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2 yrs ago
Need two more people for our Fantasy + Sci-fi roleplay - we have angry burning trees!
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2 yrs ago
New interest check is live, check it outttt
2 yrs ago
If i could go back now, i wouldn't change a thing
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2 yrs ago
You've got red on you
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3 yrs ago
Its just me, you, a pile of Chinese food and a couple of f**k off spreadsheets.


New roleplay: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the-eye-of-the-needle-where-fantasy-and-sci-fi-collide/ooc

Hey, I'm Catharyn! I joined the Roleplayer Guild on 2nd Feb 2011, then rejoined on the 17th Jan 2014 after Guildfall.

I was active every day until late 2015, accruing (i think) around 7k posts across dozens of roleplays. Then, I started working and had to gradually slow down my RP schedule. In 2017, I officially went on hiatus when other commitments got fully in the way of roleplaying.

This continued until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, when I suddenly realised I had a lot more free time in lockdown! So in mid-2020, I returned to the Guild with a vengeance. I also managed to get The Cradle 1x1 off the ground - a story i've had percolating for almost a decade.

My posting schedule has slowed down a bit now that the world has opened up again. I still love science fiction, fantasy and espionage themes, and generally aim for around 300 words per post.

Most Recent Posts

Welcome through the Eye of the Needle

OOC is here: Link

Kanth-Aremek had been in turmoil for centuries. On the surface, its lands and seas were a veritable cornucopia. But for the intelligent beings that inhabited this continent, danger grew teeth and talons in the dark, and lived in the recesses of the mind. Stories around the fire told of demons crawling up from hell to wreak havoc with the living.

The proto empires which sprung up after the discovery of Magic eschewed these stories. The Margraves and holy men chose instead to focus on polarising different faiths, races and values. Meanwhile, the safe passages between settlements grew harder to control with each passing year. The guilds and monastic orders, once early engines of progress, retreated behind their walls to study in private. Many thought that a sign from the gods would signal the coming of their saviour - or the end of days.

It was through a telescope that a Guild apprentice thought they spotted that sign one night. The sky rent open in a dull flash of mauve, and a shower of shiny sparks of varying sizes poured out. They fluttered in the wind, falling from a great height. Some hit the shoulder of the Grearedar mountain range far in the distance; others seemed to slow and set the forests ablaze.

Despite what the apprentice stuttered to their master, this was no sign from the gods. At least not the gods of this land.

[Stavanger Interplanetary Spaceport, Norway, Earth - 2296]

Most of the crew of the Jotunheim slept aboard their vessel the night before its maiden voyage. They were exhausted from the events of the last few months, but there was a charge of excitement running through them as well. Their ship was the first of its kind; able to jump vast distances in an instant using a state of the art Tamerlane warp engine.

Their exact capabilities were a closely guarded secret outside of the company. But pressure was now well and truly on from shareholders to prove that the Jotunheim could indeed reach beyond the Solar System. The crew had been forced to drastically expedite their test jump programme, and their launch date had already been moved forward, so it was a mad rush to get everything ready. The crew were experienced, but hadn’t been working together long, so there was confusion when they woke to ear-shattering sirens from the hangar.

After a few attempts, they learned that the spaceport and adjacent shipyard had come under attack. Hostile soldiers, potentially disguised as Norwegian military police, were fighting through the complex, looking for something.

Chaos erupted in the hangars where flight-worthy ships were kept. Spaceport staff and other passengers swarmed them to get away from the fighting, as gunfire chattered in the distance and alarms blared. Little did the Jotunheim’s crew know that this would be the least of their worries. Turns out their new warp engine was not quite as stable as previously thought…


That’s where our tale begins! A state of the art exploration vessel from the future accidentally tears through into a completely different dimension. They must survive this fantasy world and try to return home. I’m looking for 6-8 experienced roleplayers to come on this adventure with me.

Playable Species

Technology & Magic

Geography of Kanth-Aremek

To be confirmed shortly. So far we know there are long, sweeping mountain ranges and ancient forests.

