Avatar of Carlyle


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11 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
12 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
15 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
24 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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29 days ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

And with that sheet turned in, I think we're at a point to safely shut down the application process. I'll be going over each sheet and then coming up with a list of sheets that I liked the best/would work for this RP, and those who are on that list will be the ones going forward with this roleplay. Those who aren't accepted are welcome to keep reading or apply later on if there is ever any open space in the roleplay from players dropping or other incidents.
Had to put my dad in assisting living. Am in financial debt, but I am trying to find time for this hobby. Sorry about the silence AGAIN.

It's all good, I know what's going on behind the scenes.

(been playing too much marvel rivals)
So this is still going, yeah?

I hope so, but those who I've asked for posts haven't really shown up to begin with. It's basically only Cyra, Yank and I at this point. I can post an Emma post, but Fia is stuck interacting with Micki who I've been waiting on to post since they mentioned they're going to get back into RPing. Suppose I could say the store isn't open yet to break Fia loose from the post stalling, but otherwise there isn't much I can do with her at the moment.
I've ran probably 70 pallets of freight in the last three nights with a co-worker of mine, so sorry if my responses have been delayed. I asked for them to let me have the day off because I was already working overtime at that point and I don't think I could keep on going; both of us needed a moment to physically and mentally recuperate, especially when some of it included heavy items such as furniture.

But now that I'm here: Last day for sheets is quickly coming up. Again, I'll be reviewing them and picking a selected number to fill the ranks. Don't feel disheartened if you don't get in, there's just too many applications to sort through.
<Snipped quote by Carlyle>

Are we going to be able to fit all (possible) 18 people? or Is there a plan to hand pick certain ones?

I'm 100% not accepting all 18 people; I don't want to overwhelm myself. I was once in a RP that had a decent player base, but the GM decided to add a whole new team on top of ours, so there was like 24+ people/characters in total. Everything fell apart as there was way too many people to manage.

I plan to look over all applications when I have time, hence the deadline for submissions.
Added one more CS to my sheet list; only 9 more so far that we're waiting on. Three more days to get those sheets in after today.

I'll hopefully see about going over stuff I missed earlier tonight when I'm on break or lunch. That includes PMs, but I'll focus on the public questions first.
The problem with free-move is that I just don't want people to go "aha, my pokemon does x super effective move" all the time because they have access to other moves. It defeats the purpose of type matchups if everyone just writes the equivalent of an "I win" button.

That being said, as Ryik mentioned it might be a good idea to have moves included on the CS (probably abilities too).

Also, the opening post will be soon. But it might be at an odd time since I'm going to be working overnight shifts for a few days.
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