Mary followed Lazarus and Olivia quietly. She felt guilty for causing the young girl so much distress, but she didn't regret it. She had lost too many people she loved because they didn't know what they were getting into. Mary smiled back at Lazarus, but it was one filled with worry. While she had a rough idea what he was doing, being familiar with his mental abilities, she wasn't sure if it would work or how it would affect Olivia.
I hope we're not putting this poor girl through any more pain...Olivia leaned into Lazarus, her weight shifted off her knees, while she took his arm with her own. It felt strange, at least in this day and age, to be escorted out in this fashion. Her heart thump relentlessly against her chest and her feet inched slowly towards the exit, following Lazarus’ lead. Eyes itchy, her tear stained cheeks, and emotions swirled tightly in her core, threatening to crush her. This was getting to be too much for her now. From the kidnapping attempt to Emmet’s disappearance, all it happening in less than two days. Already her mind felt at its breaking point and it was a sad fact she was only human. She was relaxing with the longer they walked, letting her mind go numb for the movements. It was something Olivia taught herself a long time ago when she kept activating her powers, her life being ruined by anxiety and worse. In, out, in and out, Olivia breathed trying to sooth her growing fear.
Aeris’ body moved listlessly through the halls, following Reates’ directions. It was simple enough to find the library once she knew the path she needed to take, her glowing sapphire irises resting on the space in front of her.
When she finally got to the room she had been looking for, Olivia as well as two other people seemed to be walking out already. Aeris smiled meekly and strided up the group, only to be caught off-guard by Olivia’s tear stained face. “Olivia? Sweetie, are you alright?” Aeris asked softly, her hand coming up to brush the girl’s cheek gently before she looked at the two companions her goddaughter had garnered in her absence.
Olivia shook, her cheek warmed with comfort at her guardian's touch. Mentally she warred between telling Aeris what had happened to Emmet and keeping her silence, mainly because things had went rapidly downhill with her conversation with Mary and Lazarus. The ups and downs during the day wore at her limits like overstretching thin fabric. She wondered how much more she could take of it and a small, timid instinct whispered the truth: not much more.
Lazarus responded on Olivia’s behalf “I think she’s had a sufficiently long day, settling into a new routine can be tough and I think my ward and I may have caused undo strain. You must be Aeris.” He bent smoothly at the waist, “I am Lazarus, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I was taking your goddaughter to find something to eat, if you are at all interested we would certainly enjoy the company.” He left Mary to speak or not speak for herself as was her want.
Mary stared at Aeris, frowning in puzzlement.
I've seen her from somewhere before... She thought, struggling to recall. She was coming up with nothing. Mary was sure she had seen Aeris before. But where?
Perhaps I saw her at the ball, before I met Sam. Certainly it can't have been any time before that. Mary shrugged off the problem, assuming that Aeris was just a face she saw in passing. "I'm Mary. Olivia and I ran into each other on our way to the library." She held a hand out to Aeris. "Pleased to meet you."
As Lazarus spoke Aeris’ head inclined intently, an eyebrow raising when he bowed. Though she was rather skeptical a warm smile graced her lips nonetheless. “Ah, nice to meet you Lazarus, I appreciate you looking after Olivia, and I’d be happy to come with you to get something to eat.” Just as she was finishing her statement, her eyes fell on Mary’s confused expression, a smile still resting on her lips.
When the girl introduced herself Aeris took a quick glance at Lazarus. Was this the Mary that Sir was after? After a second, she gently grasped the girl’s hand in her own and shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Her sapphire eyes rested on Mary’s face pleasantly for a moment before they wandered back to Olivia. “‘Liv, after we get you something to eat, do you want to go out with me for a bit? We can go shopping, and give Darius a call, I’m sure he’s missing you.” Aeris’ voice was soft. It was obvious Olivia’s distress was tugging at the vampire’s heartstrings.
"I would like that." Olivia the admitted, though she seriously doubted she could eat. At the mention of Darius, her eyes settled on Aeris and pleaded slightly at her caregiver with her next words. "I tried to contact Emmet and Zi answered. Aeris, he's missing. According to Zi he got a call about me and left, but we both know he didn't pick me up. He's not at his apartment and I'm hoping Uncle Darius knows where he's at."
Lazarus frowned for a split second. He’d latched onto the reference to Sir. He’d suspected something when it came to Mary but it was starting to become clear that someone was after her. No surprise there really considering what she had riding along in her head. Calmly, Lazarus drew his essence site over his eyes and scrutinized Aeris carefully. It was always interesting to look at new people. Certainly Hazumi had about fried his brain but that didn’t stop him. Olivia’s words returned the frown to his face. “Olivia, believe it or not you’re in the right place to have someone look into your brother going missing.” He gave Aeris a meaningful look “Maybe you should go with your Godmother today, take your mind off of things after we find you something to eat.”
Olivia nodded but didn't feel like elaborating that her emotions might get in the way. She noted his frowns and wondered, fearfully, if something she had said had given unwanted clues to her problems. Her fingers instinctively tightened about Lazarus' sleeve for a moment but quickly released, not wanting to give away her growing anxiety.
Does he know? Did I give it away? Olivia's mind spilled over in questions, fearing she had become careless while trying to keep her calm mask up. A skill she had practice numerous times before.
Mary saw Lazarus's frown and narrowed her eyes briefly at him. She knew that he had read Aeris's mind. Why else would he frown? Darius? He would have asked about that name already.
You're just reading everyone's minds today, aren't you? She teased at Lazarus, sending a small smirk his way before focusing back on the conversation. "Does anyone know a good place to eat? I've never been in this area before." Which was an understatement, all things considered.