Things to bear in mind:

  • Your character can be a member of the ship’s crew, an accidental passenger who found their way aboard during the chaos, or a person from Kanth-Aremek (KA)’s various species and groups.
  • This story is a blend of science fiction and high fantasy, with a real emphasis on survival and resource management for the interloping crew to begin with. KA is a very dangerous place, particular in the wild spaces. They’ll need to work together to avoid a nasty fate.
  • Myself or my co-GM will control the environment and some NPCs.
    • In general, I'm happy to give you a higher level of control on how actions pan out for your character. However, I will be keeping an eye out for ‘clutch’ outcomes and evaluating whether they align with your character’s strengths and weaknesses.
    • I will have the final say on what items the crew can gather or find in their new world, at least to begin with. I may even set up an inventory, if some responsible persons will help with its upkeep.
  • While this RP interest check is in Casual, I’m classifying the skill level required for this roleplay as Low-Advanced. I’m not expecting an essay every time, but I also don’t want throwaway responses that don’t add real value. I'd say 250-300 words is a good benchmark.

Character sheets

In Hi... 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey there! I love your honesty; i think you'll fit right in. Welcome to the Guild!
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The lines of ships blurred into a claustrophobic maelstrom of burnished metal, energy beams and explosions. Flights of fighters chased each other around the hulls of their parent ships as they grappled in close combat, and swarms of drones threw themselves as torpedoes.

The Outreman line held firm partly because of the mission parameters - they needed a quick victory in order to join back up and take out the key ship. But also because there wasn’t an easy way to disengage. They could either retreat back through the asteroid field, or push straight through the enemy which surrounded them and into open space. Both options required breaking their shield-sharing formation and limiting their ability to fire back.

The Tindrel signalled they were planning quite a sophisticated crash stop, whereby they’d spin the planetoid’s tail out to face the enemy. While less defended than the rock top, it would allow them to bring a dizzying array of weaponry to bear at once. There was no time to argue with them now, as they’d be danger close in a matter of seconds. If one listened closely to their comms channel, one might hear a rolling chorus of chirrups which loosely translated into a ‘yeehaw’ type sentiment.

In their desperation, Outreman commanders had also requested reinforcements from the support group stationed some distance away. It was possible that they could jump ships straight into close quarters, with a bit of good fortune.

All this activity was being closely watched by Earth - they had a couple of dozen light peacekeeping craft on station around Psi-Helios at any one time which were more than capable of intelligence gathering. Almost immediately after the exercise began, more (and heavier) craft began arriving. What had begun as a trickle became a torrent, until their entire 9th Mechanised Spaceborne Fleet was stationed on the other side of the planet. This intimidating mass of ships was usually parked in empty space, ready to jump at a moment’s notice to any of Earth’s interests.

The Earther fleet’s admiral sent a message to all commanders of the exercise, asking them to respect the system’s demilitarised status and move away from the planet towards the fringes. Strictly speaking, only the battle group comprising the Rothian Admiral’s vessel and the Barbarossa was anywhere near the real demilitarised zone.

“Ok, lets do this.”

Dr Lang came up behind Marae and gently placed both hands on her shoulders. Her AR glasses lit up with thousands of additional bits of data. Freyr used her implants to gland a chemical mix called Through The Looking Glass. Immediately, it worked to clear her mind of all prior assumptions, while forcing her to ‘relearn’ everything she witnessed from the scans again. It had proved useful in the past for stimulating the savant part of her brain into making connections which were previously blocked off.

“Earth has started getting skittish and ordering us back from the perimeter. We may need to consider our strategy here.” Masgard announced. He didn’t seem like a quiet lawyer anymore.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The Bertha didn’t waste any time once the target was marked. Shifting its field of fire, it fired a sharpened tungsten round toward the enemy cruiser’s engine and reactor core. The dead metal projectile had a better chance of disabling the target without provoking a large explosion and destroying the QV hitchhikers, but nothing was guaranteed. The QV were strongly encouraged to disengage, but either they were too badly damaged or too deeply attached to make a quick getaway.

The Tindrel planetoid was rapidly approaching for a third time. They had adjusted their course into more of a diagonal strafe of the entire line. The Admiral signalled that rather than maintaining their unstoppable momentum, they would be attempting a ‘crash stop’. After attempting to ram through as many high value targets as possible, they’d bring the full weight of their conventional weaponry to bear on the enemy ships.

