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    1. Catharsis 5 yrs ago


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@Kautalya@Karisma@Demous@Ryteb Pymeroce

Hey all, thank you so much for your interest.
Here is the OOC

Mankind has stood the test of ages. Always changing, always growing, the human race has evolved and shaped themselves into what they are today to survive. That part of history has never changed. Even when people started to appear that held powers over the others, it was seen as an evolutionary change to survive the world around them. A bizarre, fantastical change. A change that made those left normal begin to grow fearful and jealous. A change that some wanted to exploit.

And exploit it they did.

Gathering up as many of these people as they could, the Government adapted to their newfound powers. At first it was to watch, and study. Testing their genome against that of a normal born human, seeing if it were passed on with genetics, or just a lucky trait. Isolating the strand of the DNA these abnormals had, the testing spread and morphed. Every newborn in every hospital around the country was tested for this rare 'condition', pulled away from their mothers and fathers amidst screams of despair. Raised in facilities that would hone their strengths, minimize their weaknesses, turn them into killing machines.

These people were the perfect pawns. They lived for the Government that turned to enslave them for their own purposes. They died knowing their subjugation wasn't right. Voices rang out, mixing with the souls of the departed. Cries of justice, of longing freedom.

Niou Shi was one of the lucky ones.

By the time he was born, hidden births had already been long in practice. Children hidden away from the world grew up like shadows. No one truly knew they existed, and yet, they were around every corner. Most of them, born normal, were allowed to admit themselves into society. They were allowed to go to the doctor as a normal citizen would, allowed to attend school and be around other children.

That was where Niou's luck ran out, for he wasn't born normal.

Almost as soon as he was able to speak, there was something obviously wrong with the boy. His eyes would grow distant, and he would act like he was speaking with someone. An imaginary friend, perhaps, but it was constant. Constantly playing, speaking. There was a table placement for this friend at the dinner table, night after night, and the young child would always scoot as far to the side of the bed as he could. For Varona, he told his parents. Always for Varona.

He could speak with ghosts, they found, when the husband of a family friend passed on. A final message given to Niou, passed by the boy to the friend, who wept and wept as she held on to Niou so tight.

As the years passed, however, his power grew. Voices began to echo in his head, some as clear as days, while others were just a passing whisper. They told him about the horrors committed against his kind. Speaking of the wars that they served in, about the training they endured, and the deaths that they suffered. The lingering sadness and rage that they left behind began taking a toll on the now teenage boy. One night, he had had enough.

Packing a bag, he made to leave, his parents doing everything in their power to make him stay. "I have to do this," he fought back. "I have to help my people."

They refused.

The rage that had been building in his gut all but swirled around his head. Turning, he screamed, the voices echoing his own for the first time. They manifested themselves into spectral beings. "I have to help them!"

There was no blood. There were no tattered pieces of clothes. His family was just...gone. Swarmed by the specters that disappeared almost instantly, Niou stared at the place where they had stood, until he finally heard it. Their voices mixed with the other ghosts that he had mistakenly summoned, Niou left. It was all he could do now.

He vowed, upon their deaths, that he would save as many of his kind as he could. He would tear down the infrastructure of his Country, rid the world of those forcing others to suffer. He would save his people. No matter what the cost.

Welcome one and all, to Crystalline.

I've taken way too long to figure out how BBCode works, but here we are, finally getting the ball rolling. There's a lot to this world of mine, and I'll do my best to explain all that I can before we get started. We'll start with the rules real quick to get those out of the way.

Now that that's out of the way, we have some other things to discuss!


The Abnormals

It was sixty years ago that the first Abnormal surfaced. Ever since then, more and more have popped up, lighting the world with controversy and strife. They have been subjected to cruel acts, torture and torment. People in power have been searching for a way to truly contain these volatile people, to keep them locked up for their study and personal gain. A test has been made in order to see if someone categorizes as an Abnormal, and it is done on every newborn child that is had in the hospital system. If they test positive, they are taken from their parents, never to know the love and warmth of a mother or father.

The powers of the Abnormal are the strongest they could be. Often honing them from a young age, they are (normally) more in control than those that are Muted.

-Any and all powers can be included.
-Typically one power.

