Avatar of Carantathraiel


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3 mos ago
Current As a mom, just be there. Often that helps more than you know.
3 mos ago
I haven't been active here in so long I have to re-learn the site. Prepare yourselves, trouble is a-brewin'.
3 yrs ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
4 yrs ago
Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
4 yrs ago
You fell in love with my flowers and not my roots. So when autumn came, you didn't know what to do.


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...am over 30 years old.
...am a wife and mother.
...draw alot. I am okay at it. Chances are, if you role play with me, you'll get free artwork.
...love Pokemon, Harry Potter, English History, and the Elder Scrolls
...suck balls at math.
...am not great with English.
...swear alot.
...enjoy comedy, historical dramas, and mystery shows.
...dislike referring to roleplays as games. I prefer stories ♥
...have a pet peeve about mermaids with knees. They don't have them. Stop giving them knees!


My partners must be 18 or Older

I prefer to ride under the mature content banner. I enjoy violence, intimacy, trauma, etc.

Casual to low advanced role playing is my general give. If you give shorter posts I will likely shrink mine to match. I give what I get. But one liners make my heart hurt.

I prefer medieval fantasy settings. I am horrible at space role plays and modern bores me.

As far as fandoms go, I enjoy Skyrim / Elder Scrolls, Tudor Dynasty, Throne of Glass, and Conan (though I'm not versed in the lore, I do play).

I don't enjoy writing with OP Mary Sues. Be realistic.

I will almost always jump into an Elder Scrolls related rp. It is my bread and butter. I really enjoy the setting.

Link to my Interest Check

Most Recent Posts

In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn tilted her head again, watching him from beneath her dark lashes. "Is that so?" She inquired with a smirk of her own. "I know you are a skilled warrior, but one day I would like to spar with you. I have not seen you fight, really. And I doubt I will get the chance in this next battle."

She sipped her wine again, her eyes moving to the window. "What do you propose, aside from getting the relaxation you so desperately crave?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn chuckled when he caught on, raising her shoulders indifferently. "They don't know either. Even if its clear to others, I think." she grinned at him, tucking her hands in the warm sleeves. "I also like your hair. Many of you have just jeweled hair."

As he told her to wait, she fell quite grinning wickedly when he returned with wine. "I am a fool, then." she sipped hers, nodding her head in thanks. "I am calm in the nights and days before. Speculating does no good. When the fight is before Mexican the smell of blood and adrenalin in the air, that's when I feel it. But not nerves, as much as eagerness."

Her eyes roamed his face when he mentioned wanting rest. Part of her took it literal, and she checked him for wariness. "Perhaps I will demand this tour you compromised me when we win. And you can show me how an Amrian warrior relaxes."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Only in trouble if you get caught, hm" she smiled. At his offer to smoke, she shook her head. "Not often enough, but I will pass for tonight. Maybe on our next sleepless night." Ysaryn offered with a small grin.
Which vanished when he asked what kept her awake.

"Uhhh." She stammered. "Well, it's a bit loud, so I thought I would come down for a drink and to watch the snowfall." The elf admitted with a gesture to her sensitive ears. "You? You've been preparing for a long time, and in a recent battle. Does this one make you nervous?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
He wasn't sure what her response would be. After their failed attempt at a date, and their unspoken assumption that they'd stop trying for ... whatever this was, he was sure she's say no.
But she didn't say anything.

When she grabbed him, Ruli raised his eyebrows, bending to kiss her as she shut the door. Okay. That was answer enough. He bent his legs to wrap his arms around her, lifting her off her feet to carry her to the bed


It wasn't long after that that Ysaryn opened her eyes. It didn't take long at all for her to figure out what she was hearing, low and muffled as it was. Good for you both. She grinned, amused, and rolled over to try to sleep, her head wedged beneath the pillow.
No use, however.
Giving up, Ysaryn got out of bed and tucked herself into Ed's coat before she roamed downstairs. She could nibble on something, or drink while watching the snow from the window.

Instead, she found Ed.
"Care for company?" she asked as she wandered toward him and claiming the seat across. "Did Kirai not order you to rest?" she asked with a smirk.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn didn't hesitate when ordered to go rest, unfolding herself from her chair to direct herself upstairs. Gavin, Daryll, Kire, Ed, they all left, and Ruli remained in his chair for a while, finishing his glass of spiced wine. He'd never really been in a situation like this. Knowing war was coming. Planning for it. Attacks and raid in Ziad had always been unexpected. Prepared for, yes, but they never knew when it was coming.
This was unnerving.

Drink finished, he wandered upstairs to his room and went in, pulling his hair into a bun to sleep. But as he kicked off his boots and lay himself in bed, he found himself unable to sleep. The day was coiling itself in his mind. The plans, the flash bombs, how he'd move as the decoy, how he'd protect Gavin while doing it.
It had only been days. How has Kire been doing this for months?

