Ysaryn went loose. In a flurry of Amrian steel, leather, and perfectly braided fuchsia hair, the elf went after the mages, her arms swinging. Arms, torsos, throats, abdomen, anything that was unguarded or exposed, she cut into with a fiery speed. The smell of fresh blood filled her nostrils. Her pupils dilated, her heart pounding like a war drum as she slaughtered the Gemini. For every one of the women of her tribe that was kidnapped, violated, murdered, and mutilated. She extracted her revenge.
When the last of them cried out, hands raised, Ysaryn paused, her blade at his throat. As Kire summoned another portal, Ysaryn looked up, digging her blade into the Gemini's neck in warning. A portal? For Ruli. Her eyes fell on his figure at Kire's feet. He breathed so unsteadily. She could smell his sweat from here. It was mingled with something ... foul. Not like the way the dolls smells, the decay and mutilation, but something that made her skin crawl and want to step away.
Head tilting, she heard Kire translate the man's plea, Ysaryn bared her teeth at him. "Did your kind show mercy to the hundreds you've butchered for your experiments? I don't think so. A death by my hand would be a mercy compared to the horrors done to my people." She smiled wolfishly at him, pleased with the fear in his face. He couldn't understand a word, but she was sure her tone translated fine.
As much as she wanted to slay the Gemini in her hands, the way the others questioned him, the way he shook and spoke back, Ysaryn knew she had to wait. Mercy. Ha. A laughable thing. Not that she had any inkling as to what was happening. Not until Kire asked Gavin to do something, and then those beautiful words in her direction. Claim your blood payment. Ysaryn's sharp canine's shined as she smiled viciously down at the Gemini mage and ripped her sword through his throat.
Still, she wasn't sure what was happening when she looked up again. Furrowing her brow, she could feel the magic roar in the room, the runes glowing, the power of it hungry. She hissed, itching to retreat and back out of the room. Almost did, until Gavin addressed her and mentioned the little stones the dolls had. She looked down to her most recent kill and began searching pockets, fishing one out from a small pocket inside his bloodied robes.
"Here." She chimed, rushing reluctantly forward to set her carnelian on the vacant marked spot.
Then hell broke loose. Ysaryn snarled and retreated, throwing her arm up to shield her eyes from the light. She could smell fish. Salt. brine. Odd. Ysaryn blinked, and suddenly it was gone again. She growled, lowering her arm again, looking around. Ruli was gone, the ground was still. Nothing glowed. Nothing moved except Kire, who collapsed. Hissing, Ysaryn rushed forward, kneeling beside her. But Kire's attention was on Gavin. Ysaryn pursed her lips, studying them both from where she remained.
Once Gavin was gone, Ysaryn stood again, going to work cleaning her blades on the sleeves of her leather jerkin. The Tower. She kept hearing about this tower. "Let us go." She said simply, sheathing her blades.
But the Tower was not quite what she expected now. It glowed, the crystalline figures surrounding it like a sacrificial dance. Far from where Gael stood, held and controlled, Ysaryn stopped, having nod desire to approach the red structure. When Kire said her name, the elf blinked and looked to her, her expression neutral. "Put me to work here." She answered with a gently shrug of her shoulder. She would be in the way at Elva's, unless someone wanted a seafood dish cooked.
He couldn't recall where he was. He could see a leather yurt above him, the painted symbols baring down at him like angry Gods. But he could also see Kire's face. At least he thought it was Kire. No pointed ears. A rasping breath, a slow blink, and the yurt was gone, but the runes remained. And Kire. Akuma? She was shouting at him. Angry. He'd be whipped again for whatever had angered her.
Then pain again. Ruli yelled as he was moved through the portal, the agony of the movement sending him writhing again. He snarled and hissed, kicking at the first person to approach him. He couldn't smell sand anymore. Had ... had he been in the sand at all? Why would he be sweating if he weren't out on the desert? He could smell it on him. The salted odor of his sweat. Someone else made to roll him, and Ruli twisted suddenly and sank his teeth into something. Someone. He snarled, biting hard, unwilling to let go, when the order came again. 'Don't fight back!' Ruli inhaled and jerked, releasing whatever he'd bitten as he went slack. Sand filled his lungs again, making it hard to breath.
Someone was talking. Elva. No, Envy? Envy. Was Envy real? Had he ever escaped? Had he met Envy? Ruli closed his eyes, trying to remember the Kartaian. It couldn't have been a dream. He wanted to call out, but he wasn't sure he could. If it was a dream, he never learned to talk. Had no words.
Someone touched him again and Ruli bared his teeth and jerked again, trying to bite, but hands held him, pressing him down. He roared, flexing and fighting to grab, rub, claw, but his limbs only shook, disobedient, until he went limp. He was vaguely aware of something biting at his arm, but he barely cared. Compared to the way his bones ached, his skin burned, the prick was little concern. "Envy." He breathed at last. I can speak. It wasn't a dream. I got out. Ruli shook violently, his eyes burning behind his eyelids. It hadn't been a dream. he'd gotten out. So why was he feeling this again? He opened his eyes and hissed, turning his head with difficulty to shield his gaze from the lights. It was always so bright in the desert. "I want to go home." He croaked, voice hoarse and broken.