Envy exhaled softly, clenching his jaw. "Kire," He said in a low voice. "This is not a conversation I would have in front of so many." He warned, glad when she turned to Gavin instead. Ysaryn, within hearing range with her ears, tilted her head slightly, but didn't press. They both listened to Gavin speak, Envy nodding softly in agreement. "I would need to know more to give more accurate answers." He explained, though the antidote they mentioned aligned with the one he'd toyed with in his spare time.
As Gavin and Ysaryn wandered off to watch and rest, Envy turned his face toward Kire. "For now, we'll remain. See to your family. And bring mine home again when he's ready." As much as Envy wanted to demand Ruli's return now, Kire had more pressings matters, and Ruli was safe. When they left again, Ysaryn appeared at his elbow once more. "He really is okay." She reassured him. "He slept alot. looked peaceful. We kept an eye on him."
"Peaceful?" Envy repeated. So at least the antidote let him relax. Another heavy sigh, and Envy turned, patted Ysaryn on the shoulder, and disappeared along the cave.
He woke some time later, finally hungry and dying of thirst. Someone had cleared away the soup he hadn't eaten earlier and left the rbead and cheese. Ruli nibbled on the former, then drank a bit of the tea before he went to sit up. He still shivered, but nothing at all like before. Only passing chills, that were barely noticeable. His head was clearer, but he still felt unbearably tired. His limbs still felt like lead. And his brain.
Ruli sat still for a few minutes, remembering. The feeling of the poison, the smell of the desert sand, the yurt above his head. He could feel the lash of the whip, even if it never touched him.
And Elva's question. What was going on between him and Kire. A way to unwind. His disappointment in the truth.
And the fact that she was an empress again. Her throne reclaimed. Her enemy slain.
She really wouldn't have a use for him anymore.
Ruli stood suddenly. Too suddenly, as he wobbled on his feet for a moment before he caught his balance. The moment he could, he shuffled through the house to find the kitchen on the grounds of asking for more food. More tea. When the cooks set some down before him, Ruli devoured it, cleaning his plate, then downing two cups of tea. But it wasn't enough to quell his mind. To silence the shadowed pit that made him want to curl up in bed and not come out for a week.
So, he made an odd request. Ruli asked the staff for the freedom to make a cake, explaining that he'd promised the younger cousins. When they were visibly unsure, mostly because they knew he'd undergone some injury, he shrugged. "I need to busy my mind for a bit, then I'll sleep again."
So he baked. They allowed him anything he needed, and Ruli kept himself busy for the better part of two hours, eating another plate of fruit and meat while the cake cooled.
When it was finished, and iced, he settled down on the table to stare at it, criticizing his work, until his promise to sleep was fulfilled before he'd even left the table.
Hours later, washed, fed, and in a fresh set of clothing that, for once, was not combat leathers, Ysaryn returned. The Tower smelled slightly better, though she still rushed from within to the fresh air outside. It wasn't hard to locate the others, and she and Gavin went to work where they were needed. As Gavin broke the wards, Ysaryn inhaled, agreeing that there was a lack of anything in the air.
At dusk, Ysaryn felt a little more tired than usual. Fighting was one thing. Physical labour was something else. But she didn't mind offering her help, espeically since Ruli, the one incapable of sitting back and doing nothing, was currently unable to do anything.
And there was Ed. Ysaryn grinned at that unsubtle promise.
When Kire asked, she Walked the two of them back to the manor in the mountains, the elf shivering for a moment with the shift in air pressure, following Kire as they circled the house. Infirmary was empty. As was the room offered to Ruli. Before they went to search the hot springs, they were informed he was in the kitchen, and Ysaryn snorted.
Perhaps he was still incapable of sitting back and doing nothing.
As she eyed the cake, she chuckled. Indeed.
The commotion of Kire's arrival forced Ruli to open an eye, peering at them beneath a slightly-more-normal-coloured eyelid. Ysaryn winked at him before turning her attention to the younger two. "I an perfect." She declared with a slight lift of her chin. "And if you want to ask, ask now." She gestured toward Ruli, who watched them in silence. "Wait til you learn where the world gate opened."
Ruli inhaled and raised his head, wincing as his neck pained from the awkward position. "World gate?" He asked, rubbing his neck before he looked down to the two cousins.
"I promised. So yes, its yours." He answered their questions. "Dinner first, though, or I'll never bake another."