((This Rp was started on another site but never took off. I figured I'd give it a shot here.))
Alas! Fear, paranoia and hatred have held the galaxy in an ironclad grip since DARTH MALAK defeated his "rehabilitated" master, LORD REVAN, aboard the Star Forge. Now running at 300% of its capacity, this Dark-side-fueled anomaly is constructing an Infinite Fleet that will locate and eliminate all in its way to complete galactic domination. Hope is gone, as is most of the Republic's fleet.
With the Jedi Order nearly destroyed by the conflict, the remaining Jedi have scattered to the stars in an attempt to come up with a plan to defeat the Dark Lord and his near infinite fleet. But all hope is not lost.
A lone Jedi Knight is seeking allies as he wages a one man war against the Dark lord and his near infinite forces. He is utterly relentless in his crusade against the sith and will not rest until Malak and his sith have been wiped from the face of the galaxy.
1. Any player can have a maximum of three characters. If you would like more then three characters then leave me a VM or a PM.
2. No God modding.
3. Be kind to each other when speaking out of character. You can insult the characters but not the people controlling the characters.
Character Sheet.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me.