Avatar of Carantathraiel


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Current As a mom, just be there. Often that helps more than you know.
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I haven't been active here in so long I have to re-learn the site. Prepare yourselves, trouble is a-brewin'.
3 yrs ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
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Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
4 yrs ago
You fell in love with my flowers and not my roots. So when autumn came, you didn't know what to do.


Ƒαȼ†ƨ αƅǿu† ⋖ Çαrαn†α†ħrαiεℓ ⋗


...am over 30 years old.
...am a wife and mother.
...draw alot. I am okay at it. Chances are, if you role play with me, you'll get free artwork.
...love Pokemon, Harry Potter, English History, and the Elder Scrolls
...suck balls at math.
...am not great with English.
...swear alot.
...enjoy comedy, historical dramas, and mystery shows.
...dislike referring to roleplays as games. I prefer stories ♥
...have a pet peeve about mermaids with knees. They don't have them. Stop giving them knees!


My partners must be 18 or Older

I prefer to ride under the mature content banner. I enjoy violence, intimacy, trauma, etc.

Casual to low advanced role playing is my general give. If you give shorter posts I will likely shrink mine to match. I give what I get. But one liners make my heart hurt.

I prefer medieval fantasy settings. I am horrible at space role plays and modern bores me.

As far as fandoms go, I enjoy Skyrim / Elder Scrolls, Tudor Dynasty, Throne of Glass, and Conan (though I'm not versed in the lore, I do play).

I don't enjoy writing with OP Mary Sues. Be realistic.

I will almost always jump into an Elder Scrolls related rp. It is my bread and butter. I really enjoy the setting.

Link to my Interest Check

Most Recent Posts

In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Within minutes, Ruli and Gavin reached Ysaryn and the Wenches, ducking into cover. Ruli bent over to catch his air. He raised his helmet slightly, his face sweating beneath it. "Immune." Ruli repeated, still panting. He straightened, pressing his hand to his side to ease the stitch he felt. He gazed down the hill, curious. Gavin's blood made her immune. Did that mean he would succumb to them when he drew into the city?
"What!?" Ruli's head snapped around to Gavin when he mentioned going with the Wenches. Envy's lecturing voice and stern frown surfaced in Ruli's mind, reminding Ruli of his promise not to allow Gavin out of his sight.
Ruli didn't like it one bit.

"I do." Ruli said, finally having caught his breath. "I trust you. Just-" Ruli reached out for Gavin, grabbing him by the neck to drag him toward him, pressing his armoured forehead to Gavin's. "You watch your back. And keep close to Ysaryn. Ysaryn." He raised his head, meeting the elf's gaze. "You let anything happen to him, I will take it out in payment on you."
She smirked seductively at him. "You promise me such lovely things."

And they were gone again.

Ysaryn brought Gavin to the other Wenches, letting him go at once in favour of her weapons. Her eyes roamed hungrily over the violence around them, pausing briefly at Ed before she moved on. When she caught the words Gavin muttered, she turned to eye him again. "What, boy?" She snapped, eyeing him critically. Her frown remained as she listened to Gavin explain, and could sense the apprehension in the others around them. When the lad turned to her, Ysaryn didn't break her gaze as she stepped up to him. "Don't you dare fuck this up." She hissed in elvish, her tone more then capable of giving away her thoughts. But she offered her arm to him.

It felt strange. Ysaryn blinked repeatedly as they ran through the city streets. Transparent glimmers of the illusions ran before her, her mind unable to ignore the magic even through the ward painted on her brow. Still, she was able to convince herself they weren't there, her feet carrying her quickly to where Gavin indicated.
Start a fire. Those were her instructions. How the hell was she supposed to start a fire?
But, by the grace of the Gods, many of the Wenches carried flints on them- the reasons for which Ysaryn would hound them for later. Ed arrived, ordering more instruction, and the genuis idea to bring the dolls to help ignite them. Grinned, Ysaryn nodded, her bloody brow crinkling as she raised her head to listen. A few carefully worded phrases shouted in elvish at the dolls, her vicious growling attracting the dolls perfectly. When Ed's horn blasted, she took her cover, covering her ears as the explosions sounded.
It reverberated in her bones, shaking her to the core. Heart racing, she straightened, moving immediately to ensure the flames grew.


