Avatar of ChickenTeriyaki
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 313 (0.11 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. ChickenTeriyaki 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I won't be able to post for a while. School's driving me crazy, and I need to adapt to my new schedule.
8 yrs ago
I feel like an attention whore sometimes. And I hate it.
8 yrs ago
Two people hugging each other in a boxing ring. What else can go wrong?
8 yrs ago
I would love to have some fries with that...
8 yrs ago
Did you know that Hitler always had his picture taken by a camera positioned beneath him so that he could look taller?


I am yet another adolescent struggling on the road to maturity.
Nothing much else.

Doctor: You have a bad case of osteoporosis. I prescribe that you put down that outrageously large sword you're wielding.


Enjoy your stay. ;)

Current Roleplays

kill me

Most Recent Posts


— Cor van den Heuvel, the window-washer's pail, 1963

My character walked out of the tavern at one point. He headed towards the crash site.


What the hell?

Apparently, a loud and disturbing sound erupted from the side of the tavern. The sound resembled that of a crashing vehicle of some kind, but it definitely wasn't a car. John unsheathed his trusty blade from what would be an inconspicuous poster tube and began to walk towards the crash site. He walked slowly and silently. At one point, he decided to turn on his flashlight, revealing the figures of a woman with immaculately perfect cleavage (@Assallya), a man with a flashy outfit and an inhuman arm (@Ryouko), and a giant space robot (@Dealdric). The light of the flashlight would distract them, for it was a sudden diversion from the dark atmosphere. The three weird individuals would be expected to turn towards the young lad, who was still holding the sword in his hand.

"Hey, you're all up for some diplomacy, right?"
Nah, no hurry.

Here's an unrelated gif to calm you down.

Not very far away from the tavern, a young man trudged around the surrounding forest, his path obstructed by an assortment of dry leaves and misplaced tree branches. He clutched lightly onto a flashlight, seemingly trying to find his way around. Eventually, he would make his way towards a small building tarnished by time and nature. He decided to enter through the door, although he may have made a classier entrance through one of the holes present within the walls of the impoverished building.

The building turned put to be a tavern. Various individuals were to be spotted. Most of them seemed human, except for the man with the odd skin complexion, the butterfly with the seizure-inducing color palette, and a jack-o-lantern-headed scarecrow. The scarecrow began to speak:

"Beings! I am The Pumpkin Lord! I demand safe re-entry to my land!"

What? Our young lad had no idea where such a land would be. Throughout the multiverse, there would always be that one tavern filled with the weirdest and creepiest of creatures. This was just another one of them. Brushing through the collection of strange creatures, John walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me sir, but where we located right now?"
Fried and sauteed in a Chinese restaurant

The Purple Boner


Can I play as a Negari?

dark and edgyyyyy

All clear.

I'll wait for Myst to make a post before I make mine so that I can write something deeper and more interesting better.
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