Within minutes, Ruli and Gavin reached Ysaryn and the Wenches, ducking into cover. Ruli bent over to catch his air. He raised his helmet slightly, his face sweating beneath it. "Immune." Ruli repeated, still panting. He straightened, pressing his hand to his side to ease the stitch he felt. He gazed down the hill, curious. Gavin's blood made her immune. Did that mean he would succumb to them when he drew into the city?
"What!?" Ruli's head snapped around to Gavin when he mentioned going with the Wenches. Envy's lecturing voice and stern frown surfaced in Ruli's mind, reminding Ruli of his promise not to allow Gavin out of his sight.
Ruli didn't like it one bit.
"I do." Ruli said, finally having caught his breath. "I trust you. Just-" Ruli reached out for Gavin, grabbing him by the neck to drag him toward him, pressing his armoured forehead to Gavin's. "You watch your back. And keep close to Ysaryn. Ysaryn." He raised his head, meeting the elf's gaze. "You let anything happen to him, I will take it out in payment on you."
She smirked seductively at him. "You promise me such lovely things."
And they were gone again.
Ysaryn brought Gavin to the other Wenches, letting him go at once in favour of her weapons. Her eyes roamed hungrily over the violence around them, pausing briefly at Ed before she moved on. When she caught the words Gavin muttered, she turned to eye him again. "What, boy?" She snapped, eyeing him critically. Her frown remained as she listened to Gavin explain, and could sense the apprehension in the others around them. When the lad turned to her, Ysaryn didn't break her gaze as she stepped up to him. "Don't you dare fuck this up." She hissed in elvish, her tone more then capable of giving away her thoughts. But she offered her arm to him.
It felt strange. Ysaryn blinked repeatedly as they ran through the city streets. Transparent glimmers of the illusions ran before her, her mind unable to ignore the magic even through the ward painted on her brow. Still, she was able to convince herself they weren't there, her feet carrying her quickly to where Gavin indicated.
Start a fire. Those were her instructions. How the hell was she supposed to start a fire?
But, by the grace of the Gods, many of the Wenches carried flints on them- the reasons for which Ysaryn would hound them for later. Ed arrived, ordering more instruction, and the genuis idea to bring the dolls to help ignite them. Grinned, Ysaryn nodded, her bloody brow crinkling as she raised her head to listen. A few carefully worded phrases shouted in elvish at the dolls, her vicious growling attracting the dolls perfectly. When Ed's horn blasted, she took her cover, covering her ears as the explosions sounded.
It reverberated in her bones, shaking her to the core. Heart racing, she straightened, moving immediately to ensure the flames grew.
He hated helmets. After so many years learning to fight in a keffiyeh, it should have been easy to breathe through a metal that didn't smother his face like the fabric did, but it was somehow worse. Fabric breathed. And the metal was so loud. Armour was a nuisance. He jogged along Myka, Kire's sword held firm, attacking who he could, though Narda, Myka, and the battalion were far quicker. He reminded himself to let them flank him. He was supposed to be the 'empress', it would be their duty to keep 'her' secure.
As they drew nearer to the palace itself, Ruli still tried to resist looking, until his attention was drawn to it by Narda.
The hostages. Ruli paused, his gaze flicking from window to window, counting. So many. Gods, far too many. And if he hadn't cut the magic from their position, he could have helped. He suddenly felt foolish and helpless. Stupidly standing in armour to draw attention when he had nothing to give.
When the voice spoke, his shoulders tensed slightly, his head turning slightly to listen. He couldn't understand, but was grateful for Myka's translation. 'Gael', as Narda hissed, had to be one of the top Geminis. He looked from Myka to Narda, hearing her comment about the hostages. Kire's people. Their people. How many did they recognize from here? How many more were unseen?
He couldn't answer. Not only did he not speak the language, but speaking would give away that he wasn't Kire. Breathing heavily, Ruli turned his head to Myka. "Anything I should know about him?" He asked quickly.
