Long ago, when times were much simpler, and history had just begun to be recorded, several small meteors fell to Earth’s surface in various locations. Many aboriginal peoples that discovered these meteors thought them signs from the gods of their coming. However, what it truly meant, was something far more sinister. Within the pieces of rock that the tribes would bring home to worship there were small, almost granular sized eggs. After a time those eggs hatched, releasing small spider-like creatures. These creatures were few in number, and many did not survive long after hatching, dying in the sun, or in extreme cold within a few hours to a day. Those that did survive, however, did so through attaching themselves to a Human body, almost like a tick. Once they were attached, they were nearly impossible to remove unless the part of the body they were on was severed.
Over time these “spiders” would slowly begin to move from their starting position on the Human’s body until they were able to get to the base of the neck. This process would take months, or even years due to how slow the creatures moved. Once they had reached the base of the neck they would root themselves to it, burying their bodies beneath the skin, and into the bone, until they finally reached the brainstem. Once they were within the brainstem they would release both eggs as well as a toxin that, while it didn’t affect the host, degraded their bodies and caused their DNA to fuse with the host’s. What this produces were Humans who shared similar traits to that of the parasites that infected them. They needed the blood of another being to survive, and they spread their infection through a bite.
Once the parasite was completely fused with their host’s DNA it also gave the host enhanced senses, speed, and strength. This process did not take as long as getting to the brainstem, usually lasting over a period of a month before it was complete. However, with their newfound strength came weaknesses as well. These… “enhanced” Humans were unable to stand in the sun for long periods of time, their skin being more sensitive to its heat. If they stood in it for too long their skin would begin to blister as if they had third degree burns. For a period of time after their transformation they could not ingest Human food without getting sick in some manner, usually throwing up.
Not only did the host’s capabilities increase, so too did its lifespan. Most of these creatures were able to live nearly quadruple (or more) the span that a normal Human could. The aging process for completely transitioned hosts is nearly two thousand times slower than that of a Human’s. However, after the length of an average Human lifespan had passed their body’s processes would slow down, until they finally came to a complete stop. The only thing that would function in them at this point would be the brain, for as long as they were capable of feeding. At a certain point, this would be impossible, however, causing an almost natural death.
Before their processes shut down they would be able to have children. These children would have no need of a living parasite as their DNA would already be altered. The one thing they would need the parasite for, would be to lay the eggs within them, once that job is done, the parasite would die off. Children born this way would quickly grow to the age of eighteen before their aging process would slow as their parents’ did.
Vampire society operates on an aristocratic spectrum. They have a King and a Queen who are supposedly a part of the very first family that was turned. However, since they resurfaced to humanity, their society has changed somewhat. Where there were once several houses that were dictated to be next in line for the throne in the event the current royal house was wiped out, there now resides a council instead.
Now, instead of all decisions going through the royal family alone, everything is voted on by this council before it is implemented on to the general populace. This is, in part, to appease the humans, who saw their society as archaic. It is also an attempt by the king and queen to unite their kin so that if anything were to happen, vampires would survive.
The council is made up of twenty-four members, two of which include the king and queen. Each member is a representative of the strongest families. They are hand-picked by either the head of their house, or someone already on the council who is willing to vouch for them.
Since the enactment of the council, several new laws have been imposed on vampires as a whole.
1. Killing Humans should be reserved for self-defense alone. If you do kill a Human, you are required to report it to the council at once.
2. When venturing into the beastlands, it is necessary that you have at least one other of your kin with you. Tread with the utmost caution.
3. Use the utmost caution around Therianthropes. Though they are under the guise of protecting Humanity, they still hold our kind in contempt.
Enhanced Physiology: A Vampire’s physiology is different. Stronger. They are faster, stronger, and have heightened senses.
Compulsion: The ability to convince a being to do something that they otherwise might not. This ability is triggered by locking eyes with a vampire, though it is easily controlled. It doesn’t work on everyone, or even every being.