Two new individuals appeared from the cells, both men. Both of them looked like beggars or thieves. But then again, no one here weren't exactly in their best looks. Nale's outfit wasn't what he usually wore either. He assumed the uniform was confiscated along with his weapons and equipment.
The Stranger was right. Now it was not the right time for spelling. Nale nodded and turned to the others.
"Hello River" He greeted one of the winged women. "You can call me Nale. Now, before we leave I think there is one thing about me you all need to know. I am good at hiding, and I mean really good. So, umm, if it is fine with others, I could act as a scout for us, go ahead and-"
His speech was interrupted by the sound of metal clanging. An armored construct appeared in front of them. Thanks to Stranger's... power, it stopped, at least partially, but it still moved. Some of the group prepared to fight, But Nale wasn't rule if it was the right call.
"Wait!" He exclaimed to the the winged woman, River apparently, preparing to fight. "The masked one said 'Leave', not 'Fight'. I think they wished for us to move out before the construct's comrades come running. Look, I hate the idea of running away as much as the..."
But then the Undead began crappling with the construct.
"Uhh... nevermind. Just spread out. It can't attack more than two at once, and it moves slowly."
Nale hated fighting like this. Usually he would find a good hiding spot and strike from there when the opportunity presented itself. In an open combat he was next to useless.
Nale watched as the Stranger spoke by mimicking the voices of him and the others. In the Hero Academy he had learned to observe situations and adapt to them accordingly. It was then that it hit him.
"Words," He quietly exclaimed, pointing at the stranger with both fingers. "You need words."
He held his hand on his forehead, mumbling as he wondered what words he should say. He couldn't give too much, because otherwise they would run out of time. Nale didn't know exactly why the guards were silent now, but it certainly had something to do with the Stranger, and it would end eventually.
"Let's start with replies. Yes, no, maybe. And we need to get out of here, so some movements are needed. Hmm... up, down, left, right, forward, back, stop, move, fight, flee..."
Nale was quiet again, it was so difficult to come up with good words. The Stranger obviously wanted to say more than what the hero could come up with.
"If there is time" He said to the stranger, "I can say the alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9. You can then spell any words you wish to say and we'll say them for you so you can mimic them. Or we can do it later once we are out of here."
The foolish man, hero both in role and in nature, slouched upon the pillory where he was locked into. His entire world, lost into darkness, all because he wanted to be admired, to be famous. Grandmaster always said that fatal flaws can't be overcome, only resisted, but it didn't help. That was accepting the status quo, and now that status quo was a world ruled by this... Body.
A click of metal awakened the man, Nale, from his wallowing, as the heavy wooden piece was lifted from his arms and neck. Nale massaged his wrists, feeling the blood returning to them. He looked at the stranger, who had released him.
"Thank you, Mister... Miss..." Nale thanked before going quiet, realizing that he had no idea whatsoever what the Stranger was. "Thank you anyway."
It was then that he noticed a group of other individuals, recently released. They were certainly a motley group if there ever was one. They were all women. One looked like an angel, but she could also be a faerie, or a demon, or someone who had the blood of any of them. Nale would have to ask more once they got to safety. The second woman was clearly a construct, one made of metal. She looked like a servant of an important household. Maybe from Orbora, the land of alchemists. The third one was an obvious undead. Nale couldn't point out the type, but she resembled a revenant of some kind.
"Hello..." He greeted awkwardly. "I suppose you were also captured by the Body of Kazzok."
Former Title: Nale the Fate-seeker Name: Nataniel Molinero Age: 24 Pronouns: Male Race: Hero, formerly human Personality: Though not as easily excited as in his youth, the mysteries of the world continue to fascinate Nale. He’s curious and inquisite, wanting to know more of that which he doesn’t. During the mission he takes a serious attitude and will save any ally and innocent he can. He prefers studying a situation over jumping into danger, but can throw caution into the wind, if an opportunity to be the hero of the hour presents itself. Appearance: Short and scrawny Nale ain't that impressive in appearance, but appearances can fool you. He has a tanned skin, short black hair and brown eyes. Nale's body has over the years been filled with scars from confrontations with monsters. Nale wears a Heroes’ Guild uniform of brown leather trousers, jacket, boots. gloves and a capotain hat. Nale also has a necklace with a golden circle, a symbol of he Guild’s membership. Abilities/Powers: Strenght + Arete of Hiding: Nale can hide himself so well that he literally can’t be discovered. As long as he is in a spot that can conceal himself completely (in a corner, behind a rock etc.), it will be almost like he wasn’t there at all. Nale can’t hide, if there are no hiding spots, and disguises work only as well as they would on a normal person. He is also visible when he attacks from his hiding spot, though he knows how to take down a target quickly before hiding again. Objects and people he holds cannot be spotted either, provided the hiding place can conceal them, but they can be spotted if Nale leaves them. Weakness - Hamartia of a Gloryhound: Ironically for someone who is good at hiding, Nale graves attention. Being praised as a hero is like a narcotic to him, and if a chance to gain fame presents itself, Nales takes it. Other Abilities Besides Arete, Hero trained by the Guild needs to be a jack-of-all-trades. Nale is a skilled knifefighter, though no duelist. He is observant and good at listening, which is useful for spying. He knows how to climb mountains and buildings, as well as jump far and ride a horse. Nale possesses great knowledge of the supernatural, necessary for a hero. He knows how to cook and speaks five languages (Metamundian tongues, though).