Aeris’ eyes brushed over Olivia’s face as the girl spoke, and she nodded with a meaningful smile. “I hope so too, sweetie.” It was at this point that she heard Lazarus begin to speak, her attention falling on him for a few moments as his voice resounded through the air around the group. She nodded absently in agreement before her eyes fell on Mary again.
It was Aeris’ turn to look confused. “Ah, I thought you were just going to the cafeteria.” The vampire chuckled softly in embarrassment, her fingers running through her own hair.
Aeris… Will you bring me back something to eat? A familiar voice reached through her mind, causing her to space out for a moment so she could respond.
Sure, I’ll bring back anything with meat. At Aeris’ response Lisara’s presence withdrew from her mind, leaving a grateful feeling in its wake. Her way of saying thank you.
Olivia looked at Aeris, studying her expression, noting the vague and relaxed features. It seemed like Ris was spacing out for a moment but Olivia had a feeling it was likely something else. "Everything alright, Ris?"
While waiting for Aeris to answer, Olivia turned to reply to Mary's last comment. "If we were in Kenan, I could show you a small little ice cream shoppe owned by an old couple. Makes some wonderful, all natural stuff. It's a favorite spot I usually go to with..." She trailed off when she almost mentioned her brother, her heart aching again, and closed her eyes for a moment. The guilt at forgetting her brother weighed on her chest and throat, trying to strangle her as she tried to follow the others advice. It didn't help the Academy reminded her why she was here in the first place.
Lazarus ran another wave of warm essence over Olivia. “No use lamenting what is, you can only affect what will be.” He gave her another smile. The pieces on the board shifted as he continued to turn names over in his mind. Fitting them into a spiders web of names and faces. Players in a game really. The clock caught his eye.
Oh is it really that time already? He really needed to be going but he had so little time with his ward and the Olivia girl was not exactly stable right now.
“Mm? Yes, everything’s fine, ‘Liv.” Aeris spoke with a soft chuckle of embarrassment. When she saw the girl close her eyes, Aeris’ heart sank. The vampire thought a moment, and then opened her arms to Olivia after Lazarus had spoken, her head tilting to the side with content smile.
Olivia was surprised at feeling the warmth fill her again, her head jerked up to hear Lazarus’ comment and exhaled quietly. Her head tilted back down to stare at the floor while her eyes studied it, knowing his words were true. Emmet had often told her the same thing though she suspected for alternative reasons, mainly to ease her worry and frustration. She gave a jaded smile at hearing Ris was alright though it only reminded her that her brother could possibly far from it. Movement from Aeris caused Olivia’s head to snap upward, spotting the vampire with arms wide and an encouraging smile. Olivia’s feet moved before she could stop them.
One step then another, and in a few quick smacks of her shoes she had left Lazarus’ arm immediately pulled into Aeris’. Olivia wrapped about Aeris’ neck allowing her face to nuzzle into vampire’s neck, letting out a muffled sob at the contact. The girl’s body rocked with each attempt to keep it back but it just kept building. All the emotion flooded to the surface and fresh tears, one she thought long since dried, renewed against Ris’ skin. It didn’t show through sound as much as it displayed it in her tight hug. It was clear all she wanted was this Aaurus awful nightmare to be over with and not keep climbing like the day demanded it to do so, her fragile and small figure drawing any comfort through the touch she had.
“I just want things to be normal again…” Olivia choked out the words at last.
Lazarus frowned as the girls frame shook. Without thinking he gently put his hand on Mary’s shoulder and let the same warmth flow through her. It was a gesture that he didn’t even realize he’d made. With all the things on his mind and all the worries of this world in the last two days he’d had such little time for Mary and he’d felt terrible about it. One day here he should get around to legally adopting her as his daughter. Kathleen would have approved of that. He sighed inside at the thought of his dead wife. Today was only going to get worse. Things in general were only going to get worse. He squeezed Mary’s shoulder gently again without thinking.
As Olivia moved into her arms and began to shake, Aeris’ arms wrapped tightly around her. One of her hands rested on the back of the girl’s head, the other on her back as she let the girl cry into. A sober smile rested on the vampire’s face as she kissed the top of Olivia’s head. “It’s all right sweetie,” She cooed to the girl gently.
It seemed hours had passed-reality only a few minutes- when Olivia’s sobs softened and settled, her grip still about her guardian’s neck. Her rattling body had ceased its shaking when Aeris’ hand touched her head and held her close, protecting her from more pain and hurt trying to surface. Finally feeling her tears once more make her eyes itch, Olivia pulled back a little. “I’m fine… I just want things to go back to normal. One time something crazy doesn’t happen is what I need.”
Mary started briefly at the sudden warmth flowing through her, jerked from her guilt at being at least partially the cause of Olivia’s pain, by Lazarus. She smiled gratefully at him, knowing that he felt a little bad for not being able to visit her recently. “I’m fine, or as fine as I can be given the situation. You should be more concerned with Olivia and how to help her.” Mary spoke quietly, not wanting distract either Aeris or Olivia. She could only empathize with Olivia as she cried, giving a small smile at Lazarus as he squeezed her shoulder again. Still, she couldn’t stop the feeling of helplessness from going through her. What could she do to help this girl, right now? Nothing. Aeris was taking care of her, Lazarus was investigating for her, and someone else hunting down her missing brother. Mary was just…there.
Lazarus looked at the clock with a frown. “I’m very sorry to have to leave you like this but I have to be on my way. I will see you tomorrow Mary and I suspect I’ll see you in my classes Olivia. Lazarus frown deepened and he muttered “I really have to go”. With that he hugged Mary good bye and took off up the hallway. He had a folder on his desk that he needed to deal with. Too many musicians were missing. It was time to deal with the problem.