He hated helmets. After so many years learning to fight in a keffiyeh, it should have been easy to breathe through a metal that didn't smother his face like the fabric did, but it was somehow worse. Fabric breathed. And the metal was so loud. Armour was a nuisance. He jogged along Myka, Kire's sword held firm, attacking who he could, though Narda, Myka, and the battalion were far quicker. He reminded himself to let them flank him. He was supposed to be the 'empress', it would be their duty to keep 'her' secure.

As they drew nearer to the palace itself, Ruli still tried to resist looking, until his attention was drawn to it by Narda.
The hostages. Ruli paused, his gaze flicking from window to window, counting. So many. Gods, far too many. And if he hadn't cut the magic from their position, he could have helped. He suddenly felt foolish and helpless. Stupidly standing in armour to draw attention when he had nothing to give.

When the voice spoke, his shoulders tensed slightly, his head turning slightly to listen. He couldn't understand, but was grateful for Myka's translation. 'Gael', as Narda hissed, had to be one of the top Geminis. He looked from Myka to Narda, hearing her comment about the hostages. Kire's people. Their people. How many did they recognize from here? How many more were unseen?

He couldn't answer. Not only did he not speak the language, but speaking would give away that he wasn't Kire. Breathing heavily, Ruli turned his head to Myka. "Anything I should know about him?" He asked quickly.
After a few minutes of discussion, Ruli repositioned Kire's sword to his right hand to further the illusion as he stepped toward the palace gates. His heart hammered in his chest as he faced the palace, his shielded gaze rising to the figure on the balcony. Calculating, Ruli shifted his arms. Well? He asked silently.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn had felt the wards Ruli made rise and take effect, the slight tingling on her neck warning her about what was ahead. Her throat burned, the insults she'd hurled in elvish at their enemy keeping her focused, keeping her head in the game. How many whose blood soaked her blades, she didn't know, but she was satisfied with the look in their eyes before the fell before her. The confusion in being set upon by such a strange looking woman speaking an unknown language.

When Myka and Narda began to speak, gesturing further into the fields, Ysaryn, retreated a few steps, watching their lines, listening with one ear. "Magic." The elf called to echo Narda. "I can sense it. It is not so strong, but is doing a purpose." She took her eyes off the line for a moment to look their way. Just as Myka pointed toward the gates, where she knew from the discussions that Ruli and Gavin would be. The elf hissed, retreating further from the line to peer in the direction Narda pointed. Her fuchsia eyes narrowed as she gazed, trying to judge the distance and how many she'd take. "A few trips." Ysaryn answered, her eyes moving over the Wenches next. "Come to me." She extended her hand, taking Narda and a handful first, then returning for Myka and more.

"Fucking archers." Ruli swore, ducking with Gavin behind the statue, his hand pressed to his helmet. It was fucking hard to see out of these things. Zeke would give him hell for lifting the visor, though. Barely registering the mental note to tell Gavin not to mention the action to the soldier back home, the lad lept out of the shadow and cut a Gemini down. Having not even heard the man approach, Ruli was grateful at least one of the two of them was paying attention.
"Breathe." Ruli instructed, seeing the glimpse of panic on Gavin's face. He didn't give Gavin more time to do anything more; he grabbed Gavin's wrist, Kire's sword in his left hand, and ran again, dragging their pursuers in a diagonal across the lawn.

On the outside of the wards, where the Gemini met Kire's army, Ruli caught a flicker of movement and spotted a blur of pink. Ysaryn. He turned, yanking Gavin sideways, heading toward them.
Ysaryn, having taken a handful of trips and dragging five times as man Wenches, braced her hands on her knees to for air into her lungs. For the moment, surrounded by the armed battalion, she was safe and felt comfortable enough in lowering her gaze.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli raised his eyebrows slightly, but gathered his supplies on the table in silence. A clean knife, two squares of leather, twine, a bowl, a small vial of a foggy liquid, and a small bundle of cotton. Setting both of the cotton balls into the bowl, he poured the liquid over it; the pungent smell of herbs filled the immediate air. He lifted one of the two liquid soaked balls and placed it in one of the two leather squares. Ruli took Gavin's hand and turned his wrist to where the incision from yesterday was still healing. Ruli had only cut into him yesterday to show him how much he'd need for today should Gavin accept.