Equipment: None at the moment. Before their cofiscation, Nale mostly used seven daggers, each made or coated in one of the seven alchemical metals (lead, tin, iron, gold, copper, mercury and silver) as weapons against creatures. He also has an eight, steel dagger, to use against normal enemies. Inventory: None at the moment. Before capture Nale had a wide variety of survival equipment. Rope, lint, eating utensils, a small pot, bedroll, a small tent and some travel rations. He also had a compass and a book of different kinds of creatures of Metamundus. Origin:
Metamundus is a world full of magic and creatures, where only one rule is constant: No Strenght without Weakness. In other words, whatever powers you gain makes you vulnerable to something else. Metamundus is not a unified world, but is instead splintered into several countries with distinct languages and cultures. Whatever magic and/or creatures dominate varies according to time period. The current period is known as the Age of Order. There is not much magic at the moment and creatures tend to stay in hiding. But from time to time a monster appears to cause trouble, and that is when they need heroes. Heroes can work independently, or join an organization of some kind. The most prestigious hero organization on Metamundus is the Heroes’ Guild of the Malana Kingdom. Technological marvels of the Age of Order include full-rigged ships, cast iron and cannon. Feudal kingdoms are giving way to nation-states and absolute monarchies, printing press makes literacy widespread, and celestial navigation brings explorers to new lands beyond the sea.
Backstory: Nale wanted to be a hero as long as he can remember. The opportunity came when an Oracle visited his home village. However, Nale was shocked to discover that his destiny was not to be a hero. In fact it appeared he had no destiny at all. The Oracle, fascinated by the theoretical impossibility that Nale was, requested that the boy joins her on the Journey to Malana's capital, not to become a student at the Hero Academy he had wished, But to the Grand Temple of Order for studies. Later one night, unwilling to spend the rest of his life being researched by the oracles, Nale attempted to do something none had done before, sneak into the Hero Academy and study being a hero in secret. He managed to get in, but eventually was intercepted by the guards. The Grandmaster of the Heroes' Guild was impressed by the fact that Nale could get even to the walls of the academy, and let him join the other apprentices. It was then that Nale learnt his Arete of hiding, and gained the Hero's Name, Fate-Seeker, after the fact that his destiny has not been seen.
Over the following years Nale learnt how to be a hero. He has been an Apprentice at the school, Sidekick to professional adventurers, and now, having graduated from the academy, a Journeyman. He has fought vampires, faeries, witches, spirits and creatures stranger still, and travelled all across the lands of Metamundus. But the reason why Nale seemingly has no destiny has remained a mystery.
But then a new enemy appeared. seven alchemists, who called themselves the "Body of Kazzok", declared their intention to take over the land in the name of "King Kazzok"
Nale joined other Heroes and Creatures in saving the land from this strange alliance and their servants. Nale, master of hiding, infiltrated the base to spy on the Body’s plans and capabilities. It was then that he discovered Kazzok’s plan. As a spirit without body he needed a vessel to enter a realm, which would make him invincible. The Body intended to sacrifice themselves to give Kazzok an actual body. Using this knowledge Nale sneaked into the portal room just as Kazzok was about to appear. Before the Body could finish the ritual, Nale took out his mercury dagger and plunged it into Kazzok’s spiritual essence, vaporizing him. The Body, bound to Kazzok, died with their master. Nale walked out of the base into the crowd of celebrating people…
…And woke up to find himself in a pillory inside a dungeon of some kind, Kazzok’s Brain looking at him mockingly. The Brain revealed that the whole opportunity to kill Kazzok was only in Nale’s head, an illusion designed to take advantage of his Hamartia. Kazzok’s Brain thanked Nale for allowing them to finish their real job and left the broken hero to wallow in his misery.
Took me a while, but I finally managed to post my character sheet. Sorry for the long wait.
