“Good morning, sir.” Clara Anselm replied from the comms desk. She didn’t turn or look at Mallory. She was leant toward one screen, controlling a spider droid as it inspected a crumpled tangle of metal that had been partially embedded in the mud.
“More aliens arrived down the slope.” She reported, carefully teasing what could have been a comms dish out of the pile.
“Silbermine went and visited them just now. Looks like some of them brought buttresses to install - Cap told me to flag if they start coming closer. Armament is hot. Fuck!”
The spider drone had flipped the devastated comms dish over to find not just a gouge down the middle, but a large, squishy caterpillar type bug stuck to the metal. Anselm flicked the joystick and the spider drone squashed the dish hard against the ground.
A light blinked on Mallory’s console and a message from Zey blinked up on screen:
“Good morning!
Wodan chimed in straight away after its eye tracker concluded Mallory had finished reading.
“I would recommend using the Recreation Room to host VR simulations. I have programmed a step by step weapon handling tutorial and three hundred and sixty degree firing range sim. I’ve also mapped every weapon in the armoury for use as a ‘controller’. I would recommend unloading the weapons before allowing untrained supplementary personnel to handle them.
“More aliens arrived down the slope.” She reported, carefully teasing what could have been a comms dish out of the pile.
“Silbermine went and visited them just now. Looks like some of them brought buttresses to install - Cap told me to flag if they start coming closer. Armament is hot. Fuck!”
The spider drone had flipped the devastated comms dish over to find not just a gouge down the middle, but a large, squishy caterpillar type bug stuck to the metal. Anselm flicked the joystick and the spider drone squashed the dish hard against the ground.
A light blinked on Mallory’s console and a message from Zey blinked up on screen:
“Good morning!
- Wodan has finished programming the live-fire sim. Start weapons training regime for passengers and crew round the clock
- Prepare bodies for external cremation
- Circulate list of passenger work assignments, designated supervisor and rota
Wodan chimed in straight away after its eye tracker concluded Mallory had finished reading.
“I would recommend using the Recreation Room to host VR simulations. I have programmed a step by step weapon handling tutorial and three hundred and sixty degree firing range sim. I’ve also mapped every weapon in the armoury for use as a ‘controller’. I would recommend unloading the weapons before allowing untrained supplementary personnel to handle them.