn't suggest anything indecent had happened. Anything except for bread. The face that peered in made Ruli pause, however, as a far too familiar face peered in. She could be Lree. Ruli realized, staring at the young girl as she swept in and curtsied. Suddenly very unsure of how to respond to a curtsy, Ruli only nodded. "Hello, Lady Etta." He greeted, watching the girl with interest. She hardly spoke like the twelve year olds of his world, and vaguely recalled mention of Kire's world and their aging.
As Kire and Etta spoke, about her injury, about his bread, and what else he could do, Ruli simply remained still, listening. He was spared from answering from Kire, though he was condemned to many future questions over dinner, he was sure. He needed to mentally prepare for that. "And you." He called after Etta when she left the room once more.
"When you're," Ruli began, then paused. "ah, nevermind." Changing his mind, Ruli moved to open the door, wandering back toward the great hall with Kire at his side.
Ruli greeted Narda with little more than a nod, his gaze shifting to the girl beside her. The other young cousin. Finally, a name that didn't begin with 'E'. "Ruli." He returned in introduction, sizing this one up. She had the critical eye that Envy often wore. She saw more than she admitted, and knew more than she spoke, this one. And a sharp tongue, Ruli realized with a smirk as Precy teased Kire about the conversation between Elva and who Ruli guessed would be Daryll.
"Like it will make a difference with you." Ruli muttered, taking a seat far from what he assumed the head of the table would be.
As Kire went on to say she confirm she could understand elvish, he chuckled. "I should have known you'd insist on learning." Ruli mused, grinning at her. "No, I'm not fond of it. Ysaryn was in the middle of one of her rants and called Risa an evil creature, Úvano, and Risa liked the sound of it. I would much rather continue calling it Ziad." He shrugged again. "Risa said it sounded enough like the words our neighbors use in their language, and decided, despite having absolutely no idea what it means or why Ysaryn chuckles whenever she hears it."
Ruli shook his head. "Its not a horrible name, though. The elves had decided it to be a warning. That we house something evil in our city, and she wears tight fitting dresses and could kill you with her nose."
He fell quiet when he heard footsteps, adjusting in his seat as if to make sure his posture didn't suggest anything indecent had happened. Anything except for bread. The face that peered in made Ruli pause, however, as a far too familiar face peered in. She could be Lree. Ruli realized, staring at the young girl as she swept in and curtsied. Suddenly very unsure of how to respond to a curtsy, Ruli only nodded. "Hello, Lady Etta." He greeted, watching the girl with interest. She hardly spoke like the twelve year olds of his world, and vaguely recalled mention of Kire's world and their aging.
As Kire and Etta spoke, about her injury, about his bread, and what else he could do, Ruli simply remained still, listening. He was spared from answering from Kire, though he was condemned to many future questions over dinner, he was sure. He needed to mentally prepare for that. "And you." He called after Etta when she left the room once more.
"When you're," Ruli began, then paused. "ah, nevermind." Changing his mind, Ruli moved to open the door, wandering back toward the great hall with Kire at his side.
Ruli greeted Narda with little more than a nod, his gaze shifting to the girl beside her. The other young cousin. Finally, a name that didn't begin with 'E'. "Ruli." He returned in introduction, sizing this one up. She had the critical eye that Envy often wore. She saw more than she admitted, and knew more than she spoke, this one. And a sharp tongue, Ruli realized with a smirk as Precy teased Kire about the conversation between Elva and who Ruli guessed would be Daryll.
"Like it will make a difference with you." Ruli muttered, taking a seat far from what he assumed the head of the table would be.