By way of an opening salvo, the enormous asteroid launched hundreds of torpedoes. They divided up to target some of the smallest and most vulnerable ships, with the aim of drawing fire from supporting battleships that will in turn weaken their own defenses.

“It's an interesting lead…the previous inhabitants of Outremer built an entire city around the Cradle. Their structures suggest they actually had very similar physiology to the Morgrawalai, now I think about it…” Freyr trailed off, before eventually looking to Marae.

“There must be some kind of pattern - what could we be missing?”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“All units, form a line of defense in the asteroid field! I want to see overlapping fields of fire on my screen!” The Tindrel admiral commanded. He had taken a more sober tone as he examined a giant holo simulation of the situation on the planetoid’s map table. The Planetoid itself had cleared the asteroid field again and was arcing around the entire thing to strike the enemy from behind and below.

The QV were yelling to each other as their large combined surged back towards the relative safety of the asteroid belt. An enemy ship sailed in front of them and hit them with half a broadside. The QV vessel smashed into them and the gelatinous skin wrapped the whole way around the other ship. The ships inside began firing straight into the opposing hull and otherwise trying to prise it apart.

A blinding exchange of fire flitted to and from the Outreman vessels which had now presented their thin backsides. That was, except the battle group’s Bertha class rail cannon platform, which was hidden behind an asteroid. Though large, it was poorly armed and armoured except for a formidable rail gun which made up most of its mass. While this sort of armament had featured heavily in Humanity’s early spacefaring armoury, it had gradually been phased out as it became clear that the galaxy wasn’t empty. Whenever a ship fired a tungsten bolt at blistering speeds, it was going to ruin someone’s day - that may not be who they originally thought.

The Bertha latched onto the mammoth asteroid like a spider and fired straight through it, using small thrusters on either side to manoeuvre its field of fire from one ship to another.

“Possible anomaly detected.” A Rothian scientist raised their hand from a workstation on the opposite side of the general area from Dr Wetherall, closer to Marae. As Freyr and Vreta walked over, Dr Lang asked him: “Why am i getting a bad feeling about this again?”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Immediately after the enemy fleet jumped into close quarters combat, the battle group’s comms net lit up like a Christmas tree. Foremost the Tindrel screaming with anger, but urgent and stressed instructions from captains of individual ships as they allocated rally points.

The small number of Qalian-Vosh ships began grouping together and sharing their mobility bubble, becoming more than the sum of their parts all while under heavy fire. One of them didn’t make it and erupted into a goo-based fireball…then started heading out of the battle area to await the end of the simulation.

The Outreman portion of the battle group were caught on the broadside with open space cut off by the mass of enemy ships. They were also strung out in a line with only partially overlapping fields of fire. However, the OSC had trained to survive this sort of gambit before , and their ships immediately began turning so they were headed into the asteroid field. They redirected most of their shielding power to the stern, and used all their armaments on their sides to support the ships to either side. They then attempted to retreat into the relative safety of the asteroid field, leaving the QV vessels nearly surrounded.

“Negatory. They look like they’re on the move…aaand they’re bouncing off every satellite in the system. There aren’t that many signatures, but they could be bundled together. We aren’t experts in signals from known civilisations, we’re equipped to notice anomalies to known patterns. We’d need the military or, or… Naval Intelligence or something.”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“Admiral, recommend immediate abort. You’re vulnerable in the channel.” The most senior Outreman captain in the battle group sent over comms.

“Watch them run!” The Tindrel Admiral replied immediately - the rapid clicking of their species laughing could be heard.

“Press the attack!” The ramming ship had looped around now and was building up unstoppable momentum for a pass through the freight channel. In preparation for a mini-jump at short range, they weren’t charging up their secondary weapons to fire at full power during that moment of chaos when they made contact.

Masgard laughed. “Not quite bi-planes, but you already knew that. They are advanced in their own ways. Very different to us, in tune with nature. They have a symbiotic relationship with large worms that act as transport, food and fighting forces.”