Former Title: Nale the Fate-seeker Name: Nataniel Molinero Age: 24 Pronouns: Male Race: Hero, formerly human Personality: Though not as easily excited as in his youth, the mysteries of the world continue to fascinate Nale. He’s curious and inquisite, wanting to know more of that which he doesn’t. During the mission he takes a serious attitude and will save any ally and innocent he can. He prefers studying a situation over jumping into danger, but can throw caution into the wind, if an opportunity to be the hero of the hour presents itself. Appearance: Short and scrawny Nale ain't that impressive in appearance, but appearances can fool you. He has a tanned skin, short black hair and brown eyes. Nale's body has over the years been filled with scars from confrontations with monsters. Nale wears a Heroes’ Guild uniform of brown leather trousers, jacket, boots. gloves and a capotain hat. Nale also has a necklace with a golden circle, a symbol of he Guild’s membership. Abilities/Powers: Strenght + Arete of Hiding: Nale can hide himself so well that he literally can’t be discovered. As long as he is in a spot that can conceal himself completely (in a corner, behind a rock etc.), it will be almost like he wasn’t there at all. Nale can’t hide, if there are no hiding spots, and disguises work only as well as they would on a normal person. He is also visible when he attacks from his hiding spot, though he knows how to take down a target quickly before hiding again. Objects and people he holds cannot be spotted either, provided the hiding place can conceal them, but they can be spotted if Nale leaves them. Weakness - Hamartia of a Gloryhound: Ironically for someone who is good at hiding, Nale graves attention. Being praised as a hero is like a narcotic to him, and if a chance to gain fame presents itself, Nales takes it. Other Abilities Besides Arete, Hero trained by the Guild needs to be a jack-of-all-trades. Nale is a skilled knifefighter, though no duelist. He is observant and good at listening, which is useful for spying. He knows how to climb mountains and buildings, as well as jump far and ride a horse. Nale possesses great knowledge of the supernatural, necessary for a hero. He knows how to cook and speaks five languages (Metamundian tongues, though).
Equipment: None at the moment. Before their cofiscation, Nale mostly used seven daggers, each made or coated in one of the seven alchemical metals (lead, tin, iron, gold, copper, mercury and silver) as weapons against creatures. He also has an eight, steel dagger, to use against normal enemies. Inventory: None at the moment. Before capture Nale had a wide variety of survival equipment. Rope, lint, eating utensils, a small pot, bedroll, a small tent and some travel rations. He also had a compass and a book of different kinds of creatures of Metamundus. Origin:
Metamundus is a world full of magic and creatures, where only one rule is constant: No Strenght without Weakness. In other words, whatever powers you gain makes you vulnerable to something else. Metamundus is not a unified world, but is instead splintered into several countries with distinct languages and cultures. Whatever magic and/or creatures dominate varies according to time period. The current period is known as the Age of Order. There is not much magic at the moment and creatures tend to stay in hiding. But from time to time a monster appears to cause trouble, and that is when they need heroes. Heroes can work independently, or join an organization of some kind. The most prestigious hero organization on Metamundus is the Heroes’ Guild of the Malana Kingdom. Technological marvels of the Age of Order include full-rigged ships, cast iron and cannon. Feudal kingdoms are giving way to nation-states and absolute monarchies, printing press makes literacy widespread, and celestial navigation brings explorers to new lands beyond the sea.
Backstory: Nale wanted to be a hero as long as he can remember. The opportunity came when an Oracle visited his home village. However, Nale was shocked to discover that his destiny was not to be a hero. In fact it appeared he had no destiny at all. The Oracle, fascinated by the theoretical impossibility that Nale was, requested that the boy joins her on the Journey to Malana's capital, not to become a student at the Hero Academy he had wished, But to the Grand Temple of Order for studies. Later one night, unwilling to spend the rest of his life being researched by the oracles, Nale attempted to do something none had done before, sneak into the Hero Academy and study being a hero in secret. He managed to get in, but eventually was intercepted by the guards. The Grandmaster of the Heroes' Guild was impressed by the fact that Nale could get even to the walls of the academy, and let him join the other apprentices. It was then that Nale learnt his Arete of hiding, and gained the Hero's Name, Fate-Seeker, after the fact that his destiny has not been seen.
Over the following years Nale learnt how to be a hero. He has been an Apprentice at the school, Sidekick to professional adventurers, and now, having graduated from the academy, a Journeyman. He has fought vampires, faeries, witches, spirits and creatures stranger still, and travelled all across the lands of Metamundus. But the reason why Nale seemingly has no destiny has remained a mystery.
