Avatar of Carantathraiel


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Current As a mom, just be there. Often that helps more than you know.
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I haven't been active here in so long I have to re-learn the site. Prepare yourselves, trouble is a-brewin'.
3 yrs ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
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Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
4 yrs ago
You fell in love with my flowers and not my roots. So when autumn came, you didn't know what to do.


Ƒαȼ†ƨ αƅǿu† ⋖ Çαrαn†α†ħrαiεℓ ⋗


...am over 30 years old.
...am a wife and mother.
...draw alot. I am okay at it. Chances are, if you role play with me, you'll get free artwork.
...love Pokemon, Harry Potter, English History, and the Elder Scrolls
...suck balls at math.
...am not great with English.
...swear alot.
...enjoy comedy, historical dramas, and mystery shows.
...dislike referring to roleplays as games. I prefer stories ♥
...have a pet peeve about mermaids with knees. They don't have them. Stop giving them knees!


My partners must be 18 or Older

I prefer to ride under the mature content banner. I enjoy violence, intimacy, trauma, etc.

Casual to low advanced role playing is my general give. If you give shorter posts I will likely shrink mine to match. I give what I get. But one liners make my heart hurt.

I prefer medieval fantasy settings. I am horrible at space role plays and modern bores me.

As far as fandoms go, I enjoy Skyrim / Elder Scrolls, Tudor Dynasty, Throne of Glass, and Conan (though I'm not versed in the lore, I do play).

I don't enjoy writing with OP Mary Sues. Be realistic.

I will almost always jump into an Elder Scrolls related rp. It is my bread and butter. I really enjoy the setting.

Link to my Interest Check

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In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn only smirked down at Kire as she mentioned Ed. "Anyone would be." She answered with a wink before she turned and strolled out to pass along the words to Elva.

When Ruli finally stirred, he inhaled and breathed out in a soft, growl, his eyes opening into slits. His sclera was still slightly pink, but he had less difficulty in focusing. He noticed Kire and furrowed his brow, not sure of how much he could recall had been a dream or not. Not much of it, if she were here with him.

"I bit someone." He said quietly, not yet reaching for the water nor making an effort to get up. Would Elva toss him out for that? Arrest him? Eyes burning, Ruli looked around the chamber he'd woken in. Was that why he was hiding down here? After he looked back toward Kire, he considered her question. "Sore." He answered. "Still hurts. But its nothing like before."

After a few deep breaths to ready himself, Ruli sat himself up, groaning, his arms shaking with the effort. Once he was at last sitting upright, he dragged his hand over his face, his fingers falling over the gash on his cheek. Pieces of yesterday came back, as well as all the pieces of his previous life. Which left a pit in his stomach Envy could have dove through.
To avoid remembering, Ruli glance to Kire, brow furrowed again. "You stayed?" He asked, admittedly surprised by this. The empress, on a hard stone floor in the bowels of her cousin's mountain manor, with a man who'd torn into the flesh of one of her citizens.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
That word fell on him like a blanket as she wrapped her arm around him. Ruli inhaled, bracing, before he tucked his arm around her in return. He closed his eyes again, willing himself to rest and sleep.

Not long after, Ysaryn returned, her bare feet padding across the chamber silently. In her arms, she held two pillows and a blanket. When she neared, Ruli's eyes opened and trained on her, but he either didn't care that she was there this time, or wasn't entirely sure if she really was. He didn't move, otherwise. So, cautiously, Ysaryn approached and knelt, setting the pillows above their heads within reach and pulling the blanket over them both.
Ling after she was gone, Ruli's eyes remained open, but his gaze was unfocused and still as he dozed.

By morning, there was a clink as Ysaryn put an ewer of water on the ground. The room was so muggy condensation already raced along the surface, pooling on the floor.
Ruli didn't stir, his eyes closed as he finally slept soundly. He still shivered, though it was less violent, less frequent. Ysaryn studied him for a moment before she looked down to Kire. "You cousin is eager." She warned, having convinced Elva to allow her to come see to them instead, fearing Ruli's tolerance.
Considering the bite mark he left on one of Elva's healers, Ysaryn had won that debate.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
His brow furrowed again when she suggested sleeping it off. He inhaled sharply, anxious. "Stay here." He said quickly, his hand tightening on hers. "Pay that way. Don't leave me alone. This," Ruli licked his lips, inhaling again. "this hurts. Last time I was alone." He didn't think he could to that again. Not sure if he could hold on to his determination to see it through.

