Avatar of Chicken
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  • Posts: 155 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Chicken 7 yrs ago


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@Irisity @Heyitsjiwon @Zetsuko @CollectorOfMyst @Hedonismbot

First post is up. Please post your characters in the Character tab (in hiders of course), and then post in the In-Character section. Feel free to pursue dialogue with one another, and note what I wrote in the OOC hider and the relevant hider to your character.

I will be taking note of your character's traits, background, flaws, and proficiencies throughout the RP to guide what your character notices, sees, etc. Different characters will get different notes on the same topic sometimes, or pick up on details the others don't. It's up to you to share those details (if you wish to).

As far as Discord goes, I'm going to wait for more opinions on that matter.

So far as capital cities went, Benetia was not very impressive. It was a humbly-sized city nestled between a lake and its merging river waters. Its walls are solid enough, and the bridges leading into the city quite stately, but from outside looking to the city there was just farmland as far as the eye could see. Inside the walls, the architecture could best be described as plain or, in politer terms, "practical" or "functional." In that way, the city was reflective of the wealth and status of the Caernling-ruled realm.

The road to Benetia was a long one from any other major settlement. There was a great need for proper boarding houses and inns in the city. A wealthy merchant might stop at the Blade's Rest, a stately inn with all the fineries and comforts one might ask for, and impeccable service at that. Others might stop at the Princely Pig, whose sign depicted the a fat pig in the garb of the King-Bishop of Lithenia. That place was popular with patriots. The Dancing Flame, Markam's Meadhouse, the House of the Silver Moon, all were respectable places to stop for the night.

All these inns could be found in such strategically placed locations as by the city gates, or overlooking the lakeside, or in the center of the busy market. But if one looked toward the innermost sections of the city, toward the poor district and the sprawl of Caernling-style houses - or, in some cases, huts - one could find a rather different sort of inn. Its faded sign depicted a colorful red boar with a wild eye and a huge grin biting down onto the buttocks of a barmaid. Above the doorway was another sign, old and scratched, on which were carved two words: Bawdy Boar.

It is here that our story begins.

The Bawdy Boar

It was a quiet place so far as inns went, the Bawdy Boar. It was a cold autumn night, and with harvest season in full swing and the gawdy sign outside, one might have suspected a little more business in the Boar. It was, however, fairly quiet that evening, with perhaps eight customers (if you counted the beggarly loiterer napping at the table beneath the stairs) and a lone minstrel playing on a lute in a lazy fashion. The innkeeper - a pale, fat, wormy looking fellow - focused his attention on his mugs, seeming just fine with the quiet air of the place. The barmaid was an older woman of about forty years. She brought the food in a professional, no-nonsense manner. She wasn't polite, either.

The food was of passable fare, though it smelled a little too strongly of spice, and the furnishings were quite plain. There was a faded red rug on the gray wooden floor. A wind coursed outside the building, smacking the sign against the building every now and then. The dining room was a little claustrophobic, with four tables in total and a single bar, and most of them were taken by the regulars. However, they seemed to be giving a certain berth to one of the tables tonight: the one closest to the door. It also happened to be the one furthest from the fireplace, and given how cold it was outside, that might have been reason enough to avoid it.

Of course, they might also have been avoiding it because there were was a stranger occupying the seat. That, or they left the coldest table to the stranger so they could enjoy the warmth in their clannish way.

I know it’s too late to join up now, but if there’s ever a point where you’ll be accepting again let me know! This RP looks great :)

Not a problem! I'll let you know as the time gets closer. Feel free to discuss character ideas via PM in the interim.


Bad news: post delayed until morning. Good news: post almost ready, and will be posted in the morning. I'm waking up at 3:30 to finish it. See y'all tomorrow morning before work.
Well, the first IC post goes up tonight after I get home from work. Remember, no rush in posting. Twice a week is the minimum, though you may certainly post more.

This first post is just a meet-and-greet style one. Your characters are starting the mission in a tavern. Yeah, nobody is surprised.

See you guys in a few hours!
Granted, but then you realize that not only is Power Rangers kind of silly in retrospect but the world you live in that necessitates five teenagers with attitude being turned into superpowered warriors is the same that has FREAKING KAIJU MARCHING THROUGH CITIES AND DESTROYING THEM and oh Christ what have you unleashed upon mankind you monster do you realize what sort of awful things are happening now it's all your fault why would you do this!?

I wish I were smarter.
Holy balls. This. Looks. Amazing. If I'm not too late, count me in.
Edit: Oh. It's full. Damn.

Go ahead and make me a write-up if you're interested. However, you may be entering later in the story, such as the party's first visit back to town. That could be a few weeks from now.

Post said write-up in the OOC thread.
Not a problem, @BurningCold. Real life gets in the way of things. If you have time in the future feel free to message back or drop a post in the OOC.


@Irisity - Kyra Ortella
@Heyitsjiwon - Lothair Lucius Attolis
@Zetsuko - Riley Kincaid
@CollectorOfMyst - Flint
@Hedonismbot - Boran Brenton

All of the above players (and associated characters) have been accepted into this roleplay. We will begin posting on either Monday or Tuedsay (7/9/2018 or 7/10/2018), so be prepared for that! The posting rate minimum is 2/week, though we can certainly try to go faster when the stars align.

Should we use Discord? I posed this question at the start of the thread. Discord might be good for helping us organize collaborative posts, or for giving simple "Yeah, that's fine" replies concerning a post someone wants to make concerning your character. However, I understand that a lot of people require Discord use for their RPs, and I don't want to do this unless at least a majority of y'all opt in.

As far as posts go: there will be scenes in the RP where I, as the GM, exact an immediate consequence upon one of your characters. I know I said this before, but those moments will happen.

There will also be moments where I send you a PM or a post a Hider saying something akin to "Okay, so you're about to kill the big bad guy in this scene. Feel free to write out how you do that." Or I might say, "You try to sneak past the room ahead, as you posted earlier. This is what you see. Feel free to incorporate this into your post." And, of course, there will be moments where I just describe what's going on myself. I hope all of the above is fine.

And lastly, thank y'all so very much for sticking it through and making your sheets. I know I gave everyone some deep scrutiny, so I'm glad that didn't dissuade you. I look forward to seeing your characters delve the Depths of Blackmire Keep.

Please, feel free to post here with any questions or comments you have; alternatively, send them to me via PM!
Granted. You overdose on stimulants.

I wish I wasn't so hungry.
Passes inspection. All good!
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