It was then that Kire arrived, Ruli almost snapping at whoever it was not to disturb them until he saw who it was. Ysaryn took up guard outside the tent.
Like yesterday, he confirmed that he had permission before he pressed the blade to Gavin's skin and let the blood droplets fall onto the square, soaking the wet cotton ball.
Its scent changed at once, the herbs disappearing and the odor of charcoal, licorice, and ash filling the room. Ruli wrapped the cotton ball in the leather, bundled it in twine, and set it aside. Asking Kire once again for her permission, he pressed a different blade to her wrist and let the blood fall on the second set of materials, likewise bundling it up. Just as it had with Gavin's, the scent changed, to that usual, clean scent that followed Kire's blood. Like a crisp mountain sky, and clear, icy water.

He gave to her the set with Gavin's blood within. Settling it over her head, he tucked it beneath her armour. "Same goes to you, Empress." Ruli said, stepping back and securing the bundle soaked in her blood over his head and beneath his armour. "See you on the other side of this."

When she'd gone, Ruli turned to Gavin again. "Ready?" He asked rhetorically, gathering his borrowed helmet and motioning for him to suit up. Ysaryn fell into step when they left the tent, her expression cold and distant as she prepared to meet her enemies.
"All is good?"
"Will these wards do to us like Raielwen wards?"
"I can't say. I tried to make it less exhausting, but try to prepare for it."
She grunted at him, and branched away, joining the Wenches and leaving them to their task.

When the horns sounded, Ruli and Gavin weren't far from the thick of the militia. His plan was to travel on foot along the edge of the palace grounds, leaving a trail to be followed, dragging Gavin, who had a handful of the flashbombs on his person, along beside him. They would use them to divert attention, drawing the thick of the Gemini into the center of where the wards would hold power once they were activated, to leave them defenseless so the Amrian's could assault them.
So when the horns sounded and they realized they were moving too slowly, Ruli nudged Gavin and jogged with him. When they got near the back end of the ward's perimeter, they slowed, and Ruli set the last of the ward pieces down. "When I tell you to, turn it anticlockwise twenty degrees." He instructed.
Taking a deep breath, Ruli stood in place, summoning his magic with neither someone under her grasp nor a foot within the shadows, thus allowing his magic to act as a beacon. Hopefully. Ruli had never not done anything before, but he'd gotten the idea from Kire when she destroyed the gate. When he felt that all too familiar tickle that sensed some other magic, he looked down to Gavin. "Now." He said. Reaching into his pocket, he chucked one of the flash bombs hard down onto the ground a few yards within the wards, which he felt activate- it was like a hushed, warm breeze.
"With me." He said, grabbing Gavin's hand and, safely out of the wards reach, he Walked them a ways along the edge.
Once they reappeared, Ruli threw another bomb, then ran with Gavin. "Sword up. You see anyone, you tell me."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Gavin's comment lowered the temperature in the tent a few degrees. Ruli glanced sidelong to Ysaryn, who wore a hard expression. After a while, she'd described how it felt to be assaulted and attacked by her own people, dismembered and mutilated by the dark magics. He knew it still haunted her sleep sometimes, but she would never let it show, here. Not in front of anyone who would think her weak for it. He looked away, not wanting to draw attention to her any further.

"Thanks." Ruli said, tapping Ysaryn and Gavin's wrist. "You're with me." He led them both out, and when they were led into the tent that had been provided, he turned, getting a good look. "Ysaryn and I will go back and forth. Gavin, you'll be setting up in between. It should only be two trips between us. Push that table against the back there, we'll use it later, and keep everyone out. Save for Kire for now."