Gently, he bent his arm, wrinkling his nose at the discomfort as he tried to pull her closer to him, closing the space between then.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
They won. Ruli shivered again, then closed his eyes. He knew he should be glad for this, but the emotion felt distant for the moment. He breathed out, relaxing against the stone, the warmth of the room and her presence comforting. Despite his shaking, he felt relaxed and calm. The less he thought at the moment, the less confused he was.
The she mentioned repaying him, and Ruli opened his eyes again, meeting her gaze. He inhaled, feeling the burn in his throat. Whatever Elva had given him, it was helping. "I don't," Ruli started, pausing as another shudder raked through him. His gaze never left her face. "What did they do to me? I've ... I've felt this before."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli's eyes followed her, watching her rise and draw nearer, before she settled before him. She felt the warmth of her hand in his, the scarred flesh beneath his fingertips. For a moment, it felt so foreign. Physical touch. Gentle touch. Something he'd longed for but had always been denied. But, swiftly, the real memories surfaced, reminding him that'd he'd spent years, decades, safe and loved.

His brow furrowed as she spoke, her voice strangely loud. So close. Kire was so close to him. That's why he could feel her hand. He looked down, studying her hand, the Ring that adorned her finger. There was a fight. "We fought." He voiced, remembering the Gemini. He remembered ... little. Everything was mottled. "They took something from me." Ruli whispered in between his shivers, his eyes closing again. The 'what' was fuzzy.
"Did you win? Your h-home?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The springs beneath kept the floor warm, the air in here humid and thick from the steaming water. He didn't care for the moisture, but he was already damp. And at least he was warm and underground. Just as he'd managed when he first escaped. When he found Ziad, and the Kartaian hiding within. The hard stone grounded him. No soft sand. Unforgiving, relentless stone.

He opened his eyes again, his cheek pressed against the floor of the chamber. Her shape moved, her approach cautious. She said something to him, but it jumbled in his ear. He couldn't understand. Not that it mattered. He closed his eyes again. Walking made it worse. Made his bones ache again. Made him tired. Gods, so tired. Ruli took a shuddering breath, listening as she spoke again. More of her words made sense this time, but not all of them.
He understood she was apologizing.

He smelled someone else, and shifted his head, peering through the fog. Barely visible was a smudge of fuchsia near the threshold. A female elf. A fighter. A mistress. "Go away." He snarled, still shivering uncontrollably. Ysaryn inhaled and left backed out, leaving Kire alone with him. His gaze shifted back to her. But to her, he wasn't sure what to stay. Vaguely, he recalled that they'd been fighting in something. Violent. He looked her over, looking for injury. He should tell her to go away, too. Tell her to leave him alone. But for some reason, the thought made him feel alone.
Shaking, he extended an arm, spreading his fingers toward her. "Please?" He asked quietly. "I- ... I don't know w-whats real."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn smiled back, glad for Kire's acceptance of her decision. Given orders, Ysaryn turned to put herself to work, joining the Wenches in another sweep of the palace. Ysaryn's fingers twitched at her sides as they wandered the halls and the rooms. So much refinery. So many things that could be sold for coin enough to feed her people for weeks. No wonder Kire and her family wanted back here. But, with all of this around them, so many resources, how was Kire not fat?
Suppose the Gemini kept them on their feet, constantly prepared for a fight. But with them all dead or captive, maybe they'd get soft. If Ysaryn had nothing to fight, she'd go soft and round with so much food.

She found more of the dead Gemini and searched their bodies, gathering the carnelians from their pockets for Daryll or Envy's study. And finding a few coins and items of jewelry in the task. With the exception of the pendant she knew from her nightmares; the ivory faces facing one another on an ebony field. Those, she refused to touch.

