Ysaryn, like Ed, made no response to the comment about competition. A grin toyed on her lips, but her eyes glittered with challenge. Even if she did chuckle at Kire's plea. Ruli turned to smirk at Gavin, who didn't understand what was being said. He tilted his head, inviting for him to follow as the company moved along. Out of all of them, Ysaryn dragged her feet, her body language announcing she was on alert.
"That bad?" Ruli asked.
She sniffed. "It is worse than Zeckiel's room."
Ruli didn't want to ask how she knew how Zeke's room smelled.
As they came across Jan pouring her attention over the maps and tokens, Ruli noticed nothing strange about her. He and the other off-worlders kept toward the back, Ruli standing close to Ysaryn, and likewise nudging Gavin to do the same. She had her arms folded over herself, angled to be within fast reach of her weapons.
"You need to relax." He whispered low to her. "Kire nor anyone else won'tallow anyone to act in a discourteous way toward you. You're going to make people nervous."
"They should be nervous before a war."
"Alright, well, you're making it worse."
She let out a low growl in his direction, and Ruli relinquished his attempt, just in time to hear the announcement about Jan's betrothal. Ruli glanced toward Myka, shaking his head with a smirk as if to say he wouldn't be matron of honour for that wedding.
Once more, an arrival displayed the minor tension. Narda greeted them, and Yaaryn grinned, her eyes even watching the giants carefully. At her remark about being well dressed, Ruli glanced down at himself. Clearly, wearing his best clothing. Ysaryn's chuckle brought his attention back up, and he caught her glancing him over. He winked at her, but the sound of approaching footsteps drew her gaze away.
A group of men entered, led by a man in his later years, his once-muscular body softening with age. His black hair was lined with grey at the temples, his beard peppered. He had dark green eyes roamed the group gathered in his roam. Behind him, four men walked in a line. It was on them that Ysaryn's eyes fell, her gaze intense. The first to enter, presumably Ulrich, turned to greet Jan. "My Lady." He said cordially, before moving on to the rest. "Empress Akire." He greeted, bending at the waist into a polite but not overly flexible bow. Behind him, the four well-dressed men bowed as well. "A pleasure to open my home to you and your family. And your guests." He added, glancing over not only Myka and Narda, but the trio near the back. His gaze lingered on Ysaryn, genuine curiosity in his gaze. He completely ignored Ruli and Gavin, until he they were introduced as the sorcerer and his apprentice.
"Sorcerer. Really." Ulrich said skeptically, looking Ruli over again. Ruli met his gaze in silence, figuring this was one of the many who would view magic and its involvement as a bad thing. Sure enough, even the group that had accompanied the man looked Ruli over with distrust.
Ulrich clicked his tongue and held out his arm. "Well, you've met my sons, but for those of you who have not, my oldest, Sven, Leif, Hans, and Rogvar at the rear." He listed them off as if offering them an arrangement of teas. Sven, who appeared to be around Ed's age and who took after his father in appearance, though more in shape and far less grey, looked worn and tired, but attentive. As did Leif, who, judging by his appearance, took after his late mother, his sandy blond hair cut short. He was the only one of the group to appear attentive and eager. Hans, also blond, wore his hair combed upward to make himself appear taller, and his attention roamed the women in the hall with a distracted eye The youngest, Rogvar, perhaps around Gavin's age, had his hands in his pockets, his face hidden behind his combed, dark hair, as if he would rather be anywhere else.
None of them looked like fighters, though Ruli supposed appearances could be deceiving. None of them wore weapons, either, so perhaps they just looked docile compared to the many other swords present.
"Shall we get to business, your Grace?" Ulrich said, gesturing to the table. Ruli twitched an eyebrow. That was it. That would be Jan's marriage. Business. Nothing more. He felt a flicker of pity, then a wave of relief that he wasn't a noble. Even Ysaryn had a choice. He glanced to the elf, then noticing that she'd sidled even closer to him, her nostrils flared. The thirdborn, Hans, watched her, his green eyes roaming.
Clearing his own throat softly, Ruli took a step to the right, blocking her from view under the pretense of whispering to Daryll. "Is there some sort of seating arrangement we should be aware of?" He asked, unsure.