He got up with a graceful movement and, barefooted, crept to the door. Listening for a moment, he opened it and crept along to hall to Kire's room, where he knocked, then waited.
When her face appeared, he couldn't tell if she was confused or not by his sudden appearance. All he could read was the tension of the day. Ruli inhaled and whispered. "Say no, and I leave." He offered. "Say yes, and no more words will be exchanged between us, and I leave before dawn."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn wrinkled her nose at the term, lost on the phrase 'romantic adventurer', as well. When Myka clarified with the explanation, Ysaryn nodded. "Blood hungry." She agreed, and Ruli smirked at her. Let her have that, he supposed.
He went into the explanation for the group, his teeth chattering. Ysaryn betrayed just how much she'd understood about the war talk and strategies by repeating much of it with accuracy. When it came to war, apparently her mind was a sponge. "We've got m-maps in Daryll's chamber." Ruli went on to answer. "But we'd appreciate more eyes and advise on where to move. Where y-your map?"

When they were fetched by the guards later on, Ruli and Ysaryn had a much better grasp of where to move throughout the grounds. He kept Gavin beside him, mindful to keep him informed, as they would be side by side if the younger man agreed to join. He was somewhat relieved Gavin was still so apprehensive. As they joined Kire and her cousins, the tension in the air was almost visible, much of it emanating from Kire. They demonstrated the flash bomb, and Ruli shielded his eyes, but focused his attention on it, watching for odd side effects. When none occurred, he sighed. "Yeah, we can make several extras, now that we have the recipe down." He answered.

With the council members firmly dismissed by the empress, Ruli was relieved to hear they'd be returning to the manor, where at least the fires kept the place warm and the wind out. He'd suffered through far less that she and the cousins had, and even he felt like he needed a drink. Upon arriving at the manor, he shuffled toward the nearest fire, listening as everyone declared they'd be resting. It would be wise, considering the long day that tomorrow and after would be.

But Ruli went instead to Daryll's workroom, his mind unsettled, and he bent over the maps with Myka's information in mind. "You know with Daryll's equipment," Ruli added to Gavin when they crossed paths. "should you agree, I could collect enough of your blood and leave you far from danger. I'm sure Elva has some anticoagulant somewhere." He looked over Gavin's face. "You could be here, far from the war, but still doing your part to help. Put that into consideration, as well. Whatever you decide."

By dinner, he'd regretted not napping, and he picked tired at his food. Ysaryn, having clearly napped judging by the way her hair sat against her head, was likewise quiet and pensive. Mentally preparing the for the storm of violence she'd unleash. Kire, too, was lost in her thoughts, making dinner a rather somber thing to sit through.

"Preparations are mostly complete." Ruli answered when asked. "A few things to fine tune, but will be better done closer to the palace grounds." He took another glance at Gavin, offering a small grin in encouragement. Whatever he decided, Ruli would make sure he would be safe. "Tomorrow morning we'll make a few more of the flash bombs, and the rest just has to wait."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
As the empress hinted that the younger of the Froheim children weren't welcome, Rogvar, the youngest, turned and left without hesitation. Hans, the thirdborn raised a finger. "I recall hearing all those who are—"
"Out, Hans." Ulrich ordered. His son gave him a dark look, looking annoyed at being excluded, but he followed his younger sibling reluctantly. Ulrich watched them leave, then glanced at the elder two, his expression one of warning. Good behavior, or they'd be ordered to leave as well.

"Any reason I shouldn't be?" Ysaryn asked, and the tone of her voice made Ruli glance over warily before he took his seat where directed. Ysaryn sank into her own, folding her legs and clasping her hands on her lap, all while slightly angled in her usual, feline slant.
As Daryll broke into a nervous explanation of the gist of their plan, Ruli listened, though on occasion helped answer questions when Daryll looked to be tripping over the words. He could tell Ulrich and the others were wary about their plan, considering the amount of magic it involved, but the helpful comments of Narda and Kire, at least, helped prevent the lords from dismissing the idea outright.
It was necessary if they wanted to get close.
"It should." Ruli added to Narda when she mentioned preventing the dolls from exploding. "The magic within them will be neutralized, so the gems will be nothing but marbles. If it works the way I hope, the dolls, themselves, will be neutralized."

When the rest of the discussion and planning filled the room, the trio and Daryll fell silent, having no input. Ruli tried to follow, though was lost on several topics, while Ysaryn hung onto every word. Whether or not she understood it, with the different names for formations and strategies, Ruli didn't know, but she looked involved. Later, she looked almost disappointed when Kire announced they didn't need to be present for the second part.
She was definitely insulted when she caught on that they were to decide which of the hostages would be executed.