By the time they'd returned to the empress and she address her soldiers, Ysaryn's adrenalin had waned, and she felt fatigued. In need of a good rest. A hot bath. A table full of food. Silent, she listened to Kire, standing on the edge of the group as they took in her words and instructions. Sleep in the camp. Mourn those they'd lost. Take back their home and sweep their enemy out of it.
"Edward." Ysaryn greeted as he passed, her voice soft with her fatigue. Her fuchsia eyes roamed him, checking for injury. He'd been near the explosions. She could smell that on him, but couldn't yet tell if he was burnt beneath the soot that covered him. "You appear to have a few scratches on you. Pity." She smiled teasingly. "Let me know when you'd like a few more, hm?" A suggestive wink, and Ysaryn turned toward Kire, who asked for a way to Elva's.

When they arrived at Elva's, Ysaryn could smell a heavy amount of herbs in the air. She sniffed, rubbing at her nose, and left Kire to find the infirmary and check on Ruli. Ysaryn followed, briefly looking into the room to see Ruli alive on the bed before she left the room, needing to clean her weapons before she could collapse into a bed.


Ruli was barely conscious. He lay in bed, more relaxed, thanks to the medicine administered, but he shivered relentlessly. His muscles unable to calm. His breathing was rapid, but steady at least. His skin wan, his eyelids dark. He felt more aware of his surroundings as he tried to sleep, his thoughts turning and coiling like a restless snake just above the line of sleep. Resting, but not restful.

He knew Gavin slept nearby, knew people wandered around him with no intention of harming him. Knew he was in Amria. In Elva's house. He knew the ache in his body had lessened, and that the burning lines on his back were his imagination. Everytime he breathed, the pain far less than before, he could smell Elva's tobacco, a healer's sanitary soap, and after a long while, sulfur.
It was for that smell that Ruli opened his eyes. His sclera was irritated and pink, making his blue eyes seem even more bright. He struggled to bring her into focus, though he knew who she was without.

Shivering still, Ruli couldn't feel his body. Why, he was unsure. If he was blocking out to pain or the medicine had numbed him. All he knew was that he couldn't stop shaking. "Take me home." He begged softly, his voice barely audible.
Ruli could see it in her face, her blurred features shifting to something negative. Pity. Regret. Sorrow. He couldn't tell what, but knew that her answer was 'no' without her having to physically speak the word.

He closed his eyes again, blocking her out. Inhaling, and putting a tremendous amount of effort into his senseless body, Ruli rolled, summoning his magic and vanishing from the bed.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ysaryn went loose. In a flurry of Amrian steel, leather, and perfectly braided fuchsia hair, the elf went after the mages, her arms swinging. Arms, torsos, throats, abdomen, anything that was unguarded or exposed, she cut into with a fiery speed. The smell of fresh blood filled her nostrils. Her pupils dilated, her heart pounding like a war drum as she slaughtered the Gemini. For every one of the women of her tribe that was kidnapped, violated, murdered, and mutilated. She extracted her revenge.

When the last of them cried out, hands raised, Ysaryn paused, her blade at his throat. As Kire summoned another portal, Ysaryn looked up, digging her blade into the Gemini's neck in warning. A portal? For Ruli. Her eyes fell on his figure at Kire's feet. He breathed so unsteadily. She could smell his sweat from here. It was mingled with something ... foul. Not like the way the dolls smells, the decay and mutilation, but something that made her skin crawl and want to step away.
Head tilting, she heard Kire translate the man's plea, Ysaryn bared her teeth at him. "Did your kind show mercy to the hundreds you've butchered for your experiments? I don't think so. A death by my hand would be a mercy compared to the horrors done to my people." She smiled wolfishly at him, pleased with the fear in his face. He couldn't understand a word, but she was sure her tone translated fine.

As much as she wanted to slay the Gemini in her hands, the way the others questioned him, the way he shook and spoke back, Ysaryn knew she had to wait. Mercy. Ha. A laughable thing. Not that she had any inkling as to what was happening. Not until Kire asked Gavin to do something, and then those beautiful words in her direction. Claim your blood payment. Ysaryn's sharp canine's shined as she smiled viciously down at the Gemini mage and ripped her sword through his throat.

