Ysaryn exhaled heavily, her breath rising in a cloud. "To hold back is to stop trying." She answered, retracting her steps and sheathing her weapons. "I like them. Like pieces of me I miss and now have." She gave the weapons an affectionate pat. "When to see Maika? I will return the one and we will share many words."
Watching Kire rise to her feet, Ysaryn turned her head when the servant appeared. She knew they were voluntarily employed and paid, but seeing people serve others made the elf's stomach twist slightly unpleasantly. At least these ones seemed comfortable. The Raielwen servants seemed miserable.
Of course the whole of the Raielwen court looked miserable.
"What is you hope in making Ed fluster?" She asked as they walked in. "You think I will succeed? Maybe I should spar to him, instead. Beaten by younger female would fluster?"
She greeted Daryll, Ruli, and Gavin indifferently, sitting herself at the table and unceremoniously bent her legs to sit with her feet crossed beneath her legs. Leaning back crooked in the chair, she was the exact opposite of Ruli, who sat straight, who was clearly trying to be proper. After taking a moment to redo his hair, he requested a serving of the spiced wine, unable to pass the chance of figuring out if it was the cinnamon within that made him like the drink so much. Only one serving, however, which he nursed slowly over dinner.
The moment Ysaryn noticed he had it, however, she tossed a crooked grin to Kire.
"I'm somehow unsurprised you were able to match her." Ruli said to Kire over his plate. "Not even Zeke can. Granted, he can't fight as well since his injury."
"He improves." Ysaryn muttered in Zeke's defense, and Ruli shrugged, conceding. "Unlike you. You should fight more."
"I don't fight for sport." Ruli argued in their tongue.
"It isn't for sport, its for improvement."
Ruli only gave her a look that ordered her to drop the topic, and they moved on.
When conversation came around to the plans and progress, Ruli, having finished his spiced wine and dinner, leaned on his elbows, her head propped on one fist. "We've tried to consider alternatives." He agreed. "Unfortunately, this is the best chance we have with the least amount of hiccups. If I play my cards right, they won't catch me. Won't even get close enough to notice I'm not actually you."
He watched Gavin as the young man spoke, trying to gauge his temperament and thoughts on the matter. He looked nervous, but Ruli felt it was more of the overwhelming size of the situation, rather than his involvement.
He felt less sure about this shortly after, in Daryll's home again, when it came time to take Kire's blood. Ruli made sure to ask pointedly, before Gavin and for his benefit, if Kire consented to the blood he'd take, explaining how much. Only when she agreed did he press the blade to her skin to draw their valuable ingredient.
He went to work, explaining his process to Daryll and Gavin, slightly unnerved by the rapid note taking from the former. Then he moved on to the enchantment for Kire, asking Gavin for a small amount of his blood just as he had Kire, to walk them through the process of what he'd do in a larger scale the day of the battle.
After a while, he told Gavin to get rest, as the night was creeping on them, and it was only when Daryll muttered that they, too, should rest that Ruli halted his work. Deciding he had no intention of shuffling through the freezing night air to reach the other manor, Ruli also asked for a spare place to sleep, taking another of the spare rooms.
Come morning, he woke to the smell of coffee and followed it to the kitchen. Once he had a mug, he wandered back into the work room to let his eyes wander over their plans, his eyes lingering on the enchantment that would make him the decoy. Such a tricky thing, to make it work when magic was cut off. Stripped of its magic core, it would essentially be work as a thurible, casting the scent of Wyvern blood without the magic. The flash bombs would strengthen the illusion. A few days to get it right. Ruli sighed, going through his mental checklists again.
Watching Kire rise to her feet, Ysaryn turned her head when the servant appeared. She knew they were voluntarily employed and paid, but seeing people serve others made the elf's stomach twist slightly unpleasantly. At least these ones seemed comfortable. The Raielwen servants seemed miserable.
Of course the whole of the Raielwen court looked miserable.
"What is you hope in making Ed fluster?" She asked as they walked in. "You think I will succeed? Maybe I should spar to him, instead. Beaten by younger female would fluster?"
She greeted Daryll, Ruli, and Gavin indifferently, sitting herself at the table and unceremoniously bent her legs to sit with her feet crossed beneath her legs. Leaning back crooked in the chair, she was the exact opposite of Ruli, who sat straight, who was clearly trying to be proper. After taking a moment to redo his hair, he requested a serving of the spiced wine, unable to pass the chance of figuring out if it was the cinnamon within that made him like the drink so much. Only one serving, however, which he nursed slowly over dinner.
The moment Ysaryn noticed he had it, however, she tossed a crooked grin to Kire.
"I'm somehow unsurprised you were able to match her." Ruli said to Kire over his plate. "Not even Zeke can. Granted, he can't fight as well since his injury."
"He improves." Ysaryn muttered in Zeke's defense, and Ruli shrugged, conceding. "Unlike you. You should fight more."
"I don't fight for sport." Ruli argued in their tongue.
"It isn't for sport, its for improvement."
Ruli only gave her a look that ordered her to drop the topic, and they moved on.
When conversation came around to the plans and progress, Ruli, having finished his spiced wine and dinner, leaned on his elbows, her head propped on one fist. "We've tried to consider alternatives." He agreed. "Unfortunately, this is the best chance we have with the least amount of hiccups. If I play my cards right, they won't catch me. Won't even get close enough to notice I'm not actually you."
He watched Gavin as the young man spoke, trying to gauge his temperament and thoughts on the matter. He looked nervous, but Ruli felt it was more of the overwhelming size of the situation, rather than his involvement.
He felt less sure about this shortly after, in Daryll's home again, when it came time to take Kire's blood. Ruli made sure to ask pointedly, before Gavin and for his benefit, if Kire consented to the blood he'd take, explaining how much. Only when she agreed did he press the blade to her skin to draw their valuable ingredient.
He went to work, explaining his process to Daryll and Gavin, slightly unnerved by the rapid note taking from the former. Then he moved on to the enchantment for Kire, asking Gavin for a small amount of his blood just as he had Kire, to walk them through the process of what he'd do in a larger scale the day of the battle.
After a while, he told Gavin to get rest, as the night was creeping on them, and it was only when Daryll muttered that they, too, should rest that Ruli halted his work. Deciding he had no intention of shuffling through the freezing night air to reach the other manor, Ruli also asked for a spare place to sleep, taking another of the spare rooms.
Come morning, he woke to the smell of coffee and followed it to the kitchen. Once he had a mug, he wandered back into the work room to let his eyes wander over their plans, his eyes lingering on the enchantment that would make him the decoy. Such a tricky thing, to make it work when magic was cut off. Stripped of its magic core, it would essentially be work as a thurible, casting the scent of Wyvern blood without the magic. The flash bombs would strengthen the illusion. A few days to get it right. Ruli sighed, going through his mental checklists again.