The Muted

Scientists have taken the blood of the Abnormals, and twisted it to their own devices.

The Muted are, more often than not, a criminal looking to redeem themselves. Offering themselves up for scientific study and research, they are given the serum that the Scientists have created, and their bodies undergo a painful change. Morphing, anything can happen at this point. Sometimes it's just physical deformities, while other times, a new power erupts from the injection. These powers are often muted in potential, but seem to relate to the powers that belonged to the Abnormal the blood comes from.

-Muted powers, often being lesser in strength than those of an Abnormal.
-While Criminals are more often offering themselves up to this position, it doesn't mean that they HAVE to be a criminal. People can clear debts, and get away from harmful situations, by offering themselves up to Science.
-There are possible side-effects to having been experimented on. Deformities are common, as well as progressively becoming more and more unstable as time goes on.
The Joy Riders

A gang run by a man named Dahj Edwards. Located in the rainy city of Norrend, they have a long standing tradition of helping any Abnormal that needs help (and can pay). Operating out of a Warehouse, they are your typical run of the mill gang. Selling drugs, doing dirty deeds, and running around the town like they own the place are their main goals in life.

-A gang of people that will ultimately help Niou. It's a place to put normal humans, if you'd want to play one.
-Run by Dahj and his family members.
-A way for Niou to end up getting what he wants.
The Military

A fractured group, for certain. Often put in place to protect the scientists of the facilities they work at, they're put in the brunt of the fighting, when it occurs. That isn't to say that there aren't some that oppose the treatment of the Abnormals. Men and women who are given guns in defense against those that control unworldly powers, they are privy to information that other's might not be.

-The opposing group of Niou and gang.
Key Points

-In the facilities, a type of medicine is given to most of the contained to dull their powers and keep them in line.
-There's a type of Underground Railroad. There are safe places outside of the Country, and the Railroad is trying to get anyone who wants to go there to safety.
-The main reason the Government began pulling Abnormals to these compounds was to use them in a war that happened roughly 40 years ago. The other side was decimated, and ever since, there's been no stopping the Government from wanting to harness more of the power.
-People know, somewhat, of the atrocities that are being committed now. They used to be fine with it, when the war was happening, but now that it's over voices are starting to rise up about the injustices. The Government has been trying very hard to keep everything quiet. There's also an opposite group, though, that claims the powers are hard to control and deadly. These abnormals should be locked away and out of society, so they don't harm or kill anyone. Protests have been known to happen from time to time, but they're always dispersed pretty early.

-Niou's main goal is to save his people, but to also make normal people suffer. He plans on turning them into one of his, the way the Government has done to others. The more people that turn, the more that will have to feel his pain. The more that will be ostracized. To do this, he plans on creating a drug, ultimately using The Joy Riders to further his goal of spreading it. It's not going to work as he wants it to, of course.

I want to preface something very quick. Niou is not a good guy. He's going to try to hurt people in order to make them feel the pain that him, and the people that he's trying to protect, have felt. If you ultimately want to add an opposing force to him (that's not the Government), I am more than willing to go for that.

If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! There's a lot that goes into this world, and a lot more that I probably haven't even thought of.


I'm not going to make you go all out on a character sheet. Keeping it pretty simple, you can include pictures if you want for the physical description bit, but it's not super necessary. Any of the above roles are available to play, as well as normal humans. We also need people to go against Niou, so if you wanna play someone hunting them, let me know!

I know it's a mess, but thanks for your interest! If you're still interested, feel free to plop down a CS, and I'll check it out. I'll get mine going soon. I've also probably forgotten a thing or two in this. Either way, if you have any questions, let me know.
@Kautalya@Ryteb Pymeroce@Demous
Awesome, thank you all for your interest. I'll give it a few more days and then make the ooc.
Mankind has stood the test of ages. Always changing, always growing, the human race has evolved and shaped themselves into what they are today to survive. That part of history has never changed. Even when people started to appear that held powers over the others, it was seen as an evolutionary change to survive the world around them. A bizarre, fantastical change. A change that made those left normal begin to grow fearful and jealous. A change that some wanted to exploit.

And exploit it they did.