After a few minutes of discussion, Ruli repositioned Kire's sword to his right hand to further the illusion as he stepped toward the palace gates. His heart hammered in his chest as he faced the palace, his shielded gaze rising to the figure on the balcony. Calculating, Ruli shifted his arms. Well? He asked silently.
"What!?" Ruli's head snapped around to Gavin when he mentioned going with the Wenches. Envy's lecturing voice and stern frown surfaced in Ruli's mind, reminding Ruli of his promise not to allow Gavin out of his sight.
Ruli didn't like it one bit.
"I do." Ruli said, finally having caught his breath. "I trust you. Just-" Ruli reached out for Gavin, grabbing him by the neck to drag him toward him, pressing his armoured forehead to Gavin's. "You watch your back. And keep close to Ysaryn. Ysaryn." He raised his head, meeting the elf's gaze. "You let anything happen to him, I will take it out in payment on you."
She smirked seductively at him. "You promise me such lovely things."
And they were gone again.
Ysaryn brought Gavin to the other Wenches, letting him go at once in favour of her weapons. Her eyes roamed hungrily over the violence around them, pausing briefly at Ed before she moved on. When she caught the words Gavin muttered, she turned to eye him again. "What, boy?" She snapped, eyeing him critically. Her frown remained as she listened to Gavin explain, and could sense the apprehension in the others around them. When the lad turned to her, Ysaryn didn't break her gaze as she stepped up to him. "Don't you dare fuck this up." She hissed in elvish, her tone more then capable of giving away her thoughts. But she offered her arm to him.
It felt strange. Ysaryn blinked repeatedly as they ran through the city streets. Transparent glimmers of the illusions ran before her, her mind unable to ignore the magic even through the ward painted on her brow. Still, she was able to convince herself they weren't there, her feet carrying her quickly to where Gavin indicated.
Start a fire. Those were her instructions. How the hell was she supposed to start a fire?
But, by the grace of the Gods, many of the Wenches carried flints on them- the reasons for which Ysaryn would hound them for later. Ed arrived, ordering more instruction, and the genuis idea to bring the dolls to help ignite them. Grinned, Ysaryn nodded, her bloody brow crinkling as she raised her head to listen. A few carefully worded phrases shouted in elvish at the dolls, her vicious growling attracting the dolls perfectly. When Ed's horn blasted, she took her cover, covering her ears as the explosions sounded.
It reverberated in her bones, shaking her to the core. Heart racing, she straightened, moving immediately to ensure the flames grew.
He hated helmets. After so many years learning to fight in a keffiyeh, it should have been easy to breathe through a metal that didn't smother his face like the fabric did, but it was somehow worse. Fabric breathed. And the metal was so loud. Armour was a nuisance. He jogged along Myka, Kire's sword held firm, attacking who he could, though Narda, Myka, and the battalion were far quicker. He reminded himself to let them flank him. He was supposed to be the 'empress', it would be their duty to keep 'her' secure.
As they drew nearer to the palace itself, Ruli still tried to resist looking, until his attention was drawn to it by Narda.
The hostages. Ruli paused, his gaze flicking from window to window, counting. So many. Gods, far too many. And if he hadn't cut the magic from their position, he could have helped. He suddenly felt foolish and helpless. Stupidly standing in armour to draw attention when he had nothing to give.
When the voice spoke, his shoulders tensed slightly, his head turning slightly to listen. He couldn't understand, but was grateful for Myka's translation. 'Gael', as Narda hissed, had to be one of the top Geminis. He looked from Myka to Narda, hearing her comment about the hostages. Kire's people. Their people. How many did they recognize from here? How many more were unseen?
He couldn't answer. Not only did he not speak the language, but speaking would give away that he wasn't Kire. Breathing heavily, Ruli turned his head to Myka. "Anything I should know about him?" He asked quickly.
After a few minutes of discussion, Ruli repositioned Kire's sword to his right hand to further the illusion as he stepped toward the palace gates. His heart hammered in his chest as he faced the palace, his shielded gaze rising to the figure on the balcony. Calculating, Ruli shifted his arms. Well? He asked silently.