“Human, Tindrel & QV signals on the planet.” Dr Wetherall announced.
Weee look good together, alllways down whenever
We are weird and painful, just like Ross and Rachel
Let's take a shot at something wonderful
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“Push them into the clear channel! We’re coming back around!” The Tindrel commander screeched. The capital ship sent a visualisation of a gap between two tight clusters of space debris. The factory complex was nearby - they had cleared this channel to allow large freighters to quickly move to and fro. Based on the relative positioning of the asteroid field and the system’s general gravitational alignment, the planetoid’s second pass would come from ‘above’.

Ordinarily, the Outreman fleet would have flushed the enemy fleet out from their hiding places with seismic charges. They could have smashed the asteroid belt into small and less dangerous pieces and lit hostile shields up. However, that sort of weaponry was incompatible with a simulation where they couldn’t actually go around wrecking the place. Especially when there was a real factory complex nearby that was already signalling for them to use caution on their property.

The Tindrel ships paid no mind to that, however. It was largely their own holding, after all.

“CHARGE!” Their captains screamed as one, forming a war cry. The full weight of their force swarmed into the depths of the slow-moving asteroid field, seeking to rapidly gain ground on the enemy and do battle. The formation they had from the beginning was totally ruined. The large Outreman vessels couldn’t navigate into the tightly-packed core, so they began skirting around the edges, firing at enemy elements which broke cover to assault the planetoid. Their smaller destroyers and frigates joined the Tindrel.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The channel was flooded with bloodthirsty cheering from the Tindrel camp as blinding explosions erupted from the two disabled battleships. They had waged war like this on their planet and in space ever since they reached it, so it must be nice to validate its continued effectiveness.

The planetoid ship came under fire from several directions. Its large shield generators absorbed most of the hits, though one torpedo found a gap in the front as energy was directed towards the more vulnerable spindle off the back. It burst through and crashed into the side of the rocky face, tearing a small simulated slab off into space.

Barely slowing down, the Tindrel capital ship narrowly missed a cluster of hefty asteroids and sheared off and away from the engagement. It would turn in a wide circle for another ramming run if possible. Point defence lasers on its stern fended off numerous munitions as it departed.

This left the comparatively weaker Tindrel vessels to fight without their carrier vessel alongside the Rothians and Humans. However, the imminent threat of another devastating charge on the flank by the planetoid had proved a powerful distraction in previous engagements. They made short work of the support vessels which hadn't retreated, then most of their ships attempted to get to cover afforded by the asteroid field. Their ships excelled in short range combat, but their shields wouldn’t hold up in a protracted long range engagement.

Despite a snarl-up between the helical Outreman formation and the chaotic and rapidly spreading Tindrel fleet, the closest remaining enemy battleship wasn’t able to take advantage of this troop confusion. The OSC heavy cruiser Valkyrie pulled up alongside the hostile ship while deploying a swarm of countermeasure drones between the ships. While still manoeuvring, the enemy battleship fired a massive broadside which would have likely disabled several small vessels behind. The Valkyrie’s counter measures intercepted roughly 40% of the munitions before they hit its shields, though the heavy cruiser still took a battering. The Valkyrie’s shipboard AI was able to simulate a violent shaking motion in some parts of the interior, for the purposes of realism.

Moments later, the Valkyrie returned the broadside, before re-engaging its thrusters and dropping down underneath the enemy battleship to avoid another salvo while its shields recovered. Two plucky frigates above the enemy also jostled to find a firing position for their main guns before releasing jets of energy through space towards the ship.

“The locals call that stuff the Morgrawal. Say it's all one entity.” Masgard pointed to the massive root system covering Psi-Helios. He hadn’t been far from Dr Lang since they’d boarded the Rothian vessel, though he kept a relatively low profile and seemed to be working on other things most of the time.

“How do you know that?” Freyr asked.

“We do our research. The natives are so entwined with it that they refer to themselves as the Morgrawalai.”

The sophisticated net of scans being unfurled by the Magnificent Horizon was gradually peeling back layers of the planet. Freyr observed that the obvious ‘Morgrawalai’ population centres were varied. There were some that appeared to be inside the large trunks of the tree, some underground and some in the circular clearings near lakes that the Morgrawal had left.
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