Still, she wasn't sure what was happening when she looked up again. Furrowing her brow, she could feel the magic roar in the room, the runes glowing, the power of it hungry. She hissed, itching to retreat and back out of the room. Almost did, until Gavin addressed her and mentioned the little stones the dolls had. She looked down to her most recent kill and began searching pockets, fishing one out from a small pocket inside his bloodied robes.
"Here." She chimed, rushing reluctantly forward to set her carnelian on the vacant marked spot.

Then hell broke loose. Ysaryn snarled and retreated, throwing her arm up to shield her eyes from the light. She could smell fish. Salt. brine. Odd. Ysaryn blinked, and suddenly it was gone again. She growled, lowering her arm again, looking around. Ruli was gone, the ground was still. Nothing glowed. Nothing moved except Kire, who collapsed. Hissing, Ysaryn rushed forward, kneeling beside her. But Kire's attention was on Gavin. Ysaryn pursed her lips, studying them both from where she remained.

Once Gavin was gone, Ysaryn stood again, going to work cleaning her blades on the sleeves of her leather jerkin. The Tower. She kept hearing about this tower. "Let us go." She said simply, sheathing her blades.

But the Tower was not quite what she expected now. It glowed, the crystalline figures surrounding it like a sacrificial dance. Far from where Gael stood, held and controlled, Ysaryn stopped, having nod desire to approach the red structure. When Kire said her name, the elf blinked and looked to her, her expression neutral. "Put me to work here." She answered with a gently shrug of her shoulder. She would be in the way at Elva's, unless someone wanted a seafood dish cooked.


He couldn't recall where he was. He could see a leather yurt above him, the painted symbols baring down at him like angry Gods. But he could also see Kire's face. At least he thought it was Kire. No pointed ears. A rasping breath, a slow blink, and the yurt was gone, but the runes remained. And Kire. Akuma? She was shouting at him. Angry. He'd be whipped again for whatever had angered her.
Then pain again. Ruli yelled as he was moved through the portal, the agony of the movement sending him writhing again. He snarled and hissed, kicking at the first person to approach him. He couldn't smell sand anymore. Had ... had he been in the sand at all? Why would he be sweating if he weren't out on the desert? He could smell it on him. The salted odor of his sweat. Someone else made to roll him, and Ruli twisted suddenly and sank his teeth into something. Someone. He snarled, biting hard, unwilling to let go, when the order came again. 'Don't fight back!' Ruli inhaled and jerked, releasing whatever he'd bitten as he went slack. Sand filled his lungs again, making it hard to breath.

Someone was talking. Elva. No, Envy? Envy. Was Envy real? Had he ever escaped? Had he met Envy? Ruli closed his eyes, trying to remember the Kartaian. It couldn't have been a dream. He wanted to call out, but he wasn't sure he could. If it was a dream, he never learned to talk. Had no words.
Someone touched him again and Ruli bared his teeth and jerked again, trying to bite, but hands held him, pressing him down. He roared, flexing and fighting to grab, rub, claw, but his limbs only shook, disobedient, until he went limp. He was vaguely aware of something biting at his arm, but he barely cared. Compared to the way his bones ached, his skin burned, the prick was little concern. "Envy." He breathed at last. I can speak. It wasn't a dream. I got out. Ruli shook violently, his eyes burning behind his eyelids. It hadn't been a dream. he'd gotten out. So why was he feeling this again? He opened his eyes and hissed, turning his head with difficulty to shield his gaze from the lights. It was always so bright in the desert. "I want to go home." He croaked, voice hoarse and broken.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Armour off, he could breathe better, but it still hurt. Everything hurt. While he knew the effects, was familiar with the feeling of his bones grinding together with every movement, something was different. This wasn't just the poison he'd known since he was young. There was more. It was worse.
Or it had just been that long. Ruli realized. He wasn't used to it anymore. He didn't want this. He wanted to go home. He turned his head, spotting the giantess, and almost flinched at the sight of her, before he realized who she was. "Envy." Ruli breathed, shifting to crawl toward her. "I want to go home. Please." He begged.