But then a new enemy appeared. seven alchemists, who called themselves the "Body of Kazzok", declared their intention to take over the land in the name of "King Kazzok"
Nale joined other Heroes and Creatures in saving the land from this strange alliance and their servants. Nale, master of hiding, infiltrated the base to spy on the Body’s plans and capabilities. It was then that he discovered Kazzok’s plan. As a spirit without body he needed a vessel to enter a realm, which would make him invincible. The Body intended to sacrifice themselves to give Kazzok an actual body. Using this knowledge Nale sneaked into the portal room just as Kazzok was about to appear. Before the Body could finish the ritual, Nale took out his mercury dagger and plunged it into Kazzok’s spiritual essence, vaporizing him. The Body, bound to Kazzok, died with their master. Nale walked out of the base into the crowd of celebrating people…
…And woke up to find himself in a pillory inside a dungeon of some kind, Kazzok’s Brain looking at him mockingly. The Brain revealed that the whole opportunity to kill Kazzok was only in Nale’s head, an illusion designed to take advantage of his Hamartia. Kazzok’s Brain thanked Nale for allowing them to finish their real job and left the broken hero to wallow in his misery.
@Chiro Oh, 'The Spire' is the tower-castle-anchor, but I can always come up with more names for things.
I wouldn't worry too much about Kazzok's forces. I already have two or three 'bosses' lined up as well as a handful of 'mini-boss' types of characters to be potentially encountered.
Ah! Silly me!
Well, nevermind. Let's call it Nale's World then, or something.
Nale's homeworld... yeah, let's call it the Spire, is full of potential. Vampires, mages, spirits, fey, you name it. The only rule that remains constant there is "No strength without weakness". In other words whatever power you gain also makes you vulnerable to something else (Vampires to sunlight, werewolves to silver etc.).
Nale was sent out to act as a spy to search for Kazzok's vulnerability (people of the Spire go by the assumption that other worlds follow the rule of No Strength without Weakness, whether or not that's true) and study his forces. He would also act as an assassin if it came to that.
I tried to make it so that his Perfect Stealth isn't too OP.
I know a way or two for Kazzok to make his own heroes (or maybe villains), but more on that in the OOC.
There's a lot of physical and magical heroes suggested, so why don't I present my idea for a sneaky hero?
In the world my character comes from, heroes possess two things: Arete, a skill where they surpass all beings, mortal and immortal, and Hamartia, a mental flaw that cannot be overcome.
My character would be really, and I mean really, good at hiding. When he hides, he can't be discovered (there are loopholes, of course). And his Hamartia is that he lusts for fame and praise as a hero. If there is an opportunity to gain fame, he takes it. It was most likely Kazzok discovering this hamartia that did my character in.
Name: Raymond Holloway Age: 16 Crest: Hope Appearance: 5'4 in height and somewhat thin. Curly dark brown hair of shoulder length and blue eyes. Wears a black Iron Maiden t-shirt and ripped jeans along with sneakers. A stainless steel chain hangs from the jeans Bio: Raymond had a mostly normal life with his Father Matthew, Mother Mary and younger siblings Christine and Dennis. However, it all changed when Christine disappeared without leaving a trace. The incident devastated the whole Holloway family, with Raymond taking it particularly bad. Christine was a good girl, kind and gentle, and she always knew the right words to cheer anyone up. After she disappeared, Raymond sort of collapsed, spending his days with his computer games, not wanting to deal with the unfair real world. The rest of the family either didn't notice or didn't care, being wrapped up in their own matters.
Before Christine's disappearance, Raymond could have been described as being happy-go-lucky, enjoying life and its pleasures with others around him. He still enjoys his old hobbies of music, comics and sports, but now he's even more devoted to them, spending as much time as he can with them. He also doesn't talk to his fellow team members as much as he used to. He give the greetings well wishes, but otherwise doesn't interact with others.
The truth is, Raymond has lost his faith in humanity. Though he doesn't know why Christine had disappeared, he has a pretty good idea what happened. He had heard of people getting kidnapped in the news, but it's nothing compared to the feeling when it happens to your loved ones.
Despite his distance, Raymond still loves his family. He just doesn't know how to express it anymore.
Raymond has a strong body, which he has gained from sports, especially football. Even at home, when he's not playing video games, he's exercising. He used to jog, but after Christine's disappearance, Mary has insisted on keeping his sons close. Raymond has also learned a thing or two of programming from his father. He's nothing compared to Matt, but knows more of computers than your average high schooler.
Name: Personality: Guilmon's memories are a blank slate. She has a strange feeling that she has forgotten something, but can't put her mind into what it is. The thought doesn't consume her, but it keeps nagging. Guilmon is gentle by nature. She doesn't enjoy violence, though she will fight when it comes to that. Even then she prefer defense over offence. Outside of battle, Guilmon is always ready and willing to help anyone in need, though she can get overbearing in that willingness to help. She can't really help it, because seeing someone hurt makes her want to do something about it, which is also why she is hesitant to fight.
Guilmon is a little afraid of digivolution, because it makes her more ready to fight, almost like some sort of beast was coming out of her. She has even found herself going berserk.