Avatar of ChickenTeriyaki
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 313 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ChickenTeriyaki 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I won't be able to post for a while. School's driving me crazy, and I need to adapt to my new schedule.
8 yrs ago
I feel like an attention whore sometimes. And I hate it.
8 yrs ago
Two people hugging each other in a boxing ring. What else can go wrong?
8 yrs ago
I would love to have some fries with that...
8 yrs ago
Did you know that Hitler always had his picture taken by a camera positioned beneath him so that he could look taller?


I am yet another adolescent struggling on the road to maturity.
Nothing much else.

Doctor: You have a bad case of osteoporosis. I prescribe that you put down that outrageously large sword you're wielding.


Enjoy your stay. ;)

Current Roleplays

kill me

Most Recent Posts

Hammy Dickinson
@The Harbinger of Ferocity

He's completely tier 3 now.

I also stopped marking items and abilities with keyword such as "low" and "medium".
How does it feel being unfunny?

What's funny is that you we are still trying to continue this "conversation".


If somebody actually succeeds in urging me to say something meaningful, then you'd have to read an entire paragraph composed of my philosophical ideas and SJW rantage. Hence my title. Trust me, you wouldn't want that.

Hey, don't take that literally! I was joking there.

And if you're going to ask something like "How does it feel knowing that nobody understands you?" or "How does it feel knowing that nobody gets your corny ass humor?", then just don't ask. I'm fully aware of that.
Yet Another Workday



Day 1, Morning

Nathan sat in his office, his feet perched on his table. He stared blankly out the window, which was conveniently stationed in front of his desk. He was sipping his morning coffee, as usual. An untouched loaf of french toast sat on a small plate placed on top of his table.

He was having a bad day. A terrible day.

He had just woken up from a brief sleep. The first thing he had noticed when he entered the bathroom was the sink. The faucet was leaking.

"Damn it. They're going to charge me for that. I never liked the canned tuna they sold at Marty's, but I guess I'll have to be eating just that for the week. My taste buds will have to wait..."

Nathan slipped on his longcoat and his helmet. He then proceeded to trot towards the security station. It was only a couple of steps away from his apartment. Upon entering his office, he checked his e-mail. He had only received one message, and he found it outrageous.

Dear Mr. McDonald,

I have a small favor to ask from you. Our department is currently having a serious shortage of armaments. I've been asking the higher-ups for a skilled Artisan, and they referred me to you.

I will be placing an order of 10 Railguns, 20 45-caliber handguns, and 5 Vibroswords. I will need all of these next week, for we are going to placing a raid on one of the Stygian Blade's supposed warehouses. If our raid does not succeed, we will take the blame. However, you will have a share in it, too.

I also have a personal request of you. We will need the design of your so-called "Runic Revolver". I've heard that you have invented a unique way of spellcasting, and I would love to spread your design. You will be accredited with the original design, and we will take charge of the mass production of the model.

Deepest Regards,

General Dino


Nathan would need to contract a warehouse to produce that much high-powered arms. Sure, he could design intricate weapons using a 3D printer, but this was serious business. Moreover, General Dino wanted to "spread" his design. Sure, he would mass produce the weapon, but he would steal all the credit. The "request" was plain baloney. Just as he was thinking to himself, another person had just walked into his office. He did not wear a helmet, but he was in uniform.

"Hey, Nathan!"

Oh, great. It was this guy again. Michael Solis, from the Order of Blades. He was simply a knight, but he had a Greater Will Level. People like those were often referred to as heroes, like Nathan's mother. However, this guy chose to slack off at the security station.

"Geez, Michael, what do you want?"

"Well, you looked kinda pissed off about something. Open up, brother. There's no problem in being downright truthful sometimes"

"First off, there's my leaky faucet. And then there's this General Dino shitnick."

"What's with General Dino?"

"Ten railguns, twenty handguns, and five virboswords! He's making a factory out of me!"

"Okay, okay, calm down..."

"Hey, want a fun fact?"


"When General Dino filled out his application form, they asked him what his sex was. There was a blank for that. General Dino, being the birdbrained blockhead he is, misinterpreted it. He wrote "3 times a day"! "



Everybody in the Order of Steel hated General Dino. It was an unspoken fact. When somebody invented something new and handy, General Dino would offer to mass-produce the innovation. However, he would steal the entire right for himself. This was why the Order of Steel was filled with geniuses, hidden in the disguise of pitiful workers or soldiers sent out on the field to die. There were the innovators that either evaded or did not get noticed by General Dino.

Unfortunately, Nathan wasn't one of them.

Nathan changes his spells from time to time. He cannot do so during battle, though.

Bonus points for realism.

I see what you did there. :D

A huge flood happens, much to your anticipation. After the catastrophic event, you conjure a rainbow. You proclaim yourself to have descended directly from Noah, and you form a cult. Soon, your cult begins fiddling around with public relations and wide-reaching monopolies. You become rich, and you now control society from behind.

The power to have sour-tasting urine.


However, the other universe you land in is filled with overpowered Mary-Sue characters that could easily destroy your entire army without blinking an eye.

This ugly cretin dissipates your entire army simply by snapping her fingers and sending a myriad of Spirit Bombs at them. She then continues banging Sephiroth, who, in this twisted world, is the grandson of Sirius Black and the brother of Squidward Tentacles.

I wish that I could think of a creative wish.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity
I removed Limit Break. Basically, John cannot do superhuman feats anymore.

I also nerfed John's hand-to-hand fighting techniques. Sure, his physical enhancements make him stronger, but his fighting style is still unorthodox. Would that be okay?

Besides, John was meant to be a man of technique. If you strip all of that away from him, he'd be just a regular guy in his teenage years. Sure, he can use breathing techniques as a healthy alternative for steroids, but his body still has it's fragility. If a low-tier mook were to successfully shoot him with a powerful shotgun, his entire arm would probably be blown off.
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