Then the guards came for him. Ruli twisted to take a swing at them, growling. It hurt to be touched. He didn't want to be taken. He wanted to go home. 'Don't fight back!' Ruli yelped, back jerking as a phantom lash sliced his back, and he dropped onto the ground. For a moment, he could smell the desert sand, the reek of the sand horses, and blood. So much blood. In a blink, it was gone, and he was back in the palace grounds, the sand now dirt beneath his cheek. The air smelled cleaner, even under the cloud of smoke and sulfur.
He still tried to fight. Their hands hurt him, every time her tried to wiggle free made it feel as though his bones were breaking. "No!" He snarled at them, snarling again as he felt another lash across his skin that didn't actually exist.

They were quick. Restrained, Ruli breathed heavily, teeth bared in a snarl as he was pulled inside. Whenever he struggled, he felt the whip bite him, collapsing under the agony of the memory. Or was it a hallucination? He didn't know. Only knew that it hurt, and it was getting worse. Ruli went limp as they pulled him into a large chamber, its walls covered in runes. He was vaguely aware that the charm on his neck was gone. Had he taken that off? Had it ever existed?
As they dropped him in the middle of the hall, Ruli shivered, body now wrapped in a cold sweat. You failed. Said a voice in his head. Maybe it was his, he wasn't sure. But, he didn't have a voice. He couldn't speak. You failed to escape. You're back here. Under our control.
Ruli rolled onto his belly, arms tied behind him. His damp cheek pressed to the cold floor. Maybe he could run again. Maybe he'd make it this time. Find shelter somewhere in the desert. Maybe he could Walk to the tunnels and hide. He knew where they were. Unless it had all been a dream.
He could make it. He'd escape. He just had to wait for sunrise. When their Walking was weakest. Where his chance would be greatest. Ruli shifted, trying to dig his feet into the sand.

A sudden blue light made him focus, finding himself back ... somewhere. A large room. The glowing runes along the wall illuminated the chamber in an odd light. He blinked, struggling to remember.
Amria. Ruli breathed unevenly. I'm in Amria. In a palace. In a war. For Ki-
Ruli wheezed, twisting on the floor again, hissing at the pain that rolled through him. For Kire. This was meant for Kire. This poison. They wanted to give it to her. It would kill her. Ruli went still, limp on the floor. This will kill me. Licking his lips, Ruli closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. Give her time. Maybe it'll be slow. Gentle. Like falling asleep. Just give her time.


So much Walking. Ysaryn panted as she dragged Gavin to another location, her magic growing heavy. She didn't complain, though. She knew why they were doing this. Because the imbecile had gotten himself captured. Because they had her friend. Ysaryn bared her teeth. This is why it wasn't smart to keep friends. Stupid bastard.
When she pulled Gavin back to Kire, then the two of them to the palace hill. Ysaryn knelt onto the ground, sweating. When the wards shifted, attaching themselves to Kire, Ysaryn shivered, then looked up. "Kirai," Ysaryn said cautiously, her nape prickling.

Pulling herself onto her feet, she took them back to Narda, the elf stepping aside to gather her energy again. "Minute." She demanded of them, leaning against the wall. "He is." Ysaryn answered with Gavin when he was asked if he were staying behind. If he and Ruli both died, Envy would be furious. She'd have to find a new home for her people. Again.

By the time they were portaled into the palace, Ysaryn felt ready. Ignoring the nausea that twisted her stomach briefly, Ysaryn drew her blades, inhaling deeply. "It doesn't smell right in here." She whispered to no one in particular. Of course, it wouldn't. Gemini in here with their magic for so long, she was surprised the walls weren't painted in blood. The Wenches moved quickly, going after the hostages, and Ysaryn turned to look at Kire, waiting for her to move.
And she did, toward the hall.

Grinning, Ysaryn pounced, feet moving fast as she circled Kire, moving around the empress as she stormed into the Great Hall.
Where Ruli lay motionless in the middle of the room. A room with runes painted on the walls. Ysaryn swallowed, suddenly very uneasy, the scar on her abdomen aching. Fight first. Panic later. She reminded herself, taking the defensive.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Of course he wasn't going to listen. Ruli could hear the Wenches reposition themselves to cover him, but he ignored Myka as she hissed at him. Kire needed time to decimate the Gemini army and to break through their illusions. Let Gael believe he was his enemy empress a little longer to buy her that time.
He did not expect Gael to see through it right away. Even from the distance, with Ruli's blond hair and blue eyes, swathed in Wyvern armour, he should have at least fooled the Gemini royal. Let alone that he had Kire's sword. But Gael knew far too soon, and Ruli felt uneasy with the way Gael looked at him.