It didn't take long at all for them to Walk back to Daryll's home in the mountains, gather the already packed crates, than Daryll, and return. Between the first and second trip, Gavin had begun unpacking the crates containing the ward pieces, setting them up on the table in the order they'd be needed, as well as the map they'd borrowed.
When they had it all ready, Ysaryn was sent to gather the Wenches and anyone else who was free and willing to volunteer. Ruli counted them as they filed in, calculating once again in his head to divide equally between them. When he'd finished, he summoned them one by one, handing them the correct number of runes, -each one about the size of a pomegranate-, a paper listing the correct number to place them as well as the direction each one should face, and pointed to the map. After ensuring they understood where to place each one, Ruli told them that, upon their return, he would be using brief magic to see where they were placed, so he needed them to stand a few feet back and get a good look at the rune and the ground before covering it in foliage and moving on.

When they were all handed out and each person understood their instructions, Ruli and Ysaryn grabbed all but the last of the runes, which they left under Gavin's protection, and they moved out to place them. It took the longest out of all the tasks, each volunteer moving stealthily along the grounds in a wide circle around the palace grounds. Ruli and Ysaryn had taken the pointed furthest out, so for the most part, they were able to pass everyone on the way and see that the instructions were followed. When Ruli placed his last, he Walked back to camp, counting the others as they trickled back in.
After asking permission, Ruli took each of their hands individually and asked that relax while he used his Mind-Touch magic to ensure each was properly placed. Each one was, to his relief, and he dismissed them afterward. Sending Ysaryn to inform Kire the pieces were in place, Ruli turned to Gavin.

"This is when I need your decision." Ruli said calmly. "If you decline, it will be okay. I can use my own blood to hide her. It will just make her seem ... well, like a nobody. Don't feel guilt if you're unsure."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
His gaze fell on the palace and Ruli went still. It should have filled him with awe; seeing the sheer size of it for the first time. But he felt pity. Having a home that size, where you could live with hundreds of people but never see them. Her whole surviving family, and all so far away. He wondered why she wanted it back, before remembering the power that came with it. And the threat its current captors posed to the whole capital.

As it loomed closer, Ruli had to look away, growing unnerved at what he was fighting for. Not just to help her and her family, but to correct a wrong doing in an entire empire. All of Amria. It was larger than anything else he'd done. Ever. When they stopped at last outside the gates, hearing the men and women cheer for their empress, Ruli shifted his weight from foot to foot, stretching his ankles and calves when they were called in for the final touches.

It reeked of body odor inside the tent. With how far they'd walked, and how many were standing here, Ruli wasn't surprised, and hardly minded. Ysaryn, however, wrinkled her nose for a moment until she adjusted. When Kire looked his way and asked about how long they needed, he turned to glance around the room. "Do I have your permission to use my Touch later, to ensure everything was placed correctly?" He asked in elvish.
Kire nodded.
Ruli inhaled. "Depending on how many pairs of hands I need, and judging by the circumference of our grounds," He paused, calculating. "Hour and a half to have the wards ready. Not including the I need to make finishing touches and distribute. Two hours including that. And I will need to use ... eh, my ability, to make sure everything is in the correct place, so I will need to confirm with everyone who helped place. If I don't need to correct anything, two and a half hours. Give or take a few minutes."

Ysaryn whistled, impressed. Ruli ignored her. "If I could have a tent to place everything and finish, I'll begin the last of what I need done."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli caught her eye and smirked. "Just can't get the hair right." He teased, patting his bun. But he caught the look in her eye. The way she looked at his armour, the weapon he held. The weight of it all. Even Ysaryn had grown quiet, her eyes alert and searching, as if she expected the enemy to appear through their own numbers.

The march was long. Ysaryn and Ruli offered no complaints, both adjusted well enough to the pace of the army, the closeness of the other bodies. Now and then, Ruli would glance at Gavin to try to gauge his mood, his reaction. Aside from cautious, the lad looked fine. As the day wore on, and the march continued for miles, and miles more, they all grew quiet, conserving their energy.
It was gorgeous, at least. The off-worlders often turned their heads to peer around curiously, pointing silently to direct the others attention. Even the remains of the battle field, which Ysaryn studied as it if were a painting, reading the story written upon it from afar.