Gathering up as many of these people as they could, the Government adapted to their newfound powers. At first it was to watch, and study. Testing their genome against that of a normal born human, seeing if it were passed on with genetics, or just a lucky trait. Isolating the strand of the DNA these abnormals had, the testing spread and morphed. Every newborn in every hospital around the country was tested for this rare 'condition', pulled away from their mothers and fathers amidst screams of despair. Raised in facilities that would hone their strengths, minimize their weaknesses, turn them into killing machines.

These people were the perfect pawns. They lived for the Government that turned to enslave them for their own purposes. They died knowing their subjugation wasn't right. Voices rang out, mixing with the souls of the departed. Cries of justice, of longing freedom.

Niou Shi was one of the lucky ones.

By the time he was born, hidden births had already been long in practice. Children hidden away from the world grew up like shadows. No one truly knew they existed, and yet, they were around every corner. Most of them, born normal, were allowed to admit themselves into society. They were allowed to go to the doctor as a normal citizen would, allowed to attend school and be around other children.

That was where Niou's luck ran out, for he wasn't born normal.

Almost as soon as he was able to speak, there was something obviously wrong with the boy. His eyes would grow distant, and he would act like he was speaking with someone. An imaginary friend, perhaps, but it was constant. Constantly playing, speaking. There was a table placement for this friend at the dinner table, night after night, and the young child would always scoot as far to the side of the bed as he could. For Varona, he told his parents. Always for Varona.

He could speak with ghosts, they found, when the husband of a family friend passed on. A final message given to Niou, passed by the boy to the friend, who wept and wept as she held on to Niou so tight.

As the years passed, however, his power grew. Voices began to echo in his head, some as clear as days, while others were just a passing whisper. They told him about the horrors committed against his kind. Speaking of the wars that they served in, about the training they endured, and the deaths that they suffered. The lingering sadness and rage that they left behind began taking a toll on the now teenage boy. One night, he had had enough.

Packing a bag, he made to leave, his parents doing everything in their power to make him stay. "I have to do this," he fought back. "I have to help my people."

They refused.

The rage that had been building in his gut all but swirled around his head. Turning, he screamed, the voices echoing his own for the first time. They manifested themselves into spectral beings. "I have to help them!"

There was no blood. There were no tattered pieces of clothes. His family was just...gone. Swarmed by the specters that disappeared almost instantly, Niou stared at the place where they had stood, until he finally heard it. Their voices mixed with the other ghosts that he had mistakenly summoned, Niou left. It was all he could do now.

He vowed, upon their deaths, that he would save as many of his kind as he could. He would tear down the infrastructure of his Country, rid the world of those forcing others to suffer. He would save his people. No matter what the cost.


Some people are born into this world with supernatural like abilities. They are taken from their families, and their loved ones, and housed in a special facility somewhere around the country. While it's not known wide-scale, there have been rumors circulating for a very long time about the abuse and mistreatment of these people. They are being experimented on, the Government doing everything they can to create an immortal army for whatever war springs up next.

Niou is on a mission to free these people. He wants to help his kind adapt to the outside world, to learn to control their powers, and take back the lives that they've lost. He'll stop at nothing to make that happen.

Will you support him? Or will you fight against him, for he's still hurting people to save others.


Hello, and thanks for checking out my idea!

I'll start by saying that it's been a very, very long time since I've done any kind of forum rp (years!). I had an idea, though, and I thought it was best to be expressed by a lot of people instead of just one.

Welcome to Crystalline.

The goal of this is to make an adaptive world that'll change depending on the actions of the players. All actions have consequences, and your actions here will determine the victor in the war that about to break out. While Niou is the main driving force of this to begin with, he is still to be considered a villain by some, and will be treated like such.

There are a lot of different parties that can be at play here, so I don't want to limit someone on who or what they want to play. You can be a civilian who gets mixed in with all of this, or you can be someone born with unnatural powers. You can be part of the gang that ends up helping Niou, or you can be a Government agent sent to stop the group in their tracks. There are a lot of moving pieces that can be worked out here.

I also want to make it so that, if you want some sort of event to happen, you can make it happen. I believe that the story should be driven by everyone, so as to make it more interesting in the end.

So, please let me know if you're interested or if you have any questions.
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