Out in the open air, Ruli tucked his arms around him, taking in the view. Amria was pretty, he'd admit that. If they survived this, maybe he'd ask for a tour of his own. He thought to ask Ed if he could join the one he offered to Ysaryn, but thought better of it. Maybe Kire would entertain him for a tour of her country. May as well see what he was risking his life for.
Whats your stake in this? Gavin's question repeated itself in his head, and Ruli sighed, thinking about it. Because they needed it. It was a stupid reason. A stupid answer. Ysaryn all but threatened Kire if she wasn't allowed to join, but he? Whats your stake in this? Kire hadn't even asked for his help. Not directly. But he knew she needed it, so he willingly offered.
Because of her.

He turned his head watching Ysaryn chatter to Myka happily, at ease among the women in the fresh mountain air. How was she so amiable after all that talking? Plotting and planning? Ruli felt tense, and he'd barely understood most of it. Kire had visibly grown impatient and borderline angry several times. He couldn't understand carrying that sort of weight on his shoulders.

As Myka's Wenches dragged Gavin and Ysaryn into conversation, Ruli remained to the side, shivering and thoughtful. Ysaryn twisted, showing off her new weapons, then tilting her head. "I do not know this word. Wash buckler?" She struggled to get the word out. The wind whipped her black-stained hair around, her nose and ears darker from the cold. Still, she managed better than Ruli did, her arms tucked close without the constant shivering.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn, like Ed, made no response to the comment about competition. A grin toyed on her lips, but her eyes glittered with challenge. Even if she did chuckle at Kire's plea. Ruli turned to smirk at Gavin, who didn't understand what was being said. He tilted his head, inviting for him to follow as the company moved along. Out of all of them, Ysaryn dragged her feet, her body language announcing she was on alert.
"That bad?" Ruli asked.
She sniffed. "It is worse than Zeckiel's room."
Ruli didn't want to ask how she knew how Zeke's room smelled.

As they came across Jan pouring her attention over the maps and tokens, Ruli noticed nothing strange about her. He and the other off-worlders kept toward the back, Ruli standing close to Ysaryn, and likewise nudging Gavin to do the same. She had her arms folded over herself, angled to be within fast reach of her weapons.
"You need to relax." He whispered low to her. "Kire nor anyone else won'tallow anyone to act in a discourteous way toward you. You're going to make people nervous."
"They should be nervous before a war."
"Alright, well, you're making it worse."
She let out a low growl in his direction, and Ruli relinquished his attempt, just in time to hear the announcement about Jan's betrothal. Ruli glanced toward Myka, shaking his head with a smirk as if to say he wouldn't be matron of honour for that wedding.

Once more, an arrival displayed the minor tension. Narda greeted them, and Yaaryn grinned, her eyes even watching the giants carefully. At her remark about being well dressed, Ruli glanced down at himself. Clearly, wearing his best clothing. Ysaryn's chuckle brought his attention back up, and he caught her glancing him over. He winked at her, but the sound of approaching footsteps drew her gaze away.

A group of men entered, led by a man in his later years, his once-muscular body softening with age. His black hair was lined with grey at the temples, his beard peppered. He had dark green eyes roamed the group gathered in his roam. Behind him, four men walked in a line. It was on them that Ysaryn's eyes fell, her gaze intense. The first to enter, presumably Ulrich, turned to greet Jan. "My Lady." He said cordially, before moving on to the rest. "Empress Akire." He greeted, bending at the waist into a polite but not overly flexible bow. Behind him, the four well-dressed men bowed as well. "A pleasure to open my home to you and your family. And your guests." He added, glancing over not only Myka and Narda, but the trio near the back. His gaze lingered on Ysaryn, genuine curiosity in his gaze. He completely ignored Ruli and Gavin, until he they were introduced as the sorcerer and his apprentice.

"Sorcerer. Really." Ulrich said skeptically, looking Ruli over again. Ruli met his gaze in silence, figuring this was one of the many who would view magic and its involvement as a bad thing. Sure enough, even the group that had accompanied the man looked Ruli over with distrust.
Ulrich clicked his tongue and held out his arm. "Well, you've met my sons, but for those of you who have not, my oldest, Sven, Leif, Hans, and Rogvar at the rear." He listed them off as if offering them an arrangement of teas. Sven, who appeared to be around Ed's age and who took after his father in appearance, though more in shape and far less grey, looked worn and tired, but attentive. As did Leif, who, judging by his appearance, took after his late mother, his sandy blond hair cut short. He was the only one of the group to appear attentive and eager. Hans, also blond, wore his hair combed upward to make himself appear taller, and his attention roamed the women in the hall with a distracted eye The youngest, Rogvar, perhaps around Gavin's age, had his hands in his pockets, his face hidden behind his combed, dark hair, as if he would rather be anywhere else.
None of them looked like fighters, though Ruli supposed appearances could be deceiving. None of them wore weapons, either, so perhaps they just looked docile compared to the many other swords present.