When they stopped for a meal, Ysaryn wove through the battalion for a bit before returning to sit and eat, sitting beside Ruli, who sat beside Gavin. "Battle is easy." Ysaryn said to Gavin during the conversation. "Only one thing to do in every one. Kill the person before he kills you." She grinned wickedly. "Very easy."
Ruli smirked at her before looking around to Myka, then to the sword tied to his right hip. "I haven't yet. I'll need to practice before the fight. Its heavier than mine."
"Oh, I will fight you." Ysaryn said with a tone in her voice that gave Ruli an uneasy chill.

They ate, and, after RUli's repeated dismissal and Ysaryn's repeated insistence, they sparred only for a short time. Ruli apprehensively swinging the blade while Ysaryn circled him like a wolf. Mercifully, she only took a few swings at him, which helped Ruli get used to the weight and sturdiness of the sword before they moved on.

As Narda asked, both Ruli and Ysaryn glanced her way. Ysaryn grinned her wolfish smile while Ruli nodded. "I'll have to Walk back anyway for all the supplies. Too much to carry, too fragile to toss into a wagon."
Ysaryn blinked. "I did not know this."
"You didn't noticed I don't have anything on me but the sword?"
"I just assume you made sort of deal with Chieftess." She said teasingly, and Ruli frowned at her. "Space in her royal wagon in exchange for ... well."
"Shut up." Ruli grumbled, and she chuckled. "You've been dying to tease me all day, and you chose now?"
"Is all about timing in a battle."
Ruli sighed, glancing to Narda, hoping she wouldn't press, now, as well.

When they camped again, Ruli stood talking with one of the Wenches, though he wasn't sure which one, exactly, repeating instructions for the wards, when he heard Kire's voice and glanced over. She spoke to Gavin, looking well worn already. He nodded to the Wench and wandered over, folding his arms over his chest. "A little walking is good." He put in. "Helps keep your anxiety from building. At least that's what Ysaryn kept telling us." He grinned. His blue eyes studied Kire, the wariness in her face, the shadow behind her eyes. "You alright?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli nodded, then raised an eyebrow. He didn't know the history or the origin of the sword, but he could tell she was fond of it. Especially considering how frantic she'd grown after pulling him from his world and realizing she didn't have it.
"Somehow, that its bound to her will isn't surprising." Ruli commented, settling the blade in his lap carefully. "Sharp minded and tongued, may as well have a physical weapon to accompany that."

She left, and once the sword was set aside, Ruli and the others dove into their work with what little preparations they could get to here. Ysaryn, once Ed was taken for conversation, moved outside again with her blades to resume her exercises, the elf moving in graceful, lethal circles in a sort of dance. To keep her muscles limber, and to get used to the new weapons.

When the trio from down the hill crossed paths with her on their way in, she ceased and followed, her skin flushed with cold, and her eyes glittering with anticipation. The moment he saw Kire, he reached for his own sword, buckled on his left hip instead of his natural right. He thrust it at her, pommel first. "If I get to play with yours, you get to play with mine." He said with a smirk before he disappeared into the armoury. Ruli borrowed both lighter, chainmail gear as well as something that would pass as Kire's at a distance or an untrained glance. Ysaryn stuck with her chainmail beneath her leathers, and Ruli couldn't tell if she wore them, yet, or if they were packed. Once Gavin had equipment, they made their way back out.
While the cousins said their farewells to one another, Ysaryn pestered Ruli with quiet, but quick paced questions about last night. He ignored her, but not without feeling a soft flush to his ears.
They had a long march ahead of them for gossip, he reminded her, and knew he'd regret that invitation immediately.

Back at the Froheim manor, or castle, though it was far nicer than the castle in Úvano, Kire announced they'd be with Narda, and the trio migrated with the giantess. "If we are to fight with the army, we move with the army." Ysaryn said, matter-of-fact, lifting her head proudly.
"Not like we can't zip home if we change our minds, either."
"Uh." Ysaryn raised her hand suddenly, thinking. "How are we to march? On foot?" She looked around nervously, suddenly wondering if they'd be on horseback.
"Changing your mind already? You can always just walk." Ruli teased her, getting as many jabs in before she turned her relentless interrogation on him.
The glare she gave him told him she was close to outing his business to the Wenches.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn turned her head when she heard footsteps, classifying the steps as Ed's before he appeared. "Morning." She greeted in return, watching him as he grinned and mentioned he'd slept wrong. As he repeated the plans for the day, the elf nodded. "Yes, I recall." She said in the common tongue. "I would enjoy to know Amria." Ysaryn responded. "Is now the time to take a scene of detour, however? We have violence to meet." She pointed out with a smirk.