With the gimmick over, Ruli lifted his helmet, dropping it on the ground. Gael's words made him regret this decision more, but whatever the bastard had in mind, Ruli would endure it. He'd spent his life tortured. Kire would break through soon, and she and the rest of her company would sever this man's head. Just for a little bit. Ruli breathed, turning toward Narda. They'll come, soon. He offered her Kire's sword, and took a cautious, unarmed step through the gate.

Just as the explosion hit. Ruli raised his arms, tensing, his knees bent slightly as the earth shook violently. He didn't dare turn around, putting his back toward the Gemini, and hoped to any God who looked over this world that his face didn't give away the answer to Gael's assumption. He shouldn't have left Gavin. Ruli felt more regret washing over him. He shouldn't have brought Gavin here. Not to a war filled with the worst of Gavin's kind. Not here. He shouldn't have brought him. He shouldn't have left him.
His laugh chilled Ruli to the core. It was so similar to Akuma's. So cold. So empty.

Trying not to shiver, Ruli remained where he was, just as Gael ordered, as the captives were released. He glanced over them both, familiar with the looks on their faces, the discomfort and fear scrubbed into their posture. Forcing himself to look away, Ruli's eyes fell on Gael again. His heart pounded, his body tense.
And his attention in the wrong place.

Ruli did not expect the hostages to pounce on him. A foolish mistake, considering the dolls, and the way Ysaryn's people had assaulted her in the mines. Why not make Kire's own people attack her? Nothing changed just because he was in her place instead. Unprepared, Ruli toppled, tripping over the helmet as he pushed and writhed beneath the noble pair. He didn't want to hurt them, but as he felt something lash at his cheek, he snarled and thrust his arm out to shove the woman off just as Narda yanked her away.

He couldn't understand the exchange between Narda and the woman. Ruli groaned and twisted, getting to his knees. His fingers brushed over his cheek, and when he glanced at his hand, he saw blood. But the smell was what caught his attention. Raising his hand again, he sniffed, regret washing over him entirely like a blanket of ice.
He knew this poison.
Ruli swallowed, raising his eyes to look at Gael in question. Why was it here? How did they get it? His brow furrowed as the headache set in first, the familiar weight in the nape of his neck, like his head was too heavy to lift. He inhaled, and it felt like ground glass filled his esophagus and lungs. Hunching over, Ruli bent over his knees, rubbing his forehead. Why was is here? Why did Gael have this? This couldn't have been a coincidence. He didn't want this. He wanted to go home. To the tunnels. To Envy. I want to go home.

The armour made it more uncomfortable. Harder to breathe. Ruli shifted, pulling at the clasps and yanking the plate off his chest, his arms, hissing in discomfort as the poison took effect.


"What?" Ysaryn snapped at Kire when she asked about being taken to the hill. Gavin beat her to the point she would make, and Ysaryn only stuck out her arm in agreement with the young man. "You gave word!" She added, frowning at Kire.
But even the elf knew Kire had a point. Gavin wasn't supposed to leave Ruli's side. Ysaryn glared at Gavin, then, as if blaming him for causing this collapse in their plans. "Fine." "She caved. "But if you die I steal your crown."

It took her a few minutes to get them where Kire wanted to go, the elf Walking a few times, each closer to where Kire wanted, to gett a better look, before she returned and brought the two along. Gavin looked to her, speaking as if he expected her help with the runes. "I carry only." She answered. "I ruin runes." Ysaryn shook her head, insisting that allowing her to help was a poor idea.
When someone called toward them, Ysaryn turned her head, frowning as she heard the update.

"That bloody fucking fool." Ysaryn swore, nostrils flaring as she turned toward the palace. At the order to be ready to fight, she withdrew her blades again, more than ready to do so. "Work fast, Gem-en-ai." Ysaryn spat toward Gavin.
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