"Shall we get to business, your Grace?" Ulrich said, gesturing to the table. Ruli twitched an eyebrow. That was it. That would be Jan's marriage. Business. Nothing more. He felt a flicker of pity, then a wave of relief that he wasn't a noble. Even Ysaryn had a choice. He glanced to the elf, then noticing that she'd sidled even closer to him, her nostrils flared. The thirdborn, Hans, watched her, his green eyes roaming.
Clearing his own throat softly, Ruli took a step to the right, blocking her from view under the pretense of whispering to Daryll. "Is there some sort of seating arrangement we should be aware of?" He asked, unsure.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli couldn't help but look around the moment they emerged in the second manor, despite seeing a good deal of the exact location in Kire's mind. It seemed older. More lived in. Like a place that had housed generations rather than becoming a makeshift home for a noble family displaced from their real one. Ysaryn, beside him, inhaled deeply, her fuchsia eyes narrowing.
"Smells different." She answered vaguely. Ruli watched her for a moment, wondering what she meant. He found her answer strange until she tugged her borrowed coat tighter as if to hide herself. Smells male, then, Ruli decided. Ysaryn was often uncomfortable around human males she was unfamiliar with.

Her disposition shifted when Ed walked in, however, the elf's expression lightening as she took in his hair and clothing. "Far too long, my dear soldier." She purred back, enjoying the warmth of his hand and breath on her skin. Her eyes, as well as Ruli's watched Ed as he was introduced to Gavin. She, to take in his appearance, and Ruli to make sure no threats were made.
But Ed only thanked him for his part in making Kire came home, and Ruli exhaled.

The odd exchange about the lord of the manor was lost on Ruli, as he had no previous impression on the man nor his offspring, but the tension in Ysaryn's shoulders told him enough about the sons. Again, the elf's discomfort was disrupted by a new arrival, and she grinned toothily at Myka. "Hello Captain Maika." She raised her borrowed sword to offer it, as if to announce it was no longer good enough. "I promised her double the deaths." Ysaryn answered smoothly.

Ruli laughed at Myka's retort to him. "Can't let her be the best looking one, now can I? And you can't tell me I'm wrong about the elf now. Two, afterall." He glanced sideways to Kire when she demanded to know what was going on. He grinned at her.
"Myka has an eye for weaponry." Ruli muttered to Gavin. "Knows how much Kire likes you based on the weapon you wield from her armory."
"Don't give the boy a complex about size/" Ysaryn muttered under her breath. Ruli snorted softly.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli glanced over to Gain when he entered, shaking his head. "It smells sweet. I'll pass on it." He declined, sipping his coffee again. As Gavin asked about a personal question, Ruli froze and glanced at him, a million hypotheticals spreading through his mind, wondering what personal question Gavin would ask.
The one he actually voiced wasn't as personal as Ruli dreaded. "I don't have one." Ruli answered. "I've lived a long time. Done some bad things. Here is someone, a whole nation, who needs help, and I can offer mine. So, why wouldn't I?" he asked Gavin in return. "I have a set of skills that are useful. It would be selfish not to help."

He sipped his coffee again, then cleared his throat. "Gavin, being told you belong to a group of people, that you are one of them because of blood you share, its not true." Ruli shared. "You get to decide who your family is. If you don't want to be a Gemini, you don't have to be. You don't have to offer your blood, you don't have to be here, anything. If Envy and Úvano is your family and home, then that's it. Don't let anyone else convince you otherwise."

When Daryll entered shortly after, Ruli blinked, barely recognizing the man. Daryll was visibly unhappy with the outfit, even if he did look smart in it.
"The less people see, the better." Ruli answered. "People talk. Magic makes a lot of people uneasy. Look at Zeke. Or Narda." He looked over their work again. "If anything, bring one of the flash bombs to let them know what to look out for. Avoid the flashes, so if the Gemini move in, they're not in the crossfire. Unless thats the plan." Ruli realized.

"Come on, Gavin." Ruli said, standing upright. "Lets go brush our hair. Can't have Daryll making us look bad."

The three arrived in the main manor shortly after, Ruli's hair was combed but unbound and imprinted from his hair-tie. He wore the same sort of casual clothing he'd had before, deciding no amount formality would force him into clothes like Daryll's.
Or Kire's. Ruli blinked at her as he came inside, pulling the toast from his mouth so he wouldn't choke on it. "Scratch that, Gavin. She is making us look bad."
"You do that on you own." Ysaryn teased from the table, her feet propped up on the chair beside her, her body draped over the armrest. She wore her tight fitting leathers, as usual, the deep scarlet and black robe draped over one shoulder and hip.
"Bite me." Ruli answered. She chuckled at him.
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