As Gavin answered, Ruli nodded, respecting his decision. "He'd plenty of controlled environments as far as combat goes. Ysaryn is a terror on her own to spar with." Ruli grinned to Gavin. "And, I'll admit, if anything goes wrong, I would appreciate your help. But you are to stay close to me, do you understand? Or we're both dead, either by enemy hands or Envy's."

As Kire strolled in, he glanced at her over his coffee cup, taking in her armour and her sword. As she glanced his way in return, he met her gaze. "Am I supposed to take your armour and sword when I play your decoy, or will any shiny armour and weapon make do?" He wondered.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn chuckled at his response, relieved he seemed to answer the challenge, rather than shy away from her for being too much of one. She smiled at him, watching him for a moment before she, too, looked back out the window. Cold and difficult for battles, but beautiful to watch. Ysaryn decided she liked the snow for all it offered. Challenges and beauty. Just like the warrior beside her.

"Ah." Ysaryn sighed when he asked about all that had happened. She told him as much as she decided was worthy of sharing. From the growth of the city and her devious part in its new name, to her business in the neighbouring city now and then, to a new recipe she'd picked up from watching the Ziadi cook.

By the time she'd finished, they were both quiet, their sleepiness weighing on them. Ed offered for her to join him in the library, but she declined politely, not wanting to blur the line yet. Even if she wanted to. To press herself to that body. Ysaryn watched him leave, admiring his gait, before she followed, making her way to her own bedroom, glad to find that it was quiet.


Ruli's eyelids were heavy as he lay in her bed beside her. He'd only just caught his breath, his skin still moist beneath her heavy blankets. By the sound of her breathing, Kire had fallen asleep already. He didn't mind. It was part of the reason he came in here, to let them both stop thinking about the nearing war and sleep.
Sleep. Ruli sat up and bent to gather his clothing. He needed to sleep, and he'd told her he'd leave before morning. So he crept back to his room, closing the door silently before falling into his own cold bed to sleep.

Far later than he intended, too. He rose to see the windows were light with morning and he groaned, pushing himself up. He fixed his hair, changed his clothing, and shoved his feet into his boots and went downstairs. With a passing 'good morning' to Ysaryn, who was folding into a chair in the great hall, he dashed outside and made his way to Daryll's.

"He's right." Ruli said, his nose and cheeks red from his rush through the morning snow. He was wearing his jacket, the collar pulled up close to his neck. "Gavin, you've more than redeemed yourself for what Ikegai forced you to do, and made yourself a better man then the Gemini name carries here. You've been integral." Ruli turned his head, realizing he'd passed all the coffee urns.
"I slept in, I'm sorry, I'm going to grab coffee." He said, turning to leave the chamber again.

He returned a few minutes later, holding his steaming cup close to his body. "It'll be more difficult for me to protect you when the wards are up. I can't Walk you out of harms way. So it'll be that much more dangerous for us both." Ruli pointed out kindly. "So its a good thing we both know how to fight, hm?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
He had taught Kire, hadn't he? She recalled that. And having sparred with Kire to a draw, she was now far more intrigued about sparring with him. Kire grew sloppy in her unwillingness to lose. Ed, though. Ysaryn's eyes roamed back to him, his muscular form, his warrior's mind.
That would be a treat.

At his brazen offer, Ysaryn chuckled. "Spoken like a noble man." she teased him, genuinely considering the offer. "But no. I think I will wait to see if you survive the fight." She raised her glass in a teasing toast.
As tempted as she was, considering she was being robbed of sleep anyway. She tilted her head to listen, but was blissfully out of range. It would be a pity if they were that fast, anyway.
"Besides, I require no humble servant. I want a warrior."
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